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Filename : REF.DOC

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Referee Expansion Files for:

VGA Planets Version 3
Copyright 1993, 1994
By Tim Wisseman
All Rights reserved.

These new files are freeware files that may be
freely uploaded to BBS, or ftp sites. However these files
are not to be modified in any way.

This document covers the VGA Planets expansion files:

MASTER.EXE Version 3.1
REF.EXE Version 3.00
RCONFIG.EXE Version 3.00

VGA Planets is a user supported shareware game. This set of
expansion files were made possible by the wonderful fans of
VGA Planets who registered the game. Thanks to you guys
VGA Planets will continue to grow.

Many of the support programs that I have written for
VGA Planets are freeware, however the main client program
for VGA Planets, PLANETS.EXE, is a shareware program. I
invite you to register the game if you are a player and
have not yet registered. See the order form at the end of
this document.


The Future:

As of January 1994 work on version 4.0 of VGA Planets has
started. It is a big job, so I do not plan on it being ready
for testing until 1995.

When the version 4 is ready for release a letter will be
sent to every registered user that I have on file.

Goals for version 4.0 are:

1. Mouse driven screens
2. Sound blaster(tm) support
3. No more 500 ship limit
4. Fleet combat
5. Custom player defined races


Hint: Did you know that when you are playing Planets and up are
beaming up huge amounts of money that you can hold the
or keys down to move the money 100 times faster?


Bugs fixed:

REF version 3.00 Scoring did not work correctly if all 11 races
were not used.


MASTER.EXE Version 3.1

Usage: MASTER [path]

path = the path to the directory where the universe data
will be placed, such as c:\planets\game1 .

The new master programs has new options for setting up games.
You can control the set up of unowned planets by choosing one
of six different settings.

<1> Random rare
<2> Random normal
<3> Random rich
<4> All the same and rare, no natives
<5> All the same and normal, no natives
<6> All the same and rich, no natives

The random setting place minerals and natives on all the worlds
in random amounts and types.

The "all the same" setting gives all the unowned planets the same
mineral amounts and a fixed climate of 50 C ( the best for growth ).
This setting places no natives on any of the planets.

If the "Ashes of the old empire" scenario is picked the fuel
amounts of all "old empire" planets will be changed.

You can choose to have the homeworlds start without a starbase.

You can choose to have homeworlds to start without the two free
ships that they normally get.

The homeworld / starship settings:

<1> Classic homeworlds in a circle (The old way)
<2> Custom homeworlds, your pick the spots
<3> Wandering tribes all ship same spot
<4> Wandering tribes you pick the spots
<5> Wandering tribes mass confusion
<6> Ashes of the Evil Empire
<7> Crazy intermix
<8> Disunited kingdoms

The Classic VGA Planets set up
The race homeworlds are all in a circle around a center point

Custom homeworlds, you pick the spots
You pick on a map where to place the homeworlds. You do no have any
control as to which race gets which world.

Wandering tribes all ship same spot
All the races start at the same spot in space in freighters without
a homeworld.

Wandering tribes, you pick the spots
All the races start in freighters, but you pick the spots where
the races will appear.

Wandering tribes mass confusion
All races start in freighters, but all the freighters are scattered
across the star cluster.

Ashes of the Old Empire
The old empire is coming apart, due to a lack of fuel and a band of
young races ban together to capture the old empire's capital.

Crazy intermix
A crazy start where most planets are owned by someone. There are no
boarder lines. Ownership is random.

Disunited kingdoms
Each race starts with a number of planets under their control near
their homeworld.

Bug Fixes:

Version 3.1b fixes a bug in the Disunited Kingdoms sometimes
causes it to not assign homeworlds to all the players.

Crazy Intermix planets now have money, factories and mines.



Usage: RCONFIG [path]

path = the path to the directory where the universe data
was placed by master, such as c:\planets\game1

The data file that this program saves it's data in is:

Rconfig is used to turn on one of the game scenarios. You must run it
before REF.EXE will work. You have a choose of seven different scenarios.
Some of the scenarios are linked to starting options in master, such
as the "ashes of the old empire" game.

<1> Colonist/Native Elections
<2> Ship Tonnage
<3> Elections and Ship Tonnage
<4> The Tantalus Machine
<5> Moly the Spice of life
<6> Ashes of the Old Empire
<7> Invasion

Colonist/Native Elections
Players score points by getting votes from happy natives
and happy colonists. Each colonist clan gets to place one
vote per turn. The game ends when enough votes are won.
Points are cumulative from turn to turn.
If natives or colonists on a planet are unhappy they will not
vote for you. Colonists on ships may not vote.

Ship Tonnage
Players score points from the amount of tonnage
that are in the player's fleet.
Players get 10 points per ton of ship hull.
Points are cumulative from turn to turn.

Elections and Ship Tonnage
Players score points by getting votes from happy natives
and happy colonists. Each colonist clan gets to place one
vote per turn. Every 100 natives get one vote also.
Players also score points from the amount of tonnage
that are in the player's fleet.
Players get 10 points per ton of ship hull.
The game ends when enough points are scored.

The Tantalus Machine
Buried deep in the heart of a quit planet is a super
weapon that is powerful enough to kill all life within
10,000 light years.
It takes X turns to set up a computer system on the
surface that is able to activate the weapon.
Players get one point for each turn that they control
the planet. The first player with X points turns on the
machine and is then able to kill enemy races at will.
The Ref does not declare a winner in this scenario, that
is left up to the players.
The Ref will not begin sending messages until the machine
is found. It is up to the host person to decide to tell
the players the planet ID number that contains the machine or
to let them find it themselves.

Moly the Spice of Life
He who controls the molybdenum controls the Echo Cluster.
The pan-galactic leadership has ruled that which ever race can
mine and store the most molybdenum will be given control of
the Echo Cluster.
One point is scored for every kiloton of molybdenum onboard
any spacecraft.
Points are cumulative from turn to turn.

Ashes of the Old Empire
The Old Empire is weak and it's colonies are low on fuel after a long,
tyrannical rule of the universe. I ragtag group of worlds have banded
together in a last desperate move to overthrow the Old Empire.
They have made an agreement that the first race to capture the Old
Empire's homeworld will become the leader of the New Republic.
The Old Empire is far from dead, they have just exploded a
proto-matter bomb in a nearby dead planet that converted all the
iron in the planet's core to neutronium! They now control a vast
reserve of fuel.
The first race to overthrow the Old Empires homeworld wins.
The Old Empire wins if it takes control of all enemy homeworlds.
***NOTE: Only use this one one new game where you have picked
the "ashes of the old empire" master option.

The goal is simple, capture and control enemy homeworlds.
One point is scored for every enemy homeworld under control.
Points are cumulative from turn to turn.
***NOTE: Do not use this scenario with the "wondering tribes"
master option. The scenario requires that players
have homeworlds.



Usage: REF [path]

path = the path to the directory where the universe data
was placed by master, such as c:\planets\game1

The data file that this program saves it's data in is:

A game message from ref will be stored as ref.log. This is
for the host person to check to see how the game is
doing. This is the same message that the players will

REF can be run anytime. Just be sure to only run it
once per game per day. It works best if placed somewhere
before HOST.EXE in batch files.

If you are using a BBS door program that does not yet
support Ref, you can write a simple batch file to
run Ref on all your games and make it part of your
nightly event.

cd \planets
ref game1
ref game2
ref game3

To install the Ref program just copy the new files into the same
directory that contains your HOST.EXE program. You will need to
overwrite your old MASTER.EXE program with the new one.

If you forget to turn on a scenario using RCONFIG.EXE [path]
before you begin running REF.EXE [path] , nothing will happen.
Ref will detect that no scenario is active and exit.

You can add Ref in mid game, but it is a good idea to choose only
one of these scenarios:

<1> Colonist/Native Elections
<2> Ship Tonnage
<3> Elections and Ship Tonnage
<4> The Tantalus Machine
<5> Moly the Spice of life

To start Ref in mid game:
1. Run RCONFIG [path] to turn on a scenario.
2. Add REF [path] to your batch files that run HOST.EXE
It is best to place the program anywhere before HOST.EXE.

Ref is a very safe program to use, there is very little risk of it
messing up a game. It's main job is read game data and to send messages
to the host. The only scenario that changes the data is the Tantalus
scenario when it machine is fired and enemy crew and colonists are
killed and planets are hit with plagues.






Country (if outside USA) __________________________

Circle disk size: 5 1/4" 3 1/2" 3 1/2"
1.2M 1.44M 720K

Circle what type of equipment you have (optional)

286 386 486 586 VGA Super VGA XGA

Which game(s) do you wish to order.

[ ] VGA Planets 3.0 ( shareware ) ( $2 )
[ ] VGA Planets 3.0 registered version ( $15 )

[ ] VGA Planets starcharts set ( four 8 1/2" X 11" ) ( $3 )
____ additional starchart sets ( $1 )

NOTE: All the above games require a 286 or faster IBM compatible,
VGA graphics card and a hard drive. The price includes postage.

[ ] Outside USA $2 extra for airmail.
[ ] Two day priority mail $2 extra ( USA only )

Amount enclosed: $__________
Mail to: Tim Wisseman
P.O. Box 204
North Fork, CA 93643-0204

Internet Email: [email protected]
VGA Planet Support BBS: (209) 877-4921

Important: Make checks payable to "Tim Wisseman"

I would like to publish a list of BBS's where planets is being played
to help new planets players find a place to play.
Do you know of a BBS where Planets is being played?
Sysops please write a short ad for your BBS.

BBS NAME/NUMBER____________________________________________________________

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : VGAPWWIV.ZIP
Filename : REF.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: