Dec 112017
BULLS AND BEARS V2.0 A realistic Stock Market game. A Stock Market game intended for use by anyone wanting to learn a little about the effects of the News Headlines on different areas of the economy.

Full Description of File

A realistic Stock Market game.-
A Stock Market game intended for use by
anyone wanting to learn a little about the
effects of the News Headlines on different
areas of the economy. It will run from a
floppy or can be installed to a hard disk.
Requires VGA monitor.
Games - Other

File BAB.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Recently Uploaded Files
BULLS AND BEARS V2.0 A realistic Stock Market game. A Stock Market game intended for use by anyone wanting to learn a little about the effects of the News Headlines on different areas of the economy.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
A.BAT 213 140 deflated
B.BAT 213 140 deflated
BAB.EXE 119936 16736 deflated
F.BAT 92 72 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 332 237 deflated
H.BAT 91 71 deflated
HISTORY.DOC 1125 520 deflated
INSTALL.BAT 36 36 stored
INSTALL.TXT 859 290 deflated
INSTALLA.BAT 480 272 deflated
INSTALLB.BAT 480 272 deflated
K.BAT 91 71 deflated
L.BAT 91 71 deflated
LICENSE.DOC 7019 2136 deflated
O.BAT 92 70 deflated
P.BAT 34 34 stored
PACKING.LST 1417 512 deflated
PRINT.TXT 1037 280 deflated
PRODUCTS.DOC 10932 3620 deflated
Q.BAT 26 25 deflated
R.BAT 80 58 deflated
REGISTER.DOC 2860 768 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated
U.BAT 88 68 deflated
USER.DOC 2783 1235 deflated
W.BAT 92 72 deflated
WARRANTY.DOC 2585 985 deflated
X.BAT 36 36 stored

Download File BAB.ZIP Here

Contents of the HISTORY.DOC file

HISTORY.DOC Page 1 of 1


1. BULLS AND BEARS (BAB) Version 1.0 was first created and released
in September 1992.

2. October 1992 - Corrected a divide fault caused by user typing in
a very large number of stocks to buy. (No registered version had
yet been released).

3. February 1993 - Updated Character Input to recognize both the
AT Keyboard and the ENHANCED keyboard. Released V1.2

4. April 1993 - Still wont run on Tandy 1000. Removed all Bios and
Dos interrupts supporting character generation. I now paint all
characters using the ega/vga interface. Works OK on a Tandy now.
Released BAB version 1.3

5. October 1993 - BAB v2.0 - added standard logo.

Ronald L. Crabb
2113 White Cloud NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
Ph: (505) 299-6285

 December 11, 2017  Add comments

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