Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : GET263.ZIP
Filename : ORDER.GET

Output of file : ORDER.GET contained in archive : GET263.ZIP


Mail this form with payment to: Monterey Bay Disk Data Systems
For information: phone (408) 646-1899
MOBY DISK or (408) 646-1373
Attn: Bob Stephan û VISA/MC and CompuServe orders--see û over
1021 San Carlos Road Messages: FNGC05A on Prodigy
Pebble Beach, CA 93953 CompuServe: 72357,2276
Internet: [email protected]
Quantity Item Unit price Amount
GET.EXE -- Bob Stephan's BATch Enhancer -- Version 2.6
_____ GET.EXE Version 2.6 registration/disk $15.00 _______
Additional multiple use registrations for same licensee:
_____ Next 2 $10.00 _______
_____ Subsequent 5.00 _______
_____ GET.EXE manuals for licensed copies $7.00 _______
GET Serial or Invoice number if ordering manual only_________
*Site or Network concurrent user licenses (*over)
Copies: 50/$100, 500/$200, 1000/$300, 5000/$400, Unlimited/$500

_____ __________________________________________________ _______
**Distribution licensing available at even more reasonable fees(**over)
Requires single or site license as above.
Copies: 100/$50, 500/$100, 1000/$150, 5000/$200, Unlimited/$250
GET Serial or invoice # if ordering separately ___________

_____ __________________________________________________ _______*
_____ MASDIR directory system reduced price $15.00 _______

SUBTOTAL _______
Deduct: 10% discount for 5 or more single registrations.
(Include list of names of additional licensees) (_______)
Up to $3 rebate for GET shareware disk from an author-
ized distributer, e.g. PsL, PC-SIG. Valid with each new
registration only. You must send GET disk and receipt. (_______)
SUBTOTAL _______
Add: 7.25% sales tax in California TAX _______
Shipping and Handling:
U.S.A., Canada, Mexico $2.00 _______
Other countries $4.00 _______
Please add $1.00 for each manual orderd $1.00 _______

Enclose: Check or money order for this AMOUNT TOTAL _______
All funds US$ please. As usual, prices subject to change. THANK YOU!
(VISA/MC see û over - send cash at your own risk)

Ship to: (please give name, full address and telephone number)





Where did you find out about GET?_____________________________________
Rev. 1/13/95

The latest shareware versions are always available for first time
downloads on the following two boards on the Monterey Penninsula in

NITELOG 408-655-1096
CRICKET 408-373-3773
A brief BBS registration is required for first time callers.

û VISA or MASTERCARD orders accepted by phone, or via NITELOG BBS.
Enter S for Script, then 3 for Script 3 and complete the order form.


GET is available for Shareware registration on CompuServe.
Just GO SWREG and place your order. The latest version is
available in IBM PC Utilities (GO PCUTIL).


Site licensing applies to the number of concurrent users within an
organization that are authorized to be using BATch files which
require GET, such as on a network. The prices listed are for the
maximum number of concurrent users in each bracket.


Distribution licensing can be ordered in conjunction with a site or
multiple use license solely for placing copies of the runtime module
on diskettes for the purpose of distributing software. This license
does not include the continued use of GET after the distributed
software is installed on the target computer. These prices are
solely for making additional copies of the runtime module to place on
diskettes, and they do not include any documentation or additional
copies of the software. The initial copy of the software must be
obtained by licensing according to the above schedule for the number
of concurrent users/developers at your site(s). If you are a
licensed user of GET and are ordering additional manuals or
licenses, please enter your original serial or invoice number.

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : GET263.ZIP
Filename : ORDER.GET

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: