Category : UNIX Files
Archive   : UUPC11QS.ZIP
Filename : EXPORT.C

Output of file : EXPORT.C contained in archive : UUPC11QS.ZIP
/* e x p o r t . c */
/* */
/* File name mapping routines for UUPC/extended */


#include "lib.h"
#include "arbmath.h"
#include "export.h"
#include "import.h"
#include "usertabl.h"
#include "hostable.h"
#include "security.h"


void exportpath(char *canon, const char *host, char const *remote)
const char *xhost;
char *copy;
char tempname[FILENAME_MAX];
size_t subscript;
unsigned char number[MAX_DIGITS];
char *token, *out;

static size_t range = UNIX_END_C - UNIX_START_C + 1;
/* Determine unique number characters in
the UNIX file names we are mapping */
size_t charsetsize;
/* Number of allowed characters in
MS-DOS file names */

/* Define our character set */

if ( E_charset == NULL )
E_charset = DOSCHARS;

charsetsize = strlen( E_charset );

/* Drop leading spool directory, if any */

if (equalni(host, spooldir, strlen( spooldir )))
xhost = host + strlen( spooldir ) + 1;
xhost = host;

copy = strdup( xhost );
checkref( copy );

/* Drop the remote name */

token = strtok( copy, "/");

if ((token == NULL) || !equaln( token, remote, strlen( token )))
printmsg(0,"exportpath: Badly formed host name \"%s\"",xhost);

/* Get the character leading the name */

token = strtok( NULL, "/");
if ( (token == NULL) || (strlen(token) != 1))
printmsg(0,"exportpath: Badly formed host name \"%s\"",xhost);

strcpy(canon, token);
strcat(canon, ".");

/* Create a binary number which represents our file name */

for (subscript = 0; subscript < MAX_DIGITS; subscript++ )
number[subscript] = 0; /* Initialize number to zero */

token = strtok( NULL, "/"); /* Get variable part of name */
while( (*token != '\0') && (*number == '\0'))
unsigned char digit;
mult(number, charsetsize, MAX_DIGITS); /* Shift the number over */
digit = (unsigned char) (strchr( E_charset , *token++) - E_charset);
add(number, digit , MAX_DIGITS); /* Add in new low order */
if (*token == '.') /* Next character a period? */
token ++; /* Yes --> Ignore it */
} /* while */

out = &tempname[FILENAME_MAX];
*--out = '\0'; /* Terminate the string we will build */

/* Here's the loop to actually do the base conversion */

while(adiv( number, range, &subscript, MAX_DIGITS))
*--out = (char) (subscript + UNIX_START_C);

/* We sort of lied above; the first character out of the */
/* conversion is not a character at all, but bits which say how */
/* many characters the remote and local file names get prefixed */
/* to the converted name. Retrieve that information now */

subscript = *out - UNIX_START_C;
/* Convert back to pure number */
token = canon + strlen( canon ); /* Remember end of string */
if (subscript > HOSTLEN)
subscript /= HOSTLEN;
strcat( canon, remote );
strcat( canon, nodename );
token[ subscript ] = '\0'; /* Only use the length we were told */

/* Add in the variable name and we're done */

strcat( canon, ++out );
free( copy );

/* Check the result */

importpath( tempname, canon, remote );
if ( !equal( tempname, xhost ))
"exportpath: input \"%s\", result \"%s\", import \"%s\"",
xhost, canon, tempname );
} /* if */

} /* exportpath */

  3 Responses to “Category : UNIX Files
Archive   : UUPC11QS.ZIP
Filename : EXPORT.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: