Jan 142018
Information on how to revise LHArc to display dates in American (MMDDYY) instead of Japanese (YYMMDD) format.
File LHADATES.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Information on how to revise LHArc to display dates in American (MMDDYY) instead of Japanese (YYMMDD) format.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
LHADATES.TXT 2205 783 deflated

Download File LHADATES.ZIP Here

Contents of the LHADATES.TXT file

For those who use LHA and prefer to see the dates in American style, the
following modification is offered. All that is being done is changing
the order in which the month, day and year are displayed.

Revision of LHA212.EXE to display dates in American (MM-DD-YY) instead of
Japanese (YY-MM-DD) format. NOTE -- Other versions of LHA will employ
the same idea, but the addresss to modify will be different.

1. Make a backup of LHA.EXE
2. Copy LHA.EXE to LHA.OLD.
3. Using DEBUG, change the 18 bytes in LHA.OLD beginning at xxxx:2455

From To
FF 74 06 8B 44 0A
8B 44 08 40 50 8B 44 0A B9 64 00 99 F7 F9 52 FF
B9 46 00 99 F7 F9 52 74 06 8B 44 08 40 50

4. Write the new file.
5. Copy LHA.OLD to LHA.EXE

That's it! Enjoy.

Here is the result of the file comparison. The offset used by the file
comparison differs by 100h positions from the offset used when executing

Revised Original

Mismatch # 1 at OFFSET 2355 File 1 = 8B File 2 = FF
Mismatch # 2 at OFFSET 2356 File 1 = 44 File 2 = 74
Mismatch # 3 at OFFSET 2357 File 1 = 0A File 2 = 06
Mismatch # 4 at OFFSET 2358 File 1 = B9 File 2 = 8B
Mismatch # 5 at OFFSET 2359 File 1 = 64 File 2 = 44
Mismatch # 6 at OFFSET 235A File 1 = 00 File 2 = 08
Mismatch # 7 at OFFSET 235B File 1 = 99 File 2 = 40
Mismatch # 8 at OFFSET 235C File 1 = F7 File 2 = 50
Mismatch # 9 at OFFSET 235D File 1 = F9 File 2 = 8B
Mismatch # 10 at OFFSET 235E File 1 = 52 File 2 = 44
Mismatch # 11 at OFFSET 235F File 1 = FF File 2 = 0A
Mismatch # 12 at OFFSET 2360 File 1 = 74 File 2 = B9
Mismatch # 13 at OFFSET 2361 File 1 = 06 File 2 = 64
Mismatch # 14 at OFFSET 2362 File 1 = 8B File 2 = 00
Mismatch # 15 at OFFSET 2363 File 1 = 44 File 2 = 99
Mismatch # 16 at OFFSET 2364 File 1 = 08 File 2 = F7
Mismatch # 17 at OFFSET 2365 File 1 = 40 File 2 = F9
Mismatch # 18 at OFFSET 2366 File 1 = 50 File 2 = 52

Les Moskowitz

 January 14, 2018  Add comments

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