Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : SNIP9503.ZIP
Filename : MORSE.C

Output of file : MORSE.C contained in archive : SNIP9503.ZIP
** <<< Morse Code Functions >>>
** Written by Michael M. Dodd, N4CF, and placed in the public domain.
** The morse() function transmits a string in Morse code on the IBM PC's
** speaker. The speed is set by a program constant (UNIT_TIME).
** There are several other functions in this file, all used by morse(),
** and defined ahead of morse() for convenience.
** The main() function at the end of the file is a test program to send
** the command-line argument string in morse code. Enclose multiple
** words in quotes. Example: morse "hello, world"
** These functions have been compiled and tested in the Small and Large
** memory models using Microsoft C 6.00a.
** Modified for ZTC++, TC++, & BC++ by Bob Stout


** These functions turn on and off the CW tone on the PC's speaker. The
** frequency is specified by the freq argument.
** IMPORTANT! These functions are highly IBM PC-specific!

#define CLK_FREQ (1193180L)
#define PIO (0x61)
#define CTC_CMD (0x43)
#define CTC_DATA (0x42)
#define SETUP (0xB6)
#define TONE_ON (0x03)
#define TONE_OFF (0xFC)

void note_on (int freq) /* Turn on the tone. */
int divisor ;
int pio_word ;

divisor = (int)(CLK_FREQ / (long)(freq)) ;
outp (CTC_CMD, SETUP) ;
outp (CTC_DATA, divisor & 0xFF) ;
outp (CTC_DATA, divisor >> 8) ;
pio_word = inp (PIO) ;
outp (PIO, pio_word | TONE_ON) ;

void note_off (void) /* Turn off the tone. */
int pio_word ;

pio_word = inp (PIO) ;
outp (PIO, pio_word & TONE_OFF) ;

** These functions implement a timing-loop delay. Because the PC's
** internal clock is too coarse for accurate CW timing, the pause()
** function uses a simple software loop to produce a delay.
** To minimize the effects of CPU clock speed, the calib() function
** returns a number which represents a rough index of the clock speed
** with relation to the standard IBM PC (this is very approximate).
** Calibration is performed only once, when the static fudge_factor is
** zero. Thereafter, the contents of fudge_factor are used to form a
** delay value.
** IMPORTANT! These functions are highly IBM PC-specific!

unsigned int calib (void)
unsigned int far *timerLow = (unsigned int far *)(0x046c) ;
unsigned int lastTime ;
unsigned int iter ;

for (lastTime = *timerLow; lastTime == *timerLow;)

for (iter = 0, lastTime = *timerLow; lastTime == *timerLow; iter++)
#if defined(__ZTC__)
return ((unsigned int)((125L * ((long)(iter)) + 50L) / 2300L)) ;
#elif defined(__TURBOC__)
return ((unsigned int)((77L * ((long)(iter)) + 50L) / 2300L)) ;
#else /* assume MSC */
return ((unsigned int)((100L * ((long)(iter)) + 50L) / 2300L)) ;

void pause (unsigned int amount)
static unsigned int fudge_factor = 0 ;
unsigned long ul ;

if (fudge_factor == 0) /* Calibrate the speed. */
fudge_factor = calib () ;

ul = (unsigned long)(amount) * (long)(fudge_factor) ;
while (ul--) /* Delay. */

** These functions transmit a dot, a dash, a letter space, and a
** word space.
** Note that a single unit space is automatically transmitted after
** each dot or dash, so the ltr_space() function produces only a
** two-unit pause.
** Also, the word_space() function produces only a four-unit pause
** because the three-unit letter space has already occurred following
** the previous letter.

#define SPACE_MASK (1 << 15)
#define BIT_MASK (0xfe)
#define UNIT_TIME (18)
#define FREQUENCY (1500)

void send_dot (void) /* Send a dot and a space. */
note_on (FREQUENCY) ;
pause (UNIT_TIME) ;
note_off () ;
pause (UNIT_TIME) ;

void send_dash (void) /* Send a dash and a space. */
note_on (FREQUENCY) ;
pause (UNIT_TIME * 3) ;
note_off () ;
pause (UNIT_TIME) ;

void ltr_space (void) /* Produce a letter space. */
pause (UNIT_TIME * 2) ;

void word_space (void) /* Produce a word space. */
pause (UNIT_TIME * 4) ;

** MORSE () - Transmit a string in Morse code
** This function transmits the string pointed to by the cp argument in
** Morse code on the PC's speaker. The speed is set by the UNIT_TIME
** constant.
** A static table translates from ASCII to Morse code. Each entry is
** an unsigned integer, where a zero represents a dot and a one
** represents a dash. No more than 14 bits may be used. Setting bit
** 15 produces a word space, regardless of any other pattern.
** The Morse code pattern is taken from bit 0, and is shifted right
** each time an element is sent. A special "marker bit" follows the
** complete Morse pattern. This marker bit is tested before
** transmitting each bit; if there are no 1's in bits 1..15, the
** complete character has been sent.
** For example, an "L" would be 0000000000010010, with bit zero
** containing the first dot, bit one the dash, etc. The marker
** bit is in bit 4.

void morse (char *cp)

unsigned int c ;
static unsigned int codes [64] = {
SPACE_MASK, /* Entry 0 = space (0x20) */
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* ! " # $ % & " ( */
0, 0, 0, 115, 49, 106, 41, /* ) * + , - . / */
63, 62, 60, 56, 48, 32, 33, 35, /* 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 */
39, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, /* 8 9 : ; < = > ? */
0, 6, 17, 21, 9, 2, 20, 11, /* @ A B C D E F G */
16, 4, 30, 13, 18, 7, 5, 15, /* H I J K L M N O */
22, 27, 10, 8, 3, 12, 24, 14, /* P Q R S T U V W */
25, 29, 19 /* X Y Z */
} ;

pause (0) ; /* Calibrate pause() function. */

while ((c = *cp++) != '\0')

c = toupper (c) ; /* No lower-case Morse characters. */
c -= ' ' ; /* Adjust for zero-based table. */

if (c < 0 || c > 58) /* If out of range, ignore it. */
continue ;

c = codes[c] ; /* Look up Morse pattern from table. */

if (c & SPACE_MASK) /* If the space bit is set.. */
{ /* ..send a word space and go on. */
word_space () ;
continue ;

while (c & BIT_MASK) /* Transmit one character. */
{ /*--- TRANSMIT EACH BIT ---*/
if (c & 1)
send_dash () ;
else send_dot () ;

c >>= 1 ;
} /*--- TRANSMIT EACH BIT ---*/

ltr_space () ; /* Send a space following character. */



** This is the test program, which transmits argv[1] in Morse code.

void main (int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc > 1)
morse (argv[1]) ;

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : SNIP9503.ZIP
Filename : MORSE.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: