Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : TUT1-9.ZIP
Filename : C4TUT.PAS

Output of file : C4TUT.PAS contained in archive : TUT1-9.ZIP
Well folks, here it is - the long awaited for Chain-4 trainer. The
routines are commented so I'm not going to say too much more here,
except a few things.

1: If ya don't understand this (not suprising its bloody cryptic!)
then if ur serious go out and buy - Programming the EGA & VGA Cards
I don't know who the book is by, so don't ask. Perhaps you know Greg?

2: The code is unoptimised. I wrote it specifically for this conf. and
I'm buggered if I'm gonna give out my wholely (sp? ahh stuff it :-))
optimised code. If you want it faster, OPTIMISE IT!!
HINT: Its faster to load ax, with a low byte/high byte combination
and out a word instead of a byte at a time. If u don't know
what I'm talking about, too bad 🙂

3: If you use/like/whatever this code, please give Asphyxia a mention.
It wos bloody hard work figuring out how all this cr*p works, we
couldn't have done it with out a little guidence (thanx Gregie Poo).

4: LiveWire got interested in the whole tut/trainer idea and MAY be
putting together a doc on how the whole thing works, including
Pel-Panning which I haven't included here.

5: Good luck with the code, and if you write anything with it, I'd
appreciate having a look at it :-). Feel free to direct any comments
about the code to me in this conf. Or at one of the contact addresses
given in the code.

EzE / Asphyxia

--------------------------------=[ Cut Here ]=-------------------------
Program Chain4_Tut;

Size : Byte = 80;

Var Loop : Integer;

Procedure Init_C4; Assembler;
mov ax, 0013h
int 10h { set up bios initially for 13h }

mov dx, 03c4h { Sequencer Address Register }
mov al, 4 { Index 4 - Memory mode }
out dx, al { select it. }
inc dx { 03c5h - here we set the mem mode. }
in al, dx { get whats already inside the reg }
and al, 11110111b { un-set 4th bit - chain4 }
out dx, al

mov dx, 3d4h
mov al, 13h { Offset Register - allocates amt. mem for }
out dx, al { 1 displayable line as - length div 8, so }
inc dx { we use 80 (80*8) = 640 = 2 pages across }
mov al, [Size] { and cause of chain-4 i.e. 256k display }
out dx, al { mem, 2 pages down for four pages }

{ NOTE: setting AL above to 40 selects 1 }
{ page across and four down (nice for }
{ 1942 type scrolling games) and setting }
{ AL to 160 selects 4 pages across and 1 }
{ down, nice for horizontal scrolling }


Procedure Cls_C4; Assembler;
mov dx, 03c4h { 03c4h }
mov al, 2 { Map Mask Register }
out dx, al
inc dx
mov al, 00001111b { Select all planes to write to }
out dx, al { Doing this to clear all planes at once }

mov ax, 0a000h
mov es, ax
xor di, di { set es:di = Screen Mem }
mov ax, 0000h { colour to put = black }
mov cx, 32768 { 32768 (words) *2 = 65536 bytes - vga mem }
rep stosw { clear it }

Procedure PutPixel_C4(X, Y : Integer; Col : Byte); Assembler;
mov ax, [Y] { Y val multiplied by... }
xor bx, bx
mov bl, [Size] { Size.... }
shl bx, 1 { *2 - just 'cause! (I can't remember why!)}
mul bx
mov bx, ax

mov ax, [X]
mov cx, ax
shr ax, 2
add bx, ax { add X val div 4 (four planes) }

and cx, 00000011b { clever way of finding x mod 4, i.e. }
mov dx, 03c4h { which plane we're in. }
mov al, 2 { then use 03c4h index 2 - write plane sel.}
out dx, al { to set plane to write to. }
mov al, 1 { plane to write to = 1 shl (X mod 4) }
shl al, cl
inc dx
out dx, al

mov ax, 0a000h
mov es, ax
mov al, [Col]
mov es: [bx], al { then write pixel. }

Function GetPixel_C4(X, Y : Integer): Byte; Assembler;
mov ax, [Y] { Y val multiplied by... }
xor bx, bx
mov bl, [Size] { Size.... }
shl bx, 1 { *2 - just 'cause! (I can't remember why!)}
mul bx
mov bx, ax

mov ax, [X]
mov cx, ax
shr ax, 2
add bx, ax { add X val div 4 (four planes) }

and cx, 00000011b { clever way of finding x mod 4, i.e. }
mov dx, 03c4h { which plane we're in. }
mov al, 4h { then use 03c4h index 4 - read plane sel. }
out dx, al { to set plane to read from. }
mov al, cl { Plane to read from = X mod 4 }
inc dx
out dx, al

mov ax, 0a000h
mov es, ax
mov al, es: [bx] { then return pixel read }

Procedure MoveScr_C4(X,Y : Integer); Assembler;
mov ax, [Y] { Y val multiplied by... }
xor bx, bx
mov bl, [Size] { Size.... }
shl bx, 1 { *2 - just 'cause! (I can't remember why!)}
mul bx
mov bx, ax

add bx, [X] { Add X val }

mov dx, 03d4h
mov al, 0ch { CRTC address reg. }
out dx, al { Start Address High Reg. }
inc dx
mov al, bh { send high byte of start address. }
out dx, al

dec dx
mov al, 0dh { Start Address Low Reg. }
out dx, al
inc dx
mov al, bl { send low byte of start address. }
out dx, al


Procedure SetText; Assembler;
mov ax, 0003h
int 10h

Procedure Creds;
While KeyPressed do ReadKey;

mov ah, 1
mov ch, 1
mov cl, 0
int 10h

WriteLn('Chain-4 Trainer...');
WriteLn('By EzE of Asphyxia.');
WriteLn('Contact Us on ...');
WriteLn('the Asphyxia BBS (031) - 7655312');
WriteLn('Email : eze@');
WriteLn(' asphyxia@');
WriteLn(' edwards@');
WriteLn(' bailey@');
WriteLn(' mcphail@');
WriteLn('or [email protected]');
WriteLn('Write me snail-mail at...');
WriteLn('P.O. Box 2313');
mov ah, 1
mov ch, 1
mov cl, 0
int 10h


Until KeyPressed;
For Loop := 0 to 80 do
Loop := GetPixel_C4(100,100);
WriteLn('Colour at location X:100, Y:100 was: ',Loop);

--------------------------------=[ Cut Here ]=-------------------------

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : TUT1-9.ZIP
Filename : C4TUT.PAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: