Dec 062017
Amortize your loans, find out what its really costing you...

Full Description of File

AMORTZ - Loan Schedules & More! v2.10
The EASY Financial Loan Calculation System!
Supports variable interest rate & payments,
balloon pymts, fiscal year. Has 5 pymt plans,
customizable heading & page formatting.
Calculates any one of the loan variables
(Principal, Int Rate, Pymt Amt, or # of
Pymts). Schedule can be printed, viewed or
saved to disk. Enter payments as they are
made & save to disk. Shareware $15.00

File AMORTZ21.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Recently Uploaded Files
Amortize your loans, find out what its really costing you…
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
AMORTZ.CFG 334 269 deflated
AMORTZ.DOC 115804 28899 deflated
AMORTZ.EXE 278608 126619 deflated
AMORTZ.HLP 63184 54541 deflated
AMORTZ.ICO 766 252 deflated
AMORTZ.PIF 545 141 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 440 296 deflated
INSTALL.EXE 118528 56345 deflated
ORDER.FRM 2256 588 deflated
README.1ST 171 67 deflated
README.BAT 466 276 deflated
VENDINFO.DIZ 15228 7029 deflated
VENDOR.DOC 216 78 deflated

Download File AMORTZ21.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.BAT file

AMORTZ - Loan Schedules & More! v2.10
The EASY Financial Loan Calculation System!
Supports variable interest rate & payments,
balloon pymts, fiscal year. Has 5 pymt plans,
customizable heading & page formatting.
Calculates any one of the loan variables
(Principal, Int Rate, Pymt Amt, or # of
Pymts). Schedule can be printed, viewed or
saved to disk. Enter payments as they are
made & save to disk. Shareware $15.00
echo off
echo This batch file provides a simple way to read about the product:
echo .
echo AMORTZ - Loan Schedules & More!, v2.10 (DOS Version)
echo .
echo The information you want to read is in the file VENDINFO.DIZ.
echo If you prefer, you can read it using any ordinary text viewer.
echo For example, if the LIST viewer is in your DOS path, you would
echo use the command 'LIST VENDINFO.DIZ'.
echo .
echo .

Contents of the README.1ST file

AMORTZ - Loan Schedules & More! v2.10
The EASY Financial Loan Calculation System!
Supports variable interest rate & payments,
balloon pymts, fiscal year. Has 5 pymt plans,
customizable heading & page formatting.
Calculates any one of the loan variables
(Principal, Int Rate, Pymt Amt, or # of
Pymts). Schedule can be printed, viewed or
saved to disk. Enter payments as they are
made & save to disk. Shareware $15.00
echo off
echo This batch file provides a simple way to read about the product:
echo .
echo AMORTZ - Loan Schedules & More!, v2.10 (DOS Version)
echo .
echo The information you want to read is in the file VENDINFO.DIZ.
echo If you prefer, you can read it using any ordinary text viewer.
echo For example, if the LIST viewer is in your DOS path, you would
echo use the command 'LIST VENDINFO.DIZ'.
echo .
echo .
| See the VENDINFO.DIZ file for "READ-ME" information |

 December 6, 2017  Add comments

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