Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : DIARC200.ZIP

Output of file : DIARCDOC.ENG contained in archive : DIARC200.ZIP

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²² DiArc - Directory Unpacker Version 2.00 ²²
²² Copyright (c) 1991,1992 Steve Danielsson ²²
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OVERVIEW....................... General information about DiArc
TRYING IT OUT.................. Quick Start
USAGE.......................... How to use DiArc.
Commandline arguments, options.
EXAMPLES....................... Examples and details.
CONFIGURATION FILE............. The Configuration file option.
How to install and edit.
INSTALLATION................... How to install the program.
ERRORLEVELS.................... The exitcodes.
DOS ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE....... How and why to set the DIARC variable.
FINAL WORD..................... Compatibility, How to reach PoleWare,
my thanks and credits.


Do you ever download a lot of files, put them in a temporary
directory, unpack them one at a time and try them out ?

If you do, you'll probably like DiArc.

This is what it does:
* DiArc makes a sub-directory for each packed file it finds in the
current working dir. Each sub-dir has the same name as a packed file.
* Next, DiArc unpacks every file in it's own sub-directory.
* Optionally the packed files are deleted or moved to sub-dirs.

All you have to do next is to check them out.
Saves you a lot of key-presses, if you do this often.
(Suitable for SysOp's, trying all the new Uploaded files, perhaps?)

DiArc can handle PKZIP ( .ZIP), PKARC ( .ARC), LHArc 2.x ( .LZH),
PAK ( .PAK .ARC), ARJ ( .ARJ) and ZOO (.ZOO) files.
All apropriate unpack programs must be in DOS Path to allow DiArc
to use them.
(Note that PAK.EXE can be used to unpack .ARC files)

But don't worry if you don't have'em all or don't want to use'em all.
DiArc will work anyway, but, of course can only unpack files for which
you have the unpack programs.

DiArc will display a message for each program it doesn't find in the
DOS Path or current directory.

DiArc should be put in the DOS Path, you must run it from the directory
containing the packed files to be processed.

If a packed file includes other packed files, DiArc will unpack them
too, in a subdir of their own, just like above.
This may be suppressed with a commandline switch.
If 'TEST.ZIP' includes 'TEST-A.ZIP' and 'TEST-B.ZIP' diArc will
unpack the files like this (assuming TEST.ZIP was in C:\DOWNLOAD):


This is a recursive routine so it's capable of processing any number
of 'levels' that DOS can handle, of course it can process any archive
format in any format (i.e. LZH's in ZIP's in ARJ's and so on...)


If you still don't understand what DiArc will do or what it's good
for, just do this:
* Make sure some or all of the unpack programs are in DOS Path.
* Put a few packed files i a directory (mix different formats if you like).
* Put DiArc.Exe in the same Dir or in DOS Path.
* Enter: DIARC -X and press Return.
* Watch it Rock 'n Roll.
You won't destroy anything with this test... (but read the rest of
this DOC before you enter any other commandline argument than '-X').


DiArc accepts the following commandline arguments:
Syntax: DIARC <[Filetype]... [Filetype]> [[option]... [option]]

-X All files will be processed if found
-Z PKZip (.ZIP) files will be processed
-A PKArc (.ARC) files will be processed
-L LHArc (.LZH) files will be processed
-P PAK (.PAK) files will be processed
-J ARJ (.ARJ) files will be processed
-O ZOO (.ZOO) files will be processed

-m Move packed files to sub-directories
(When a packed file is unpacked it's moved
to the subdirectory containing it's contents)

-r Remove packed files after unpacking
(All packed files are deleted after unpacking)

-f Read configuration file
(Read the optional configuration file, more on
this file and its commands below...)

-i Suppress unpacking of Included packed files.
(By default DiArc will unpack all packed files in
a file in their own subdirs under the original
files subdir, this option turns it OFF, leaving
all included packed files in the 'original' subdirs)

-s Scan all unpacked files with McAfee's ScanV.
Does a subdir scan after all files are unpacked.

-e() Exclusive Unpack.
Will unpack the specified files ONLY from the
archives, see details below:

-v Suppress the use of an installed virus scanner.
(Only valid with the '-f' option, suppresses the
use of a virus checker even if you have one
installed in the configuration file)

-? Will display a short help screen.

You may enter the commandline switches in almost any way as long as they
are preceeded by a '-' or a '/' and in any order (except '-v').
So, 'DIARC -xrf' , 'DIARC /x /r /f' and 'DIARC /xr -f' all work fine.

The Exclusive Unpack option -e() :
By entering -e and a file searchstring within parantesis you can
make DiArc unpack only the files you want from the archives.
Example: DIARC -x -e(*.DOC)
You may enter several search strings within the parantesis and
separate them with a ^ character.
Example: DIARC -x -e(*.DOC^*.TXT^*.ME)
This will extract all .DOC, .TXT and .ME files only.


I belive in examples as the best way possible to explain someting
you've previously failed to explain, so here are alot of'em:

DIARC -x Process all packed files found, move them
to sub-dirs and unpack them.

DIARC -z -l Process PKZIP and LHArc files only.

DIARC -x -r Process all files and remove when unpacked.

DIARC -z -j -m Process PKZip and ARJ files only and move
them to sub-dirs.

DIARC -zjm Does the same thing as above.

DIARC -xe(*.DOC) Process all formats, unpack .DOC files only.

DIARC -xs Unpack all filetypes found, then scan all
files with McAfee's ScanV.

DIARC -x -f Process all files, also use configuration file
(DIARC.CFG) and process all external files
installed (if any) and check for viruses with the
installed virus checker (if installed).

DIARC /xf Does the same as above.

DIARC -f Process external files in config file ONLY.


You can, optionally, have DiArc read a configuration file to install
"external" archivers or a virus scan program (to automatically check
unpacked files for virus...).

To make sure DiArc will work with ANY packer/unpacker that will be
released in the future, there is now a configuration file option.
Also you may want to unpack files with some other extensions than the
"original" extensions. Such as .SDN files...

Please note that DiArc now has built-in support for McAfee's ScanV.
This is an excellent scanner and with the -s option all files (subdirs)
are scanned after the unpacking procedure. This is the fastest option.
If you do not want to use ScanV for some reason, you have the option
to install an "external" virus scanner:
This routine is pretty dumb, actually. It simply executes the program
you install as "virus scanner" and send a path to each directory ending
with '*.*', on the commandline. So the virusprogram must accept a path
to target dir as argument.
Maybe I'll expand this option in a later release... for now, this is it.
My advise to you is: Use the McAfee ScanV and option -s !!!

Note: The config file must be placed in the same directory as DIARC.EXE!

Installation of external programs:

The easiest way to install external unpackers, add new, non-standard
extensions (such as .SDN) to internal unpackers or install a virus
scanner is to use the included installation program, DIARCNF.EXE.
This is pretty straightforward, run it and answer the questions.

The other way is to modify the configuration file manually with any
text editor. The format of the config file is rather simple, however,
the config file entries MUST be correct or they will not work.
So, if you are not really sure that you know what you are doing, use
the install program! For those of you knowing what you're doing, here's
the format of the config file:

Each command in the config file must be on it's own line.
Each line must end in a linefeed.
The command must begin on the first column (that's all the way to the
left). If the first character on the line is a ';' or a space the line
is considered a comment.

IMPORTANT: External Unpackers:

The "external unpackers" has four uses:
1) To unpack files with non-standard extensions.
2) To use some other unpacker for a standard archive format.
3) To use any optional commandline arguments with a standard archiver.
4) To install a new archive format that DiArc does not support.

If you want to unpack files with an internally supported unpacker,
such as the LHA for example, but with a non-standard extension, you
must install the unpacker as an external program but with the
non-standard extension. This will make DiArc use the unpacker for
BOTH extensions.

External programs (in the Config file) that unpacks the _same_ filetype
(extension) as an internal program has precedence!

If you want to use another program to unpack standard-extension files:
Install the new unpacker as an external program but with the standard
extension. This will give you the option to use a new better or faster
unpacker if one arrives.
EXAMPLE: Suppose that the unpacker "SuperZip" arrives. It can unpack
standard .ZIP files 5 times faster than PKUNZIP. You install the
SuperZip as an external program to unpack .ZIP files. The external
program (SuperZip) will _replace_ the internal program (PKUNZIP).

Also, if you like to use some other options (command line arguments)
with an unpacker ( such as -X with ARJ) you may install the program
as an external unpacker. Everything will be the same as if the internal
function is used except that you may enter any command line arguments
you would like.

If this is unclear, look at the example Config file, included!

Config Command Summary:
The Commands must be entered exactly as listed below and they ARE case
sensitive! Here they are:

'ArcProgram: ' To install an external unpacker, filename and
extension. For example: "ArcProgram: PKUNZIP.EXE"

'Unpacking : ' The commandline arguments (if any) to send to the
unpacker previously installed. Will be associated
with the last program entered with the 'ArcProgram'
Example for LHARC: "Unpacking : e"

'Search Str: ' This is the string matching the files to unpack with
the previously installed unpacking program.
In most cases this will be '*.EXT' with EXT being the
extension of the unpacker. It's possible to enter more
complex search strings, such as 'ABC*.ZIP'.
DOS wildcards ( * and ? ) are valid. I don't know why
you would want to use anyting else than '*.EXT' for
search string, but if you do, it's ok.

Note: If you want to use any of the "internal"
unpacking programs with a non-standard extension you
must install it as an external program but with the
custom extension. Say, for example, that you will want
to unpack LHArc files with the extension .BKP
Add these lines to DIARC.CFG:
ArcProgram: LHA.EXE
Unpacking : e
Search Str: *.BKP
DiArc will now unpack both .LZH and .BKP files
using LHA.EXE (if you run DiArc with the '-f' switch).

'VirusCheck: ' To install a Virus Scanner.
The line entered after the 'VirusCheck: ' command is
the program to use. Also, as mentioned above, DiArc
will add a path to target DIR and '*.*'.

If you add this command to the config file you will
also turn automatic virus checking ON.
If you want to use the external programs in the config
file, but NOT the virus checker, enter '-v' AFTER you
enter '-f' on the commandline. For example:

DIARC -fv will suppress use of an installed Virus
scanner but will use external unpackers

If you want to install the virus scanner "NOVIRUS" add:
to the config file.

All the first three commands must be entered to install an external
unpacker. Entering, for example, 'ArcProgram: ' but no 'Unpacking : '
and no 'Search Str: ' will cause an error.

Example: To install the external packer 'XYZARC.EXE' and the virus
scanner 'VIRUS.EXE', the config file would look like this:
ArcProgram: XYZARC.EXE
Unpacking : -e
Search Str: *.XYZ
VirusCheck: VIRUS.EXE
Again, if all this is unclear, just use the DIARCFG.EXE to install
packers and virus checkers.

A sample config file is included in this package. This file set DiArc
to unpack .SDN files with PAK.EXE and to use the fictious unpacker
SuperZip to unpack .ZIP files instead of PKUNZIP.


Installing DiArc for use is simple, just put it in a directory specified
in the DOS PATH. If you use any other commandline switches than -X on
a regular basis it might be a good idea to use the DOS environment
variable DIARC (as described below) or make an Alias for DiArc, if
you are using 4DOS or any Commandline Editor allowing aliases.
If neighter suits you, you can always make a batchfile for DiArc, name
it DA.BAT or something, to run DiArc with all the options you want to use.


You may use a DOS environment variable to make DiArc "remember"
the commandline arguments you use. This is a good idea if you
use the same arguments on a regular basis.

To do this, add this line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT:


The -xf is ofcourse an example. Here you enter any valid DiArc
commandline arguments, exactly the same rules apply as when you
enter them on the commandline, do not forget to enter '-' or '/'
before the erguments, just like the commandline.
When you run DiArc without arguments all the arguments set as above
will be executed. If you run DiArc WITH commandline arguments the
arguments set with the variable is ignored. Commandline has precedence!

Important: IF you set the DIARC environment variable in AUTOEXEC.BAT
DiArc will run emediately when you enter DIARC.

Example, add this line to AUTOEXEC.BAT...


Running DiArc _without_ commandline arguments will now be the same as
if you had entered...

DIARC /xfs

...on the DOS commandline.


DiArc will exit with DOS errorlevel set as below, the errorlevels may
be tested in a batchfile to handle an error. Note that these error-
levels have been changed since the last version as all PoleWare
program now use the following errorlevels:

Errorlevel Exit type
0 Normal Exit
255 No Valid Commandline Arguments
254 Error opening file
253 Error reading file
252 Error writing file
251 File not found
250 System error


DiArc has been tested on two 386 AT clones, three 286 AT clones
and an 8088 XT clone.

This program doesn't do anything strange and uses DOS function calls
only for maximum compatibility (DOS 2.x should be enough).
If your machine is MS/PC-DOS compatible, there should be no problems.

There may be some bugs in there that I haven't found.
If you find one, please inform me by sending a netmail or a postcard.

þ Also, I do appriciate any comment on this program. It's for free, þ
þ but even a Netmail saying "I use it!" does encourage me alot! þ
þ So, that's all I ask you to do if you like this piece of software. þ

Bugreports, comments or questions:

Netmail to: Steve Danielsson at
FidoNet 2:201/270 (PoleWare Support Centre)
VirNet 9:462/127 (PoleWare Support Centre)
SuperNet 42:1001/111 (PoleWare Support Centre)
IntlNet 57:4601/107 (PoleWare Support Centre)

Postcards and mailbombs to:

Steve Danielsson
Glasm†larv. 5
S-122 31 ENSKEDE

Û DiArc is Freeware. You may use and spread it freely, but may not Û
Û sell it or include it in commercial packages. You may not change Û
Û the program or this documentation in any way. Û
Û Please, include this DOC file when distributing the program. Û

Thanks a lot:

A great deal of the credit for this program belongs to a good friend
of mine, Jonas Ekelund. He suggested the idea, and asked me to write it.

Nowadays, when almost every utility is already written, the hard part
is almost never the coding, it's getting the good ideas.

Also thanks to:
Ulf Ekstrom for Beta-testing, ideas and encouragment.

³ SCANV is Copyright 1989-92 of McAfee Associates ³
³ PKZIP & PKARC is Copyright of PKWARE Inc. ³
³ PAK is Copyright 1988-89 of NoGate Consulting ³
³ ZOO is Copyright 1988 Rahul Dhesi ³
³ LHARC is Copyright 1988-91 Haruyasu Yoshizaki ³
³ ARJ is Copyright 1990-92 of Robert K Jung ³

  3 Responses to “Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : DIARC200.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: