Dec 122017
RainDOS is a DOS device driver which provides a direct interface to Digital Equipment Corporation's Rainbow DOS diskettes. All DOS functions are supported, including FORMAT and DISKCOPY.
File RAIND112.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
RainDOS is a DOS device driver which provides a direct interface to Digital Equipment Corporation’s Rainbow DOS diskettes. All DOS functions are supported, including FORMAT and DISKCOPY.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CRCHECK.EXE 5084 3492 deflated
ORDER.FRM 1658 533 deflated
RAINDOS.DOC 14387 4540 deflated
RAINDOS.SYS 4134 2754 deflated
READ.ME 3148 1449 deflated

Download File RAIND112.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

RainDOS Version 1.11 Distribution Notes

April, 1990

RainDOS is a DOS device driver which provides a direct interface to
Digital Equipment Corporation's Rainbow DOS diskettes. All DOS
functions are supported, including FORMAT and DISKCOPY. RainDOS
requires approximately 4K of memory.

If you upload these files to a BBS, please use a file name of RAIND111.
Thus, if you use SEA's ARC program, the file name would be RAIND111.ARC.

RainDOS IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE, but rather, user-supported "Shareware".
That is, if you find it useful, you must register - more details are
given in the documentation file.

CRC Checker, Copyright 1988, Sydex. All rights reserved

==== === ====== ====
RAINDOS.DOC 14636 14387 7/17/92
CRCHECK.EXE 34996 5084 7/17/92
ORDER.FRM 10180 1658 7/17/92
RAINDOS.SYS 30682 4134 7/17/92

READ.ME (What you're reading now)

The CRC's are a check of the integrity of the files contained here and
should be verified by executing the following:


If the CRC's and lengths match with the list above, you may be fairly
certain that you have received the files intact.

You can print the RainDOS documentation with the following DOS command:


Approximately 5 printed pages result. You may also display the file with:



If you're already a registered user of RainDOS and you want an update
of the latest version, we'll be happy to oblige. Please submit $5.00 with
your request to cover our costs of materials and postage. Orders placed
outside of the U.S. and Canada should add $5.00 for airmail postage and
customs handling.

Or, you can call our BBS at (503) 683-1385. Be sure to have your 5-digit
invoice number and your zip code at hand--they'll be required for update

Your support of this product makes continued development possible. We
schedule our development work by the response we receive from a product.
By registering, you're letting us know that this product is important to


All products and documentation here are

Copyright 1990
P.O. Box 5700
Eugene, OR 97405
Voice: (503) 683-6033
FAX: (503) 683-1622
Data: (503) 683-1385

and may not be sold or licensed without the express permission of Sydex.
Consult the RainDOS documentation for Shareware redistribution terms.

Before September 5, 1990, contact us at:

153 North Murphy Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Voice: (408) 739-4866
Data: (408) 738-2860

 December 12, 2017  Add comments

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