Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : MSVIBM.ZIP
Filename : ULTRA144.SCR

Output of file : ULTRA144.SCR contained in archive : MSVIBM.ZIP
; An MS-DOS Kermit script program for dialing the Hayes ULTRA 144 modem, to be
; used with MS-DOS Kermit 3.12 or later. The modem is set up for compression,
; error correction, all types of fallback, RTS/CTS flow control, fixed
; interface speed of 38400, which is the highest support by this modem.
; Authors: Christine M. Gianone, Frank da Cruz; Columbia U, June 1993
def errfail echo \%1, hangup, goto fail ; Macro to handle failures.
if < VERSION 312 errfail {MS-DOS Kermit 3.12 or later required.}
if eq "\v(system)" "UNIX" if = \v(local) 0 stop 1 You must SET LINE first

define chkerr if fail stop 1 \%1
define chkok input 3 OK, if fail stop 1 \%1

define max_speed 38400 ; Maximum interface speed

; Macro to try to get attention of modem's command processor
; at the given speed, or if no speed given, at the current speed.
; Q0 = Enable result codes, V1 = display result codes as words.
define atok -
if def \%1 set speed \%1, -
echo Trying \%1..., -
output ATQ0V1\13, -
input 3 OK, -
if success goto gotok

set input echo on ; So we can watch what happens.
set input timeout proceed ; Allow IF SUCCESS, IF FAILURE.
set input case ignore ; Use caseless string comparisons

set parity none ; Avoid parity foulups
set flow none ; Avoid flow control deadlocks
hangup ; Begin by dropping DTR
pause 1 ; for one second

echo Configuring Hayes ULTRA 144 on \v(line).

atok ; Try to connect at current speed, whatever it is.
atok 9600 ; Try to connect at 9600.
atok 19200 ; 19200...
atok 2400 ; 2400...
atok 38400 ; Highest speed permitted.
stop 1 Can't get modem's attention

; Now change interface speed to the maximum
echo Locking interface speed at \m(max_speed)...
output ATS87=28\13
chkok {Can't set modem's speed to \m(max_speed)}
set speed \m(max_speed)

; Try 3 times to get OK response to AT command at new speed.
set count 3
output AT\13
input 3 OK
if success goto ok
if count goto loop
Stop 1 Can't communicate with modem at \m(max_speed)

; Initialize the modem.
; &D2 Hangup if DTR drops, so Kermit's HANGUP command will work
; E1 Commands are to be echoed
; W1 Enable dialing progress messages
; X4 Enable full range of result codes
; S95=46 Enables reporting of error control, compression, and protocol
output AT &D2 E1 W1 X4 S95=46\13
chkok {Can't initialize modem}

; S37=11 Begin modulation negotiations at V.32bis = 14400 bps
; N1 Negotiate highest common modulation
echo Enabling modulation negotiation...
output AT S37=11 N1\13 ; Start modulation speed negotiation at 14400
chkok {Can't enable modulation speed negotiation}

; Enable hardware flow control
echo Enabling hardware flow control...
output AT &K1 &K3\13 ; Enable RTS/CTS hardware flow control
chkok {Can't enable RTS/CTS} ; On modem
wait 5 cts
if fail errfail {Modem is not asserting CTS!}
set flow rts/cts ; And in Kermit too, but only now

; Specify treatment of BREAK signal
echo Configuring modem to ignore BREAK...
output AT S82=128\13 ; Make modem pass BREAK transparently
chkok {Can't become transparent to BREAK}

; Enable error correction and compression
; &Q5 Enable error correction
; S36=7 LAPM (V.42) => MNP => ASB (automatic speed buffering)
; S38=1 When DTR from PC goes off, hang up after 1 second
; S46=2 Enable compression
; S48=7 EC and compression negotiation enabled
echo Enabling error correction and data compression...
output AT &Q5 S36=7 S38=1 S46=2 S48=7\13
chkok {Can't enable compression and EC}

if def \%1 if not equal "\%1" "=" goto BEGIN
; User only wanted to initialize the modem.
; Display configuration.
echo Hayes ULTRA 144 initialized OK:
output AT&V\13
input 10 OK
echo Product code:
output ATI0\13
input 4 OK
end 0

; User wants to dial.
clear ; Clear INPUT buffer.
set count 5 ; Dialing retry counter, 5 tries allowed.
echo Dialing \%1 on \v(line) at \v(speed) bps, wait...
pause 1
goto dial ; 1st time, skip pause and Redialing message

set alarm 30
pause 30 ; Wait 30 seconds before redialing.
if not alarm errfail {Dialing canceled.}
echo Redialing... ; Message for redialing.
pause 1

output ATD\%1\13 ; Dial the number.
set alarm 90 ; (For detecting keyboard interruptions.)
if > VERSION 312 clear input ; Clear echo from INPUT buffer.
if < VERSION 313 clear
input 30 \10 ; Wait for the linefeeds...

input 60 \10 ; ...that surround the response message.
if success goto gotmsg ; Got a message.
if alarm errfail {No response from modem.} ; No response in 90 seconds.
hangup ; User interrupted from keyboard,
output \13 ; cancel dialing by sending carriage return,
goto again ; and go try again right away.

reinput 1 CONNECT ; Got a message, was it CONNECT?
if success goto done ; If so, we're done.
reinput 1 BUSY ; Line is busy.
if success goto busy ; Go wait a while and then dial again.
reinput 1 ERROR ; Command syntax error.
if success errfail {Dialing command error}
reinput 1 NO ANSWER ; No answer
if success errfail {No answer, please try again later}
reinput 1 NO CARRIER ; Phone didn't answer or no carrier.
if success goto nocarrier
reinput 1 NO DIALTONE ; No dialtone when phone taken off hook.
if success errfail {No dialtone - Is your modem connected to the phone line\63}
reinput 1 RING ; Phone is ringing
if success errfail {Somebody is calling this number}
goto getmsg ; None of the above, get another message.

if < \v(count) 2 goto quit ; Don't wait 30 seconds if tries are used up.
echo Line is busy, will dial again in 30 seconds.
echo Press any key to cancel...
if count goto redial ; Then go redial.
errfail {It never answers! I give up.} ; Too many tries.

:DONE ; Connected.
echo \7 ; Celebrate with a beep.
define errfail ; Erase local macro definitions...
define max_speed
end 0 ; Finished, return success code.

echo Connection failed, S86 contains the reason code:
output ATS86\63\13
input 2 \10
input 2 \10

:FAIL ; Dialing failed, no beep.
define errfail ; Erase local macro definitions...
define max_speed
end 1 ; Return failure code.

; End of ULTRA144.SCR

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : MSVIBM.ZIP
Filename : ULTRA144.SCR

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: