Category : UNIX Files
Archive   : KC910.ZIP
Filename : KC.DOC

Output of file : KC.DOC contained in archive : KC910.ZIP
** Killer Cracker v9.10 LTD - Un*x /etc/passwd 'FAST' cracking engine **
** ======================================================================== **
** Password Preprocesser v2.00 -- Password Cracker Guess Mutator **
** ======================================================================== **
** Version 9.10 LTD Release Date: 09/20/91 **
** ======================================================================== **
** Written By Doctor Dissector, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 **
** ======================================================================== **

=[ License ]==================================================================

This program is NOT free software BUT may be used without charge or
payment in any form IF your copy is a "registered" distributed version. You
may modify it as much as you please, however, you MAY NOT re-distribute it,
in any shape or for: ie. modified OR unmodified, without the expressed written
consent (ie. e-mail) of Doctor Dissector.
This program was initially distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY

=[ Disclaimer ]===============================================================

The author of this package, Doctor Dissector, will not assume liability
for ANY of the effects of the use or distribution of this package. If you,
at ANY time compile or use this package, you will assume full liability for
your own actions; Doctor Dissector can neither enforce the lawful use of this
package nor your actions before, during, or after exposure to this package.
Doctor Dissector does NOT endorse your unlawful use of this package to
appropriate computer accounts not under your lawful ownership.
The original intent of this program was to prove that Un*x accounts can be
easily, efficiently, and effectively cracked utilizing modified DES encryption
routines and proper statistical, mathematical, logical, and programming

=[ Files Included In Release Package ]========================================

WHATSNEW.910 Summary Of Version Changes/Modifications
KC.DOC Killer Cracker/Password Preprocesser Documentation

KC.EXE Killer Cracker MS/PC-DOS Pre-Compiled Executable
KC386.EXE Killer Cracker MS/PC-DOS 386/486 Pre-Compiled Executable
PWP.EXE Password Preprocesser MS/PC-DOS Pre-Compiled Executable

MAKEFILE Makefile For "make" Utility
KC.H Killer Cracker Header File
KC.C Killer Cracker Source File
PWP.H Password Preprocesser Header File
PWP.C Password Preprocesser Source File
BCRYPT.H Bcrypt Encryption Routines Header File
BCRYPT.C Bcrypt Encryption Routines Source File

B_ORDER.C Determines Byte Order Of Your Compiler
INT_SIZE.C Determines Integer Bit-Size Of Your Compiler

=[ Installation Instructions ]================================================

To compile and obtain a run-time version of Killer Cracker or/and Password
Preprocesser, follow the steps below:

1. Compile the included file "b_order.c" and execute the result binary
file. Record/remember what is printed out by the executable.
2. Compile the included file "int_size.c" and execute the result binary
file. Record/remember what is printed out by the executable.
3. Edit the file "Makefile" included with this package to your current
operating system and compiler tastes.
4. Type "make all" to compile Killer Cracker and Password Preprocesser.
5. To test Killer Cracker's encryption routines, test Killer Cracker
with the "-test" flag to insure the proper encryption result is
being obtained.
6. If you aren't using the "Makefile" to compile your executables, you
can compile Killer Cracker and Password Preprocesser seperately.
This is done by editing the file "kc.h" to your operating system
and compiler tastes and compile "kc.c". Then, compile "pwp.c".
7. If all else fails, ask someone who knows.

=[ Usage: Password Preprocesser ]=============================================

Password Preprocesser can be invoked several ways from the shell prompt.
Each method is chosen through command line flags, which must be preceded by
either a '-' or '/' character. In addition, each flag's name only has to be
typed in to the first character that will make that flag unique (ie. for the
flag 'logins' you only have to enter 'log' to make Password Preprocesser to
recognize the flag). The following section will discuss Password
Preprocesser's flags and various methods of invocation.

Brief: Mutates a wordlist read from the standard input into other possible
guesses for use with password 'crackers' and outputs the result to
the standard output.

Usage: pwp [[flag] ...] < [wordlist|pwfile] > [resultfile]

Flags: -? display this usage menu
-Gecos create result words from GECOS fields of pwfile
-Help display this usage menu
-Include include original words into resultfile
-Kc save login/GECOS words in KC9 'single-crack' form
-LOGins create result words from login fields of pwfile
-LOWErcase convert original words to lowercase
-LOWReverse convert original words to lowercase & reverse
-Minlength:<#> min length <#> of result words
-NONalpha:<#> min non-alphabetic chars <#> in result words
-NOVowels remove vowels from original words
-Prefixes: prepend chars in to original words
-Reverse reverse original words
-Suffixes: append chars in to original words
-Translate: translate char in original words to char
-UPChar:<#> convert char <#> in original words to uppercase
-UPLast convert last char in original words to uppercase
-UPPercase convert original words to uppercase
-UPReverse convert original words to uppercase & reverse

-? Displays a brief message on the usage of Password
Preprocesser and each of its command line flags.
-Gecos Creates a mutated list of words based on an input
/etc/passwd file's GECOS fields. This directs
Password Preprocesser to expect a /etc/passwd
format file as input instead of the usual
-Help Same as '-?'.
-Include Includes each original word which creates the mutant
result words into the resultfile. This is NOT
normally done as a default.
-Kc Writes any login or GECOS result words in Killer
Cracker's (versions 9.00 and up) 'single-crack'
format. See 'Single-Crack Mode' for more details.
-LOGins Creates a mutated list of words based on an input
/etc/passwd file's login (account name) fields.
This directs Password Preprocesser to expect a
/etc/passwd format file as input instead of the
usual wordlist.
-LOWErcase Mutates each original word to lowercase. If the
original word is already all lowercase and the
'include' flag is also enabled, the mutated word
will not be included in the resultfile.
-LOWReverse Mutates each original word to lowercase and then
reverses that result. If the original word is
equal to this result and the 'include' flag is
enabled OR the 'lowercase' flag is enabled and
the lowercase equivalent of the original word is
equal to this result, the mutated word will not
be included in the resultfile.
-Minlength:<#> Checks each result word to see if its length is
equal to or greater than the length specified by
<#>. If not, the word will not be written to the
-NONalpha:<#> Checks each result word to see if it contains
an equivalent amount of or greater amount of
characters that are non-alphabetic than <#>. If
not, the word will not be written to the
-NOVowels Mutates each original word by removing the vowels from
it. If the 'include' flag is enabled and the
result word is the same as the original word, the
mutated word will not be included in the
-Prefixes: Mutates each original word by pre-pending each
character, sequentially, in to it. Only
one character at a time is pre-pended to the
original word, so the number of resulting mutant
words is equal to the length of .
-Reverse Mutates each original word by reversing the word. If
the mutant word is equal to the original word and
the 'include' flag is enabled, the mutated word
is not included in the resultfile.
-Suffixes: Mutates each original word by post-pending each
character, sequentially, in to it. Only
one character at a time is post-pended to the
original word, so the number of resulting mutant
words is equal to the length of . Also,
if the original word's length is greater than 7,
no mutated word is generated.
-Translate: Mutates each original word by substituting each
occurrance of the character specified by
with the character. Multiple translation
flags can been used by the Password Preprocesser
(ie: it is possible to translate more than one
character at a time) to create even more word
-UPChar:<#> Mutates each original word by converting the character
at index <#> to uppercase. If the mutant word
is equal to the original word and the 'include'
flag is enabled OR the mutant word is equal to
the uppercase equivalent of the original word
and the 'uppercase' flag is enabled OR the mutant
word is equal to the uplast equivalent of the
original word and the 'uplast' flag is enabled OR
the mutant word is less than <#> characters in
length, the mutated word is not included in the
-UPLast Mutates each original word by converting the last
character in the word to uppercase. If the mutant
word is equal to the original word and the
'include' flag is enabled OR the mutant word is
equal to the uppercase euqivalent of the original
word and the 'uppercase' flag is enabled, the
mutated word is not included in the resultfile.
-UPPercase Mutates each original word to uppercase. If the
original word is already all uppercase and the
'include' flag is also enabled, the mutated word
will not be included in the resultfile.
-UPReverse Mutates each original word to uppercase and then
reverses that result. If the original word is
equal to this result and the 'include' flag is
enabled OR the 'uppercase' flag is enabled and
the uppercase equivalent of the original word is
equal to this result, the mutated word will not
be included in the resultfile.

=[ Usage: Killer Cracker ]====================================================

Killer Cracker can be invoked several ways from the shell prompt. Each
method is chosen through command line flags, which must be preceded by either
a '-' or '/' character. In addition, each flag's name only has to be typed
in to the first character that will make that flag unique (ie. for the flag
'test' you only have to enter 'te' to make Killer Cracker recognize the flag).
The following section will discuss Killer Cracker's flags and various methods
of invocation.

Brief: Un*x /etc/passwd 'FAST' password cracking engine.

Usage: kc [[flag] ...] [-stdin < [wordfile]]

Flags: -? display this usage menu
-Fork fork session process into the background
-Help display this usage menu
-Inactive display and write inactive accounts
-Maximize maximize use of system resources
-Pwfile: set passwordfile to
-Quiet suppress all output from stdout
-Restore: restore session using as restorefile
-SIngle read wordfile in 'single-crack' format
-STdin read words from stdin instead of 'wordfile'
-TEst test crypt result for proper encryption

  3 Responses to “Category : UNIX Files
Archive   : KC910.ZIP
Filename : KC.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: