Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : 4DTNT.ZIP
Filename : HMENU.DOC

Output of file : HMENU.DOC contained in archive : 4DTNT.ZIP
This is a real menu setup for a command-line illiterate user who couldn't
do anything with 4DOS (or unassisted. The most interesting
part is the prompting for f7 (copy a file) and some of the other functions.

cd d:\
cd c:\

The following two variables will position a highlighted "@" sign to
show what was chosen last. For now, nothing has been chosen before.

set lastx=0
set lasty=0

Draw the menu

unset thingie tofile fromfile wtf
drawbox 0 0 24 79 2 white on blue fill blue
scrput 2 8 white on blue --------- Function Keys ------ ------ Shift Function Keys ------
scrput 3 8 white on blue f1 Kings *f1 Gomoku
scrput 5 8 white on blue f2 Show document directory *f2 Communications
scrput 7 8 white on blue f3 Manual command *f3 First Publisher
scrput 9 8 white on blue f4 Edit a document *f4 Shooting gallery
scrput 11 8 white on blue f5 Mahjongg *f5 Breakout
scrput 13 8 white on blue f6 Solitare *f6 Reset Trackball
scrput 15 8 white on blue f7 Copy a file *f7 DB3+
scrput 17 8 white on blue f8 Envelope on Daisy Wheel *f8 Epson printer page eject
scrput 19 8 white on blue f9 Epson printer reset *f9 Super Fly
scrput 21 8 white on blue f10 DOS Environment *f10 Shut down system
iff "%lastx%" ne "0" then^scrput %lasty% %lastx% bright white on blue @^endiff
rem drawvline 0 39 25 1 white on blue

Wait for an input key, updating the time every second while waiting.


Allow for the fact that inkey moves the cursor on a timeout.
screen 0 0

scrput 1 30 white on blue %_date %_time
inkey /w1 %%WTF
if "%WTF%" == "" goto timeloop

Got a keystroke -- figure out what it was, if anything.

if %WTF% == @59 goto dof1
if %WTF% == @60 goto dof2
if %WTF% == @61 goto dof3
if %WTF% == @62 goto dof4
if %WTF% == @63 goto dof5
if %WTF% == @64 goto dof6
if %WTF% == @65 goto dof7
if %WTF% == @66 goto dof8
if %WTF% == @67 goto dof9
if %WTF% == @68 goto dof10
if %WTF% == @84 goto doshf1
if %WTF% == @85 goto doshf2
if %WTF% == @86 goto doshf3
if %WTF% == @87 goto doshf4
if %WTF% == @88 goto doshf5
if %WTF% == @89 goto doshf6
if %WTF% == @90 goto doshf7
if %WTF% == @91 goto doshf8
if %WTF% == @92 goto doshf9
if %WTF% == @93 goto doshf10
if %WTF% == @113 goto doshf10

Unrecognized keystroke -- ignore.
goto start

A typical case limb for a function key, repeated many times here.


Position the "@" sign for return to menu

set lastx=11
set lasty=3

goto start

dir /4apv c:\foo\*.*
set lastx=11
set lasty=5
goto start

A function which requires further prompting:


Put up the prompt just below the menu pick.
scrput 2 27 bright yel on blue "?" will abort the command

Put up the prompt wording
scrput 8 8 white on blue Command:

Put up a field of blanks to fill in
scrput 8 16 bright yellow on blue _____________________________________________________________

Position the cursor to the start of the blanks
screen 8 16

Get the prompt fill from user
input %%thingie

Check for an abort signal.
if "%thingie%" == "?" goto start

set lastx=11
set lasty=7
goto start

scrput 2 27 bright yel on blue "?" will abort the command
scrput 10 8 white on blue Document name:
scrput 10 22 bright yellow on blue ____________
screen 10 22
input %%thingie
if "%thingie%" == "?" goto start
set lastx=11
set lasty=9
rem call hdb %thingie%
ws c:\budnick\%thingie%
goto start

scrput 12 8 white on blue Board number:
scrput 12 21 bright yellow on blue ______
screen 12 21
input %%thingie
set lastx=11
set lasty=11
iff "%thingie%" == "" then^c:\games\mahjongg -y -f -m -n^
else^c:\games\mahjongg -y -f -m -n -b%thingie%^endiff
goto start

keystack "NNS1Hanny" 13 "YYY" 0 0 "x"^c:\games\solitare
set lastx=11
set lasty=13
goto start

This one is unusual in that it requires TWO prompts -- one for the
input file, one for the output file.


Put up the input prompt just below the menu pick, including a field of
bright yellow blanks and position the cursor to the start of the field.
scrput 2 27 bright yel on blue "?" will abort the command
scrput 16 8 white on blue Copy from:
scrput 16 18 bright yellow on blue ___________________________________________________
screen 16 18

Get the input string
input %%fromfile

Make sure the input file exists or prompt again for input file.
if "%fromfile%" == "" goto dof7
if "%fromfile%" == "?" goto start
if not exist %fromfile% goto dof7

Prompt for the output file.
scrput 16 8 white on blue Copy to:
scrput 16 16 bright yellow on blue ____________________________________________________
screen 16 16
input %%tofile

Check the response
if "%tofile%" == "?" goto start
if "%tofile%" == "" goto doof7
set lastx=11
set lasty=15
copy %fromfile% %tofile%
goto start

scrput 2 27 bright yel on blue "?" will abort the command
scrput 18 8 white on blue Document name:
scrput 18 22 bright yellow on blue ____________
screen 18 22
input %%thingie
if "%thingie%" == "" goto dof8
if "%thingie%" == "?" goto start
if not exist c:\budnick\%thingie% goto dof8
set lastx=11
set lasty=17
envelope c:\budnick\%thingie% /c > com2
goto start

set lastx=11
set lasty=19
goto start

Exit to DOS pick.
unset wtf
echo type HMENU at any DOS prompt to return to the main menu

set lastx=45
set lasty=3
goto start

call tc
set lastx=45
set lasty=5
goto start

cd e:\pub
cd e:\
colset 17 50 5a 03
set lastx=45
set lasty=7
goto start

to c:\games^shoot^fr
set lastx=45
set lasty=9
goto start

c:\games\breakout S-6
set lastx=45
set lasty=11
goto start

trakball dos
set lastx=45
set lasty=13
goto start

trakball dbase^to db3^dbase^fr
set lastx=45
set lasty=15
goto start

set lastx=45
set lasty=17
goto start

pushd c:\games
set lastx=45
set lasty=19
goto start

Call alias to purge and disable disk cache.

  3 Responses to “Category : Utilities for DOS and Windows Machines
Archive   : 4DTNT.ZIP
Filename : HMENU.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: