Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : RBCOM345.ZIP
Filename : VT3270.MAC

Output of file : VT3270.MAC contained in archive : RBCOM345.ZIP
; RBcomm macro file
; This is a workable keyboard map for accessing an IBM system running
; ASCII emulation in VT100 mode. This has been tested and used when the
; connection is provided through an IBM 3174 control unit. When the
; connection is made, the controller should ask 'Use Specific Keyboard
; Map?' - the answer should be no as these key bindings reflect a
; 'Universal' keyboard map.
F1 TEXT "^[1" ; PF1 - PF10 = F1 - F10
F2 TEXT "^[2"
F3 TEXT "^[3"
F4 TEXT "^[4"
F5 TEXT "^[5"
F6 TEXT "^[6"
F7 TEXT "^[7"
F8 TEXT "^[8"
F9 TEXT "^[9"
F10 TEXT "^[0"
@F1 TEXT "^[-" ; PF11 - PF20 = Alt-F1 - Alt-F10
@F2 TEXT "^[="
@F3 TEXT "^[!"
@F4 TEXT "^[@"
@F5 TEXT "^[#"
@F6 TEXT "^[$"
@F7 TEXT "^[%"
@F8 TEXT "^[\^"
@F9 TEXT "^[&"
@F10 TEXT "^[*"
@1 TEXT "^[(" ; PF21 - PF24 = Alt-1 - Alt - 4;
@2 TEXT "^[)"
@3 TEXT "^[_"
@4 TEXT "^[+" ; End of PFKey Definitions
Right TEXT "^L" ; cursor right
Left TEXT "^H" ; cursor left
Up TEXT "^K" ; cursor up
Down TEXT "\n" ; cursor down
Home TEXT "^[h" ; home
^Home TEXT "^[," ; pa1
^PgUp TEXT "^[." ; pa2
^End TEXT "^E" ; Erase EOF
^Right TEXT "^U" ; cursor fast right
^Left TEXT "^V" ; cursor fast left
+Tab TEXT "^B" ; Back TAB
Ins TEXT "^[" ; Insert mode
Del TEXT "" ; Delete
PgDn TEXT "^[8" ; PF8 (assumes PF8 = page down)
PgUp TEXT "^[7" ; PF7 (assumes PF7 = page up)
End TEXT "^Z" ; new line
; add the standard bindings which have not been overridden
#include "rbcomm"

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : RBCOM345.ZIP
Filename : VT3270.MAC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: