Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : SNIP9503.ZIP
Filename : APPROX.C

Output of file : APPROX.C contained in archive : SNIP9503.ZIP
* Fuzzy string searching subroutines
* Author: John Rex
* Date: August, 1988
* References: (1) Computer Algorithms, by Sara Baase
* Addison-Wesley, 1988, pp 242-4.
* (2) Hall PAV, Dowling GR: "Approximate string matching",
* ACM Computing Surveys, 12:381-402, 1980.
* Verified on:
* Datalite, DeSmet, Ecosoft, Lattice, MetaWare, MSC, Turbo, Watcom
* Compile time preprocessor switches:
* DEBUG - if defined, include test driver
* Usage:
* char *pattern, *text; - search for pattern in text
* int degree; - degree of allowed mismatch
* char *start, *end;
* int howclose;
* void App_init(pattern, text, degree); - setup routine
* void App_next(&start, &end, &howclose); - find next match
* - searching is done when App_next() returns start==NULL

#define DEBUG 1


/* local, static data */

static char *Text, *Pattern; /* pointers to search strings */
static int Textloc; /* current search position in Text */
static int Plen; /* length of Pattern */
static int Degree; /* max degree of allowed mismatch */
static int *Ldiff, *Rdiff; /* dynamic difference arrays */
static int *Loff, *Roff; /* used to calculate start of match */

void App_init(char *pattern, char *text, int degree)
int i;

/* save parameters */

Text = text;
Pattern = pattern;
Degree = degree;

/* initialize */

Plen = strlen(pattern);
Ldiff = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * (Plen + 1) * 4);
Rdiff = Ldiff + Plen + 1;
Loff = Rdiff + Plen + 1;
Roff = Loff + Plen + 1;
for (i = 0; i <= Plen; i++)
Rdiff[i] = i; /* initial values for right-hand column */
Roff[i] = 1;

Textloc = -1; /* current offset into Text */

void App_next(char **start, char **end, int *howclose)
int *temp, a, b, c, i;

*start = NULL;
while (*start == NULL) /* start computing columns */
if (Text[++Textloc] == '\0') /* out of text to search! */

temp = Rdiff; /* move right-hand column to left ... */
Rdiff = Ldiff; /* ... so that we can compute new ... */
Ldiff = temp; /* ... right-hand column */
Rdiff[0] = 0; /* top (boundary) row */

temp = Roff; /* and swap offset arrays, too */
Roff = Loff;
Loff = temp;
Roff[1] = 0;

for (i = 0; i < Plen; i++) /* run through pattern */
/* compute a, b, & c as the three adjacent cells ... */

if (Pattern[i] == Text[Textloc])
a = Ldiff[i];
else a = Ldiff[i] + 1;
b = Ldiff[i+1] + 1;
c = Rdiff[i] + 1;

/* ... now pick minimum ... */

if (b < a)
a = b;
if (c < a)
a = c;

/* ... and store */

Rdiff[i+1] = a;

/* now update offset array */
/* the values in the offset arrays are added to the
current location to determine the beginning of the
mismatched substring. (see text for details) */

if (Plen > 1) for (i=2; i<=Plen; i++)
if (Ldiff[i-1] < Rdiff[i])
Roff[i] = Loff[i-1] - 1;
else if (Rdiff[i-1] < Rdiff[i])
Roff[i] = Roff[i-1];
else if (Ldiff[i] < Rdiff[i])
Roff[i] = Loff[i] - 1;
else /* Ldiff[i-1] == Rdiff[i] */
Roff[i] = Loff[i-1] - 1;

/* now, do we have an approximate match? */

if (Rdiff[Plen] <= Degree) /* indeed so! */
*end = Text + Textloc;
*start = *end + Roff[Plen];
*howclose = Rdiff[Plen];

if (start == NULL) /* all done - free dynamic arrays */

#ifdef DEBUG

main(int argc, char **argv)
char *begin, *end;
int howclose;

if (argc != 4)
puts("Usage is: approx pattern text degree\n");

App_init(argv[1], argv[2], atoi(argv[3]));
App_next(&begin, &end, &howclose);
while (begin != NULL)
printf("Degree %d: %.*s\n", howclose, end-begin+1, begin);
App_next(&begin, &end, &howclose);
return 0;


  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : SNIP9503.ZIP
Filename : APPROX.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: