Dec 222017
PC UTILITY, very good!!!.
File PCUTIL.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
PC UTILITY, very good!!!.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
PCUTIL.COM 4992 3653 deflated
PCUTIL.DOC 1618 909 deflated

Download File PCUTIL.ZIP Here

Contents of the PCUTIL.DOC file


GENERAL FUNCTION: Collection of useful utilities in one program.

WHY IS IT NEEDED? Inadequacies of DOS.


FORMAT: PCTUIL [command] [options]


HOW TO USE IT: Commands and options are as follows:

Command Options Effect

BEep Series of tweets
NUm ON,OFf NumLock on or off
CAp ON,OFf CapsLock on or off
WAit n Wait n seconds
MOno Switch to monochrome monitor
COlor 40,80 Switch to color monitor, 40 or 80 column
DU x: Info about utilization of drive x:
MU Info about utilization of memory
DIal 1,2 Dial number xxx-yyyy on port 1 or 2
T,P using Touchtone or Pulse
number (separate parms by a space)
VErsion Tell version of program
HElp Give summary of commands
SDir x:z Sorted directory
/H /P /N Hidden files, Print, Name
/E /D /S /U Extension, Size, Date, Unordered

Letters in caps suffice.


SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: Works with DOS 1.1 and 2.0.

COMMENTS: Sorted directory option does not support subdirectories.
Very nice feature in SD whereby remain in program: can page thru
entries, and re-sort based on other criteria: all using function

These are options on the help screen, but I do not understand
how to get them to work.

[SWap ] { [Clear] [Logo] }
[SEtcolor] FIBIPI
[PI] { FF|R|N|C|E|DS|DW|U|C1|C2|L6|L8|L0|P6|P8|P0|N6|N8|C6|C8|TN|TC|SW }


 December 22, 2017  Add comments

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