Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : 80XXX_94.ZIP
Filename : VRATE.ASM

Output of file : VRATE.ASM contained in archive : 80XXX_94.ZIP
;* VRrate by Tom Marshall - 08/18/94
;* Released into the public domain
;* Calculates the frame rate (refresh
;* rate) of the specified video mode.
;* Executes in one refresh period.

VIDMODE EQU 12h ;Video mode to test

ORG 0100h

Start: mov al,VIDMODE ;Set video mode via BIOS
mov ah,0
int 10h

call SyncVR ;Wait til start of VR
mov al,36h ;Reset 8253 counter
out 43h,al
xor al,al
out 40h,al
out 40h,al
call SyncVR ;Wait for start of next VR

mov al,00h ;Read latch counter
out 43h,al
in al,40h
mov ah,al
in al,40h
xchg al,ah
neg ax ;Cvt countdown => elapsed
shr ax,1 ;Divide (why?)

mov bx,ax ;Calc frame rate
mov dx,0012h ;Calc FPS = 1193180/Count
mov ax,34DCh
shr bx,1 ;Get 2*FPS = DX:AX/(BX\2) so
div bx ; we can round it
shr ax,1 ;2*FPS => FPS and round
adc ax,0

mov si,OFFSET NumBuf
call Hex2ASCII

mov ax,0003h ;Set 80x25 color text
int 10h

mov dx,OFFSET Info1$ ;Tell 'em what you know
call PrintString
mov dx,OFFSET NumBuf
call PrintString
mov dx,OFFSET Info2$
call PrintString

mov ax,4C00h
int 21h

;* SyncVR - Wait for start of VR
;* Entry: None
;* Exit : None
;* Regs : None
push ax dx

mov dx,03DAh ;b3=1=VR
@@Loop1: in al,dx
test al,8
jnz @@Loop1
@@Loop2: in al,dx
test al,8
jz @@Loop2

pop dx ax

;* Convert word to ASCII
;* Entry: AX = Word
;* SI = Buffer
;* Exit : SI points to null terminator
;* Regs : BX, CX, DX destroyed
mov bx,10 ;Init divisor
xor cx,cx ;Init counter

DivLoop: xor dx,dx ;Prepare for divide
div bx ; DX:AX / 10 => AX r DX
push dx ;Save digit on stack
inc cx ;Bump counter
or ax,ax
jnz DivLoop

OutLoop: pop ax ;Get digit
add al,'0' ;Convert to ASCII
mov [si],al ;Store in buffer
inc si
loop OutLoop

mov BYTE PTR [si],0 ;Null terminator

;* Print ASCIIZ string to STDOUT
;* Entry: DS:DX = Address of string
;* Exit : CF, AX as set by 21/40
;* Regs : All general regs destroyed
;* except DX
PrintString PROC
push dx
push es

push ds ;Setup ES:DI
pop es
mov di,dx
mov cx,0FFFFh ;Find length of string
xor al,al
repne scasb
neg cx
sub cx,2
mov bx,1 ;Write string to STDOUT
mov ah,40h
int 21h

pop es
pop dx
PrintString ENDP

Info1$ DB 13,10,13,10,'Frame rate is about ',0
Info2$ DB ' per second.',13,10,0
NumBuf DB 6 dup (?)

END Start

  3 Responses to “Category : Recently Uploaded Files
Archive   : 80XXX_94.ZIP
Filename : VRATE.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: