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Filename : SPAWN.ASM

Output of file : SPAWN.ASM contained in archive : MSQ320.ZIP
; --- Version 3.0 91-05-27 17:56 ---
; SPAWN.ASM - Main function for memory swapping spawn call.
; Public Domain Software written by
; Thomas Wagner
; Ferrari electronic GmbH
; Beusselstrasse 27
; D-1000 Berlin 21
; Germany
; Assemble with
; tasm /DPASCAL spawn,spawnp - Turbo Pascal (Tasm only), near
; tasm /DPASCAL /DFARCALL spawn,spawnp - Turbo Pascal (Tasm only), far
; ?asm spawn; - C, default model (small)
; ?asm /DMODL=large spawn - C, large model
; NOTE: For C, change the 'model' directive below according to your
; memory model, or define MODL=xxx on the command line.
; For Turbo C Huge model, you must give /DTC_HUGE on the
; command line, or define it here.
; Main function:
; function do_spawn (swapping: integer;
; execfname: string;
; cmdtail: string;
; envlen: word;
; var envp)
; C:
; int do_spawn (int swapping,
; char *execfname,
; char *cmdtail,
; unsigned envlen,
; char *envp)
; Parameters:
; swapping - swap/spawn/exec function:
; < 0: Exec, don't swap
; 0: Spawn, don't swap
; > 0: Spawn, swap
; in this case, prep_swap must have
; been called beforehand (see below).
; cmdtail - command tail for EXEC.
; execfname - name and path of file to execute.
; envlen - length of environment copy (may be 0).
; envp - pointer to environment block (must be aligned on
; paragraph boundary). Unused if envlen is 0.
; 'cmdtail' and 'execfname' must be zero terminated, even when
; calling from Pascal. For Pascal, the length byte of the string
; is ignored.
; Returns:
; 0000..00ff: Returncode of EXECed program
; 03xx: DOS-Error xx calling EXEC
; 0500: Swapping requested, but prep_swap has not
; been called or returned an error
; 0501: MCBs don't match expected setup
; 0502: Error while swapping out
; For swapping, the swap method must be prepared before calling do_spawn.
; function prep_swap (method: word; swapfname: string): integer;
; C:
; int prep_swap (unsigned method, char *swapfname)
; Parameters:
; method - bit-map of allowed swap devices:
; 01 - Allow EMS
; 02 - Allow XMS
; 04 - Allow File swap
; 10 - Try XMS first, then EMS
; 40 - Create file as "hidden"
; 80 - Use "create temp" call for file swap
; 100 - Don't preallocate file
; 200 - Check for Network, don't preallocate if net
; 4000 - Environment block will not be swapped
; swapfname - swap file name (may be undefined if the
; "method" parameters disallows file swap).
; The string must be zero terminated, even
; when calling from Pascal. For Pascal, the
; length byte of the string is ignored.
; Returns:
; A positive integer on success:
; 1 - EMS swap initialized
; 2 - XMS swap initialized
; 4 - File swap initialized
; A negative integer on failure:
; -1 - Couldn't allocate swap space
; -2 - The spawn module is located too low in memory
.model large,c
ptrsize = @DataSize
extrn _psp: word
public do_spawn
public prep_swap
stacklen = 256 ; local stack
; "ems_size" is the EMS block size: 16k.
ems_size = 16 * 1024 ; EMS block size
ems_parasize = ems_size / 16 ; same in paragraphs
ems_shift = 10 ; shift factor for paragraphs
ems_paramask = ems_parasize-1 ; block mask
; "xms_size" is the unit of measurement for XMS: 1k
xms_size = 1024 ; XMS block size
xms_parasize = xms_size / 16 ; same in paragraphs
xms_shift = 6 ; shift factor for paragraphs
xms_paramask = xms_parasize-1 ; block mask
; Method flags
USE_EMS = 01h
USE_XMS = 02h
USE_FILE = 04h
CHECK_NET = 200h
; Return codes
RC_TOOLOW = 0102h
RC_BADPREP = 0500h
EMM_INT = 67h
; The EXEC function parameter block
exec_block struc
envseg dw ? ; environment segment
ppar dw ? ; program parameter string offset
pparseg dw ? ; program parameter string segment
fcb1 dw ? ; FCB offset
fcb1seg dw ? ; FCB segment
fcb2 dw ? ; FCB offset
fcb2seg dw ? ; FCB segment
exec_block ends
; Structure of an XMS move control block
xms_control struc
lenlo dw ? ; length to move (doubleword)
lenhi dw ?
srchnd dw ? ; source handle (0 for standard memory)
srclo dw ? ; source address (doubleword or seg:off)
srchi dw ?
desthnd dw ? ; destination handle (0 for standard memory)
destlo dw ? ; destination address (doubleword or seg:off)
desthi dw ?
xms_control ends
; The structure of the start of an MCB (memory control block)
mcb struc
id db ?
owner dw ?
paras dw ?
mcb ends
; The structure of an internal MCB descriptor.
; CAUTION: This structure is assumed to be no larger than 16 bytes
; in several places in the code, and to be exactly 16 bytes when
; swapping in from file. Be careful when changing this structure.
mcbdesc struc
addr dw ? ; paragraph address of the MCB
msize dw ? ; size in paragraphs (excluding header)
swoffset dw ? ; swap offset (0 in all blocks except first)
swsize dw ? ; swap size (= msize + 1 except in first)
num_follow dw ? ; number of following MCBs
dw 3 dup(?) ; pad to paragraph (16 bytes)
mcbdesc ends
; The variable block set up by prep_swap
prep_block struc
xmm dd ? ; XMM entry address
first_mcb dw ? ; Segment of first MCB
psp_mcb dw ? ; Segment of MCB of our PSP
env_mcb dw ? ; MCB of Environment segment
noswap_mcb dw ? ; MCB that may not be swapped
ems_pageframe dw ? ; EMS page frame address
handle dw ? ; EMS/XMS/File handle
total_mcbs dw ? ; Total number of MCBs
swapmethod db ? ; Method for swapping
swapfilename db 81 dup(?) ; Swap file name if swapping to file
prep_block ends
; Since we'll be moving code and data around in memory,
; we can't address locations in the resident block with
; normal address expressions. MASM does not support
; defining variables with a fixed offset, so we have to resort
; to a kludge, and define the shrunk-down code as a structure.
; It would also be possible to use an absolute segment for the
; definition, but this is not supported by the Turbo Pascal linker.
; All references to low-core variables from low-core itself
; are made through DS, so we define a text macro "lmem" that
; expands to "ds:". When setting up low core from the normal
; code, ES is used to address low memory, so this can't be used.
lmem equ
; The memory structure for the shrunk-down code, excluding the
; code itself. The code follows this block.
parseg struc
db 2ch dup(?)
psp_envptr dw ?
db 5ch-2eh dup(?) ; start after PSP
save_ss dw ? ; 5C - saved global ss
save_sp dw ? ; 5E - saved global sp
xfcb1 db 16 dup(?) ; 60..6F - default FCB
xfcb2 db 16 dup(?) ; 70..7F - default FCB
zero dw ? ; 80 Zero command tail length (dummy)
expar db TYPE exec_block dup (?) ; exec-parameter-block
spx dw ? ; saved local sp
div0_off dw ? ; divide by zero vector save
div0_seg dw ?
filename db 82 dup(?) ; exec filename
progpars db 128 dup(?) ; command tail
db stacklen dup(?) ; local stack space
mystack db ?
lprep db TYPE prep_block dup(?) ; the swapping variables
lcurrdesc db TYPE mcbdesc dup(?) ; the current MCB descriptor
lxmsctl db TYPE xms_control dup(?)
eretcode dw ? ; EXEC return code
retflags dw ? ; EXEC return flags
cgetmcb dw ? ; address of get_mcb
parseg ends
param_len = ((TYPE parseg + 1) / 2) * 2 ; make even
codebeg = param_len
; The following parts of the program code will be moved to
; low core and executed there, so there must be no absolute
; memory references.
; The call to get_mcb must be made indirect, since the offset
; from the swap-in routine to get_mcb will not be the same
; after moving.
; get_mcb allocates a block of memory by modifying the MCB chain
; directly.
; On entry, lcurrdesc has the mcb descriptor for the block to
; allocate.
; On exit, Carry is set if the block couldn't be allocated.
; Uses AX, BX, CX, ES
; Modifies lprep.first_mcb
get_mcb proc near
mov ax,lmem lprep.first_mcb
mov bx,lmem lcurrdesc.addr
mov es,ax
cmp ax,bx
ja gmcb_abort ; halt if MCB > wanted
je mcb_found ; jump if same addr as wanted
add ax,es:paras ; last addr
inc ax ; next mcb
cmp ax,bx
jbe getmcb_loop ; Loop if next <= wanted
; The wanted MCB starts within the current MCB. We now have to
; create a new MCB at the wanted position, which is initially
; free, and shorten the current MCB to reflect the reduced size.
cmp es:owner,0
jne gmcb_abort ; halt if not free
mov bx,es ; current
inc bx ; + 1 (header doesn't count)
mov ax,lmem lcurrdesc.addr
sub ax,bx ; paragraphs between MCB and wanted
mov bx,es:paras ; paras in current MCB
sub bx,ax ; remaining paras
dec bx ; -1 for header
mov es:paras,ax ; set new size for current
mov cl,es:id ; old id
mov es:id,4dh ; set id: there is a next
mov ax,lmem lcurrdesc.addr
mov es,ax
mov es:id,cl ; and init to free
mov es:owner,0
mov es:paras,bx
; We have found an MCB at the right address. If it's not free,
; abort. Else check the size. If the size is ok, we're done
; (more or less).
mov es,ax
cmp es:owner,0
je mcb_check ; continue if free
mov ax,es:paras ; size
cmp ax,lmem lcurrdesc.msize ; needed size
jae mcb_ok ; ok if enough space
; If there's not enough room in this MCB, check if the next
; MCB is free, too. If so, coalesce both MCB's and check again.
cmp es:id,4dh
jnz gmcb_abort ; halt if no next
push es ; save current
mov bx,es
add ax,bx
inc ax ; next MCB
mov es,ax
cmp es:owner,0 ; next free ?
jne gmcb_abort ; halt if not
mov ax,es:paras ; else load size
inc ax ; + 1 for header
mov cl,es:id ; and load ID
pop es ; back to last MCB
add es:paras,ax ; increase size
mov es:id,cl ; and store ID
jmp mcb_check ; now try again
; The MCB is free and large enough. If it's larger than the
; wanted size, create another MCB after the wanted.
mov bx,es:paras
sub bx,lmem lcurrdesc.msize
jz mcb_no_next ; ok, no next to create
push es
dec bx ; size of next block
mov ax,es
add ax,lmem lcurrdesc.msize
inc ax ; next MCB addr
mov cl,es:id ; id of this block
mov es,ax ; address next
mov es:id,cl ; store id
mov es:paras,bx ; store size
mov es:owner,0 ; and mark as free
pop es ; back to old MCB
mov es:id,4dh ; mark next block present
mov ax,lmem lcurrdesc.msize ; and set size to wanted
mov es:paras,ax
mov es:owner,cx ; set owner to current PSP
; Set the 'first_mcb' pointer to the current one, so we don't
; walk through all the previous blocks the next time.
; Also, check if the block we just allocated is the environment
; segment of the program. If so, restore the environment pointer
; in the PSP.
mov ax,es
mov lmem lprep.first_mcb,ax
cmp lmem lprep.env_mcb,ax
jne getmcb_finis
inc ax
mov lmem psp_envptr,ax
ret ; all finished (whew!)
get_mcb endp
; The actual EXEC call.
; Registers on entry:
; BX = paragraphs to keep (0 if no swap)
; CX = length of environment to copy (words) or zero
; DS:SI = environment source
; ES:DI = environment destination
; (ES = our low core code segment)
; copy environment buffer down if present
jcxz noenvcpy
rep movsw
push es ; DS = ES = low core = PSP
pop ds
or bx,bx
jz no_shrink
; first, shrink the base memory block down.
mov ah,04ah
int 21h ; resize memory block
; Again walk all MCBs. This time, all blocks owned by the
; current process are released.
mov si,lmem lprep.first_mcb
or si,si
jz no_shrink
mov dx,lmem lprep.psp_mcb
mov bx,dx
inc bx ; base PSP (MCB owner)
mov di,lmem lprep.noswap_mcb
cmp si,dx
je free_next ; don't free base block
cmp si,di
je free_next
mov es,si
cmp bx,es:owner ; our process?
jne free_next ; next if not
cmp si,lmem lprep.env_mcb ; is this the environment block?
jne free_noenv
mov ds:psp_envptr,0 ; else clear PSP pointer
inc si
mov es,si
dec si
mov ah,049h ; free memory block
int 21h
mov es,si
cmp es:id,4dh ; normal block?
jne free_ready ; ready if end of chain
add si,es:paras ; start + length
inc si ; next MCB
jmp free_loop
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov dx,filename ; params for exec
mov bx,expar
mov ax,04b00h
int 21h ; exec
; Return from EXEC system call. Don't count on any register except
; CS to be restored (DOS 2.11 and previous versions killed all regs).
mov bx,cs
mov ds,bx
mov es,bx
mov ss,bx
mov sp,lmem spx
mov lmem eretcode,ax ; save return code
pop bx
mov lmem retflags,bx ; and returned flags
cmp lmem lprep.swapmethod,0
je exec_memok
jg exec_expand
; Terminate.
test bx,1 ; carry?
jnz exec_term ; use EXEc retcode if set
mov ah,4dh ; else get program return code
int 21h
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
mov ah,4ah ; expand memory
mov bx,lmem lcurrdesc.msize
int 21h
jnc exec_memok
mov ax,4cffh
int 21h ; terminate on error
; Swap memory back
; FALL THROUGH to the appropriate swap-in routine
getmcboff = offset get_mcb - offset lowcode_begin
iretoff = offset ireti - offset lowcode_begin
doexec_entry = offset doexec - offset lowcode_begin
base_length = offset $ - offset lowcode_begin
; The various swap in routines follow. Only one of the routines
; is copied to low memory.
; Note that the routines are never actually called, the EXEC return
; code falls through. The final RET thus will return to the restored
; memory image.
; On entry, DS must point to low core.
; On exit to the restored code, DS is unchanged.
; swapin_ems: swap in from EMS.
swapin_ems proc far
xor bx,bx
mov si,ems_parasize
mov dx,lmem lprep.handle ; EMS handle
push ds
mov cx,lmem lcurrdesc.swsize ; block length in paras
mov di,lmem lcurrdesc.swoffset ; swap offset
mov es,lmem lcurrdesc.addr ; segment to swap
mov ds,lmem lprep.ems_pageframe ; page frame address
mov ax,ems_parasize ; max length
sub ax,si ; minus current offset
jnz swinems_ok ; go copy if nonzero
mov ax,4400h ; map in next page
or ah,ah
jnz swinems_error
mov si,0 ; reset offset
inc bx ; bump up page number
mov ax,ems_parasize ; max length to copy
cmp ax,cx ; length to copy
jbe swinems_doit ; go do it if <= total length
mov ax,cx ; else use total length
sub cx,ax ; subtract copy length from total
push cx ; and save
push ax ; save the copy length in paras
push si
push di
mov cl,3
shl ax,cl ; convert to number of words (!)
inc cl
shl si,cl ; convert to byte address
mov cx,ax
rep movsw
pop di
pop si
pop cx ; copy length in paras
mov ax,es
add ax,cx ; add copy length to dest segment
add si,cx ; and EMS page offset
mov es,ax
pop cx ; remaining length
or cx,cx ; did we copy everything?
jnz swinems_loop ; go loop if not
pop ds
cmp lmem lcurrdesc.num_follow,0 ; another MCB?
je swinems_complete ; exit if not
; Another MCB follows, read next mcb descriptor into currdesc
cmp si,ems_parasize
jb swinems_nonewpage ; no new block needed
mov ax,4400h ; map page, phys = 0
or ah,ah
jnz swinems_error1
mov si,0
inc bx
push si
push ds
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov ds,lmem lprep.ems_pageframe ; page frame address
mov cl,4
shl si,cl ; convert to byte address
mov cx,TYPE mcbdesc
mov di,lcurrdesc
rep movsb
pop ds
pop si
inc si ; one paragraph
push bx
call lmem cgetmcb
pop bx
jc swinems_error1
jmp swinems_main
mov ah,45h ; release EMS pages
pop ds
mov ah,45h ; release EMS pages on error
mov ax,4cffh
int 21h ; terminate
swapin_ems endp
swinems_length = offset $ - offset swapin_ems
; swapin_xms: swap in from XMS.
swapin_xms proc far
mov ax,lmem lprep.handle ; XMS handle
mov lmem lxmsctl.srchnd,ax ; source is XMS
mov lmem lxmsctl.desthnd,0 ; dest is normal memory
mov lmem lxmsctl.srclo,0
mov lmem lxmsctl.srchi,0
mov ax,lmem lcurrdesc.swsize ; size in paragraphs
mov cl,4
rol ax,cl ; size in bytes + high nibble
mov dx,ax
and ax,0fff0h ; low word
and dx,0000fh ; high word
mov lmem lxmsctl.lenlo,ax ; into control block
mov lmem lxmsctl.lenhi,dx
mov ax,lmem lcurrdesc.swoffset ; swap offset
mov lmem lxmsctl.destlo,ax ; into control block
mov ax,lmem lcurrdesc.addr ; segment to swap
mov lmem lxmsctl.desthi,ax
mov si,lxmsctl
mov ah,0bh
call lmem lprep.xmm ; move it
or ax,ax
jz swinxms_error
mov ax,lmem lxmsctl.lenlo ; adjust source addr
add lmem lxmsctl.srclo,ax
mov ax,lmem lxmsctl.lenhi
adc lmem lxmsctl.srchi,ax
cmp lmem lcurrdesc.num_follow,0 ; another MCB?
je swinxms_complete
mov lmem lxmsctl.lenlo,TYPE mcbdesc
mov lmem lxmsctl.lenhi,0
mov lmem lxmsctl.desthi,ds
mov lmem lxmsctl.destlo,lcurrdesc
mov si,lxmsctl
mov ah,0bh
call lmem lprep.xmm ; move it
or ax,ax
jz swinxms_error
add lmem lxmsctl.srclo,16 ; one paragraph
adc lmem lxmsctl.srchi,0
call lmem cgetmcb
jc swinxms_error
jmp swinxms_main
mov ah,0ah ; release XMS frame
mov dx,lmem lprep.handle ; XMS handle
call lmem lprep.xmm
mov ah,0ah ; release XMS frame on error
call lmem lprep.xmm
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
swapin_xms endp
swinxms_length = offset $ - offset swapin_xms
; swapin_file: swap in from file.
swapin_file proc far
mov dx,lprep.swapfilename
mov ax,3d00h ; open file
int 21h
jc swinfile_error2
mov bx,ax ; file handle
push ds
mov cx,lmem lcurrdesc.swsize ; size in paragraphs
mov dx,lmem lcurrdesc.swoffset ; swap offset
mov ds,lmem lcurrdesc.addr ; segment to swap
mov ax,cx
cmp ah,8h ; above 32k?
jbe swinfile_ok ; go read if not
mov ax,800h ; else read 32k
sub cx,ax ; remaining length
push cx ; save it
push ax ; and save paras to read
mov cl,4
shl ax,cl ; convert to bytes
mov cx,ax
mov ah,3fh ; read
int 21h
jc swinfile_error
cmp ax,cx
jne swinfile_error
pop cx ; paras read

mov ax,ds
add ax,cx ; bump up dest segment
mov ds,ax
pop cx ; remaining length
or cx,cx ; anything left?
jnz swinfile_loop ; go loop if yes
pop ds
cmp lmem lcurrdesc.num_follow,0 ; another MCB?
je swinfile_complete ; ready if not
mov cx,16 ; read one paragraph
mov dx,lcurrdesc
mov ah,3fh
int 21h
jc swinfile_error1
cmp ax,cx
jne swinfile_error1
push bx
call lmem cgetmcb
pop bx
jc swinfile_error1
jmp swinfile_main
mov ah,3eh ; close file
int 21h
mov dx,lprep.swapfilename
mov ah,41h ; delete file
int 21h
pop cx
pop cx
pop ds
mov ah,3eh ; close file
int 21h
mov dx,lprep.swapfilename
mov ah,41h ; delete file
int 21h
mov ax,4cffh
int 21h
swapin_file endp
swinfile_length = offset $ - offset swapin_file
; swapin_none: no swap, return immediately.
swapin_none proc far
swapin_none endp
IF swinems_length GT swinxms_length
swcodelen = swinems_length
swcodelen = swinxms_length
IF swinfile_length GT swcodelen
swcodelen = swinfile_length
swap_codelen = ((swcodelen + 1) / 2) * 2
codelen = base_length + swap_codelen
reslen = codebeg + codelen
keep_paras = (reslen + 15) shr 4 ; paragraphs to keep
swapbeg = keep_paras shl 4 ; start of swap space
savespace = swapbeg - 5ch ; length of overwritten area
.fardata? my_data
; Space for saving the part of the memory image below the
; swap area that is overwritten by our code.
save_dat db savespace dup(?)
; Variables used while swapping out.
; The "prep" structure is initialized by prep_swap.
prep prep_block <>
nextmcb mcbdesc <>
currdesc mcbdesc <>
xmsctl xms_control <>
ems_curpage dw ? ; current EMS page number
ems_curoff dw ? ; current EMS offset (paragraph)
; swapout_ems: swap out an MCB block to EMS.
; Entry: "currdesc" contains description of block to swap
; "nextmcb" contains MCB-descriptor of next block
; if currdesc.num_follow is nonzero
; Exit: 0 if OK, != 0 if error, Zero-flag set accordingly.
; Uses: All regs excpt DS
swapout_ems proc near
push ds
mov cx,currdesc.swsize ; block length in paras
mov si,currdesc.swoffset ; swap offset
mov dx,prep.handle ; EMS handle
mov bx,ems_curpage ; current EMS page
mov di,ems_curoff ; current EMS page offset (paras)
mov es,prep.ems_pageframe ; page frame address
mov ds,currdesc.addr ; segment to swap
mov ax,ems_parasize ; max length
sub ax,di ; minus current offset
jnz swems_ok ; go copy if there's room
mov ax,4400h ; map in next page
or ah,ah
jnz swems_error
mov di,0 ; reset offset
inc bx ; bump up page number
mov ax,ems_parasize ; max length to copy
cmp ax,cx ; length to copy
jbe swems_doit ; go do it if <= total length
mov ax,cx ; else use total length
sub cx,ax ; subtract copy length from total
push cx ; and save
push ax ; save the copy length in paras
push si
push di
mov cl,3
shl ax,cl ; convert to number of words (!)
inc cl
shl di,cl ; convert to byte address
mov cx,ax
rep movsw
pop di
pop si
pop cx ; copy length in paras
mov ax,ds
add ax,cx ; add copy length to source segment
add di,cx ; and EMS page offset
mov ds,ax
pop cx ; remaining length
or cx,cx ; did we copy everything?
jnz swems_loop ; go loop if not
pop ds
cmp currdesc.num_follow,0 ; another MCB?
je swems_complete ; exit if not
; Another MCB follows, append nextmcb to save block.
cmp di,ems_parasize
jb swems_nonewpage ; no new block needed
mov ax,4400h ; map page, phys = 0
or ah,ah
jnz swems_error1
mov di,0
inc bx
push di
mov cl,4
shl di,cl ; convert to byte address
mov cx,TYPE mcbdesc
mov si,offset nextmcb
rep movsb
pop di
inc di ; one paragraph
mov ems_curpage,bx
mov ems_curoff,di
xor ax,ax
pop ds
mov ah,45h ; release EMS pages on error
or ax,ax
swapout_ems endp
; swapout_xms: swap out an MCB block to XMS.
; Entry: "currdesc" contains description of block to swap
; "nextmcb" contains MCB-descriptor of next block
; if currdesc.num_follow is nonzero
; Exit: 0 if OK, -1 if error, Zero-flag set accordingly.
; Uses: All regs excpt DS
swapout_xms proc near
mov ax,currdesc.swsize ; size in paragraphs
mov cl,4
rol ax,cl ; size in bytes + high nibble
mov dx,ax
and ax,0fff0h ; low word
and dx,0000fh ; high word
mov xmsctl.lenlo,ax ; into control block
mov xmsctl.lenhi,dx
mov xmsctl.srchnd,0 ; source is normal memory
mov ax,currdesc.swoffset ; swap offset
mov xmsctl.srclo,ax ; into control block
mov ax,currdesc.addr ; segment to swap
mov xmsctl.srchi,ax
mov ax,prep.handle ; XMS handle
mov xmsctl.desthnd,ax
mov si,offset xmsctl
mov ah,0bh
call prep.xmm ; move it
or ax,ax
jz swxms_error
mov ax,xmsctl.lenlo ; adjust destination addr
add xmsctl.destlo,ax
mov ax,xmsctl.lenhi
adc xmsctl.desthi,ax
cmp currdesc.num_follow,0 ; another MCB?
je swxms_complete
mov xmsctl.lenlo,TYPE mcbdesc
mov xmsctl.lenhi,0
mov xmsctl.srchi,ds
mov xmsctl.srclo,offset nextmcb
mov si,offset xmsctl
mov ah,0bh
call prep.xmm ; move it
or ax,ax
jz swxms_error
add xmsctl.destlo,16 ; one paragraph
adc xmsctl.desthi,0
xor ax,ax
mov ah,0ah ; release XMS frame on error
mov dx,prep.handle ; XMS handle
call prep.xmm
or ax,ax
swapout_xms endp
; swapout_file: swap out an MCB block to file.
; Entry: "currdesc" contains description of block to swap
; "nextmcb" contains MCB-descriptor of next block
; if currdesc.num_follow is nonzero
; Exit: 0 if OK, -1 if error, Zero-flag set accordingly.
; Uses: All regs excpt DS
swapout_file proc near
push ds
mov cx,currdesc.swsize ; size in paragraphs
mov bx,prep.handle ; file handle
mov dx,currdesc.swoffset ; swap offset
mov ds,currdesc.addr ; segment to swap
mov ax,cx
cmp ah,8h ; above 32k?
jbe swfile_ok ; go write if not
mov ax,800h ; else write 32k
sub cx,ax ; remaining length
push cx ; save it
push ax ; and save paras to write
mov cl,4
shl ax,cl ; convert to bytes
mov cx,ax
mov ah,40h ; write
int 21h
jc swfile_error
cmp ax,cx
jne swfile_error
pop cx ; paras written
mov ax,ds
add ax,cx ; bump up source segment
mov ds,ax
pop cx ; remaining length
or cx,cx ; anything left?
jnz swfile_loop ; go loop if yes
pop ds
cmp currdesc.num_follow,0 ; another MCB?
je swfile_complete ; ready if not
mov cx,16 ; write one paragraph
mov dx,offset nextmcb
mov ah,40h
int 21h
jc swfile_error1
cmp ax,cx
jne swfile_error1
xor ax,ax
pop cx
pop cx
pop ds
mov ah,3eh ; close file
int 21h
mov dx,offset prep.swapfilename
mov ah,41h ; delete file
int 21h
or ax,ax
swapout_file endp
do_spawn PROC far swapping: word, execfname: dword, params: dword, envlen: word, envp: dword
do_spawn PROC near swapping: word, execfname: dword, params: dword, envlen: word, envp: dword
do_spawn PROC uses si di,swapping: word, execfname:ptr byte,params:ptr byte,envlen:word,envp:ptr byte
local datseg,pspseg,currmcb
mov ax,SEG my_data
mov ds,ax
mov datseg,ds ; save default DS
mov bx,prefixseg
mov ax,SEG _psp
mov es,ax
mov bx,es:_psp
mov bx,_psp
mov pspseg,bx
; Check if spawn is too low in memory
mov ax,cs
mov dx,offset lowcode_begin
mov cl,4
shr dx,cl
add ax,dx ; normalized start of this code
mov dx,keep_paras ; the end of the modified area
add dx,bx ; plus PSP = end paragraph
cmp ax,dx
ja doswap_ok ; ok if start of code > end of low mem
mov ax,RC_TOOLOW
cmp swapping,0
jle method_ok
; check the swap method, to make sure prep_swap has been called
mov al,prep.swapmethod
cmp al,USE_EMS
je method_ok
cmp al,USE_XMS
je method_ok
cmp al,USE_FILE
je method_ok
; Save the memory below the swap space.
; We must do this before swapping, so the saved memory is
; in the swapped out image.
; Anything else we'd want to save on the stack or anywhere
; else in "normal" memory also has to be saved here, any
; modifications done to memory after the swap will be lost.
; Note that the memory save is done even when not swapping,
; because we use some of the variables in low core for
; simplicity.
push ds
pop es
push ds
mov ds,pspseg ; DS points to PSP
mov si,5ch
mov di,offset save_dat
mov cx,savespace / 2 ; NOTE: savespace is always even
rep movsw
pop ds
mov ax,swapping
cmp ax,0
jg begin_swap
; not swapping, prep_swap wasn't called. Init those variables in
; the 'prep' block we need in any case.
mov prep.swapmethod,al
je no_reduce
mov ax,pspseg
dec ax
mov prep.psp_mcb,ax
mov prep.first_mcb,ax
inc ax
mov es,ax
mov bx,es:psp_envptr
mov prep.env_mcb,bx
mov prep.noswap_mcb,0
cmp envlen,0
jne swp_can_swap_env
mov prep.noswap_mcb,bx
xor bx,bx
mov es,bx
mov ah,52h ; get list of lists
int 21h

mov ax,es
or ax,bx
jz no_reduce
mov es,es:[bx-2] ; first MCB
cmp es:id,4dh ; normal ID?
jne no_reduce
mov prep.first_mcb,es
jmp no_swap1
; set up first block descriptor
mov ax,prep.first_mcb
mov currmcb,ax
mov es,prep.psp_mcb ; let ES point to base MCB
mov ax,es:paras
mov currdesc.msize,ax
sub ax,keep_paras
mov currdesc.swsize,ax
mov currdesc.addr,es
mov currdesc.swoffset,swapbeg + 16
; NOTE: swapbeg is 1 para higher when seen from MCB
mov ax,prep.total_mcbs
mov currdesc.num_follow,ax
; init other vars
mov xmsctl.destlo,0
mov xmsctl.desthi,0
mov ems_curpage,0
mov ems_curoff,ems_parasize
; Do the swapping. Each MCB block (except the last) has an
; "mcbdesc" structure appended that gives location and size
; of the next MCB.
cmp currdesc.num_follow,0 ; next block?
je swapout_no_next ; ok if not
; There is another MCB block to be saved. So we don't have
; to do two calls to the save routine with complicated
; parameters, we set up the next MCB descriptor beforehand.
; Walk the MCB chain starting at the current MCB to find
; the next one belonging to this process.
mov ax,currmcb
mov bx,pspseg
mov cx,prep.psp_mcb
mov dx,prep.noswap_mcb
mov es,ax
cmp ax,cx
je swm_next_mcb
cmp ax,dx
je swm_next_mcb
cmp bx,es:owner ; our process?
je swm_mcb_found ; found it if yes
cmp es:id,4dh ; normal block?
jne swm_mcb_error ; error if end of chain
add ax,es:paras ; start + length
inc ax ; next MCB
jmp swm_mcb_walk
; MCB found, set up an mcbdesc in the "nextmcb" structure
mov nextmcb.addr,es
mov ax,es:paras ; get number of paragraphs
mov nextmcb.msize,ax ; and save
inc ax
mov nextmcb.swsize,ax
mov bx,es
add bx,ax
mov currmcb,bx
mov nextmcb.swoffset,0
mov ax,currdesc.num_follow
dec ax
mov nextmcb.num_follow,ax
cmp prep.swapmethod,USE_EMS
je swm_ems
cmp prep.swapmethod,USE_XMS
je swm_xms
call swapout_file
jmp short swm_next
call swapout_ems
jmp short swm_next
call swapout_xms
jnz swapout_error
cmp currdesc.num_follow,0
je swapout_complete
; next MCB exists, copy the "nextmcb" descriptor into
; currdesc, and loop.
mov es,datseg
mov si,offset nextmcb
mov di,offset currdesc
mov cx,TYPE mcbdesc
rep movsb
jmp swapout_main
cmp prep.swapmethod,USE_FILE
je swm_mcberr_file
cmp prep.swapmethod,USE_EMS
je swm_mcberr_ems
mov ah,0ah ; release XMS frame on error
mov dx,prep.handle ; XMS handle
call prep.xmm
jmp short swapout_error
mov dx,prep.handle ; EMS handle
mov ah,45h ; release EMS pages on error
jmp short swapout_error
mov ah,3eh ; close file
mov bx,prep.handle
int 21h
mov dx,offset prep.swapfilename
mov ah,41h ; delete file
int 21h
; Swapout complete. Close the handle (EMS/file only),
; then set up low memory.
cmp prep.swapmethod,USE_FILE
jne swoc_nofile
; File swap: Close the swap file to make the handle available
mov bx,prep.handle
mov ah,3eh
int 21h ; close file
mov si,offset swapin_file
jnc swoc_ready
jmp swapout_error
cmp prep.swapmethod,USE_EMS
jne swoc_xms
; EMS: Unmap page
mov ax,4400h
mov bx,-1
mov dx,prep.handle
mov si,offset swapin_ems
jmp short swoc_ready
mov si,offset swapin_xms
jmp short swoc_ready
mov si,offset swapin_none
; Copy the appropriate swap-in routine to low memory.
mov es,pspseg
mov cx,swap_codelen / 2
mov di,codebeg + base_length
push ds
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
rep movsw
; And while we're at it, copy the MCB allocation routine (which
; also includes the initial MCB release and exec call) down.
mov cx,base_length / 2
mov di,param_len
mov si,offset lowcode_begin
rep movsw
pop ds
mov bx,es
dec bx
mov es,bx ; let ES point to base MCB
; Again set up the base MCB descriptor, and copy it as well as
; the variables set up by prep_swap to low memory.
; This isn't too useful if we're not swapping, but it doesn't
; hurt, either. The only variable used when not swapping is
; lprep.swapmethod.
mov ax,es:paras
mov currdesc.msize,ax
sub ax,keep_paras
mov currdesc.swsize,ax
mov currdesc.addr,es
mov currdesc.swoffset,swapbeg + 16
mov ax,prep.total_mcbs
mov currdesc.num_follow,ax
mov es,pspseg ; ES points to PSP again
mov cx,TYPE prep_block
mov si,offset prep
mov di,lprep
rep movsb
mov cx,TYPE mcbdesc
mov si,offset currdesc
mov di,lcurrdesc
rep movsb
; now set up other variables in low core
mov es:cgetmcb,getmcboff + codebeg
mov es:eretcode,0
mov es:retflags,0
; Prepare exec parameter block
mov ax,es
mov es:expar.fcb1seg,ax
mov es:expar.fcb2seg,ax
mov es:expar.pparseg,ax
mov es:expar.envseg,0
; The 'zero' word is located at 80h in the PSP, the start of
; the command line. So as not to confuse MCB walking programs,
; a command line length of zero is inserted here.
mov es:zero,0d00h ; 00h,0dh = empty command line
; Init default fcb's by parsing parameter string
IF ptrsize
lds si,params
mov si,params
inc si ; skip length byte
push si
mov di,xfcb1
mov es:expar.fcb1,di
push di
mov cx,16
xor ax,ax
rep stosw ; init both fcb's to 0
pop di
mov ax,2901h
int 21h
mov di,xfcb2
mov es:expar.fcb2,di
mov ax,2901h
int 21h
pop si
; move command tail string into low core
mov di,progpars
mov es:expar.ppar,di
xor cx,cx
inc di
or al,al
jz cmdcpy_end
inc cx
jmp cmdcpy
mov al,0dh
mov es:progpars,cl
; move filename string into low core
IF ptrsize
lds si,execfname
mov si,execfname
inc si
mov di,filename
or al,al
jnz fncpy
; Setup environment copy
mov bx,keep_paras ; paras to keep
mov cx,envlen ; environment size
jcxz no_environ ; go jump if no environment
cmp swapping,0
jne do_envcopy
; Not swapping, use the environment pointer directly.
; Note that the environment copy must be paragraph aligned.
IF ptrsize
mov ax,word ptr (envp)+2
mov bx,word ptr (envp)
mov ax,ds
mov bx,envp
add bx,15 ; make sure it's paragraph aligned
mov cl,4
shr bx,cl ; and convert to segment addr
add ax,bx
mov es:expar.envseg,ax ; new environment segment
xor cx,cx ; mark no copy
xor bx,bx ; and no shrink
jmp short no_environ
; Swapping or EXECing without return. Set up the pointers for
; an environment copy (we can't do the copy yet, it might overwrite
; this code).
inc cx
shr cx,1 ; words to copy
mov ax,cx ; convert envsize to paras
add ax,7
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
shr ax,1
add bx,ax ; add envsize to paras to keep
IF ptrsize
lds si,envp
mov si,envp
mov ax,es ; low core segment
add ax,keep_paras ; plus fixed paras
mov es:expar.envseg,ax ; = new environment segment
; Save stack regs, switch to local stack
mov es:save_ss,ss
mov es:save_sp,sp
mov ax,es
mov ss,ax
mov sp,mystack
push cx ; save env length
push si ; save env pointer
push ds ; save env segment
; save and patch INT0 (division by zero) vector
xor ax,ax
mov ds,ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:0
mov es:div0_off,ax
mov ax,word ptr ds:2
mov es:div0_seg,ax
mov word ptr ds:0,codebeg + iretoff
mov word ptr ds:2,es
pop ds ; pop environment segment
pop si ; pop environment offset
pop cx ; pop environment length
mov di,swapbeg ; environment destination
; Push return address on local stack
push cs ; push return segment

mov ax,offset exec_cont
push ax ; push return offset
mov es:spx,sp ; save stack pointer
; Goto low core code
push es ; push entry segment
mov ax,codebeg + doexec_entry
push ax ; push entry offset
; ret far ; can't use RET here because
db 0cbh ; of .model
; Low core code will return to this location, with DS set to
; the PSP segment.
push ds
pop es
mov ss,ds:save_ss ; reload stack
mov sp,ds:save_sp
; restore INT0 (division by zero) vector
xor cx,cx
mov ds,cx
mov cx,es:div0_off
mov word ptr ds:0,cx
mov cx,es:div0_seg
mov word ptr ds:2,cx
mov ax,es:eretcode
mov bx,es:retflags
mov ds,datseg
; Restore overwritten part of program
mov si,offset save_dat
mov di,5ch
mov cx,savespace
rep movsb
test bx,1 ; carry set?
jnz exec_fault ; return EXEC error code if fault
mov ah,4dh ; else get program return code
int 21h
mov ah,3 ; return error as 03xx
do_spawn ENDP
emm_name db 'EMMXXXX0'
; prep_swap - prepare for swapping.
; This routine checks all parameters necessary for swapping,
; and attempts to set up the swap-out area in EMS/XMS, or on file.
; In detail:
; 1) Check whether the do_spawn routine is located
; too low in memory, so it would get overwritten.
; If this is true, return an error code (-2).
; 2) Walk the memory control block chain, adding up the
; paragraphs in all blocks assigned to this process.
; 3) Check EMS (if the method parameter allows EMS):
; - is an EMS driver installed?
; - are sufficient EMS pages available?
; if all goes well, the EMS pages are allocated, and the
; routine returns success (1).
; 4) Check XMS (if the method parameter allows XMS):
; - is an XMS driver installed?
; - is a sufficient XMS block available?
; if all goes well, the XMS block is allocated, and the
; routine returns success (2).
; 5) Check file swap (if the method parameter allows it):
; - try to create the file
; - pre-allocate the file space needed by seeking to the end
; and writing a byte.
; If the file can be written, the routine returns success (4).
; 6) Return an error code (-1).
prep_swap PROC far pmethod: word, swapfname: dword
prep_swap PROC near pmethod: word, swapfname: dword
prep_swap PROC uses si di,pmethod:word,swapfname:ptr byte
LOCAL totparas: word
mov ax,SEG my_data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,prefixseg
mov ax,SEG _psp
mov es,ax
mov ax,es:_psp
mov ax,_psp
dec ax
mov prep.psp_mcb,ax
mov prep.first_mcb,ax ; init first MCB to PSP
; Make a copy of the environment pointer in the PSP
inc ax
mov es,ax
mov bx,es:psp_envptr
dec bx
mov prep.env_mcb,bx
mov prep.noswap_mcb,0
test pmethod,DONT_SWAP_ENV
jz can_swap_env
mov prep.noswap_mcb,bx
; Check if spawn is too low in memory
mov bx,cs
mov dx,offset lowcode_begin
mov cl,4
shr dx,cl
add bx,dx ; normalized start of this code
mov dx,keep_paras ; the end of the modified area
add dx,ax ; plus PSP = end paragraph
cmp bx,dx
ja prepswap_ok ; ok if start of code > end of low mem
mov ax,-2
mov prep.swapmethod,al
; Walk the chain of memory blocks, adding up the paragraphs
; in all blocks belonging to this process.
; We try to find the first MCB by getting DOS's "list of lists",
; and fetching the word at offset -2 of the returned address.
; If this fails, we use our PSP as the starting point.
xor bx,bx
mov es,bx
mov ah,52h ; get list of lists
int 21h
mov ax,es
or ax,bx
jz prep_no_first
mov es,es:[bx-2] ; first MCB
cmp es:id,4dh ; normal ID?
jne prep_no_first
mov prep.first_mcb,es
mov es,prep.psp_mcb ; ES points to base MCB
mov cx,es ; save this value
mov bx,es:owner ; the current process
mov dx,es:paras ; memory size in the base block
sub dx,keep_paras ; minus resident paragraphs
mov si,0 ; number of MCBs except base
mov di,prep.noswap_mcb
mov ax,prep.first_mcb
mov prep.first_mcb,0
mov es,ax
cmp ax,cx ; base block?
je prep_walk_next ; then don't count again
cmp ax,di ; Non-swap MCB?
je prep_walk_next ; then don't count
cmp bx,es:owner ; our process?
jne prep_walk_next ; next if not
inc si
mov ax,es:paras ; else get number of paragraphs
add ax,2 ; + 1 for descriptor + 1 for MCB
add dx,ax ; total number of paras
cmp prep.first_mcb,0
jne prep_walk_next
mov prep.first_mcb,es
cmp es:id,4dh ; normal block?
jne prep_mcb_ready ; ready if end of chain
mov ax,es
add ax,es:paras ; start + length
inc ax ; next MCB
jmp prep_mcb_walk
mov totparas,dx
mov prep.total_mcbs,si
test pmethod,XMS_FIRST
jnz check_xms
; Check for EMS swap
test pmethod,USE_EMS
jz prep_no_ems
push ds
mov al,EMM_INT
mov ah,35h
int 21h ; get EMM int vector
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov si,offset emm_name
mov di,10
mov cx,8
repz cmpsb ; EMM name present?
pop ds
jnz prep_no_ems
mov ah,40h ; get EMS status
or ah,ah ; EMS ok?
jnz prep_no_ems
mov ah,46h ; get EMS version
or ah,ah ; AH must be 0
jnz prep_no_ems
cmp al,30h ; >= version 3.0?
jb prep_no_ems
mov ah,41h ; Get page frame address
or ah,ah
jnz prep_no_ems
; EMS present, try to allocate pages
mov prep.ems_pageframe,bx
mov bx,totparas
add bx,ems_paramask
mov cl,ems_shift
shr bx,cl
mov ah,43h ; allocate handle and pages
or ah,ah ; success?
jnz prep_no_ems
; EMS pages allocated, swap to EMS
mov prep.handle,dx
mov ax,USE_EMS
mov prep.swapmethod,al
; No EMS allowed, or EMS not present/full. Try XMS.
test pmethod,XMS_FIRST
jnz check_file ; don't try again
test pmethod,USE_XMS
jz prep_no_xms
mov ax,4300h ; check if XMM driver present
int 2fh
cmp al,80h ; is XMM installed?
jne prep_no_xms
mov ax,4310h ; get XMM entrypoint
int 2fh
mov word ptr prep.xmm,bx ; save entry address
mov word ptr prep.xmm+2,es
mov dx,totparas
add dx,xms_paramask ; round to nearest multiple of 1k
mov cl,xms_shift
shr dx,cl ; convert to k
mov ah,9 ; allocate extended memory block
call prep.xmm
or ax,ax
jz prep_no_xms
; XMS block allocated, swap to XMS
mov prep.handle,dx
mov ax,USE_XMS
mov prep.swapmethod,al
; No XMS allowed, or XMS not present/full. Try File swap.
test pmethod,XMS_FIRST
jz check_file
jmp check_ems
test pmethod,USE_FILE
jnz prep_do_file
jmp prep_no_file
push ds
IF ptrsize
lds dx,swapfname
mov dx,swapfname
inc dx ; skip length byte
mov cx,2 ; hidden attribute
test pmethod,HIDE_FILE
jnz prep_hide
xor cx,cx ; normal attribute
mov ah,3ch ; create file
test pmethod,CREAT_TEMP
jz prep_no_temp
mov ah,5ah
int 21h ; create/create temp
jnc prep_got_file
jmp prep_no_file
mov bx,ax ; handle
; save the file name
pop es
push es
mov di,offset prep.swapfilename
mov cx,81
mov si,dx
rep movsb
pop ds
mov prep.handle,bx
; preallocate the file
test pmethod,NO_PREALLOC
jnz prep_noprealloc
test pmethod,CHECK_NET
jz prep_nonetcheck
; check whether file is on a network drive, and don't preallocate
; if so. preallocation can slow down swapping significantly when
; running on certain networks (Novell)
mov ax,440ah ; check if handle is remote
int 21h
jc prep_nonetcheck ; assume not remote if function fails
test dh,80h ; DX bit 15 set ?
jnz prep_noprealloc ; remote if yes
mov dx,totparas
mov cl,4
rol dx,cl
mov cx,dx
and dx,0fff0h
and cx,0000fh
sub dx,1
sbb cx,0
mov si,dx ; save
mov ax,4200h ; move file pointer, absolute
int 21h
jc prep_file_err
cmp dx,cx
jne prep_file_err
cmp ax,si
jne prep_file_err
mov cx,1 ; write 1 byte
mov ah,40h
int 21h
jc prep_file_err
cmp ax,cx
jne prep_file_err
mov ax,4200h ; move file pointer, absolute
xor dx,dx
xor cx,cx ; rewind to beginning
int 21h
jc prep_file_err
mov ax,USE_FILE
mov prep.swapmethod,al
mov ah,3eh ; close file
int 21h
mov dx,offset prep.swapfilename
mov ah,41h ; delete file
int 21h
mov ax,-1
mov prep.swapmethod,al
prep_swap endp

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : MSQ320.ZIP
Filename : SPAWN.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: