Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : FAX010.ZIP
Filename : FREC20.CFG

Output of file : FREC20.CFG contained in archive : FAX010.ZIP
; Configuration for FREC.EXE
; Class_2.0
; Each entry has to start on the first position of a line
; Each line may have up to 128 characters
; String entries are limited to 40 character
; Comments only with ';' in first position of line
; Leading blank will be discarded, trailing blanks NOT

; Alternately, you can start FREC with the -p and a PortHandle eg from Binkley
ComPort COM2
; FaxBaudrate normally has to be 19200 !!!
FaxBaudrate 19200
DataBaudrate 19200
; If FREC ist call as a faxreceiver
RingCnt 1

LocalID +43 1 701 99 3414

; The following statements are used to protocoll your faxes:
; Use all thre keywords (FaxLog, FaxIdx and FaxPath) or none!
FaxLog e:\faxworks\fax.log
FaxIdx e:\faxworks\fax.idx
FaxPath e:\faxworks\
; Without the above three keyword, FREC stores faxes in FRECxxxx.TIF
; You can chose the extention:
TifExt .fax

; FREC creates everytime started a file 'FREC.DEB' in the default directory.
; You can use a (logfile) of you choice, the '+' sign allows continous writing
; to it.

FaxDebug +d:\point\log\frec.log

; What shall we do with bad scanlines ?
; leave them as they are
;LineBad Ignore
; remove them
;LineBad Delete
; replace the bad line with the previous line
LineBad Previous
; blank out the line
;LineBad Blank

; ATZ is the proper way to initialize your modem, DO NOT use AT&F, because
; unpredictable results can happen. Allways make shure, ATE1 is set!
Reset ATZ

; self explanatory
;FaxClass 1
;FaxClass 2
FaxClass 2.0

Init AT+FNR=1,1,1,1
;Thanks to Gerold Pummer for this hint !
; With AT+FDIS (or with some faxmodems AT+FDCC) you can influence the
; comunications parameter vr,br,wd,ln,df,ec,bf,st
; vr 0 ... normal 204x98 dpi, 1 ... high 204x196
; br 0 .. 2400, 1 .. 4800, 2 .. 7200, 3 .. 9600, 4 .. 12000, 5 .. 14400 bps
; wd has to be 0
; ln has to be 2
; df 0 ... 1-D Huffman, 1 .. 2-D Read, both values are supported !
; ec has to be 0
; bf has to be 0
; st 0 - 7, time between two scanlines, 7 is 40ms.

;from version 3.03b on you MUST use the CAPABILITIES parameter:

; Highres 9600 2-D
;Capabilities 1,3,0,2,1,0,0,0

;HighRes 14400 2-D
Capabilities 1,5,0,2,1,0,0,0

; The following fax command is often misunderstood and no so easy to explain:
; Normally, FBOR is zero, meaning databits coming over the line were stored
; from right to left in a byte (you can see in fax rawdata the byte pattern
; 4D 9A 80 which stands for an empty, white scanline). Some faxmodems and
; software uses the invers byte order, which corresponds to FBOR is one (you
; see the patter B2 59 01). Binkleys internal fax reception inverses the
; bytes also and stores them in the B2 59 01 order although Binkley gets them
; as 4D 9A 80.
; FREC defaults to Binkleys (inverted) byteordering. confused ? Good!
; My tip:
; If you use FREC in the same manner as R2T, then do nothing more
; If you use FREC as an external receiver for Binkley, then use the -f1
; commandline parameter for Class 2 and -f2 for Class 2.0.
;Init AT+FBOR=0
Init AT+FBO=0
; geht auch:
;Init AT+FNS="0000119000855F10486172616C6420506f6C6C61636B2020"
; H a r a l d P o l l a c k

; FREC now is able to POLL faxes from a remote faxmachine

; Give a name for a file to held for a poll request:

PollFile d:\tif\hz_info.bmp
PollFile d:\tif\hz_info1.bmp
PollFile d:\tif\ich_fax1.bmp

; The complete path and name of the configuration file for FSEND.EXE

FSENDCFG d:\point\fax\fsend20.cfg

; Some modems need a 'clean up' after working in FAX-mode
CleanUp ATZ

; The 'dialprefix' ATD and 'P' for pulse or 'T' for tone dial
Dial ATD

BinkLog d:\point\log\binkley.log
; FillOrder for target TIF, normaly 1 for MSB first, can be set to 2 for
; LSB first.
OutFillOrder 1

; The following three Keywords must be defined if the generation of a
; NetMail announcing the fax is wished.


; Change NAME and ADDRESS to your own name and address !!!!!!!

;DestName Harald Pollack
;DestAddr 2:313/9.59
; Change NAME and ADDRESS to your own name and address !!!!!!!

;SrcName Faxmachine
;SrcAddr 2:313/9.59
;Subject Incoming Fax


; New feature CheckCopyQuality No/Yes/Modem, only useful if the '-x' switch
; is NOT activ!
; setting 'CheckCopyQuality' to 'Yes' results in checking the received
; page data bei FREC itself. Depending on 'ConsecutiveBadMax' and
; 'PercentageGood' a Message ConFirmation, ReTrain Positiv or
; ReTrain Negativ (MCF, RTP or RTN) response is made to the post page
; message of the sender.
; If 'ConsecutiveBadMax' is below the detected value, a RTP is send.
; If 'PercentageGood' is 100 and bad lines are detected, a RTP is send.
; If 'PercentageGood' is less than 100, FREC sends:
; No badlines detected: MCF
; Percent badlines less than 100 but above 'PercentageGood': RTP
; Percent badlines less than 'PercentageGood': RTN
; Caution: faxmachines normaly disconnect line when receiving RTN!

CheckCopyQuality Yes

ConsecutiveBadMax 255
PercentageGood 100

; If you normally use the '-x' switch for two pass operation and your
; receiving conditions are weak, use 'ForceRetrain'. FREC will generate always
; a 'RTP' instead of 'MCF', forcing sending faxequipment to do training after
; each page. In this case, YOUR faxmodem has good chance to initiate a
; fallback if linequality becomes bad.

; Forceretrain

;FaxREC/2 for IBM OS/2 2.x Version 2.11b Oct 04 1994
;No Rights Reserved Dr.H.Pollack & B.Seidl
;Usage: D:\BCOS2\BIN\FREC2.EXE [Option] [Option] ...
; -p ... serial port handle (binkley mode)
; -t ........... trace modem activities on screen [OFF]
; -c . configuration file name [FREC.CFG]
; -k[n] ........ Compression of target TIFF [3]
; n=1 ...... uncompressed
; n=2 ...... Huffman compressed only
; n=3 ...... Huffman 1-D FAX as in CCITT T.4
; n=4 ...... Read 2-D FAX as in CCITT T.4
; n=4.1 .... Read 2-D compressed only
; n=32773 .. PackBits compressed
; -z ........... generate ZyXEL format fax file
; -1|2 ......... fax raw data is 1-D Huffman | 2-D Read
; -f[n] ........ fill order of fax rawdata [2]
; -i . inputfile with fax raw data (*,?)
; -e ........... create single page TIFF files
; -x ........... save only raw faxdata in PAGEnnnn.RAW files
; -d ........... erase *.RAW files after conversion
; -g .. Phone number to call for POLLING fax
; -j ... dedicated ID (password) for this POLL request
; -h|-? ........ show this commandline parameter help screen

; ERRORLEVEL returned from FREC:

; 0 ... at least one page was received correctly
; 1 ... no page received or abortet bei ESC
; 252 . Initialisation of modem failed
; 253 . COM Port Error
; 254 . Error in FREC.CFG or inconsistent values for rawdata decoding
; 255 . System Error (Memory, Threadstart) or Commandline wrong

; Using FREC with BinkleyTerm:

; BinkleyTerm receives the fax and generates PAGExxxx.FAX and you want to
; store all pages in one TIFF.

; ...
; If Exist %MailDir%\Fax\PAGE????.FAX Goto FAX
; Goto NoFAX
; :FAX
; FREC -i%MailDir%\Fax\Page????.Fax -k3 -c%MAILDIR%\Fax\FREC.CFG -f2
; ERASE %MailDir%\Fax\Page????.Fax

; BinkleyTerm receives the fax and generates PAGExxxx.FAX and you want to
; store each page in one TIFF.

; ...
; If Exist %MailDir%\Fax\PAGE????.FAX Goto FAX
; Goto NoFAX
; :FAX
; For %i in (%MailDir\Fax\PAGE????.FAX) Do FREC -i%i -k3
; -c%MAILDIR%\Fax\FREC.CFG -f2 -e
; ERASE %MailDir%\Fax\Page????.Fax

; ExitBaud -1 +FCON, ModemFax +FCON in 2.50 EE or
; ExtrnMail -1 +FCON, Extern Spawn and ModemFax in 2.59

; BinkleyTerm spawns to EXITBAUD.CMD or EXTMAIL.CMD
; store all pages in one TIFF.

; FREC -p%3 -k3 -cX:\Fax\FREC.CFG -f2 -sWAIT_OK

; ExitBaud -1 +FCON, ModemFax +FCON in 2.50 EE or
; ExtrnMail -1 +FCON, Extern Spawn and ModemFax in 2.59

; BinkleyTerm spawns to EXITBAUD.CMD or EXTMAIL.CMD
; store each page in one TIFF.

; FREC -p%3 -k3 -cX:\Fax\FREC.CFG -f2 -sWAIT_OK -e

; FREC as a standalone Fax-receiver

; FREC -k3 -cX:\Fax\FREC.CFG -f2

; Please read also and carefully FREC.CFG and FREC.DOC

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : FAX010.ZIP
Filename : FREC20.CFG

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: