Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : SIREN13.ZIP
Filename : SIREN.DOC

Output of file : SIREN.DOC contained in archive : SIREN13.ZIP
³ Siren v1.3 Audio/Video Warning 04-17-89 ³
(C)opyright 1989 Sean Gallagher


This program is shareware and is not for sale! If you use
this program and find it of value please contribute any
amount or send your comments to ...

³ Sean Gallagher ³ ³ Sector 0 BBS ³
³ 3943 W.T. Parr Rd ³ ³ (817) 485-9201 ³
³ Grapevine Tx. 76051 ³ ³ ³

Siren is a utility to notify you of a external protocol download completion.

Examples :

SIREN This will set the alarm to go off in 10 secs (Default)

SIREN nn This will set the alarm to go off in nn secs

SIREN ? This will display the help screen, and info on how to
reach me via modem, or post office

Just select which command is best for you and add it to the end of
your batch file. SIREN will notify you when the computer is done.


This program is very helpful for doing that BIG Zmodem Batch d/l
and forgetting about it ... Just set the amount of delay time,
and it'll go off!!

Please let me know of any additions/changes I can make to SIREN that
would help you.

We hope you enjoy this program. All comments and suggestions are
appreciated. Stay on the look out for more 'SoFtWare Group' products!

By using SIREN you agree that I am not responsible for any damages
done by this product.


The SIREN program is copywrited material, but is distributed as
ShareWare. "ShareWare" means you are granted free license to use,
copy and distribute this software, within the following restricitions:

1. It must be distributed in it's original, unmodified form,
including program, documentation, and all associated files.

2. No fee may be charged for use, copying or distribution
(With the exception of nominal "per disk" copying charges,
not to exceed $6.00 per disk)

3. This program may not be included with other goods or services
supplied for a fee, unless written permission to do so is
obtained in advance from the author(s).


1.0 Probably shouldn't have been released. Had a bug which caused it
to work only some of the time. 1.1 fixes this bug.

1.1 Bugs fixed ... nothing much new.

1.2 Skipped this update because i felt like it!

1.3 SIREN now sounds the alarm until a key is pressed. Also siren
now restores the screen that was there before SIREN was called.

  3 Responses to “Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : SIREN13.ZIP
Filename : SIREN.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: