Dec 142017
BIBL for Windows (2.13). Full-featured package for managing your personal and/or office library. Multiple databases; biblio creation; link images to records; large (24K) note field; value field; speller & more. Shareware.
File BWIN21SW.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Recently Uploaded Files
BIBL for Windows (2.13). Full-featured package for managing your personal and/or office library. Multiple databases; biblio creation; link images to records; large (24K) note field; value field; speller & more. Shareware.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BIBLWIN.EX_ 91433 84834 deflated
BIBLWIN.HL_ 45300 43707 deflated
BIBLWIN.IN_ 310 296 deflated
BIBLWIN.WR_ 1748 1624 deflated
DDEML.DL_ 23971 23181 deflated
DEMO.ISD 40960 13369 deflated
DEMO.ISF 1060 172 deflated
DEMO.ISM 1148 288 deflated
GAUGE.VB_ 17529 16826 deflated
IMK.DL_ 95945 91639 deflated
KNIFE.VB_ 21987 21138 deflated
README.TXT 2014 1069 deflated
REGISTER.TX_ 1199 1116 deflated
SETUP.EXE 19056 10354 deflated
SETUP.LST 51 40 deflated
SETUP1.EX_ 13926 13480 deflated
SETUPKIT.DL_ 3657 3489 deflated
SSDATA2.VB_ 146214 140627 deflated
SSIDXTAB.VB_ 39777 38352 deflated
THREED.VB_ 33489 32313 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated
VBIS23MU.DL_ 29567 28650 deflated
VBRUN300.DL_ 276684 264316 deflated
VER.DL_ 9696 5640 deflated
VTSPELL.VB_ 31239 29926 deflated
WORDS.DI_ 718 654 deflated

Download File BWIN21SW.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

BIBL for Windows
release 2.1x

BIBL for Windows is a full-featured package for managing your personal and/or
office library. Features include:

create multiple databases
large (up to 24K) note field for each record
ASCII import/export
link BMP or PCX images files to records (use BIBL's built in viewer)
full-text, indexed and/or boolean searching
spell checker for note field
multiple reports in various formats
value field that totals across a database
global find and replace across a database (with confirmation)
pop-up windows for data validation on keyword, location
and classification fields
powerful (resizeable) display grid for matching records
right-button mouse support
many configuration options...

Complete online documentation is provided in BIBLWIN.HLP (just press
F1 when BIBL for Windows is running).

Registered version adds additional features:

100,000 word dictionary for spell-checker included
global find & replace on publisher, keyword, location, classification
and subject fields
use external image viewer (to support formats other than BMP or PCX)
retrieve up to 6500 matches on a search
ability to modify field labels for subject and classification field(s)
call word processor from within BIBL to print / edit export files
generate comma-delimited export files (for moving data to other software)
MakeWinBix utility for importing information from MEDLINE (Grateful
Med) ABI/INFORM, PsycInfo, ERIC, and user-defined formats.

Registration fee: $ 39.00 (US)

To register by check: send a check (drawn on a US bank with ABA routing
number) made payable to Clyde W. Grotophorst and send to:

Clyde W. Grotophorst
39692 Charlestown Pike
Hamilton, Virginia 22068 USA

To register by credit card (MC, Visa, Amex or Discover):

1-800-242-4775 (inside USA)
1-713-524-6394 (outside USA)

To register via CompuServe:

BIBL for Windows ID# 4165

/* end of readme.txt */

 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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