Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : SNIP9503.ZIP
Filename : MYIO.CPP

Output of file : MYIO.CPP contained in archive : SNIP9503.ZIP
// Myio.cpp
// Simple I/O class to demonstrate use of C++ iostream
// facilities in a customised environment
// Written by David L Nugent, June 1993

# include
# include
# include "Myio.h"
# include "Mystream.h"

Myio::Myio (int sz)
: bufsize(sz), bufchars(0), bufidx(0),
bufaddr(new char[bufsize]), mystream(0)

Myio::~Myio (void)
delete bufaddr;
delete mystream;

iostream &
Myio::stream (void)
if (!mystream) // Create a stream if required
mystream = new Mystream(this);
return *mystream;

int // Simple write function into a circular buffer
Myio::write (char const * buf, int len)
int avail = (bufsize - bufchars); // See how many fit
if (len > avail)
len = avail;
stat |= Myio::overflow; // Only partial write
stat &= ~Myio::overflow;
avail = bufsize - bufidx; // Caculate room at end
if (avail > len)
avail = len;
if (avail)
memcpy (bufaddr + bufidx, buf, avail);
bufidx += avail; // Update the put index
buf += avail; // And the input pointer
if (bufidx >= bufsize) // Wrap buffer to start
bufidx = 0;
avail = len - avail; // See if there is any more to go
if (avail)
memcpy (bufaddr + bufidx, buf, avail);
bufidx += avail; // Update the put index
bufchars += len;
return (_pcount = len);

int // Simple read function from a circular buffer
Myio::read (char * buf, int len)
if (len > bufchars) // Adjust for available bytes
len = bufchars;
stat |= Myio::underflow; // Got an underflow (partial read)
stat &= ~Myio::underflow; // Clear underflow flag
int startidx = bufidx - bufchars; // Determine start get position
if (startidx < 0)
startidx += bufsize; // Adjust for wrap
int avail = bufsize - startidx; // Check room at end of buffer
if (avail > len) // Adjust down if necessary
avail = len;
if (avail) // Copy first section
memcpy (buf, bufaddr + startidx, avail);
startidx += avail; // Adjust start index
buf += avail; // Adjust output pointer
if (startidx >= bufsize) // Wrap buffer to start
startidx = 0;
avail = len - avail; // See if there is any more to go
if (avail) // If so, copy the rest
memcpy (buf, bufaddr + startidx, avail);
bufchars -= len; // Adjust character count
return (_gcount = len);

Myio &
operator<< (Myio & m, char const * ptr)
m.write (ptr, strlen (ptr));
return m;

Myio::dump (void) const
if (bufchars)
char * tmp = new char[bufchars + 2];
int idx = bufidx - bufchars;
if (idx < 0)
idx += bufsize;
for (int i = 0; i < bufchars; )
if (idx >= bufsize)
idx = 0;
tmp[i++] = bufaddr[idx++];
if (i)
if (tmp[i-1] != '\n') // Terminate with NL
tmp[i++] = '\n';
tmp[i] = 0;
cout << "---\n"
<< tmp
<< "---\n";
delete tmp;
return bufchars;

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : SNIP9503.ZIP
Filename : MYIO.CPP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: