Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : SNIP9503.ZIP
Filename : ANSISYS.TXT

Output of file : ANSISYS.TXT contained in archive : SNIP9503.ZIP

ANSI.SYS's Escape Sequences Files.

WARNING: You must press the ESC key, the [, the number wanted,
then the tiny M key.

Graphics functions:

0 : All Attributes Off
1 : Bold On
4 : Underscore (Monochrome Display Only)
5 : Blink On
7 : Reverse Video On
8 : Concealed On

That's all for the Graphics Functions existing in ANSI.SYS.

Foreground colors:

30 : Black 34 : Blue
31 : Red 35 : Magenta
32 : Green 36 : Cyan
33 : Yellow 37 : White

Background colors:

40 : Black 44 : Blue
41 : Red 45 : Magenta
42 : Green 46 : Cyan
43 : Yellow 47 : White

( Background is finally the Foreground + 10 )


Code Description
Pn : Numeric Parameter - a Decimal Number that you Specify with
ASCII digits.

Ps : Selective Paramater - a Decimal Number that you use to
select a Subfunction. You may specify More than One Sub-
function by separating the parameters with semicolons.

Pl : Line Parameter - a Decimal Number that you Specify with
ASCII digits.

Pc : Column Paramater - a Decimal Number that you Specify with
ASCII digits.


Don't Forget! All theses sequences are precede by the ESC key.

Sequence Function
[Pl;Pc H : Cursor Position (CUP)

[Pl;Pc F : Horizontal & Vertical Position (HVP).
CUP and HVP move the cursor to the position specified
by the parameters. When no parameters are provided,
the cursor move to the home position (the upper-left
corner of the screen).

[Pn A : Cursor Up (CUU)
This sequence moves the cursor up Pn lines without chan-
ging columns. If the cursor is Already on the Top line,
then it's ignores the CUU sequence.

[Pn B : Cursor Down (CUD)
This sequence moves the cursor down Pn lines without chan-
ging columns. If the cursor is already on the bottom line,
then it's igrnores the CUD sequence.

[Pn C : Cursor Forward (CUF)
The CUF sequence moves the cursor forward Pn columns with-
out changing lines. If the cursor is already in the far
right column, then it's ignores the CUF sequence.

[Pn D : Cursor Backward (CUB)
This escape sequence moves the cursor back Pn columns with-
out changing lines. If the cursor is already in the far
left columns, then it's ignore the CUB sequence.

[6n : Device Status Report (DSR)
The console driver outputs an RCP sequence when it receives

the DSR escape sequence.

[s : Save Cursor Position (SCP)
The console driver saves the current cursor position. This
position can be restored with the RCP sequence.

[u : Restore Cursor Position (RCP)
This sequence restores the cursor position to the value it
had when the console driver received the SCP sequence.

[2j : Erase Display (ED)
The ED sequence erases the screen. The cursor then goes
to the home position.

[K : Erase Line (EL)
This sequences erases from the cursor to the end of the
line (including cursor position).

[Ps; ... ; Ps m: Set Graphics Rendition (SGR)
The SGR escape sequence calls the graphic functions
specified by the following numeric parameters. These
functions remain until the next occurence of an SGR
escape sequence.

[=Ps h Set mode (SM)
[=h The SM escape sequence changes the screen width or type
[=0h to one of the following numeric parameters:

Screen Width Parameters
0 : 40 x 25 B&W
1 : 40 x 25 color
2 : 80 x 25 B&W
3 : 80 x 25 color
4 : 320 x 200 color
5 : 320 x 200 B&W
6 : 640 x 200 B&W
7 : Wraps at the end of Each line
14 : 640 x 200 color
15 : 640 x 350 mono
16 : 640 x 350 color
17 : 640 x 480 color
18 : 640 x 480 color (both 17-18 are good)
19 : 320 x 200 color

[= Ps 1 : Reset mode (RM)
Parameters for RM are the same as for SM (Set Mode)
except parameter 7 resets the mode that causes wrapping
at the end of each line.

[code;string;...p: Allows redefinition of keyboard keys to a specified
string where:
'string' is either the ASCII code for a single character
or a string contained in quotation marks. For example,
both 65 and "A" can be used to represent an uppercase.
'code' is one or more of the following values that re-
present keyboard keys. Semicolons shown in this table
must be entered in addition to the required semicolons
in the command line.

Key Code
Alone Shift- Ctrl- Alt-
F1 0;59 0;84 0;94 0;104
F2 0;60 0;85 0;95 0;105
F3 0;61 0;86 0;96 0;106
F4 0;62 0;87 0;97 0;107
F5 0;63 0;88 0;98 0;108
F6 0;64 0;89 0;90 0;109
F7 0;65 0;90 0;100 0;110
F8 0;66 0;91 0;101 0;111
F9 0;67 0;92 0;102 0;112
F10 0;68 0;93 0;103 0;113
F11 0;133 0;135 0;137 0;139
F12 0;134 0;136 0;138 0;140
Home 0;71 55 0;119 -----
Up Arrow 0;72 56 ----- -----
Page Up 0;73 57 0;132 -----
Left Arrow 0;75 52 0;115 -----
Right Arrow 0;77 54 0;116 -----
Down Arrow 0;80 53 ----- -----
End 0;79 49 0;117 -----
Page Down 0;81 51 0;118 -----
Insert 0;82 48 ----- -----
Delete 0;83 46 ----- -----
Printscreen ----- ----- 0;114 -----

and for the keyboard's alphabeticals keys:

Key Code
Alone Shift- Ctrl- Alt-
A 97 65 1 0;30
B 98 66 2 0;48
C 99 67 3 0;46
D 100 68 4 0;32
E 101 69 5 0;18
F 102 70 6 0;33
G 103 71 7 0;34
H 104 72 8 0;35
I 105 73 9 0;23
J 106 74 10 0;36
K 107 75 11 0;37
L 108 76 12 0;38
M 109 77 13 0;50
N 110 78 14 0;49
O 111 79 15 0;24
P 112 80 16 0;25
Q 113 81 17 0;16
R 114 82 18 0;19
S 115 83 19 0;31
T 116 84 20 0;20
U 117 85 21 0;22
V 118 86 22 0;47
W 119 87 23 0;17
X 120 88 24 0;45
Y 121 89 25 0;21
Z 122 90 26 0;44
1 49 33 ----- 0;120
2 50 64 ----- 0;121
3 51 35 ----- 0;122
4 52 36 ----- 0;123
5 53 37 ----- 0;124
6 54 94 ----- 0;126
7 55 38 ----- 0;127
8 56 42 ----- 0;128
9 57 40 ----- 0;129
0 48 41 ----- 0;130
. 45 95 ----- 0;131
= 61 43 ----- -----
TAB 9 0;15 ----- -----
NULL 0;3 ----- ----- -----

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : SNIP9503.ZIP
Filename : ANSISYS.TXT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: