Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : INET30.ZIP
Filename : README.NOW

Output of file : README.NOW contained in archive : INET30.ZIP


by James Goldbloom
Optimized Software (tm)
(C)opyright 1995


REPLYCHK.EXE - Main executable
REPLYCHK.DOC - Instructions on use - please read
REPLYCHK.CFG - Configuration file - please edit
README.NOW - This file - please read

* Please move these files into your INET main directory...

Important PROGRAM NOTES from the author, James Goldbloom:

You need this program for the /REPLY feature of The Internet Connection!

This program is a utility necessary for INET 3.x series (and later)
to create the dataline embedded in netmail replies which contains the
raw address of Internet incoming replies. The program will intercept
messages residing in your netmail directory PRIOR to being tossed
into your respective message base/system using the /REPLY parameter
of INET.EXE. This program is necessary for this powerful feature
of The Internet Connection! FIXMSG and CHECKMSG are no longer used.

Do not run REPLYCHK on ECHOMAIL. Only on private netmail messages
prior to tossing into your message base. See REPLYCHK.DOC for help.

REPLYCHK will currently handle up to 8,000 netmails in ONE session
and maximum of 66k per each netmail message. Full error checking
is supported, with tremendous log support showing each netmail
message processed, and the formatted raw Internet address retreived
both onscreen and in the output log file. Fast operation.

Please read the documentation (REPLYCHK.DOC) and edit the configuration
file (REPLYCHK.CFG) to suit your system setup/requirements, which is
required for operation, but will take only a few minutes.

Using the /REPLY feature of INET.EXE allows your users to save addresses
in their private address book for later retreival, searching and
editing. INET.EXE and REPLYCHK.EXE go hand in hand to accomplish
this task, efficiently. You also get to generate time and date stamped
log of which addresses were sent to your system and formatted, as well
as full checking for kludge matches & error detection, outbound
duplication checking, kludge mishaps, MSGID corruption, already
processed netmails, and file errors. Its power packed, and easy to
configure and operate. Truly, it is!

- * -

This version is in wide beta, so please report any bugs or features
you would like to see (or compliments, I worked hard on this) to
me, either via netmail or publicly in the OMEGA_SOFT zone 1 backbone
echo in Fidonet. Setup should be easy, and take about 10 minutes
for basic operation, a little longer for /SPECIAL mode. This
program assumes you have working knowledge of your tosser program.

My Internet address #1: [email protected]
My Internet address #2: [email protected]

Kindly send to my Fidonet 1:109/611 node number for FASTEST service.

Write me with BUG REPORTS, compliments, and comments if any. Please
see REPLYCHK.DOC for licensing, support and fee information.

Please see REPLYCHK.DOC for command line parameter and config help
as well as QUICK & EASY SETUP (and detailed docs, if necessary...)


James Goldbloom
Optimized Software (c) (tm) 1995
Data: (703) 998-2958
Fax : (703) 998-7033
Fido: 1:109/611
Int.: [email protected]

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : INET30.ZIP
Filename : README.NOW

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: