Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : DEMM.ZIP
Filename : STDFUNC.ASM

Output of file : STDFUNC.ASM contained in archive : DEMM.ZIP
;* STDFUNC -- This is a standard set of Assembler Subroutines that *
;* are contained in the STDFUNC.LIB standard assembler *
;* linkage library. *
;* *
;* Author: J.C. Weilandt II Date: 10-07-86 Last Update: 10-08-86 *
;* *
;* Functions Contained: *
;* stdout -- output a single character to the standard out dev *
;* stdcrlf -- output a carriage return/line feed sequence stdout *
;* stdin -- input a single character with echo from stdin *
;* stdinne -- input a single character w/o echo from stdin *
;* dec8out -- converts 8-bit binary to decimal and prints *
;* dec16out -- converts 16-bit binary to decimal and prints *
;* return -- return to MS-DOS *
;* prtstr -- prints a string terminated by $ *
;* clrscr -- clear the video display screen *
;* hex8out -- convert 8-bit binary to display hex and print *
;* hex16out -- convert 16-bit binary to display hex and print *
;* *
codes segment ;dummy segment for assembler
public stdout ;so we can find it later
public stdcrlf ;so we can find it later
public stdin ;so we can find it later
public stdinne ;so we can find it later
public dec8out ;so we can find it later
public dec16out ;so we can find it later
public return ;so we can find it later
public prtstr ;so we can find it later
public clrscr ;so we can find it later
public hex8out ;so we can find it later
public hex16out ;so we can find it later
assume cs:codes ;dummy code segment fixup
;* stdout -- output a single character to standard output device *
;* *
;* call_seq mov al,_char_ ;move character to al register *
;* call stdout ;write character on stdout *
stdout proc far ;procedure header
push dx ;save the dx register pair
mov dl,al ;load character to print
mov ah,2 ;load DOS function number
int 21h ;issue DOS function call
pop dx ;restore dx register pair
ret ;return to caller
stdout endp ;procedure trailer
;* stdcrlf -- output a carriage return/line feed sequence to stdout *
;* *
;* call_seq call stdcrlf ;write out CR/LF combination *
stdcrlf proc far ;procedure header
push ax ;save the ax register pair
mov al,0dh ;load character to print
call stdout ;write out the carriage return
mov al,0ah ;load character to print
call stdout ;write out the line feed
pop ax ;restore ax register pair
ret ;return to caller
stdcrlf endp ;procedure trailer
;* stdin -- input a single character from standard input device *
;* *
;* call_seq call stdin ;read character from console *
stdin proc far ;procedure header
mov ah,1 ;load DOS function number
int 21h ;issue DOS function call
ret ;return to caller
stdin endp ;procedure trailer
;* stdinne -- input a single character from stdin with no echo *
;* *
;* call_seq call stdinne ;read character from cons w/o echo *
stdinne proc far ;procedure header
mov ah,8 ;load DOS function number
int 21h ;issue DOS function call
ret ;return to caller
stdinne endp ;procedure trailer
;* dec8out -- convert 8-bit binary to decimal and print to stdout *
;* *
;* call_seq mov dl,_bin_ ;move binary number to dl register *
;* call dec8out ;convert to decimal and print out *
dec8out proc far ;procedure header
push ds ;save data segment register
push di ;save di register pair
push dx ;save work register pair
push cx ;save count register pair
push ax ;save accumulator register pair
mov ax,seg tbuff ;get segment address of buffer
mov ds,ax ;put into data segment register
mov cx,0 ;initialize counter
mov di,offset tbuff ;point to buffer area
push cx ;save counter register pair
mov al,dl ;AX now has the numerator
mov ah,0 ;clear upper half
mov cl,10 ;divisor of 10
div cl ;do the division
mov dl,al ;get the quotient
mov al,ah ;get the remainder
add al,30h ;make numeric display
mov [di],al ;put number into buffer
inc di ;point to the next byte
pop cx ;restore counter
inc cx ;count the digit
cmp dl,0 ;q.are we all done ??
jnz dec8out1 ;nope, go do more
dec di ;back up through buffer
mov al,[di] ;get byte from buffer
call stdout ;write out the number
loop dec8out2 ;loop until cx=0
pop ax ;restore accumulator pair
pop cx ;restore counter pair
pop dx ;restore work register pair
pop di ;restore index pair
pop ds ;restore data segment pair
ret ;return to caller
tbuff dw 32(?) ;buffer storage
dec8out endp ;procedure trailer
;* dec16out -- convert 16-bit binary to decimal and print to stdout *
;* *
;* call_seq mov dx,_bin_ ;move binary number to dx register *
;* call dec16out ;convert to decimal and print out *
dec16out proc far ;procedure header
push ds ;save data segment register
push di ;save di register pair
push dx ;save work register pair
push cx ;save count register pair
push ax ;save accumulator register pair
mov ax,seg xbuff ;get segment address of buffer
mov ds,ax ;put into data segment register
mov cx,0 ;initialize counter
mov di,offset xbuff ;point to buffer area
push cx ;save counter register pair
mov ax,dx ;AX now has the numerator
mov dx,0 ;clear upper half
mov cx,10 ;divisor of 10
div cx ;do the division
xchg ax,dx ;get the quotient
add al,30h ;make numeric display
mov [di],al ;put number into buffer
inc di ;point to the next byte
pop cx ;restore counter
inc cx ;count the digit
cmp dx,0 ;q.are we all done ??
jnz dec16out1 ;nope, go do more
dec di ;back up through buffer
mov al,[di] ;get byte from buffer
call stdout ;write out the number
loop dec16out2 ;loop until cx=0
pop ax ;restore accumulator pair
pop cx ;restore counter pair
pop dx ;restore work register pair
pop di ;restore index pair
pop ds ;restore data segment pair
ret ;return to caller
xbuff dw 32 (?) ;buffer storage
dec16out endp ;procedure trailer
;* return -- return to MS-DOS with a good return code *
;* *
;* call_seq call return ;return to MS-DOS *
return proc far ;procedure header
mov ax,4c00h ;load terminate function code
int 21h ;issue DOS function call
ret ;return to caller (dummy inst)
return endp ;procedure trailer
;* prtstr -- prints a string terminated by a $ *
;* *
;* call_seq mov dx,_str_ ;load address of string to print *
;* call prtstr ;print the string *
prtstr proc far ;procedure header
mov ah,09h ;load print string function code
int 21h ;issue DOS function call
ret ;return to caller
prtstr endp ;procedure trailer
;* clrscr -- clear the video display screen *
;* *
;* call_seq call clrscr ;clear the screen *
clrscr proc far ;procedure header
push cx ;save the counter register pair
push ax ;save the accumulator register pair
push es ;save extended segment registers
mov ax,0b800h ;point to color graphics ram
mov es,ax ;load extended segment register
mov cx,2000h ;load word count of entire screen
mov ax,0 ;zero pattern for entire screen
mov di,ax ;load starting buffer offset addr
cld ;set direction forward
rep stosw ;repeat intil cx reached zero
pop es ;restore extended segment regs
pop ax ;restore accumulator reg pair
pop cx ;restore counter reg pair
ret ;return to caller
clrscr endp ;procedure trailer
;* hex8out -- convert 8-bit binary to display hexidecimal and print *
;* *
;* call_seq mov dl,_bin_ ;load binary representation *
;* call hex8out ;display hexidecimal output *
hex8out proc far ;procedure header
push cx ;save the counter register pair
push ax ;save the accumulator register pair
mov cx,2 ;load maximum count field
push cx ;save the counter register pair
mov cl,4 ;load bit shift count
rol dl,cl ;rotate dl register left
mov al,dl ;move result to al register
and al,00fh ;get rid of extra stuff
daa ;add 6 if result is A-F
add al,0f0h ;turn on carry if A-F
adc al,040h ;make al register ascii display
call stdout ;write the character out
pop cx ;restore count register
loop hex8out1 ;return if more digits
pop ax ;restore accumulator pair
pop cx ;restore counter pair
ret ;return to caller
hex8out endp ;procedure trailer
;* hex16out -- convert 16-bit binary to display hexidecimal and print *
;* *
;* call_seq mov dx,_bin_ ;load binary representation *
;* call hex16out ;display hexidecimal output *
hex16out proc far ;procedure header
push cx ;save the counter register pair
push ax ;save the accumulator register pair
mov cx,4 ;load maximum count field
push cx ;save the counter register pair
mov cl,4 ;load bit shift count
rol dx,cl ;rotate dx register left
mov al,dl ;move result to al register
and al,00fh ;get rid of extra stuff
daa ;add 6 if result is A-F
add al,0f0h ;turn on carry if A-F
adc al,040h ;make al register ascii display
call stdout ;write the character out
pop cx ;restore count register
loop hex16out1 ;return if more digits
pop ax ;restore accumulator pair
pop cx ;restore counter pair
ret ;return to caller
hex16out endp ;procedure trailer
;* New routines must be inserted before this point *
codes ends ;terminate dummy segment
end ;terminate assembly sysin

  3 Responses to “Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : DEMM.ZIP
Filename : STDFUNC.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: