Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : FRASRC19.ZIP
Filename : BIGFLT.H

Output of file : BIGFLT.H contained in archive : FRASRC19.ZIP
/* bigflt.h */
/* Wesley Loewer's Big Numbers. (C) 1994, Wesley B. Loewer */

#ifndef _BIGFLT_H
#define _BIGFLT_H

#ifndef PORT_H
#include "port.h"

#define CALCULATING_BIG_PI 0 /* change to 1 for generating big_pi[] table */

#if 0
#define bf_t bn_t /* for clarity in identifying one or the other */

typedef bn_t bf_t; /* for clarity in identifying one or the other */

extern int bflength, rbflength, bfshiftfactor, bfdecimals;

extern bf_t bftmp1, bftmp2, bftmp3, bftmp4, bftmp5, bftmp6; /* rbflength+2 */
extern bf_t bftest1, bftest2, bftest3; /* rbflength+2 */
extern bf_t bftmpcpy1, bftmpcpy2; /* bflength+2 */
extern bf_t bfxmin, bfxmax, bfymin, bfymax, bfx3rd, bfy3rd; /* bflength+2 */
extern bf_t bfsxmin,bfsxmax,bfsymin,bfsymax,bfsx3rd,bfsy3rd; /* bflength+2 */
extern bf_t bfxdel, bfydel, bfxdel2, bfydel2; /* bflength+2 */
extern bf_t bfparms[]; /* (bflength+2)*10 */
extern bf_t bf_pi;

extern bf_t bfxdel, bfydel, bfxdel2, bfydel2, bfclosenuff; /* rbflength+2 */
extern bf_t bftmpsqrx, bftmpsqry; /* rbflength+2 */
extern _BFCMPLX bfold, /* bfnew, */ bfparm, bfsaved; /* bflength+2 */
extern _BFCMPLX bfnew; /* rbflength+2 */

/* bigfltc.c */
bf_t norm_bf(bf_t r);
void norm_sign_bf(bf_t r, int positive);
S16 adjust_bf_add(bf_t n1, bf_t n2);
bf_t clear_bf(bf_t r);
bf_t max_bf(bf_t r);
bf_t copy_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
int cmp_bf(bf_t n1, bf_t n2);
int is_bf_neg(bf_t n);
int is_bf_not_zero(bf_t n);
bf_t unsafe_add_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n1, bf_t n2);
bf_t unsafe_add_a_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t unsafe_sub_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n1, bf_t n2);
bf_t unsafe_sub_a_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t neg_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t neg_a_bf(bf_t r);
bf_t double_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t double_a_bf(bf_t r);
bf_t half_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t half_a_bf(bf_t r);
bf_t unsafe_full_mult_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n1, bf_t n2);
bf_t unsafe_mult_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n1, bf_t n2);
bf_t unsafe_full_square_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t unsafe_square_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t unsafe_mult_bf_int(bf_t r, bf_t n, U16 u);
bf_t mult_a_bf_int(bf_t r, U16 u);
bf_t unsafe_div_bf_int(bf_t r, bf_t n, U16 u);
bf_t div_a_bf_int(bf_t r, U16 u);

/* bigflt.c */
void bf_hexdump(bf_t r);
bf_t strtobf(bf_t r, char *s);
int strlen_needed_bf();
char *unsafe_bftostr(char *s, int dec, bf_t r);
char *unsafe_bftostr_e(char *s, int dec, bf_t r);
char *unsafe_bftostr_f(char *s, int dec, bf_t r);
bn_t bftobn(bn_t n, bf_t f);
bn_t bntobf(bf_t f, bn_t n);
long bftoint(bf_t f);
bf_t inttobf(bf_t r, long longval);
bf_t floattobf(bf_t r, LDBL f);

int sign_bf(bf_t n);
bf_t abs_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t abs_a_bf(bf_t r);
bf_t unsafe_inv_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t unsafe_div_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n1, bf_t n2);
bf_t unsafe_sqrt_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t exp_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t unsafe_ln_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t unsafe_sincos_bf(bf_t s, bf_t c, bf_t n);
bf_t unsafe_atan_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t unsafe_atan2_bf(bf_t r, bf_t ny, bf_t nx);

bf_t add_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n1, bf_t n2);
bf_t add_a_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t sub_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n1, bf_t n2);
bf_t sub_a_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t full_mult_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n1, bf_t n2);
bf_t mult_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n1, bf_t n2);
bf_t full_square_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t square_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t mult_bf_int(bf_t r, bf_t n, U16 u);
bf_t div_bf_int(bf_t r, bf_t n, U16 u);

char *bftostr(char *s, int dec, bf_t r);
char *bftostr_e(char *s, int dec, bf_t r);
char *bftostr_f(char *s, int dec, bf_t r);
LDBL bftofloat(bf_t n);
bf_t inv_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t div_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n1, bf_t n2);
bf_t sqrt_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t ln_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t sincos_bf(bf_t s, bf_t c, bf_t n);
bf_t atan_bf(bf_t r, bf_t n);
bf_t atan2_bf(bf_t r, bf_t ny, bf_t nx);
int is_bf_zero(bf_t n);
int convert_bf(bf_t new, bf_t old, int newbflength, int oldbflength);

/* bigflta.asm or bigfltc.c */
LDBL extract_10(LDBL f, int *exp_ptr);
LDBL scale_10( LDBL f, int n );
LDBL extract_256(LDBL f, int *exp_ptr);
LDBL scale_256( LDBL f, int n );

#define bf10_t bn_t /* use this for dynamic allocation */

extern bf10_t unsafe_bftobf10(bf10_t s, int dec, bf_t n);
extern bf10_t mult_a_bf10_int(bf10_t s, int dec, U16 n);
extern bf10_t div_a_bf10_int (bf10_t s, int dec, U16 n);
extern char *bf10tostr_e(char *s, int dec, bf10_t n);
extern char *bf10tostr_f(char *s, int dec, bf10_t n);

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : FRASRC19.ZIP
Filename : BIGFLT.H

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: