Dec 142017
V1.1 version of LIFE, with ASM source. Macros/720x720 grid.
File LIFE11.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Recently Uploaded Files
V1.1 version of LIFE, with ASM source. Macros/720×720 grid.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
LIFE.ASM 124812 28601 deflated
LIFE.COM 16382 16042 deflated
READ.ME 540 360 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File LIFE11.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

This is version 1.10 of LIFE, a cellular automata game first popularized
25 years ago in Scientific American Magazine. Program allows grid sizes up
to 720x720 (half million grid squares) and may be automated with macros.

The 16K COM file contains both program and documentation. To extract
LIFE.DOC, pass question mark as a command-line argument to the program on
startup (i.e., LIFE ?).

ASM source code is included in ZIP file.

Program requires color VGA, 128K RAM, and DOS 2.0+. --- CRH/15 Mar 95

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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