Category : Unprotects for Games and Such
Archive   : CIVWIN.ZIP
Filename : CIVWIN.UNP

Output of file : CIVWIN.UNP contained in archive : CIVWIN.ZIP
Unprotect for Civilization for Windows

Tired of looking up protection codes for that expensive program you bought?
Well we can do something about that nasty protection scheme.

Use the Norton editor (or a similar hex editor) on the hard disk copy of
CIV.EXE (as always it is inadvisable to modify your original). Search for
the following bytes:

Original: F4 3B 46 F2 74 (at 655D3 in Version 11/22/93)
| | | |
Changes: F2 89 46 F4 EB

Write the file out and you are done!

For reference this is a dump of the part of the program we are changing.

2735:1A9A 59 POP CX
2735:1A9B 8B46F4 MOV AX,[BP-0C] ;Change to MOV AX,[BP-0E]
2735:1A9E 3B46F2 CMP AX,[BP-0E] ;Change to MOV [BP-0C],AX
2735:1AA1 7403 JZ 1AA6 ;Change to JMP 1AA6
2735:1AA3 E9CE00 JMP 1B74
2735:1AA6 16 PUSH SS
2735:1AA7 8D46DE LEA AX,[BP-22]
2735:1AAA 50 PUSH AX
2735:1AAB 9AFFFF0000 CALL 0000:FFFF
2735:1AB0 83C404 ADD SP,+04
2735:1AB3 16 PUSH SS
2735:1AB4 8D8618FF LEA AX,[BP+FF18]
2735:1AB8 50 PUSH AX
2735:1AB9 9AFFFF0000 CALL 0000:FFFF

Courtesy of Bad Bob

  3 Responses to “Category : Unprotects for Games and Such
Archive   : CIVWIN.ZIP
Filename : CIVWIN.UNP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: