Category : UNIX Files
Archive   : UUPC11NO.ZIP
Filename : V42BIS.MDM

Output of file : V42BIS.MDM contained in archive : UUPC11NO.ZIP
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
# * Zoom Modem 2400 V42.bis with smart options enabled *
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------*

# *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
# * The Zoom is only a 2400 bps modem but we can talk to it at *
# * 9600 bps; this improves data transfer if data compression is *
# * enabled, and commands are transmitted faster *
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------*

# *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
# * Note that auto-answer is enabled by the following string *
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
Ring="" \p\r\pATS0=1 OK-\pATS0=1-OK "" RING

# *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
# * Outward dialing options; you may also need to up the value *
# * in S7 to control the internal modem timeout. *
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------*

# *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
# * Because we enable auto-answer, we disable it here when the *
# * modem is reset *
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
Hangup="" \r\pATZ OK-ATZ-OK-\d\d+++\d\dATHZ-OK

# *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
# * We turn on ALL the neat options we can find when we *
# * initialize one thing we do is to make the modem report it's *
# * modem<-->computer at connect, so we can use autobauding *
# * (nofixedspeed). *
# * *
# * Note: We disable flow control on the basis UUCP "g" *
# * protocol will pace the line for us. This is not always *
# * true, but I don't trust UUPC/extended hardware flow control, *
# * which what we should use. *
# *--------------------------------------------------------------------*
Initialize="" \r\pATZ OK-ATZ-OK-\d\d+++\d\dATHZ-OK \pATEM&D2&S0=0X4&Q5%C1\\N3&KW1S36=5 OK

  3 Responses to “Category : UNIX Files
Archive   : UUPC11NO.ZIP
Filename : V42BIS.MDM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: