Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : FDFORM18.ZIP
Filename : MAKEFILE
#Turbo-Pascal 6.0
#Turbo-Assembler 1.00 or higher
#4DOS Version 3.00 or higher
#LZEXE Version 0.91
AOPT = /w2 /jQuirks
#Delete garbage
DELMAP = $(COMSPEC) /C DEL *.obj *.map *.bak *.sik *.old
#Don't generate 286 Code
286 = /$G-
LANG = 1
tpc /DL$(LANG) $(286) $*
lzexe $*
$(COMSPEC) /C del $*.old
tpc /DL$(LANG) $(286) $*
fdread.exe: fdread.asm cputest.asm
tasm fdread,fdread,fdread $(AOPT) /DCPU=/$G+
tlink fdread
lzexe fdread.exe
fdr88.exe: fdread.asm
tasm fdread,fdread,fdr88 $(AOPT) /DCPU=/$G-
tlink fdread, fdr88.exe
lzexe fdr88.exe
fdboot.049: fdboot.asm getboot.exe
tasm fdboot $(AOPT) /DLanguage=049
tlink /t fdboot,fdboot.sys
getboot fdboot.sys fdboot.049
fdboot.001: fdboot.asm getboot.exe
tasm fdboot $(AOPT) /DLanguage=001
tlink /t fdboot,fdboot.sys
getboot fdboot.sys fdboot.001
german\fdformat.exe: fdformat.pas baseconv.tpu desqview.tpu fdboot.049 auxdos.tpu
tpc /DL49 $(286) $&
lzexe $&
$(COMSPEC) /C del $&.old
$(COMSPEC) /C move fdformat.exe german
fdformat.exe: fdformat.pas baseconv.tpu desqview.tpu fdboot.001 auxdos.tpu
tpc /DL1 $(286) $*
lzexe $*
$(COMSPEC) /C del $*.old
baseconv.tpu: baseconv.pas
desqview.tpu: desqview.pas
auxdos.tpu: auxdos.pas
diskio.tpu: diskio.pas
tpc $(286) diskio
getboot.exe: getboot.pas
readboot.exe: readboot.pas diskio.tpu auxdos.tpu
wimage.exe: wimage.pas diskio.tpu auxdos.tpu fdread.exe fdr88.exe german\fdformat.exe fdformat.exe getboot.exe readboot.exe fdboot.sys fdboot.049 fdboot.001 wimage.exe readme.1st makefile
pkzip -f -rp
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: