Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : TUT1-9.ZIP
Filename : TUT7.TXT

Output of file : TUT7.TXT contained in archive : TUT1-9.ZIP
³ W E L C O M E ³
³ To the VGA Trainer Program ³ ³
³ By ³ ³

--==[ PART 7 ]==--

þ Introduction

Hello! By popular request, this part is all about animation. I will be
going over three methods of doing animation on a PC, and will
concerntrate specifically on one, which will be demonstrated in the
attached sample code.

Although not often used in demo coding, animation is usually used in
games coding, which can be almost as rewarding 😉

In this part I will also be a lot less stingy with assembler code 🙂
Included will be a fairly fast pure assembler putpixel, an asm screen
flip command, an asm icon placer, an asm partial-flip and one or two
others. I will be explaining how these work in detail, so this may also
be used as a bit of an asm-trainer too.

By the way, I apologise for this part taking so long to be released, but
I only finished my exams a few days ago, and they of course took
preference ;-). I have also noticed that the MailBox BBS is no longer
operational, so the trainer will be uploaded regularly to the BBS lists
shown at the end of this tutorial.

If you would like to contact me, or the team, there are many ways you
can do it : 1) Write a message to Grant Smith/Denthor/Asphyxia in private mail
2) Write a message in the Programming conference on the
For Your Eyes Only BBS (of which I am the Moderator )
This is preferred if you have a general programming query
or problem others would benefit from.
4) Write to Denthor, Eze or Livewire on Connectix.
5) Write to : Grant Smith
P.O.Box 270 Kloof
6) Call me (Grant Smith) at (031) 73 2129 (leave a message if you
call during varsity)
7) Write to [email protected] on InterNet, and
mention the word Denthor near the top of the letter.

NB : If you are a representative of a company or BBS, and want ASPHYXIA
to do you a demo, leave mail to me; we can discuss it.
NNB : If you have done/attempted a demo, SEND IT TO ME! We are feeling
quite lonely and want to meet/help out/exchange code with other demo
groups. What do you have to lose? Leave a message here and we can work
out how to transfer it. We really want to hear from you!

þ The Principals of Animation

I am sure all of you have seen a computer game with animation at one or
other time. There are a few things that an animation sequence must do in
order to give an impression of realism. Firstly, it must move,
preferably using different frames to add to the realism (for example,
with a man walking you should have different frames with the arms an
legs in different positions). Secondly, it must not destroy the
background, but restore it after it has passed over it.

This sounds obvious enough, but can be very difficult to code when you
have no idea of how to go about achieving that.

In this trainer I will discuss various methods of meeting these two

þ Frames and Object Control

It is quite obvious that for most animation to succeed, you must have
numerous frames of the object in various poses (such as a man with
several frames of him walking). When shown one after the other, these
give the impression of natural movement.

So, how do we store these frames? I hear you cry. Well, the obvious
method is to store them in arrays. After drawing a frame in Autodesk
Animator and saving it as a .CEL, we usually use the following code to
load it in :

TYPE icon = Array [1..50,1..50] of byte;

VAR tree : icon;

Procedure LoadCEL (FileName : string; ScrPtr : pointer);
Fil : file;
Buf : array [1..1024] of byte;
BlocksRead, Count : word;
assign (Fil, FileName);
reset (Fil, 1);
BlockRead (Fil, Buf, 800); { Read and ignore the 800 byte header }
Count := 0; BlocksRead := $FFFF;
while (not eof (Fil)) and (BlocksRead <> 0) do begin
BlockRead (Fil, mem [seg (ScrPtr^): ofs (ScrPtr^) + Count], 1024, BlocksRead);
Count := Count + 1024;
close (Fil);

Loadcel ('Tree.CEL',addr (tree));

We now have the 50x50 picture of TREE.CEL in our array tree. We may access
this array in the usual manner (eg. col:=tree [25,30]). If the frame is
large, or if you have many frames, try using pointers (see previous

Now that we have the picture, how do we control the object? What if we
want multiple trees wandering around doing their own thing? The solution
is to have a record of information for each tree. A typical data
structure may look like the following :

TYPE Treeinfo = Record
x,y:word; { Where the tree is }
speed:byte; { How fast the tree is moving }
Direction:byte; { Where the tree is facing }
frame:byte { Which animation frame the tree is
currently involved in }
active:boolean; { Is the tree actually supposed to be
shown/used? }

VAR Forest : Array [1..20] of Treeinfo;

You now have 20 trees, each with their own information, location etc.
These are accessed using the following means :
Forest [15].x:=100;
This would set the 15th tree's x coordinate to 100.

þ Restoring the Overwritten Background

I will discuss three methods of doing this. These are NOT NECESSARILY
THE ONLY OR BEST WAYS TO DO THIS! You must experiment and decide which
is the best for your particular type of program.


Step 1 : Create two virtual pages, Vaddr and Vaddr2.
Step 2 : Draw the background to Vaddr2.
Step 3 : Flip Vaddr2 to Vaddr.
Step 4 : Draw all the foreground objects onto Vaddr.
Step 5 : Flip Vaddr to VGA.
Step 6 : Repeat from 3 continuously.

In ascii, it looks like follows ...

+---------+ +---------+ +---------+
| | | | | |
| VGA | <======= | VADDR | <====== | VADDR2 |
| | | (bckgnd)| | (bckgnd)|
| | |+(icons) | | |
+---------+ +---------+ +---------+

The advantages of this approach is that it is straightforward, continual
reading of the background is not needed, there is no flicker and it is
simple to implement. The disadvantages are that two 64000 byte virtual
screens are needed, and the procedure is not very fast because of the
slow speed of flipping.


Step 1 : Draw background to VGA.
Step 2 : Grab portion of background that icon will be placed on.
Step 3 : Place icon.
Step 4 : Replace portion of background from Step 2 over icon.
Step 5 : Repeat from step 2 continuously.

In terms of ascii ...

| +--|------- + Background restored (3)
| * -|------> * Background saved to memory (1)
| ^ |
| +--|------- # Icon placed (2)

The advantages of this method is that very little extra memory is
needed. The disadvantages are that writing to VGA is slower then writing
to memory, and there may be large amounts of flicker.


Step 1 : Set up one virtual screen, VADDR.
Step 2 : Draw background to VADDR.
Step 3 : Flip VADDR to VGA.
Step 4 : Draw icon to VGA.
Step 5 : Transfer background portion from VADDR to VGA.
Step 6 : Repeat from step 4 continuously.

In ascii ...

+---------+ +---------+
| | | |
| VGA | | VADDR |
| | | (bckgnd)|
| Icon>* <|-----------|--+ |
+---------+ +---------+

The advantages are that writing from the virtual screen is quicker then
from VGA, and there is less flicker then in Method 2. Disadvantages are
that you are using a 64000 byte virtual screen, and flickering occurs
with large numbers of objects.

In the attached sample program, a mixture of Method 3 and Method 1 is
used. It is faster then Method 1, and has no flicker, unlike Method 3.
What I do is I use VADDR2 for background, but only restore the
background that has been changed to VADDR, before flipping to VGA.

In the sample program, you will see that I restore the entire background
of each of the icons, and then place all the icons. This is because if I
replace the background then place the icon on each object individually,
if two objects are overlapping, one is partially overwritten.

The following sections are explanations of how the various assembler
routines work. This will probably be fairly boring for you if you
already know assembler, but should help beginners and dabblers alike.

þ The ASM Putpixel

To begin with, I will explain a few of the ASM variables and functions :

There are numerous books to advance your knowledge, and the Norton
Guides assembler guide may be invaluable for people beginning to code
in assembler. I haven't given you the pretty pictures you are supposed
to have to help you understand it easier, I have merely laid it out like
a programming language with it's own special procedures. >

There are 4 register variables : AX,BX,CX,DX. These are words (double
bytes) with a range from 0 to 65535. You may access the high and low
bytes of these by replacing the X with a "H" for high or "L" for low.
For example, AL has a range from 0-255.

You also have two pointers : ES:DI and DS:SI. The part on the left is
the segment to which you are pointing (eg $a000), and the right hand
part is the offset, which is how far into the segment you are pointing.
Turbo Pascal places a variable over 16k into the base of a segment, ie.
DI or SI will be zero at the start of the variable.

If you wish to be pointing to pixel number 3000 on the VGA screen (see
previous parts for the layout of the VGA screen), ES would be equal to
$a000 and DI would be equal to 3000. You can quite as easily make ES or
DS be equal to the offset of a virtual screen.

Here are a few functions that you will need to know :

mov destination,source This moves the value in source to
destination. eg mov ax,50
add destination,source This adds source to destination,
the result being stored in destination
mul source This multiplies AX by source. If
source is a byte, the source is
multiplied by AL, the result being
stored in AX. If source is a word,
the source is multiplied by AX, the
result being stored in DX:AX
movsb This moves the byte that DS:SI is
pointing to into ES:DI, and
increments SI and DI.
movsw Same as movsb except it moves a
word instead of a byte.
stosw This moves AX into ES:DI. stosb
moves AL into ES:DI. DI is then
push register This saves the value of register by
pushing it onto the stack. The
register may then be altered, but
will be restored to it's original
value when popped.
pop register This restores the value of a pushed
register. NOTE : Pushed values must
be popped in the SAME ORDER but
rep command This repeats Command by as many
times as the value in CX

SHL Destination,count ;
and SHR Destination,count ;
need a bit more explaining. As you know, computers think in ones and
zeroes. Each number may be represented in this base 2 operation. A byte
consists of 8 ones and zeroes (bits), and have a range from 0 to 255. A
word consists of 16 ones and zeroes (bits), and has a range from 0 to
65535. A double word consists of 32 bits.

The number 53 may be represented as follows : 00110101. Ask someone who
looks clever to explain to you how to convert from binary to decimal and

What happens if you shift everything to the left? Drop the leftmost
number and add a zero to the right? This is what happens :

00110101 = 53
01101010 = 106

As you can see, the value has doubled! In the same way, by shifting one
to the right, you halve the value! This is a VERY quick way of
multiplying or dividing by 2. (note that for dividing by shifting, we
get the trunc of the result ... ie. 15 shr 1 = 7)

In assembler the format is SHL destination,count This shifts
destination by as many bits in count (1=*2, 2=*4, 3=*8, 4=*16 etc)
Note that a shift takes only 2 clock cycles, while a mul can take up to 133
clock cycles. Quite a difference, no? Only 286es or above may have count
being greater then one.

This is why to do the following to calculate the screen coordinates for
a putpixel is very slow :

mov ax,[Y]
mov bx,320
mul bx
add ax,[X]
mov di,ax

But alas! I hear you cry. 320 is not a value you may shift by, as you
may only shift by 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512 etc.etc. The solution is
very cunning. Watch.

mov bx,[X]
mov dx,[Y]
push bx
mov bx, dx {; bx = dx = Y}
mov dh, dl {; dh = dl = Y}
xor dl, dl {; These 2 lines equal dx*256 }
shl bx, 1
shl bx, 1
shl bx, 1
shl bx, 1
shl bx, 1
shl bx, 1 {; bx = bx * 64}
add dx, bx {; dx = dx + bx (ie y*320)}
pop bx {; get back our x}
add bx, dx {; finalise location}
mov di, bx

Let us have a look at this a bit closer shall we?
bx=dx=y dx=dx*256 ; bx=bx*64 ( Note, 256+64 = 320 )

dx+bx=Correct y value, just add X!

As you can see, in assembler, the shortest code is often not the

The complete putpixel procedure is as follows :

Procedure Putpixel (X,Y : Integer; Col : Byte; where:word);
{ This puts a pixel on the screen by writing directly to memory. }
push ds {; Make sure these two go out the }
push es {; same they went in }
mov ax,[where]
mov es,ax {; Point to segment of screen }
mov bx,[X]
mov dx,[Y]
push bx {; and this again for later}
mov bx, dx {; bx = dx}
mov dh, dl {; dx = dx * 256}
xor dl, dl
shl bx, 1
shl bx, 1
shl bx, 1
shl bx, 1
shl bx, 1
shl bx, 1 {; bx = bx * 64}
add dx, bx {; dx = dx + bx (ie y*320)}
pop bx {; get back our x}
add bx, dx {; finalise location}
mov di, bx {; di = offset }
{; es:di = where to go}
xor al,al
mov ah, [Col]
mov es:[di],ah {; move the value in ah to screen
point es:[di] }
pop es
pop ds

Note that with DI and SI, when you use them :
mov di,50 Moves di to position 50
mov [di],50 Moves 50 into the place di is pointing to

þ The Flip Procedure

This is fairly straightforward. We get ES:DI to point to the start of
the destination screen, and DS:SI to point to the start of the source
screen, then do 32000 movsw (64000 bytes).

procedure flip(source,dest:Word);
{ This copies the entire screen at "source" to destination }
push ds
mov ax, [Dest]
mov es, ax { ES = Segment of source }
mov ax, [Source]
mov ds, ax { DS = Segment of source }
xor si, si { SI = 0 Faster then mov si,0 }
xor di, di { DI = 0 }
mov cx, 32000
rep movsw { Repeat movsw 32000 times }
pop ds

The cls procedure works in much the same way, only it moves the color
into AX then uses a rep stosw (see program for details)

The PAL command is almost exactly the same as it's Pascal equivalent
(see previous tutorials). Look in the sample code to see how it uses the
out and in commands.

þ In Closing

The assembler procedures presented to you in here are not at their best.
Most of these are procedures ASPHYXIA abandoned for better ones after
months of use. But, as you will soon see, they are all MUCH faster then
the original Pascal equivalents I originally gave you. In future, I
hope to give you more and more assembler procedures for your ever
growing collections. But, as you know, I am not always very prompt with
this series (I don't know if even one has been released within one week
of the previous one), so if you want to get any stuff done, try do it
yourself. What do you have to lose, aside from your temper and a few
rather inventive reboots 😉

What should I do for the next trainer? A simple 3-d tutorial? You may
not like it, because I would go into minute detail of how it works 🙂
Leave me suggestions for future trainers by any of the means discussed
at the top of this trainer.

After the customary quote, I will place a listing of the BBSes I
currently know that regularly carry this Trainer Series. If your BBS
receives it regularly, no matter where in the country you are, get a
message to me and I'll add it to the list. Let's make it more convenient
for locals to grab a copy without calling long distance 😉

[ There they sit, the preschooler class encircling their
mentor, the substitute teacher.
"Now class, today we will talk about what you want to be
when you grow up. Isn't that fun?" The teacher looks
around and spots the child, silent, apart from the others
and deep in thought. "Jonny, why don't you start?" she
encourages him.
Jonny looks around, confused, his train of thought
disrupted. He collects himself, and stares at the teacher
with a steady eye. "I want to code demos," he says,
his words becoming stronger and more confidant as he

speaks. "I want to write something that will change
peoples perception of reality. I want them to walk
away from the computer dazed, unsure of their footing
and eyesight. I want to write something that will
reach out of the screen and grab them, making
heartbeats and breathing slow to almost a halt. I want
to write something that, when it is finished, they
are reluctant to leave, knowing that nothing they
experience that day will be quite as real, as
insightful, as good. I want to write demos."
Silence. The class and the teacher stare at Jonny, stunned. It
is the teachers turn to be confused. Jonny blushes,
feeling that something more is required. "Either that
or I want to be a fireman."
- Grant Smith

See you next time,

These fine BBS's carry the ASPHYXIA DEMO TRAINER SERIES : (alphabetical)

ºBBS Name ºTelephone No. ºOpen ºMsgºFileºPastº
ºASPHYXIA BBS #1 º(031) 765-5312 ºALL º * º * º * º
ºASPHYXIA BBS #2 º(031) 765-6293 ºALL º * º * º * º
ºConnectix BBS º(031) 266-9992 ºALL º * º * º * º
ºFor Your Eyes Only BBS º(031) 285-318 ºA/H º * º * º * º

Open = Open at all times or only A/H
Msg = Available in message base
File = Available in file base
Past = Previous Parts available

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : TUT1-9.ZIP
Filename : TUT7.TXT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: