Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : DOSUIT07.ZIP

Output of file : HARDWARE.HPP contained in archive : DOSUIT07.ZIP
// Hardware specific stuff
// Turn off DEBUG if INSPECT off
#ifndef NDEBUG
#define NDEBUG

#ifdef NDEBUG
#define ASSERT(ignore) ((void) 0)
#define ASSERT(e) ((void)((e) || (crash(#e,__FILE__,__LINE__),1)))
extern void crash(const char *err, const char *filename, unsigned lineno);
// Crash with debugging dump.

typedef int coord; // x,y coordinate system.
typedef unsigned char color; // Color/highlight values.

const coord maxcoord = 127; // Maximum possible coordinate.

// The colours available for printing on the screen.
// Obviously, some hardware may not support all of these.
enum Colors {
Black, Blue, Green, Cyan, Red, Magenta, Brown, White,
Gray, LightBlue, LightGreen, LightCyan, LightRed, LightMagenta, Yellow,
Blinking = 0x80 // May be ORed with any of the others

// Return a single color value for the specified foreground and
// background.
inline color Color(Colors foreground, Colors background = Black,
int blinking = 0)
return color ((foreground & 0x0f)
| ((background & 0x07) << 4)
| ((blinking) ? Blinking : 0));

// Represents the possible keyboard shift states.
enum ShiftState {
SHnone = 0,
SHright = 1,
SHleft = 2,
SHshift = (SHright|SHleft),
SHctrl = 4,
SHalt = 8,
SHscroll = 16,
SHnum = 32,
SHcaps = 64

// Represents all the "special" keys on the keyboard.
// The control+letter keys are represented using the "ctrl(letter)" macro.
enum Keys {
Kauto = -1,
Knone = 0,
KBksp = 8,
KTab = 9,
Klf = 10,
Kcr = 13,
Kesc = 27,
KBackTab = 0x0f00,

Kup = 0x4800,
Kdown = 0x5000,
Kleft = 0x4B00,
Kright = 0x4D00,
Kpgup = 0x4900,
Kpgdn = 0x5100,
Khome = 0x4700,
Kend = 0x4F00,
Kinsert = 0x5200,
Kdel = 0x5300,
Kctrlleft = 0x7300,
Kctrlright = 0x7400,
Kctrlpgup = 0x8400,
Kctrlpgdn = 0x9300,
Kctrlhome = 0x7700,
Kctrlend = 0x7500,

KF1 = 0x3B00,
KF2 = 0x3C00,
KF3 = 0x3D00,
KF4 = 0x3E00,
KF5 = 0x3F00,
KF6 = 0x4000,
KF7 = 0x4100,
KF8 = 0x4200,
KF9 = 0x4300,
KF10 = 0x4400,

KShiftF1 = 0x5400,
KShiftF2 = 0x5500,
KShiftF3 = 0x5600,
KShiftF4 = 0x5700,
KShiftF5 = 0x5800,
KShiftF6 = 0x5900,
KShiftF7 = 0x5A00,
KShiftF8 = 0x5B00,
KShiftF9 = 0x5C00,
KShiftF10 = 0x5D00,

KCtrlF1 = 0x5E00,
KCtrlF2 = 0x5F00,
KCtrlF3 = 0x6000,
KCtrlF4 = 0x6100,
KCtrlF5 = 0x6200,
KCtrlF6 = 0x6300,
KCtrlF7 = 0x6400,
KCtrlF8 = 0x6500,
KCtrlF9 = 0x6600,
KCtrlF10 = 0x6700,

KAltF1 = 0x6800,
KAltF2 = 0x6900,
KAltF3 = 0x6A00,
KAltF4 = 0x6B00,
KAltF5 = 0x6C00,
KAltF6 = 0x6D00,
KAltF7 = 0x6E00,
KAltF8 = 0x6F00,
KAltF9 = 0x7000,
KAltF10 = 0x7100,

KAlt0 = 0x8100,
KAlt1 = 0x7800,
KAlt2 = 0x7900,
KAlt3 = 0x7a00,
KAlt4 = 0x7b00,
KAlt5 = 0x7c00,
KAlt6 = 0x7d00,
KAlt7 = 0x7e00,
KAlt8 = 0x7f00,
KAlt9 = 0x8000,

KAltA = 0x1E00,
KAltB = 0x3000,
KAltC = 0x2E00,
KAltD = 0x2000,
KAltE = 0x1200,
KAltF = 0x2100,
KAltG = 0x2200,
KAltH = 0x2300,
KAltI = 0x1700,
KAltJ = 0x2400,
KAltK = 0x2500,
KAltL = 0x2600,
KAltM = 0x3200,
KAltN = 0x3100,
KAltO = 0x1800,
KAltP = 0x1900,
KAltQ = 0x1000,
KAltR = 0x1300,
KAltS = 0x1F00,
KAltT = 0x1400,
KAltU = 0x1600,
KAltV = 0x2F00,
KAltW = 0x1100,
KAltX = 0x2D00,
KAltY = 0x1500,
KAltZ = 0x2C00

#define ctrl(key) Keys((key)-'@')
extern Keys alt(int key);
// Return the Keys value of Alt+the specified key (if possible).

const int maxKeynameLength = 7; // The length of a key name.

extern const char *keyname(unsigned keyvalue);
// Return the name of the specified key value.
extern Keys namekey(const char *keyname);
// Return the key value whose name is given.

// The different types of Box or Line which can be drawn.
enum BoxType { BTnone, BTsingle, BTdouble, BTbold, nBoxType /*!*/};

// Character constants for printing symbols on the screen.
extern const char RightArrow[], LeftArrow[], DownArrow[], UpArrow[];
extern const char RadioOn[], RadioOff[], CheckOn[], CheckOff[];
extern const char Tick[];

enum BoxChars {
Btopleft, Btop, Btopright,
Bleft, Bright,
Bbotleft, Bbot, Bbotright,
nBoxChars };

extern const char boxChars[nBoxType][nBoxChars];

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : DOSUIT07.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: