Category : UNIX Files
Archive   : IMAKE312.ZIP
Filename : APPX11R4.TXT

Output of file : APPX11R4.TXT contained in archive : IMAKE312.ZIP

cpp symbols and make variables defined in the X configura-
tion files are listed and described here. Much of this
information can be found in those files and in
There are a number of places where I confess ignorance. If
you fill me in on the missing pieces, I'll revise this docu-
Besides symbols used for rule macros, symbols may be classed
in three categories. Some are used as booleans and are
defined as YES or NO. Some are simply defined as nothing or
left undefined. Boolean and defined/not-defined symbols are
rarely if ever associated with variables appearing in
Makefiles; rather, they are used for control purposes to
modify the configuration and build process.
The other symbols are general-purpose, usually (but not
always) having a value that is assigned to some Makefile
variable. The value may be empty (that is, the symbol may
be defined as nothing):

#define symbol /* as nothing */

The descriptions below give symbol names, and their defaults
and symbol class where applicable. A default of ``nothing''
means the empty definition. The format for symbol descrip-
tions is:
SymbolName symbol-class
default: default-value
Note: The symbol UseInstalled is not defined in any of the
configuration files. It should be defined (by you, as noth-
ing) in site.def if you want to use installed versions of
imake, makedepend and the configuration files. However, you
should leave it undefined on the initial build, obviously,
since the configuration programs and files will not have
been installed yet.

1. Imake.tmpl

1.1. Global Constant Definitions
This section defines the two symbols YES and NO:

#define YES 1
#define NO 0

These are heavily used to define boolean symbols.

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1.2. Header Blocks
Every header block in this section of Imake.tmpl defines two
MacroIncludeFile general
MacroFile general
Both of these name the platform-specific file to be
included by the template after the header block sec-
tion. The defaults are deliberately rebarbative and
are selected only if the correct header block for your
system was not triggered. Otherwise these symbols will
have values like> and, where
platform is ``ultrix'', ``sun'', ``hp'', ``apollo'',
There are two symbols associated with this name because
it is used two different ways. MacroIncludeFile is
used by cpp to include the platform file. MacroFile is
used to generate file names.
In addition to the above two symbols, header blocks may
define one or more of the following symbols to indicate
the software and/or hardware platform.

AIXArchitecture PS2Architecture
ATTArchitecture PegasusArchitecture
ApolloArchitecture RtArchitecture
CrayArchitecture SGIArchitecture
HPArchitecture SonyArchitecture
IBMArchitecture StellarArchitecture
M4330Architecture SunArchitecture
MacIIArchitecture UltrixArchitecture
MipsArchitecture VaxArchitecture

Some of these symbols may be defined in more than one
header block. The platform file may also define other
xxxArchitecture symbols For instance, does so to
allow SPARC- or i386-dependencies to be selected.)

2. System/Build Definitions

2.1. Preprocessor Symbols
Symbols are listed in order of their appearance in
Imake.tmpl. The default value of some symbols is determined
based on whether SystemV is YES or NO. For these symbols
both defaults are listed, with the SystemV=YES case first.
SystemV boolean
default: varies
SystemV indicates whether your system is System V based
(YES) or not (NO). If not, that usually means BSD

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based. The default value of many other symbols depends
on SystemV, so although it's given a value in
Imake.tmpl if it doesn't already have one, it's usually
set explicitly in the platform-specific files included
earlier, to make sure it's correct.
OSMajorVersion general
default: 0
OSMinorVersion general
default: 0
These two symbols indicate the major and minor version
numbers of the operating system. They are often used
as control symbols in the platform files to select sym-
bol values that vary depending on the OS version. For
this reason, they are usually set in the platform file.
Example: if some feature of your OS didn't appear until
version 5.7, you could test for that with:

/**/# these definitions would go in the platform file
# ifndef OSMajorVersion
# define OSMajorVersion 5
# endif
# ifndef OSMinorVersion
# define OSMinorVersion 7
# endif

/**/# this test would go wherever you need to test for 5.7 and up
# if OSMajorVersion > 5 || (OSMajorVersion == 5 && OSMinorVersion >= 7)
/**/# 5.7-and-up specific stuff here
# endif

If your vendor names OS releases with more than two
parts, you'll have to define other symbols in the plat-
form file and use the appropriate tests. The inven-
tiveness needed could reach heights of sublimity, for
instance if you have to distinguish between SunOS 4.1.1
and SunOS 4.1.1 Rev. B. Ugh.
UnalignedReferencesAllowed boolean
default: NO
Some processors can dereference pointers to arbitrary
addresses. Others cannot--inability to dereference odd
addresses is a typical problem for such processors. If
your pointers must be specifically aligned (e.g., on
word boundaries), define UnalignedReferencesAllowed as
NO. The default reflects a conservative approach.
ExecableScripts boolean
default: NO/YES
Whether the kernel exec() system call correctly exe-
cutes scripts beginning with ``#!''. ExecableScripts
determines the way the CppScriptTarget() rule macro is
expanded and thus the way shell scripts are built.

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Script prototypes begin with a line that says
``#!/bin/sh''. If ExecableScripts is NO, that line is
stripped out and replaced with one that says ``:''
BourneShell general
default: /bin/sh
Path name of Bourne shell. This is used to set the
value of SHELL, and in construction of some commands
that run shell scripts.
ConstructMFLAGS boolean
default: YES/NO
Whether to construct MFLAGS make variable from
MAKEFLAGS. This is used (I think) for compatibility
with versions of make that use MFLAGS instead of
HasLargeTmp boolean
default: NO
Whether the file system on which /tmp resides has lots
of free space. The meaning of ``lots'' is roughly 1MB,
although that may need to be revised upward for future
releases. This symbol determines the default value of
HasSockets boolean
default: NO/YES
Whether the system has BSD socket support.
HasVFork boolean
default: NO/YES
Whether the vfork() system call is supported. Presum-
ably this causes fork() to be used instead of vfork()
if HaveVFork is NO.
HasPutenv boolean
default: NO
Whether the putenv() C library call is supported.
HasVoidSignalReturn boolean
default: YES/NO
Whether the signal() C library call returns void* (YES)
or int* (NO). The default is YES for System V plat-
forms, but if you have a BSD platform, you should not
assume NO. Some BSD-based systems (e.g., Ultrix and
[1] I would say that a better way to do it might be
to explicitly write a line into the script using the
value of ${SHELL} if ExecableScripts is YES and ``:''
otherwise. This would allow the value of SHELL to pro-
pagate into scripts were it defined as something other
than /bin/sh.

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Sun) have changed from int* to void* in new OS
releases. Some systems (e.g., Mips RISC/os) try to
support both sets of semantics, which can make things
HasBsearch boolean
default: YES/NO
Whether the bsearch() C library call is supported.
HasSaberC boolean
default: NO
Whether the system has the Saber C development environ-
ment. The default value of this symbol will usually be
overridden in the platform file. Warning: some of the
platform files define HasSaberC as YES (an MIT-ism?),
so be sure to check this and change it if necessary.
HasFortran boolean
default: NO
Whether the system has a FORTRAN compiler. Needed for
GKS support.
HasNdbm boolean
default: NO
Whether the system has the NDBM database manager
(supercedes DBM).
HasDESLibrary boolean
default: NO
Whether the system has a DES (digital encryption stan-
dard) library.
NeedFunctionPrototypes boolean
default: NO
NeedWidePrototypes boolean
default: YES
These are used to support use of function prototypes.
Apparently they are not well-liked judging from the
deprecatory comments in the latter part of Imake.tmpl.
HasSunOSSharedLibraries boolean
default: NO
Whether SunOS shared libraries are supported.
SharedCodeDef general
default: varies
Flags to compile sharable library code.
SharedLibraryDef general
default: varies
Flags to turn on use of shared libraries.
HasSharedLibraries boolean
default: varies

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Whether shared libraries are supported. Note: This
symbol is defined inside the (convoluted) definition of
StripInstalledPrograms boolean
default: NO
If YES, strip symbol table from installed programs,
otherwise leave intact. Setting to YES can save lots
of disk space on some machines, but leaving it as NO
can help during debugging. This symbol affects use of
DestDir general
default: nothing
Prefix to prepend to installation directory pathnames.
Normally this is left empty. If you want to install
under an alternate root, the X folks recommend that you
compile with the default value, then install with

make install DESTDIR=/alt/root/dir

UsrLibDir general
default: $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib
Directory under which to install system libraries
(e.g., lint libraries; see description of LintlibDir
under Project.tmpl). This is also used as the basis
for the default value of LibDir (in xdm, awm, twm...)
IncRoot general
default: $(DESTDIR)/usr/include
Path to root of system header file hierarchy. X11
header files are installed under this. (A default for
this symbol is also included in Project.tmpl; you can
ignore that one because the definition in Imake.tmpl
occurs first and will override it.)
default: /usr/ucb/uncompress
Command to run the uncompress program. I think this is
used to uncompress compressed font files. If you over-
ride this symbol, the definition should probably be a
full path name.
OptimizedCDebugFlags general
default: -O
C compiler flags to turn on optimization.
DebuggableCDebugFlags general
default: -g
C compiler flags to turn on debugging information.
NoOpCDebugFlags general
default: nothing

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C compiler flags to not turn on optimization or debug-
DefaultCDebugFlags general
default: OptimizedCDebugFlags
C compiler flags to turn on optimization for programs.
LibraryCDebugFlags general
default: OptimizedCDebugFlags
C compiler flags to turn on optimization for libraries.
DefaultCCOptions general
default: nothing
Special C compiler flags (other than -I's and -D's?
See StandardDefines, StandardCppDefines). Useful,
e.g., for turning on floating point options.
LibraryCCOptions general
default: DefaultCCOptions
Special C compiler flags for compiling libraries.
ServerCCOptions general
default: DefaultCCOptions
Special C compiler flags for compiling the server.
(This is X-specific and should be in Project.tmpl,
PexCDebugFlags general
default: -g
C compiler flags to turn on debugging information for
PEX. (This is X-specific and should be in
Project.tmpl, perhaps?)
InstPgmFlags general
default: -s
Flags for installing programs. The default strips sym-
bol tables. This symbol is used in conjunction with
StripInstalledPrograms to set the make variable
installs of binary programs and also shell scripts;
some systems give a warning when you try to strip a
script because they have no symbol table (such warnings
can be ignored).
InstBinFlags general
default: -m 0755
Flags for setting the mode of installed executable
InstUidFlags general
default: -m 4755
Flags for setting the mode of installed set-user-id
files (e.g., xterm needs to chown pty's).

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InstLibFlags general
default: -m 0664
Flags for setting the mode of installed libraries.
InstIncFlags general
default: -m 0444
Flags for setting the mode of installed header files.
InstManFlags general
default: -m 0444
Flags for setting the mode of installed manual pages.
InstDatFlags general
default: -m 0444
Flags for setting the mode of installed data (non-
executable) files.
InstKmemFlags general
default: InstUidFlags
Flags for installing programs that need to read
/dev/kmem, e.g., xload. The default makes such pro-
grams setuid, which is overkill, since typically all
that's needed is setgid to the group having access to
/dev/kmem. InstKmemFlags is a good symbol to define in
site.def. Be sure to include the correct group, e.g.,
``-g kmem -m 2755''. The group is not set in the
default value of this symbol because it's difficult to
determine a good default group.
ArCmd general
default: varies
Command to create archive files. If HasLargeTmp is
YES, /tmp is used for temp file space, otherwise the
current directory is used.
BootstrapCFlags general
default: nothing
Defines needed to get ccimake compiled and by imake to
get cpp to select the correct header block in
CcCmd general
default: cc
Command to run the C compiler.
HasGcc boolean
default: NO
Whether the GNU C compiler, gcc, is available.
ServerCcCmd general
default: CcCmd
Command to run the C compiler to compile the server.
(This is X-specific and should be in Project.tmpl,

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LibraryCcCmd general
default: CcCmd
Command to run the C compiler to compile libraries.
FortranCmd general
default: f77
Command to run the FORTRAN compiler.
FortranFlags general
default: nothing
General flags for FORTRAN compiler.
FortranDebugFlags general
default: nothing
Flags for FORTRAN compiler to turn on debugging infor-
AsCmd general
default: as
Command to run the assembler.
CompressCmd general
default: compress
Command to run compress.
CppCmd general
default: /lib/cpp
Command to run the C preprocessor.
PreProcessCmd general
default: CcCmd -E
Command to preprocess input. This is used by the
script version of makedepend.
InstallCmd general
default: $(SCRIPTSRC)/ or install
Command to install files. It should be compatible with
the BSD version of install.
LdCmd general
default: ld
Command to run the loader.
LintCmd general
default: lint
Command to run lint.
LintLibFlag general
default: -o/-C
Flags to build lint libraries.
LintOpts general
default: -ax/-axz

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Flags to tell lint how picky to be.
CpCmd general
default: cp
Command to copy files.
LnCmd general
default: ln/ln -s
Command to link files. Symbolic links are used if
they're available (not System V).
MakeCmd general
default: make
Command to run make.
MvCmd general
default: mv
Command to rename files.
RanlibCmd general
default: /bin/true or ranlib
Command to run ranlib. On System V platforms this com-
mand is missing. /bin/true, a nop, is used instead.
/bin/true always succeeds, which is important for
RanlibInstFlags general
default: nothing
Flags to pass to ranlib when run on libraries that have
already been installed. ``-t'' is a good option here,
if you have it.
RmCmd general
default: rm -f
Command to remove files.
StandardCppDefines general
default: -DSYSV/nothing
-D's for C preprocessor.
StandardIncludes general
default: nothing
-I's for C compiler.
StandardDefines general
default: -DSYSV/nothing
-D's for C compiler.
NdbmDefines general
default: varies
Flags to turn on NDBM support. Affected by HasNdbm.
ExtraLibraries general
default: nothing

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Extra libraries needed to get programs to compile.
ExtraLoadFlags general
default: nothing
Extra flags needed to get loader to work.
LdCombineFlags general
default: -X -r
Flags for incremental loader support.
CompatibilityFlags general
default: nothing
Flags to turn on R3 backward compatibility support.
TagsCmd general
default: ctags
Command to generate tags files.
LoaderLibPrefix general
default: nothing
Flags to specify before libraries (see
TOPDIR general
default: .
CURDIR general
default: .
Top of source tree, and current directory. The make
variables associated with these (TOP, CURRENT_DIR) are
overridden by recursive make rules. The defaults are
correct for the top of the source tree. TOP and
CURRENT_DIR are reset for each Makefile during ``make
Makefiles''. TOP is the path to the top of the source
tree, from the current directory. CURRENT_DIR is the
path to the current directory from the top of the
source tree.
FilesToClean general
default: *.CKP *.ln *.BAK *.bak *.o core errs ,* *~ *.a
.emacs_* tags TAGS make.log MakeOut
List of files to be removed by ``make clean''. Note
that ``*~'' is in this list, and see discussion of the
RemoveProgramTarget() rule. If you are in the habit of
using ``cp x x~'' to make a backup copy of files you
modify, ``make clean'' will remove those copies, which
may not be what you want.

2.2. Make Variables
Many of the make variables in Imake.tmpl are simply set to
the preprocessor variable of the same name (e.g., INSTBIN-
FLAGS = InstBinFlags).
Most make variables referring to commands are set to the
preprocessor symbol having the same name and a suffix
``Cmd''. For instance, CC and MAKE are set to CcCmd and

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MakeCmd, respectively.
The rest of the variables are set to preprocessor symbols
with names that differ a bit from the variable name (e.g.,
SHELL = BourneShell), or are defined in terms of other make
variables (e.g., MFLAGS = -$(MAKEFLAGS)), or a combination
of preprocessor symbols and make variables (e.g., RM_CMD =
$(RM) FilesToClean).

Symbols which definitely should be set here are BuildServer
(and XxxxServer if BuildServer is YES), OSName, OSMajorVer-
sion, and OSMinorVersion. Some other symbols you should
think about setting are CCompilerMajorVersion, CCompilerMi-
norVersion, BootstrapCFlags, SystemV, UnalignedReferencesAl-
lowed, SetTtyGroup, ExecableScripts, and ConstructMFLAGS.

4. site.def
You should read through the site.def file and follow the
comments there which tell whether you should supply override
definitions for a number of symbols. This is the place to
indicate whether you have a large temp area (HasLargeTmp),
whether you have GNU cc (HasGcc), whether you want to com-
pile in R3 backward compatibility (CompatibilityFlags), etc.
It's also a good place to set symbols such as InstKmemFlags
and BuildExamples.
Once you've built and installed imake, makedepend and the
configuration files, you can rebuild the top-level Makefile
with xmkmf, and rebuild the rest with ``make Makefiles''.
After that the installed versions will be used.

5. Project.tmpl

5.1. Preprocessor Symbols
Symbols are listed in order of their appearance in
ProjectX general
default: 4
X11 Release number. The README says this is a boolean,
which is incorrect.
BuildServer boolean
default: YES
Whether to build the server. This should be defined as
NO in site.def on client-only systems. On platforms
which have no server implementation, the value of
BuildServer may already be set to NO in the platform
BuildExamples boolean
default: YES

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Whether to build the example programs. It will speed
up your builds to override this as NO, and less disk
space will be used.
It is probably possible to build selected examples
only. Define BuildExamples as YES, then build all the
Makefiles from the source root. Then build the
``clean'' and ``depend'' targets. Define BuildExamples
as NO and rebuild the Makefiles. The examples direc-
tories should be left alone since BuildExamples is NO,
but you can then go into an example directory and build
the program since its Makefile should be correct.
(This is all conjecture.)
BuildXawBC boolean
default: NO
Whether to build backward-compatible X Athena Widgets
(I think).
InstallXinitConfig boolean
default: NO
Whether to install sample xinit configuration files.
InstallXdmConfig boolean
default: NO
Whether to install sample xdm configuration files.
InstallAppDefFiles boolean
default: YES
Whether to install application defaults files.
InstallOldHeaderFiles boolean
default: NO
Whether to install R3 header files.
DebugLibX boolean
default: NO
Whether to build debugging into the X library.
DebugLibXArchive boolean
default: NO
Whether to build debugging into the archive file ver-
sion of the X library.
ProfileLibX boolean
default: NO
Whether to build profiling into the X library.
ProfileLibXArchive boolean
default: NO
Whether to build profiling into the archive file ver-
sion of the X library.
DebugOldLibX boolean
default: NO

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ProfileOldLibX boolean
default: NO
DebugLibXt boolean
default: NO
ProfileLibXt boolean
default: NO
DebugLibXaw boolean
default: NO
ProfileLibXaw boolean
default: NO
DebugLibXext boolean
default: NO
ProfileLibXext boolean
default: NO
DebugLibXmu boolean
default: NO
ProfileLibXmu boolean
default: NO
Whether to build debugging and/or profiling into the
old X library, X Toolkit library, X Athena Widget
library, X Extension library or the X mu library.
NeedBerklibInXlib boolean
default: NO
Whether BSD emulation is needed in Xlib. If YES, then
BandAidLibrary is set to YES, some other related sym-
bols are defined, and the BandAidLibraryMake() rule
macro is defined.
ManDirectoryRoot general
default: /usr/man
Path to the top of the manual page hierarchy relative
to the default root directory. See also ManPath.
ManSuffix general
default: n
Suffix for program manual pages. See ManSourcePath,
LibManSuffix general
default: 3
Suffix for library manual pages. See ManSourcePath,
-D's to run uncompress.
BDFTOSNFFILT (default: general
default: -DBDFTOSNFFILT=\"$(BINDIR)/bdftosnf\"
-D's to run bdftosnf to convert fonts from binary dis-
tribution format to server natural format.

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default: -DSHELLPATH=\"/bin/sh\"
-D's for command to run the shell.
$(BINDIR)/bdftosnf $(FONTCFLAGS)\""
-D's to run uncompress and bdftosnf to convert
compressed binary distribution format font files to
server natural format.
FontFilters general
-D's for font conversion filters.
PrimaryScreenResolution general
default: 72
Resolution of default server screen, in dots per inch
(dpi). This number applies both to horizontal and to
vertical resolution; X assumes square pixels.
DefaultFontPath general
default: varies
Path to font directory. If not set somewhere else, a
default is guessed, based on PrimaryScreenResolution,
to select between 75 dpi and 100 dpi fonts.
DefaultRGBDatabase general
default: $(LIBDIR)/rgb
Path to RGB color database.
FontCompilerFlags general
default: -t
Flags for bdftosnf.
ConnectionFlags general
What kinds of connections the server will accept. Com-
More than one can be specified. If the server is
built, at least one must be specified.
FontDefines general
-D's for font options.
ExtensionDefines general
default: nothing
-D's for server extensions. Default is nothing, for
``no extensions''. This is typically overridden in the
platform file for servers that know about particular
extensions, or in site.def.
ServerCDebugFlags general

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default: OptimizedCDebugFlags
C compiler flags to turn on optimization/debugging in
LibraryDefines general
default: StandardDefines
-D's for compiling libraries.
ServerDefines general
default: StandardDefines ExtensionDefines
-D's for compiling the server.
CppSourcesPresent boolean
default: NO
Whether you have BSD cpp sources. If you define this
as YES, make sure CppSources is defined correctly.
CppSources general
default: /usr/src/lib/cpp
Path to BSD cpp sources. Not used if CppSourcesPresent
is NO.
BinDir general
default: $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/X11
Where to install programs.
IncRoot general
default: $(DESTDIR)/usr/include
IGNORE the definition of this symbol in Project.tmpl;
it's redundant. See its definition in the system/build
section of Imake.tmpl.
BuildIncRoot general
default: $(TOP)
Relative path to (parent of) top of header file tree
within source tree.
BuildIncTop general
default: ..
Top of header file tree within source tree, relative to
LibDir general
default: $(USRLIBDIR)/X11
X library installation directory (other directories are
installed under this, e.g., FontDir, XinitDir).
ConfigDir general
default: $(LIBDIR)/config
Where to install configuration files.
LintlibDir general
default: $(USRLIBDIR)/lint

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Where to install lint libraries. Note that the default
uses USRLIBDIR, not LIBDIR. Also note that the name of
this symbol is LintlibDir, not LintLibDir.
FontDir general
default: $(LIBDIR)/fonts
Where to install fonts.
AdmDir general
default: $(DESTDIR)/usr/adm
Where system log files are found.
XinitDir general
default: $(LIBDIR)/xinit
Where to install xinit files.
XdmDir general
default: $(LIBDIR)/xdm
Where to install xdm files.
XdmConfigurationSubdirectory general
default: config/default
Default xdm configuration directory.
AwmDir general
default: $(LIBDIR)/awm
Where to install awm files.
TwmDir general
default: $(LIBDIR)/twm
Where to install twm files.
GwmDir general
default: $(LIBDIR)/gwm
Where to install gwm files.
ManPath general
default: $(DESTDIR)ManDirectoryRoot
Full path to top of manual page hierarchy.
ManSourcePath general
default: $(MANPATH)/man
Path to top of manual page hierarchy, plus the common
prefix of manual page directories there.
ManDir general
default: $(MANSOURCEPATH)ManSuffix
Where to install program manual pages.
LibmanDir general
default: $(MANSOURCEPATH)LibManSuffix
Where to install library manual pages. Note that it's
LibmanDir, not LibManDir, which is inconsistent with
being defined in terms of LibManSuffix.

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XAppLoadDir general
default: $(LIBDIR)/app-defaults
Where to install application defaults files.
OsNameDefines general
default: nothing
I don't know what this is used for. It's referenced in
lib/Xdmcp/Imakefile and lib/Xmu/Imakefile.
DefaultUserPath general
default: :/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb
Default xdm user PATH environment variable.
DefaultSystemPath general
default: /etc:/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb
Default xdm system PATH environment variable.
DefaultSystemShell general
default: BourneShell
Default shell.
UseCCMakeDepend boolean
default: NO
Whether to use the slow shell script version of mak-
edepend (uses cc -E). It's best to use the compiled
version if it works on your system. If the compiled
version does not work as supplied with the distribu-
tion, it's probably worth a little effort to see if you
can get it to work (particularly if you can't get the
shell script version to work, either, which sometimes
happens!). Possible problems: /usr/include is
hardwired into the code; if you use gcc, the library
path is hardwired, too.
DependDir general
default: varies
Path to makedepend sources. The default is dependent
on UseCCMakeDepend.
ContribDir general
default: $(TOP)/../contrib
Top of user-contributed source tree.
DependCmd general
default: $(DEPENDSRC)/makedepend
Command to run makedepend.
RemoveTargetProgramByMoving boolean
default: NO
This symbol affects expansion of the RemoveProgramTar-
get() rule. ``Program'' in that rule's name is
misleading; it can be used to remove any file, not just

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AllocateLocalDefines general
default: nothing
-D's to turn on alloca().
SharedLibX boolean
default: varies
SharedOldLibX boolean
default: varies
SharedLibXt boolean
default: varies
SharedLibXaw boolean
default: varies
SharedLibXmu boolean
default: varies
SharedLibXext boolean
default: varies
Whether to build shared versions of the X, old X, X
Toolkit, X Athena Widget, X mu or X Extension
libraries. The defaults are YES if HasSunOSSharedLi-
braries is YES, NO otherwise.
SharedXlibRev general
default: 4.2
SharedOldXRev general
default: 4.0
SharedXtRev general
default: 4.0
SharedXawRev general
default: 4.0
SharedXmuRev general
default: 4.0
SharedXextRev general
default: 4.0
Version (revision) numbers of shared libraries.
HasInputExtension boolean
default: YES
Whether there are any input extensions.
DoInstallExtensionsIntoXlib boolean
default: NO
Whether the extension library should be merged into the
X library.
BandAidLibraryNeeded boolean
default: YES
BandAidLibrarySources general
default: Berklib.c
BandAidLibraryObjects general
default: Berklib.o
BandAidLibraryMake() general
default: take a look

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BandAidLibraryNeeded boolean
default: NO
Whether a band-aid library is needed. This will be YES
if NeedBerklibInXlib is YES.
I'm not sure what all the band-aid stuff is for.
Perhaps for BSD socket emulation on System V platforms.
XawClientDepLibs general
Library dependencies for clients using the Athena Widg-
ets (DEPLIBS).
XawClientLibs general
default: $(XAWLIB) $(XMULIB) $(XTOOLLIB) $(XLIB)
Library needed by clients using the Athena Widgets
NeedDefaultDepLibs boolean
default: YES
Affects the definitions of DEPLIBS, DEPLIBS1, DEPLIBS1,

5.2. Make Variables
Many of the make variables in Project.tmpl, like those in
Imake.tmpl, bear a direct name relationship to proprocessor
symbols with which they are associated.
Since much of the project source and installation directory
layout is specified in this file, the number of variables
defined in terms of other make variables (e.g., XMUSRC =
$(LIBSRC)Xmu, DEMOSRC = $(TOP)/demos) is quite large.

6. Imake.rules
The X Imake.rules file rule definitions make heavy use of
the following techniques:
(1) Use of the ``::'' construct is quite prevalent. In a
make rule, if a target name is followed by ``:'', it's
assumed to be the only rule for that target. If
another rule with the same target is found, it's an
error. If target names are followed by ``::'', there
may be multiple rules for the targets. The X confi-
guration files rely on this property of ``::'' in the
following ways:
(a) To make sure that certain targets are always
present in the Makefile, even if they are not oth-
erwise generated from expansion of the macros in
Imakefile. This way, subdirectory-traversing make
operations can rely on those targets being
present. For instance, many rules that build pro-
grams automatically generate a ``clean'' target to

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- 21 - Imake in X11R4

remove the program. But if no such rule is used
in the Imakefile, there might be no ``clean'' tar-
get in the Makefile, and ``make clean'' fails.
That's not a disaster, but a ``make clean'' from
the root of the source tree can result in a lot of
apparent errors. To avoid this, an empty
``clean'' target is written to the Makefile, using
``clean::''. If there is another ``clean'' tar-
get, the empty one doesn't hurt anything. If
there isn't, the empty one prevents error mes-
Other default targets generated are ``tags'',
``install'', ``'', ``Makefile'',
``Makefiles'' and ``includes''.
(b) To allow commands like ``make all'' to trigger
builds of an arbitrary number of targets. Without
the ``::'' construct, the configuration process
would need to be able to determine exactly which
targets ``make all'' should generate, and produce
a single ``all: target1 target2 ...'' rule. This
would be a difficult task. Using ``::'', each
program-building rule can generate its own ``all::
targeti'' and they are all triggered.
(2) Definitions are allowed to be overridden. All rules
are defined using the following construct:

# ifndef rulename
# define rulename(arguments) ...
# endif

This should look familiar because it's the same con-
struct used in the other configuration files to allow
symbol values to be overridden. Since Imake.rules is
the last configuration file read during a Makefile
build, any of its rules may be redefined. Doing so can
have far-reaching consequences, of course, so that's
not something you want to do without thinking it
through first. Nevertheless, it's sometimes useful, or
even necessary.
The likely places for such overriding to occur are: a system does things in some strange
way that's not easy to compensate for by defining the
usual configuration symbols properly. For example, the
file redefines a couple of rules, to account for
non-standard file extensions.
site.def--if a rule just isn't right for your site, for
some reason.
Imakefile--it's sometimes useful to override a rule in
a particular directory, which can be done by defining
the rule in that directory's Imakefile. The file

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config/Imakefile does this, for instance. Such rede-
finitions do not carry down through subdirectories.
Note that since Imake.rules is seen before Imakefile,
you need to #undef the macro before redefining it to
avoid ``symbol redefined'' errors.
(3) If a directory has subdirectories, and make operations
in that directory should recurse down through the sub-
directories, there should be a line that says

# define IHaveSubdirs

at the top of the Imakefile. This causes recursive
``install'', ``'', ``clean'', ``tags'',
``Makefile'' and ``includes'' target rules to be writ-
ten into the Makefile (see end of Imake.tmpl; the make
variable SUBDIRS should set to the names of the sub-
directories involved, as well). If you want CDEBUG-
FLAGS passed along to subdirectories, put another line
at the top of the Imakefile that says

# define PassCDebugFlags 'CDEBUGFLAGS=$(CDEBUGFLAGS)'

(4) As you scan through the rules, you'll notice that if
constructs are not written like this:

if condition then; action; fi

Instead, they're written like this:

if condition then; action; else exit 0; fi

The reason for this is to deal with differing behaviors
of if on various systems. On some systems, if you
write ``if condition; then action; fi'' and condition
is false, the value of the statement is zero (on the
grounds that the test executed to completion without
error). On other systems, the value of the statement
is non-zero (on the grounds that the test failed). The
latter behavior is broken behavior; Ultrix in particu-
lar is guilty of it.
In the X rules, if tests are usually used to check
whether some preliminary action needs to be performed
before proceeding to the next step. Systems that
return false when the if test fails cause make to exit
early if the preliminary action does not need to be
done, and the next step is--incorrectly--never exe-
In order to get around this, all if statements expli-
citly include an else clause to return zero when the

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- 23 - Imake in X11R4

condition fails, so that make will continue whether the
condition is true or not.

6.1. Commonly Used Rules
Rules for building programs:


Rules for building shell scripts:


Rules for building libraries:


Rules for installing files:


Rules for cleaning up:


Rules for generating Makefiles and dependencies:


Many rules that compile programs also generate ``clean'' and
``all'' targets.

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6.2. Rule Descriptions
Each rule-generating macro in Imake.rules is described
below, in the order in which they appear in that file. You
should still read through the text of a rule before you use
it to write your own Imakefile.
Disclaimer: I myself do not, for the most part, use the X
rules, except in modified form for my own projects. There
are likely to be a number of errors of understanding here.
If HasSaberC is NO, this is a nop, otherwise it expands
to a rule for ``saber-program'' and causes Saber C to
load source and object files for the program. Odd that
``#'' is in front of the rules, though.
Removes program (actually this symbol is misnamed
because it can be used to remove any file, not just
programs). If RemoveTargetProgramByMoving (from
Project.tmpl) is YES, program is moved to program~
instead. This allows you to keep the previous version
around. Note that ``*~'' is in the list of files
removed by CleanTarget(), so unless you override Files-
ToClean, ``make clean'' will remove these previous tar-
get versions.
Builds the header file directories in the source tree,
and populates them.
Builds one program. All object files and libraries are
explicitly listed in the macro invocation. program is
the program to be built. objects names the object
files needed to build it from, e.g., junk.o. deplibs
names the libraries that must exist before linking is
done. locallibs names the libraries in the source tree
that should be linked in. syslibs names the system
libraries (e.g., in /usr/lib) that should be linked in.
These are named with -l, e.g., -lm.
A ``clean'' rule is also generated to remove the pro-
gram (but not the objects).
Since this rule does not assume any default sources,
you can use it several times in an Imakefile to build
multiple programs. You should also set SRCS to the
names of all the programs' source files and invoke
DependTarget() in the Imakefile. Also invoke AllTar-
get(), giving it the names of all programs to build,
and you'll need to include a rule to generate an
``install'' target for each program and an
``'' target if there is a manual page. If
you're a lint kind of person, you'll also want

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- 25 - Imake in X11R4

This rule is deprecated. Don't use it.
This macro is used when the Imakefile is supposed to
build a single program, and that program consists of a
single source file. The macro sets SRCS to program.c,
OBJS to program.o and calls ComplexProgramTarget().
The effect is to set up everything to generate rules to
build the program, install it and its man page, clean
the program, generate dependencies, and lint the pro-
gram. A real whiz bang. See description of Complex-
This macro is used in an Imakefile that builds a single
program. Given the name of the program, rules are gen-
erated to build it, as well as generate ``all'',
``install'', ``'', ``depend'' and ``lint''
targets, and to remove the program. Several assump-
tions are made by this macro:
(1) SRCS has been set to the list of source files (so
the ``depend'' target works).
(2) OBJS has been set to the list of object files (so
the program build works).
(3) The deplibs, locallibs and syslibs arguments as
used in NormalProgramTarget() are assumed to be
These rules are use in an Imakefile that builds 1, 2 or
3 programs. Actually, just 2 or 3 programs. If you
were building a single program, you'd use ComplexPro-
gramTarget(). Each macro takes 3 arguments. program
is the name of the program to build. locallib names
libraries built in the source tree that should be
linked in (e.g., XMULIB). syslib names system
libraries to be linked in (e.g., -lm).
The values of certain make variables are assumed to be
set (by you). SRCS1, SRCS2 and SRCS3 name the sources
for each program. (These are used to set SRCS so the
``depend'' target works.) OBJS1, OBJS2 and OBJS3 name
the objects for each program. DEPLIBS1, DEPLIBS2 and
DEPLIBS3 name the library dependencies for each pro-
gram. PROGRAMS names the programs to be built.
If you're only building 2 programs, then SRCS3, OBJS3,
etc., do not need to be set and will be assumed to have
the empty value. PROGRAMS should be the names of 2

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programs, not 3.
Generates rules to build a server. libs doubles as
deplibs and locallibs as those are used in NormalPro-
gramTarget(). The directories named by subdirs are
used as dependencies and must exist before the target
can be built.
Installs liblibname.a into dest/liblibname.a and runs
the command named by RANLIB on it. The installation
flags INSTLIBFLAGS are used.
Merges fromlib into tolib using the mergelib script in
the SCRIPTSRC directory.
Installs into dest/,
Installs into dest/,
In dest, makes libalias.a an alias for liblibname.a by
generating a link.
Installs llib-llibname.ln into the dest directory using
library installation flags INSTLIBFLAGS.
Generate rule to install a manual page and rename it.
The source manual page is and is installed in
destdir/dest.ManSuffix using installation flags INST-
MANFLAGS. This is used to install pages whose names
are long enough to tickle brain damage on systems that
don't understand long file names.
Generate rule to install the manual page in
dest/file.ManSuffix using installation flags INSTMAN-
Generate rules to install a non-executable file using
installation flags INSTDATFLAGS.
Generate rules to install an executable program using
the specified flags.

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- 27 - Imake in X11R4

Generate rules to install an executable program. The
comments in Imake.rules for this macro say something
about INSTALLFLAGS, but that variable isn't actually
used in the expansion of this macro, so I claim the
flags used are simply INSTPGMFLAGS until someone demon-
strates otherwise.
Generate rules to install program.script into
dest/program using installation flags INSTPGMFLAGS.
This rule is obsolete. Use CppScriptTarget() and
Generates rules for a target step to make links to all
files in list in directory dir. The links are created
in directory sub. Judging from the definition of this
macro, sub is presumably so named because the rule
changes directories into dir first and appears to
expect sub to be a subdirectory. (Strictly speaking,
that need not be true, since (i) sub could legally be
an absolute path; (ii) sub could have a value such as
``../..''. But both those possibilities probably sub-
vert the intent of the macro.)
Generates rules for a target step (e.g., ``install'')
to install all the files in list into the directory dir
using installation flags flags. The files in list are
made the rule dependencies.
Like InstallMultipleDestFlags(), but assuming
INSTALLFLAGS as the installation flags. Note:
INSTALLFLAGS is not set by the X configuration files;
you must give it a value in your Imakefile.
Like InstallMultipleDest(), but assuming ``install'' as
the step argument.
Like InstallMultipleDestFlags(), but assuming
``install'' as the step argument.
Like InstallMultipleDest(), but assuming
``'' as the step argument.
If InstallAppDefFiles (from Project.tmpl) is #define'd,
generates an ``install'' target to install

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into $(XAPPLOADDIR)/class using installation flags
INSTAPPFLAGS appears to be deprecated in Project.tmpl.
If UseInstalled is not #define'd, this macro generates
rules to check for the existence of makedepend in the
source tree and build it if it's missing. This differs
from the R3 rules, which failed if makedepend was miss-
Generate rule to determine dependencies for source
files named by SRCS. You have to define the value of
SRCS yourself, unless you are using rules such as Sim-
pleProgramTarget() or ComplexProgramTarget_{1,2,3}(),
which do it for you. In the latter case, you need to
define SRCS1, SRCS2 and SRCS3.
This macro uses DependDependency() to check for the
existence of makedepend and build it if necessary.
Removes all the files named by FilesToClean and files
whose names begin with ``#''.
To understand how this rule works, see how RM_CMD is
defined in Imake.tmpl.
Generate rule to build a TAGS file from all *.c and *.h
If UseInstalled is not #define'd, this macro generates
rules to check for the existence of imake in the source
tree and build it if it's missing. This differs from
the R3 rules, which failed if imake was missing.
Generate rules to build Makefile. The imakefile argu-
ment is superfluous (a bug?). Since it's ignored,
Imakefile is assumed as the source from which to build
Makefile. imakeflags is any special flags you want
passed to the imake command.
This macro uses ImakeDependency() to check for the
existence of imake and build it if necessary.
You don't use this rule explicitly unless you've
#define'd IHaveSpecialMakefileTarget in your Imakefile.
Generate rules to build a Makefile target from
Imakefile, so you can say ``make Makefile''. This tar-
get is automatically included in your Makefile when it

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- 29 - Imake in X11R4

is rebuilt by imake, unless ``#define IHaveSpecial-
MakefileTarget'' is present in your Imakefile, in which
case you should include an invocation of Build-
MakefileTarget() to build Makefile.
Generate rule to turn a .c file into a .o file.
Include this macro (once) in your Imakefile if you're
building a library from C source.
Generate rule to turn a .f file into a .o file.
Include this macro (once) in your Imakefile if you're
building a library from FORTRAN source. (FORTRAN?
Isn't that something used to build COBOL compilers?)
Like NormalLibraryObjectRule(), but in addition to
building the normal target, a profiled target is built
in the profiled subdirectory of the current directory.
profiled is created if necessary. A ``clean'' target
to remove profiled objects is also generated.
Like ProfiledLibraryObjectRule(), but instead of pro-
filed targets in profiled, debuggable targets are built
in the debugger subdirectory.
A combination of ProfiledLibraryObjectRule() and Debug-
Like ProfiledLibraryObjectRule(), but instead of pro-
filed targets in profiled, sharable targets are built
in the shared subdirectory.
A combination of SharedLibraryObjectRule() and Debug-
Like SharedAndDebuggedLibraryObjectRule(), but allows
targets objs), dependencies and special compiler flags
to be specified.
Like SharedLibraryObjectRule(), but allows targets
objs), dependencies and special compiler flags to be
Like NormalLibraryObjectRule(), but allows targets
objs), dependencies and special compiler flags to be

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Like ProfiledLibraryObjectRule(), but allows targets
objs), dependencies and special compiler flags to be
Like DebuggedLibraryObjectRule(), but allows targets
objs), dependencies and special compiler flags to be
Like DebuggedAndProfiledLibraryObjectRule(), but allows
targets objs), dependencies and special compiler flags
to be specified.
Generate rules to create the library liblibname.a from
the object files named by objlist. The library is
RANLIB'd after being created.
Generate rules to create a shared library The library is created under a dif-
ferent name and then moved onto the target name to max-
imize availability of any existing version.
Like NormalSharedLibraryTarget(), but for shared data The comments claim the library is
created under a different name and then moved onto the
target name as for NormalSharedLibraryTarget() but that
doesn't appear to be true from the text of the macro.
Like NormalLibraryTarget(), but adds two lists of files
to the library, in two steps. Used to create libraries
with large numbers of files.
Generate rules to create the library liblibname_p.a
from the profiled objects in the profiled subdirectory.
Generate rules to create the library liblibname_d.a
from the debuggable objects in the debugger subdirec-
Generate rules to make libalias.a a link to

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- 31 - Imake in X11R4

Generate rules to produce a relocatable object file
objname.o from the object files named in objlist. This
is built using the loader LD, called with flags LDCOM-
Like NormalRelocatableTarget(), but builds objname_p.o
and uses loader flag -X instead of LDCOMBINEFLAGS, to
produce a profiled relocatable object file.
Like NormalRelocatableTarget(), but builds objname_d.o
and uses loader flag -X instead of LDCOMBINEFLAGS, to
produce a debuggable relocatable object file.
Generate rules for a ``lintlib'' target that builds
llib-llibname.ln from the source files named by
Generate rules for a ``lint'' target that lints the
source files named by srclist, and for a ``lint1'' tar-
get that lints the file named by the make variable FILE
(which you must set in Imakefile).
Generate rules to lint files named by SRCS. SRCS might
be set by you in Imakefile, or, if you invoke macros
such as SimpleProgramTarget() or ComplexProgramTar-
get_{1,2,3}(), it will be done for you automatically.
Generate rule to make a link to a file in another
directory. The macro can be used to create links to
non-source files, too, of course.
Generate rules for target step to ... to ... uh, I
don't know!
Generate rules for a target name (e.g., ``depend'',
``install'') that causes the target subname to be built
in the subdirectories named by dirs. This is done by
changing into each subdirectory in turn and invoking
make for the subname target. flags is any extra flags
that should be passed to those make processes. verb is
the -ing form of name, e.g., if is ``make'', then verb
is ``making''. This is used to echo an indication of
what make is doing in each directory as it proceeds.
This macro is used by virtually all other macros that

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have names like XXXSubdirs().
Invokes NamedTargetSubdirs() to generate rules for a
target name that causes the ``all'' target to be built
in the subdirectories named by dirs.
If you want CDEBUGFLAGS passed to the make processes
forked in each subdirectory, the Imakefile should have
a line at the top that says:

# define PassCDebugFlags 'CDEBUGFLAGS=$(CDEBUGFLAGS)'

Equivalent to NamedMakeSubdirs(all,dirs).
Invokes NamedTargetSubdirs() to generate rules for a
``depend'' target that causes the ``depend'' target to
be built in the subdirectories named by dirs.
Invokes NamedTargetSubdirs() to generate rules for a
``install'' target that causes the ``install'' target
to be built in the subdirectories named by dirs.
This macro is automatically invoked if IHaveSubdirs is
#define'd in Imakefile, in which case SUBDIRS should be
set to the names of the subdirectories involved.
Invokes NamedTargetSubdirs() to generate rules for a
``'' target that causes the ``''
target to be built in the subdirectories named by dirs.
This macro is automatically invoked if IHaveSubdirs is
#define'd in Imakefile, in which case SUBDIRS should be
set to the names of the subdirectories involved.
Invokes NamedTargetSubdirs() to generate rules for a
``includes'' target that causes the ``includes'' target
to be built in the subdirectories named by dirs.
This macro is automatically invoked if IHaveSubdirs is
#define'd in Imakefile, in which case SUBDIRS should be
set to the names of the subdirectories involved.
Invokes NamedTargetSubdirs() to generate rules for a
target name that causes the ``clean'' target to be
built in the subdirectories named by dirs.

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- 33 - Imake in X11R4

Equivalent to NamedCleanSubdirs(clean,dirs).
This macro is automatically invoked if IHaveSubdirs is
#define'd in Imakefile, in which case SUBDIRS should be
set to the names of the subdirectories involved.
Invokes NamedTargetSubdirs() to generate rules for a
target name that causes the ``tags'' target to be built
in the subdirectories named by dirs.
Equivalent to NamedTagSubdirs(tags,dirs).
This macro is automatically invoked if IHaveSubdirs is
#define'd in Imakefile, in which case SUBDIRS should be
set to the names of the subdirectories involved.
Invokes NamedTargetSubdirs() to generate rules for a
target target that causes the target subtarget to be
built in the subdirectories named by dirs.
Equivalent to MakeLintSubdirs(dirs,lint,lint).
This macro is not automatically invoked if IHaveSubdirs
is #define'd in Imakefile; you need to do so yourself.
Equivalent to MakeLintSubdirs(dirs,lintlib,lintlib).
Generate rules for a target target to generate a
Makefile in the subdirectories named by dirs.
In R4, ``Makefiles'' rules handle values of ${TOP} that
are either relative or absolute. The R3 rule only han-
dled relative values.
Generate a set of very very very ugly but quite wonder-
ful rules for use by MakeMakeSubdirs(). Automatically
invoked by MakefileSubdirs(); you shouldn't need to do
so yourself.
Generate rules to build ``Makefiles'' targets in the
given subdirectories.
This macro is automatically invoked if IHaveSubdirs is
#define'd in Imakefile, in which case SUBDIRS should be
set to the names of the subdirectories involved.

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Imake in X11R4 - 34 -

Generate rules to build a shell script dst from src.
It figures out how to do this correctly for the current
platform depending on the value of ExecableScripts.
defs is any extra flags, such as -D's, to pass through
to the preprocessor. deplist names any targets that
must exist before dst can be built.
Generate rule to build a script name from name.cpp.
defs is as for CppScriptTarget().
Generate rules for target step to create the direc-
tories named by dirs. This is often used to make sure
that installation directories exist before trying to
install files in them. (Not all verions of install
create missing directories.)
Generate rules for ``fonts.dir'' target to build font
database fonts.dir. The make variable OBJS must be set
to the name of the files that should exist before the
database is built.
Generate rules to install the directory fonts.dir into
dest using installation flags INSTDATFLAGS.
Generate rules to install font alias database
fonts.alias into dest using installation flags INSTDAT-
Generate rules to create a font file by converting
basename.bdf to basename.snf.
Generate rules to create a compressed font file by con-
verting basename.bdf (to basename.snf.Z, I suppose).
Generate rule for an ``all'' target to build targets
named by depends.

7. Imakefile
If HasSaberC is #define'd, some special Saber-C rules are
Some symbols that you may want to #define (as nothing) at
the top of Imakefile are:

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- 35 - Imake in X11R4

If not #define'd (the normal case), MakefileTarget() is
automatically invoked. If #define'd, it's assumed that
you want to explicitly invoke a Makefile-building macro
If #define'd, MakefileAdditions() is automatically
invoked. However, MakefileAdditions() appears not to
be defined anywhere, and I have no idea what it is sup-
posed to do.
If #define'd, you should set SUBDIRS to the names of
the current directory's subdirectories, and
subdirectory-traversing rules for generating
``Makefile'', ``install'', ``'', ``clean'',
``tags'' and ``includes'' targets will be automatically
If you set SUBDIRS to the empty value (``SUBDIRS='')
and rebuild the Makefile, you will either be in for a
long wait whenever you make any of the recursive tar-
gets above or you'll get a syntax error.

Revision date: 1 July 1991 Printed: 5 October 1992

  3 Responses to “Category : UNIX Files
Archive   : IMAKE312.ZIP
Filename : APPX11R4.TXT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: