Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : HEADZIP.EXE
Filename : NEWFRAC.CPP

Output of file : NEWFRAC.CPP contained in archive : HEADZIP.EXE
// IMPLEMENTATION FILE (newfrac.cpp)
// This module exports FracType and two operator functions,
// operator* and operator==.
// It also adds a default (parameterless) constructor
// and exports operator<< and operator>> for stream I/O.
#include // For abs() function
#include "newfrac.h"

int GreatestCommonDivisor( int, int ); // Auxiliary function prototype

// Private members of class:
// int numer;
// int denom;
// CLASSINV: denom > 0

FracType::FracType( /* in */ int initNumer,
/* in */ int initDenom )
// PRE: Assigned(initNumer) && initDenom > 0
// POST: numer == initNumer && denom == initDenom
numer = initNumer;
denom = initDenom;

// POST: numer == 0 && denom == 1
numer = 0; denom = 1;

ostream& operator<<( /* inout */ ostream& someStream,
/* in */ FracType frac )
// Friend of the FracType class
// PRE: someStream is a valid stream object
// POST: Fraction has been displayed as frac.numer/frac.denom
// with no blanks
// && FCTVAL == address of someStream
someStream << frac.numer << "/" << frac.denom;
return someStream;

istream& operator>>( /* inout */ istream& someStream,
/* out */ FracType& frac )
// Friend of the FracType class
// PRE: someStream is a valid stream object
// POST: User has typed in a value for frac.numer, then a slash,
// then a value for frac.denom
// && frac.denom > 0
// && FCTVAL == address of someStream
char slash;

do {
someStream >> frac.numer >> slash >> frac.denom;
if (someStream && frac.denom <= 0)
cout << "Denominator must be positive\n"
<< "Please re-enter fraction: ";
} while (someStream && frac.denom <= 0);
return someStream;

float FracType::FloatEquiv() const
// POST: FCTVAL == float equivalent of this fraction
return float(numer) / float(denom);

void FracType::Simplify()
// POST: Fraction is reduced to lowest terms. (No integer > 1
// evenly divides both numer and denom)
int gcd;
int absNumer = abs(numer);

if (numer==0 || absNumer==1 || denom==1)
gcd = GreatestCommonDivisor(absNumer, denom);
if (gcd > 1) {
numer /= gcd;
denom /= gcd;

FracType FracType::operator*( /* in */ FracType frac2 ) const
// PRE: This fraction and frac2 are in simplest terms
// POST: FCTVAL == this fraction * frac2 (fraction multiplication)
// (WARNING: Overflow is possible)
int resultNumer = numer * frac2.numer;
int resultDenom = denom * frac2.denom;

FracType resultFrac(resultNumer, resultDenom);

// ASSERT: New fraction created

return resultFrac;

Boolean FracType::operator==( /* in */ FracType frac2 ) const
// PRE: This fraction and frac2 are in simplest terms
// POST: FCTVAL == TRUE, if this fraction == frac2 (numerically)
// == FALSE, otherwise
return (numer==frac2.numer) && (denom==frac2.denom);

int GreatestCommonDivisor( /* in */ int a,
/* in */ int b )
// PRE: a >= 0 && b > 0
// POST: FCTVAL == Greatest common divisor of a and b
// (Algorithm: the Euclidean algorithm)
int temp = a % b;
while (temp > 0) { // INV (prior to test):
// No integer > b evenly divides
// both a and b
a = b;
b = temp;
temp = a % b;
// ASSERT: b == Greatest common divisor of a and b
return b;

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : HEADZIP.EXE
Filename : NEWFRAC.CPP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: