Category : Unprotects for Games and Such
Archive   : UNPROT-1.ZIP
Filename : MYMALL.UNP

Output of file : MYMALL.UNP contained in archive : UNPROT-1.ZIP
Courtesy of Rolling Stone

There are many patches that allow you to backup or run Manage Your Money
from a hard disk. The ones I've seen are dependent on Rev 1.50 (i.e. they
won't cut it on 1.52). The follow should work for almost all revs.

Needless to say, this should be used for backups and hard disks. MYM is a
good program, and deserves to be paid for. Use it for piracy, and I will
seek you out, and cut your bells (control-g, ascii 7) off.

A>ren mym.exe mym.pgm

A>debug mym.pgm

-s 0 L ffff cd 13

0914:4ADE {note the 4ADE}

-u 4aae {this is about hex 30 less than the 4ADE}

0914:4AAE 07 POP ES
0914:4AAF 80C330 ADD BL,30
0914:4AB2 BE6E07 MOV SI,076E
0914:4AB5 881C MOV [SI],BL
0914:4AB7 56 PUSH SI
0914:4AB8 8A9FC402 MOV BL,[BX+02C4]
0914:4ABC 53 PUSH BX
0914:4ABD E82DFB CALL 45ED
0914:4AC0 83C406 ADD SP,+06
0914:4AC3 C3 RET {note the address after the RET}
0914:4AC4 E82B8A CALL D4F2
0914:4AC7 B80001 MOV AX,0100
0914:4ACA 50 PUSH AX
0914:4ACB E80086 CALL D0CE

-a 4ac4 {this is the address after the RET}

0914:4AC4 ret {you type the 'ret'}

0914:4AC5 {type a newline}


0914:4ACE 1E PUSH DS
0914:4ACF 07 POP ES
0914:4AD0 BB9640 MOV BX,4096 {note the address part}
0914:4AD3 B95B0B MOV CX,0B5B
0914:4AD6 33D2 XOR DX,DX
0914:4AD8 BF0500 MOV DI,0005
0914:4ADB B80102 MOV AX,0201
0914:4ADE CD13 INT 13
0914:4AE0 0AE4 OR AH,AH
0914:4AE2 7425 JZ 4B09
0914:4AE4 4F DEC DI
0914:4AE5 75F4 JNZ 4ADB
0914:4AE7 B80002 MOV AX,0200
0914:4AEA 50 PUSH AX
0914:4AEB E8E085 CALL D0CE

-s 0 L ffff 96 40 {search for it}

0914:5063 {note this address}

-u 5053 {use about 10 less than it}

0914:5053 0075D5 ADD [DI-2B],DH
0914:5056 8346F803 ADD WORD PTR [BP-08],+03
0914:505A 832E5C4909 SUB WORD PTR [495C],+09
0914:505F EBB3 JMP 5014
0914:5061 803E964053 CMP BYTE PTR [4096],53
0914:5066 74C6 JZ 502E {note this instruction}
0914:5068 E983FA JMP 4AEE {note this address}
0914:506B 8BF4 MOV SI,SP
0914:506D 8B7402 MOV SI,[SI+02]
0914:5070 A0B601 MOV AL,[01B6]

-a 5068 {use the address}

0914:5068 jmp 502e {and the instruction}

0914:506A {newline}

-u 5053 {just checking}

0914:5053 0075D5 ADD [DI-2B],DH
0914:5056 8346F803 ADD WORD PTR [BP-08],+03
0914:505A 832E5C4909 SUB WORD PTR [495C],+09
0914:505F EBB3 JMP 5014
0914:5061 803E964053 CMP BYTE PTR [4096],53
0914:5066 74C6 JZ 502E
0914:5068 EBC4 JMP 502E
0914:506A FA CLI
0914:506B 8BF4 MOV SI,SP
0914:506D 8B7402 MOV SI,[SI+02]
0914:5070 A0B601 MOV AL,[01B6]


Writing F5B0 bytes


A>ren mym.pgm mym.exe

  3 Responses to “Category : Unprotects for Games and Such
Archive   : UNPROT-1.ZIP
Filename : MYMALL.UNP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: