Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : MCEDIT.ZIP
Filename : MCEDIT.INF

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Microsoft Mouse Graphic Cursor Editor -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Version 1.1 Written by Kyle Sparks, Languages Technician Microsoft Corporation, 1988 (C) 1988, Kyle Sparks, Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. The following topics are covered: * General Information * Introduction * Options (Test, Help, Load, Save, etc...) * Files A sample program written in Microsoft QuickBASICis included at the end of this file. This program was designed and written underQuickBASIC Version 4. It is designed to help programmers build and test graphic mouse cursorsfor use in custom applications. The data files produced are straight ASCII text files that can be used with just about any language. The fol- lowing is general information about the program,and should be read carefully to get the full potential out of the program. Introduction ============ This entire program is structured around the twogrids that you encounter following the program'sintro screen. The first grid is the Screen Mask,the second, or rightmost, is the Cursor Mask. If you are not familiar with how these masks function with the Microsoft mouse cursor, you should refer to the Microsoft Mouse Programmer'sReference Guide, which is available from Microsoft. You should, however, be able to get an idea just by using this program and testing out different masks. The two grids can be edited or modified by usingthe mouse to point to a box on the grid, and then clicking the mouse button. If the box is "on," it will turn "off," and visa versa. By holding down the button, you can "draw" on the grid. Options ======= To the right of the grids are six options boxes.These options are available by placing the mousecursor over the desired option, then pressing the button. The option is availble for selection when the mouse cursor has changed to a ('?') question mark. * Test ---- The TEST option allows the user to view the image that is currently being edited as it will appear as a mouse cursor. Upon clicking this option, the program converts the image into data that can be passed to the mouse driver. The mouse cursor is then changed to the immage in the grids, and a 'Reset' box appears. When you are finished viewing the mouse cursor, just position your cursor in the reset box, and press the button. When the following options are selected, a window pops out of the screen at you, and the following generally applies to the window: ~ If there is a box on the scroll bar, the scroll bar is active. To scroll the window up or down, simply place the mouse on the up or down arrow on the scroll bar and click the button. NOTE: the box on the scroll bar is active. You can "grab" it with the mouse and move it up and down the scroll bar to position the view port of the window. If a box does not appear, this means that the list is <= the the length of the window. ~ On left of the title bar of the window, there is a small box. If this box is clicked with the mouse, the window will close. This can also be accomplished by pressing the ESC key. Features specific to the windows of each option are detailed below. * Help ---- The HELP window contains information regarding very basic help on keys and options. It has no special window features. * Info ---- If you have gotten this far, you have figured out the features and function of this window. If you wish to print this information, press 'P'. * Load ---- The LOAD window brings up the currently available list of cursor data files (*.CRS) and subdirectories. To select a file, place the mouse cursor on the desired file, then press the button. To change direct- ories, place the mouse cursor on the desired subdirectory, then press the button. To change drives, click the up or down arrow on either side of the word 'Drive.' The up arrow increments the drive letter, the down arrow decrements the drive letter. * Save ---- The SAVE window contains the currently default file name if one has been specified. The user can then either edit the file name, or accept the filename by hitting ENTER. The file is saved with a .CRS extension, and is supplied by the program, not by the user. * Quit ---- The QUIT option simply checks to make sure the data is saved, then exits. If the data is not saved, a dialog box pops up and asks the user whether to save before exiting or not. Simply click YES to save and exit, NO to exit without saving, and ESC to abort the exit request. Files ===== The files created by this program are stored in ASCII format. The data for the cursor array is stored in all three formats: binary, hex, anddecimal. The decimal portion of the file startsat line 25, and continues for 16 lines. The numbers are stored in 16 bit signed integer representation (ie. some are negative) and must be read back in in the same way. They are stored in lines 25 thru 40 as: {line 25} CURSOR(0,0), CURSOR(0,1) {line 26} CURSOR(1,0), CURSOR(1,1) . {lines 26-38} . . {line 39} CURSOR(14,0), CURSOR(14,1) {line 40} CURSOR(15,0), CURSOR(15,1) These can be easily read into any high-level language for use in your own applications. * * * * * * * * * SAMPLE * * * * * * * * * * The following is a sample program for setting upyour own mouse cursor. It is written in QuickBASIC 4.00b. DEFINT A-Z 'define array for cursor data DIM Cursor(15, 1) 'make array common shared 'this is only needed to force Cursor() into 'DGROUP when running inside QB.EXE COMMON SHARED Cursor() 'get information from your cursor data file OPEN "" FOR INPUT AS 1 'read in the first 24 unneeded lines of the file FOR DummyRead = 1 TO 24 LINE INPUT #1, a$ NEXT DummyRead 'now read the data into the cursor array FOR c1 = 0 TO 15 INPUT #1, Cursor(c1, 0), Cursor(c1, 1) NEXT c1 'if you are running on a Hercules monochrome 'graphics cards, the following statements are 'necessary to make it work properly. If you are'not using one of these graphics adapters, just 'ignore this. 'IF SCREEN = 3 THEN DEF SEG = &H40 POKE &h49, 6 'for page 0, 5 for page 1 DEF SEG m1 = 0 CALL mouse (m1, m2, m3, m4) SCREEN 3 'or 2 for CGA/EGA m1 = 9 'Mouse function 9, set graphic cursorm2 = 7 'Horizontal hotspot m3 = 7 'Vertical hotspot CALL mouse (m1, m2, m3, VARPTR(Cursor(0, 0)) WHILE INKEY$ = "": WEND END

  3 Responses to “Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : MCEDIT.ZIP
Filename : MCEDIT.INF

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: