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November 12, 1989

David B. Whittle

IBM Marketing & Services Group
Atlantic/NFM Area Systems Center
Building 183, Room 2D-182, Mail Stop 205
800 North Frederick Avenue
Gaithersburg, MD 20879

Seventh Edition

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Since the introduction of the IBM PERSONAL SYSTEM/2(R) (PS/2(R)) family
on April 2, 1987, a wide variety of system models, memory modules,
memory expansion adapters, and fixed disks have been introduced. While
this broad product line offers IBM customers unparalleled flexibility,
it can also make the tasks of selecting, configuring, or expanding
systems seem complex and sometimes daunting. The following tables
simplify the tasks of selecting, configuring, and expanding the various
members of the Personal System/2 family. The information contained
herein applies to all systems, displays, memory, and disk features
introduced in the United States between April 1, 1987 and November 12,

To assist in the system-selection process, information is provided on
the base system features, expandability, and usability. Much of what
distinguishes an IBM system from that of the competition is a careful
attention to the details of human factors design that cannot be measured
with simple numbers; nonetheless, even comparisons of those traits that
can be measured reveal the benefits of IBM's concern for every aspect of
system design. Reliability, expandability, size, weight, noise output,
power use, and electromagnetic radiation levels can and should be
compared during the system-selection process. In making the
system-selection decision, it is also important to consider performance.
Therefore, it is important to understand why benchmarks or performance
comparisons are not included in this guide and to place in context many
of the performance indicators, such as average disk access time, that
are provided.

Benchmarks are useful only to the extent that they are clearly
recognized to be a limited measure of a specific component of a complex
system. Rarely can any one benchmark, data point, or set of benchmarks
crystallize the essence of system performance into a single comparative
number. More often, they lead to misguided decisions based upon
improper interpretations of system performance characteristics. Even
worse, benchmarks are often used to justify inappropriate system
selection criteria and weightings far removed from the realities of
daily use. Total system throughput and application performance are
comprised of many interrelated factors; a bottleneck in one system
subcomponent can easily negate supposed performance benefits from
another ultra-fast system subcomponent. Without a complete
understanding of the interrelationships of every subcomponent of the
systems, decision makers might be swayed by marketing pitches that
emphasize the specifications of certain sub-optimized components or
carefully selected benchmarks that often demonstrate performance
characteristics unrelated to actual system throughput in daily use.

Another critical consideration is that benchmarks almost always
single-mindedly exclude reliability comparisons from performance
considerations. This rewards companies that design for performance over
reliability. In general, during system design, performance can be
bought at the expense of reliability. IBM systems are designed to
ensure (in order of importance) personal safety, data and system
integrity, reliability, compatibility, functionality, performance, and
low cost. Most benchmarks assume that all else is equal, when in
reality, design trade-offs must always be made. IBM's performance
objective is to provide overall system throughput through balanced
system design rather than to maximize individual component
specifications. Thus, IBM systems will perform very well when measured
by throughput or user perception of performance and extremely well when
measured to include system integrity lapses as significant negative
performance indicators.

Finally, most benchmarks that have been published to date measure PS/2
performance under single-thread benchmarks that miss the entire design
point of the multi-tasking, MICRO CHANNEL(TM)-based Personal System/2.
It is somewhat analogous to comparing a rocket to a jet plane using
maximum attainable speed as the benchmark criterion. The jet may not
perform like a rocket if orbiting the earth is the objective, but it
will more likely outperform a rocket for anyone whose objectives are
smooth take-offs and landings, flexibility in selecting destinations,
and early arrival at those destinations.

About Conventional, Extended, and Expanded Memory

Random access memory (RAM) on microcomputers is commonly divided into
three categories--conventional, extended, or expanded. In order to
understand these three types of memory, let's examine the underlying
relationships between microprocessors and memory and the implications of
those relationships.

To be useful, memory must somehow be accessed via the address register
of the microprocessor. The microprocessor can only address memory up to
a certain maximum determined by the size, in bits, of the address
register of the processor. For example, the 8088 and 8086 processors
can only address 1,048,576 (1MB or 2ýµ) bytes, since those chips have
only a 20 bit address register. The 80286 has a 24-bit address register
and thus can address up to 16MB of memory; while the 80386, with a
32-bit address register, can address more memory than you or I can
afford to buy in the foreseeable future. The 640K limit of DOS is a
function of the 1MB addressable limit of the original PC, with its 8088
processor, less 384K of memory dedicated to BIOS and device support. To
maintain compatibility with the 8088, later versions of the Intel
microprocessor include a "real" mode emulator that includes the original
1MB addressing limitation. The 80286 can emulate one 8088 while the
80386 is capable of emulating multiple 8088 processors concurrently. In
addition to this real mode emulation, the 80286 and 80386 support
another processing mode, called "protect" mode, where memory
addressability is limited only by full size of the address register.

Each byte of memory is assigned an address to identify that byte to the
address register of the microprocessor. This address begins with 0 for
the first byte, 1 for the second byte, and so on until the physical
memory of the machine is exhausted. Thus, for example, the RAM on a 1MB
system would be addressed as 0 - 655,360 (640K) and 1,048,576 (1MB) -
1,441,792 (1.384MB) to leave room in the 640K - 1MB space for the
reserved uses mentioned previously.

Thus, conventional memory is traditionally the 640K memory available to
DOS, plus the 384K reserved memory that is generally transparent to the
user. Extended memory is memory that is assigned an address above 1MB
line up to the addressable limit of the microprocessor. Extended memory
can be directly addressed only by programs that switch to protect mode
such as virtual disks or print spoolers or by a protect-mode operating
system such as OS/2. Expanded memory is simply memory that is addressed
by the microprocessor at an address other than its own physical address.
Thus, it might be memory that is actually swapped from extended memory
into an accessable "window" within the 1MB addressable memory space; or,
it might be memory that is addressed via "indirection," or the
simulation of addresses below 1MB via translation of physical addresses
to virtual addresses. A variety of methods to accomplish this
addressing sleight of hand have been developed, including LIM EMS, LIM
4.0, EEMMS, VROOMM(1), and so on; but in essence they all simply fool
the processor into indirectly addressing more memory than 1MB.

The implications of these shoe-horning techniques are many; suffice it
to say that if you are uncomfortable with the conflict resolution and
incompatibilities inherent in such technology, you should seek expert
advice or stick to the safety of regular DOS with its limits or migrate
to OS/2 for the long-term.

About the IBM Personal System/2 and Micro Channel architecture

Much has been said and written about IBM's Personal System/2 and the
Micro Channel architecture as compared to competitive systems, the IBM
AT-bus architecture and extensions to the IBM AT-bus architecture
proposed by some of IBM's competitors. Although the issues are are
primarily technical and sometimes esoteric, it is important to consider
those issues carefully before making system selection decisions in
today's environment.

One thing to remember is that IBM developed the AT-bus architecture and
has not abandoned it. Note in Table 1-A that all of our DOS-based
systems are also based on the XT or AT bus. The reason is that machines
designed for the single-user, single-task operation that is the design
objective of DOS are well served by the technology of the PC/AT bus.
However, IBM recognized the need for greatly increased reliability in a
multi-tasking, communications-intensive environment and developed the
Micro Channel architecture to meet the needs of the next generation of
personal systems while maintaining compatibility with today's software

The IBM Micro Channel architecture is an important feature of the PS/2
offering many current benefits as well as a wide variety of potential
and future benefits. Consider the many benefits that are currently
enjoyed by IBM customers who have invested in the Micro Channel-based

o Enhanced reliability derived from design improvements such as
superior interrupt handling.

o Automatic configuration, eliminating manual switch setting.

o Data integrity from reduced electro-magnetic (EMC/FCC) radiation at
all microprocessor speed levels, resulting in a clean computing
environment, fewer spurious interrupts, and lightweight machines
with less shielding.

o Reduced system size and smaller footprints, made possible because
Micro Channel adapters are smaller. Smaller adapters generally
employ advanced surface-mount technology and are therefore
inherently more reliable and require less power to operate

o Flexibility of shared hardware interrupts, allowing, for example,
adapters that are incompatible on AT-bus systems to co-exist in the
same Micro Channel-based system.

o Performance improvements from such features as "Burst Mode,"
allowing rapid data transfers between subsystems and enabling such
efficiencies as a 1:1 interleave on even fast fixed disks.

o Benefits extend to 286 and 386SX (16-bit) users as well as 386 and
486 (32-bit) users.

o Support of multiple bus master cards which translates to significant
performance advantages and provides the ability to enable new
function on existing machines. The architecture supports up to 15
intelligent bus master cards processing independently of the system
processor. For example, in a local area network (LAN) an existing
file server can have a fax function added to it. A fax bus master
card can be installed on the PS/2 file server. Incoming fax traffic
can be printed on a network printer, totally independent of the file
server activities being performed by the PS/2 processor.

o Capability for adapter cards to be identified throughout the network
without lifting the covers (Program Option Select).

o Capability for troubled cards to be disabled from a central point
(electronic "sensing").

o The Micro Channel architecture has already become the advanced bus
architecture standard for personal computers.

- Millions of PS/2s with Micro Channel have shipped.
- Thousands of Micro Channel card IDs have been assigned.
- Over one thousand unique Micro Channel cards are shipping today,
some with function and performance unavailable on cards designed
for the AT-bus.

o Protection of investment via a long-term, extensible standard as
well as system micro-processor upgradability using bus master

The Micro Channel architecture is a platform for computer systems
today and in the future. Today, many, but not all, of the features
of the Micro Channel architecture are implemented on the PS/2.
Tomorrow that same architecture can be implemented on additional
systems--compatible with the adapters of today while providing for
the enhanced capabilities of the adapters of tomorrow. Keeping that
in mind, note that the Micro Channel architecture provides for the
following future features and benefits:

o Higher Performance Data Transfer capabilities through:

- Streaming Data Procedure, a facility to increase the data
transfer rate to 40 million bytes per second.
- 64 Bit Streaming Data Transfers in addition to the original 8,
16, and 32 bit basic data transfers. This enables data transfers
at 80 million bytes per second.
- Future reductions of Micro Channel cycle times with the potential
for data transfers at 160 million bytes per second.

o Fault Detection and Isolation Features including data and address
parity and synchronous channel check to improve system integrity in
multi-user and multi-tasking environments.

o Enhanced Programmability with the introduction of the Subsystem
Control Block architecture, a consistent software protocol by which
bus masters can communicate and exchange data. This should
accelerate industry innovation for future Micro Channel adapters.

o Micro Channel architecture is a platform for optimal use of
tomorrow's operating system (e.g., OS/2, AIX, DOS Extensions).

o Micro Channel will continue to provide investment protection for
years to come.

o Micro Channel's advanced function will promote the development of
new high function adapters which may be utilized on current PS/2s.

o New systems and new PS/2's will be able to take advantage of current

The fact that Micro Channel is a truly open architecture is often
overlooked or misunderstood, but its open nature is one of its most
important features. Everything necessary to design adapters for Micro
Channel has been published--indeed, IBM has published more of the
technical details about Micro Channel than it did concerning the AT-bus
architecture. Furthermore, the cost of the published specifications is
extremely reasonable--$125 (Part Number 68X2224, Form #S68X-2224). The
specifications of another advanced bus architecture are only available
through a law firm at a cost of thousands of dollars. Furthermore, IBM
does not charge royalties on the development or sale of Micro Channel
adapters and has consistently demonstrated a willingness to make Micro
Channel itself available to other manufacturers via technology exchange
and/or a reasonable royalty structure. Few complain that the AT-bus is
proprietary, yet it is also an IBM product and is proprietary in any
sense that Micro Channel might be considered proprietary. Every
company, IBM included, deserves a reasonable profit from innovative
engineering and industry leadership when it serves real customer
requirements. IBM has sold literally millions of Micro Channel slots,
demonstrating that Micro Channel is already the established industry
standard advanced bus architecture serving genuine customer

Although the performance improvements derived from bus-mastering and
other Micro Channel enhancements to the AT-bus architecture are proving
and will continue to prove significant benefits of the Micro Channel
architecture, its most important contribution to the current
state-of-the-art is a quantum leap in reliability. Much reduced
electromagnetic radiation coupled with level-sensitive interrupts
eliminate system hangs due to lost or spurious interrupts. In today's
environment, software is often blamed for what are hardware's failings,
perhaps generating a false confidence in the reliability of many
IBM-compatible microcomputers. At least some system hangs leading to a
re-boot are due to lost or spurious hardware interrupts rather than
software interrupt conflicts. Unfortunately, many users have become so
accustomed to such "Big-Red-Switch" events in the DOS environment that
they don't often consider the possibility that the hardware is
occasionally at fault. With the increased reliability levels of OS/2
and PS/2, IBM makes a statement that such events are unacceptable in a
multi-tasking, communications intensive environment and provides overall
reliability levels previously unknown on DOS-based AT-bus systems.

A comparison of extended warranty or maintenance costs reveals some
interesting reliability comparisons. For example, it is not generally
known or reported that for $25, any purchaser of a PS/2 can upgrade the
standard 1-year carry-in warranty to an on-site warranty. In other
words, for $25 to cover the entire first year of your PS/2's life, an
IBM service representative will come to your home or place of business
to repair your system, generally on the same or next day as you place
the service call. Ask your dealer for a price on comparable service for
competitive systems. Even after the first year, IBM's on-site
maintenance prices are generally only 30-70% of competitive prices.
Reliability is often a hidden cost and difficult to measure; however,
when the assurance of minimal down-time can be purchased for only a
marginal cost, one should think twice about the often-repeated, but
unfair, generalization that IBM is too expensive.

Although box for box, IBM systems may seem more expensive, the IBM
systems offer genuine overall value. When making comparisons, be
careful to make all things equal before comparing. Compare
compatibility, reliability, standard equipment vs. optional add-ons,
maintenance prices, power consumption, system life, resale value,
flexibility, support, and technology. That's how Fortune 500 companies
make such decisions and is one reason why IBM's market share among those
companies is higher than among segments that may simply assume that IBM
is "expensive" based simply on a cursory review or comparison of obvious
and easily measured features such as processor type and speed, storage
capacity, and aggregate number of slots.

For example, in some trade press reviews, the desktop models of the PS/2
are criticized for not having enough slots. However, the PS/2, with its
multitude of standard features, changes the frame of reference. Few
complain that the AT, with its eight slots, was inadequate; yet for most
users, the PS/2 with three slots offers as much function as the AT with
eight slots. Consider the following:

³ FUNCTION ³ PS/2 ³ AT ³
³ VGA adapter: ³ Integrated ³ 1 slot ³

³ Serial/parallel port: ³ Integrated ³ 1 slot ³
³ Diskette/Fixed Disk: ³ Integrated ³ 1 slot ³
³ Mouse port: ³ Integrated ³ 1 slot ³
³ Additional memory: ³ System board ³ 1 slot or more ³
³ Available for ³ 3 slots ³ 3 slots or ³
³ expansion: ³ ³ less ³

For those situations where additional slots are required, IBM offers
floor-standing systems that offer SEVEN available slots IN ADDITION TO
the many standard PS/2 integrated features that might require slots on
other systems.

We invite you to experience Personal System/2 ergonomics and performance
first-hand before making system selection decisions and hope that this
guide makes a valuable contribution towards helping you find the system
and configuration that meets your needs.


My thanks for the many additions, corrections, revisions, and
suggestions provided by the following IBM employees worldwide:



Please send suggestions, comments, and/or changes to:


Management contact:



A Summary of the Personal System/2 Models

IBM supports three primary operating systems on the PS/2: DOS, OS/2(R),
and AIX(TM) In general, DOS is for customers requiring single-user,
single-tasking applications; OS/2 is for single-user (or multiple users
on local area networks), multi-tasking, and/or Systems Application
Architecture applications; while AIX is for multi-user, multi-tasking,
UNIX(2)-based applications in complex, mixed-vendor environments.

All systems include a keyboard, integrated serial, parallel, and mouse
ports, integrated disk and display connectors, and a clock-calendar with

Throughout all tables, x = any substitutable character, e.g. 857x-x61 =
8570-E61, 8570-061, and 8573-061.  indicates a model or product that
has been superceded by an enhanced product and withdrawn from marketing.

Table 1-A. DOS Systems

³ ³ ³ CPU ³ System Board ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ Suggested ³ ³ Memory ³ Maximum³ Std. ³ Std. ³ # of ³ ³
³ Product Number ³ Retail ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Total ³ Fixed ³ 3.5" ³ Free ³ Graphics ³
³ ³ Price ³ Type ³ ³ # of ³ ³ ³ ³ Memory ³ Disk ³ Diskette ³ Slots³ ³
³ ³ ³ (Intel)³ Speed ³ Wait ³ Std.³ Max.³ Speed ³ ³ ³ Drive(s) ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ States ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 8525-001¶ ³ $1350 ³ 8086 ³ 8MHz ³ 0 ³ 512K³ 640K³ 150ns ³ 640K ³ None ³ 720K ³ 2-XTý³ MCGA-mono· ³
³ 8525-004¶ ³ $1695 ³ 8086 ³ 8MHz ³ 0 ³ 512K³ 640K³ 150ns ³ 640K ³ None ³ 720K ³ 2-XTý³ MCGA-color·³
³ 8525-C02¶ ³ $1898 ³ 8086 ³ 8MHz ³ 0 ³ 640K³ 640K³ 150ns ³ 640K ³ None ³ 720K (2) ³ 2-XTý³ MCGA-mono· ³
³ 8525-C05¶ ³ $2243 ³ 8086 ³ 8MHz ³ 0 ³ 640K³ 640K³ 150ns ³ 640K ³ None ³ 720K (2) ³ 2-XTý³ MCGA-color·³
³ 8525-G01 ³ $1395 ³ 8086 ³ 8MHz ³ 0 ³ 512K³ 640K³ 150ns ³ 640K ³ None ³ 720K ³ 2-XTý³ MCGA-mono· ³
³ 8525-G04 ³ $1740 ³ 8086 ³ 8MHz ³ 0 ³ 512K³ 640K³ 150ns ³ 640K ³ None ³ 720K ³ 2-XTý³ MCGA-color·³
³ 8525-K02 ³ $1943 ³ 8086 ³ 8MHz ³ 0 ³ 640K³ 640K³ 150ns ³ 640K ³ None ³ 720K (2) ³ 2-XTý³ MCGA-mono· ³
³ 8525-K05 ³ $2288 ³ 8086 ³ 8MHz ³ 0 ³ 640K³ 640K³ 150ns ³ 640K ³ None ³ 720K (2) ³ 2-XTý³ MCGA-color·³
³ 8525-L01 ³ $2139 ³ 8086 ³ 8MHz ³ 0 ³ 640K³ 640K³ 150ns ³ 640K ³ None ³ 720K ³ 1-XTý³ MCGA-mono· ³
³ 8525-L04 ³ $2484 ³ 8086 ³ 8MHz ³ 0 ³ 640K³ 640K³ 150ns ³ 640K ³ None ³ 720K ³ 1-XTý³ MCGA-color·³
³ 8530-001 ³ $1695 ³ 8086 ³ 8MHz ³ 0 ³ 640K³ 640K³ 150ns ³ 2.64MB¸³ None ³ 720K ³ 3-XT ³ MCGA ³
³ 8530-002 ³ N/A ³ 8086 ³ 8MHz ³ 0 ³ 640K³ 640K³ 150ns ³ 2.64MB¸³ None ³ 720K (2) ³ 3-XT ³ MCGA ³
³ 8530-021 ³ $2255 ³ 8086 ³ 8MHz ³ 0 ³ 640K³ 640K³ 150ns ³ 2.64MB¸³ 20MB ³ 720K ³ 3-XT ³ MCGA ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ ¶ Includes IBM Space Saving Keyboard. ³
³ ³
³ ý One available slot is an 8-inch short slot, i.e. half-slot. ³
³ ³
³ · Includes built-in display as part of base system. ³
³ ³
³ ¸ Requires special consideration involving configuration and availability of conventional vs. extended, and/or expanded memory. You ³
³ may need assistance in determining suitability to your needs. ³

Table 1-B. Systems Capable of Supporting DOS or OS/2

³ ³ ³ CPU ³ System Board ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ Suggested ³ ³ Memory ³ Maximum³ Std. ³ Std. ³ # of ³ ³
³ Product Number ³ Retail ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Total ³ Fixed ³ 3.5" ³ Free ³ Graphics ³
³ ³ Price ³ Type ³ ³ # of ³ ³ ³ ³ Memory ³ Disk ³ Diskette ³ Slots³ ³
³ ³ ³ (Intel)³ Speed ³ Wait ³ Std.³ Max.³ Speed ³ ³ ³ Drive(s) ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ States ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 8530-E01 ³ $1995 ³ 80286 ³ 10MHz ³ 1 ³ 1MB ³ 4MB¸³ 120ns ³ 15.5MB¸³ None ³ 1.44MB ³ 3-AT ³ VGA ³
³ 8530-E21 ³ $2445 ³ 80286 ³ 10MHz ³ 1 ³ 1MB ³ 4MB¶³ 120ns ³ 15.5MB¶³ 20MB ³ 1.44MB ³ 3-AT ³ VGA ³
³ 8530-E31 ³ $2595 ³ 80286 ³ 10MHz ³ 1 ³ 1MB ³ 4MB¶³ 120ns ³ 15.5MB¶³ 30MB ³ 1.44MB ³ 3-AT ³ VGA ³
³ 8550-021 ³ N/A ³ 80286 ³ 10MHz ³ 1 ³ 1MB ³ 1MB ³ 120ns ³ 16MB ³ 20MB ³ 1.44MBý ³ 3-MC ³ VGA ³
³ 8550-031 ³ $3250 ³ 80286 ³ 10MHz ³ 0· ³ 1MB ³ 2MB¸³ 85ns ³ 16MB ³ 30MB ³ 1.44MB ³ 3-MC ³ VGA ³
³ 8550-061 ³ $3650 ³ 80286 ³ 10MHz ³ 0· ³ 1MB ³ 2MB¸³ 85ns ³ 16MB ³ 60MB ³ 1.44MB ³ 3-MC ³ VGA ³
³ 8560-041 ³ $5295 ³ 80286 ³ 10MHz ³ 1 ³ 1MB ³ 1MB ³ 120ns ³ 16MB ³ 44MB ³ 1.44MBý ³ 7-MC ³ VGA ³
³ 8560-071 ³ $5795 ³ 80286 ³ 10MHz ³ 1 ³ 1MB ³ 1MB ³ 120ns ³ 16MB ³ 70MB ³ 1.44MBý ³ 7-MC ³ VGA ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o All systems in this table require additional memory and/or disk for OS/2. Refer to SECTION 6 for estimated memory and disk ³
³ requirements. ³
³ ³
³ ¶ Requires special consideration involving configuration and availability of conventional vs. extended, and/or expanded memory. You may ³
³ need assistance in determining suitability to your needs. ³
³ ³
³ ý To ensure proper operation of the diskette drive, this model requires the DASDDRVR.SYS device driver when running DOS 3.30 or 4.00. ³
³ The driver is not required when running OS/2. ³
³ ³
³ · Expansion adapter memory that runs at 120ns adds a wait state for processor access to that memory. ³
³ ³
³ ¸ Requires the replacement of the standard 1MB module(s) on the system board with 2MB modules(s). ³

Table 1-C. Systems Capable of Supporting DOS, OS/2, or AIX

³ ³ ³ CPU ³ System Board ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ Suggested ³ ³ Memory ³ Maximum³ Std. ³ Std. ³ # of ³ ³
³ Product Number ³ Retail ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ TOTAL ³ Fixed ³ 3.5" ³ Free ³ Graphics ³
³ ³ Price ³ Type ³ ³ # of ³ ³ ³ ³ Memory ³ Disk ³ Diskette ³ Slots³ ³
³ ³ ³ (Intel)³ Speed ³ Wait ³ Std.³ MAX.³ Speed ³ ³ ³ Drive(s) ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ States ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 8555-031 ³ $3895 ³ 80386SX³ 16MHz ³ 0-2¶ ³ 2MBý³ 4MB·³ 85ns ³ 16MB¸ ³ 30MB ³ 1.44MB ³ 3-MC ³ VGA ³
³ 8555-061 ³ $4295 ³ 80386SX³ 16MHz ³ 0-2¶ ³ 2MBý³ 4MB ³ 85ns ³ 16MB¸ ³ 60MB ³ 1.44MB ³ 3-MC ³ VGA ³
³ 8570-E61 ³ $5495 ³ 80386 ³ 16MHz ³ 0-2¶ ³ 2MBý³ 6MB·³ 100ns¹³ 16MB ³ 60MB ³ 1.44MB ³ 3-MC ³ VGA ³
³ 8570-061 ³ $5795 ³ 80386 ³ 20MHz ³ 0-2¶ ³ 2MBý³ 6MB ³ 85ns ³ 16MB ³ 60MB ³ 1.44MB ³ 3-MC ³ VGA ³
³ 8570-121 ³ $6395 ³ 80386 ³ 20MHz ³ 0-2¶ ³ 2MBý³ 6MB ³ 85ns ³ 16MB ³ 120MB ³ 1.44MB ³ 3-MC ³ VGA ³
³ 8570-A61æ ³ $8395 ³ 80386 ³ 25MHz ³ 0-5¶ ³ 2MBý³ 8MB ³ 80nsæ³ 16MB ³ 60MB ³ 1.44MB ³ 3-MC ³ VGA ³
³ 8570-A21æ ³ $8995 ³ 80386 ³ 25MHz ³ 0-5¶ ³ 2MBý³ 8MB ³ 80nsæ³ 16MB ³ 120MB ³ 1.44MB ³ 3-MC ³ VGA ³
³ 8573-061 ³ $7695 ³ 80386 ³ 20MHz ³ 0-2¶ ³ 4MBý³ 8MB ³ 85ns ³ 16MB ³ 60MB ³ 1.44MB ³ 2-MC»³ VGA-plasma¼³
³ 8573-121 ³ $8295 ³ 80386 ³ 20MHz ³ 0-2¶ ³ 4MBý³ 8MB ³ 85ns ³ 16MB ³ 120MB ³ 1.44MB ³ 2-MC»³ VGA-plasma¼³
³ 8580-041 ³ $6995 ³ 80386 ³ 16MHz ³ 1 ³ 1MB ³ 2MB ³ 80ns ³ 16MB ³ 44MB ³ 1.44MB½ ³ 7-MC ³ VGA ³
³ 8580-071 ³ $7995 ³ 80386 ³ 16MHz ³ 1 ³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 80ns ³ 16MB ³ 70MB ³ 1.44MB½ ³ 7-MC ³ VGA ³
³ 8580-111 ³ $8995 ³ 80386 ³ 20MHz ³ 0-2¶ ³ 2MBý³ 4MB ³ 80ns ³ 16MB ³ 115MB ³ 1.44MB½ ³ 7-MC ³ VGA ³
³ 8580-311 ³ $11295 ³ 80386 ³ 20MHz ³ 0-2¶ ³ 2MBý³ 4MB ³ 80ns ³ 16MB ³ 314MB ³ 1.44MB½ ³ 7-MC ³ VGA ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o Not all systems listed in this table support OS/2 and AIX in their standard configurationÄÄadditional memory and/or disk may be ³
³ required. You may need assistance in determining the appropriate configuration for your needs. ³
³ ³
³ ¶ Uses Page Memory Logic. Accessing memory outside the most recently used page (one page ÷ 2KB) requires one wait state. Writing data ³
³ to memory also requires one wait state. Therefore, read access from the current page requires no wait states, read access outside ³
³ the current page or a write to the current page require one wait state, and a write to outside the current page requires two wait ³
³ states. ³
³ ³
³ ý 128K of system memory is mapped for use by BIOS in order to improve system performance. ³
³ ³
³ · Requires the replacement of the standard 1MB module(s) on the system board with 2MB modules(s). ³
³ ³
³ ¸ Expansion adapter memory that runs at 120ns adds a wait state for processor access to that memory. ³
³ ³
³ ¹ Expansion adapter memory and system board expansion memory are rated at 80ns or 85ns. ³
³ ³
³ æ Includes 30ns 64K memory cache. Cached data is accessed with zero wait states. For even more demanding applications, the performance ³
³ of the Models 70-A21 and 70-A61 can be significantly enhanced via the IBM PERSONAL SYSTEM/2 486/25 POWER PLATFORM(TM), Feature #5220, ³
³ Part 6450876. This upgrade includes a 25MHz Intel i486 32-bit microprocessor that features an internal memory cache controller, an ³
³ internal 8KB cache, and an internal floating-point processing unit that performs the functions of an external 80387 Math Co-Processor. ³
³ Scheduled availability is 4th quarter, 1989. ³
³ ³
³ » One available slot is a short slot, i.e. half-slot. ³
³ ³
³ ¼ Includes built-in display as part of base system. ³
³ ³
³ ½ To ensure proper operation of the diskette drive, this model requires the DASDDRVR.SYS device driver when running DOS 3.30. The ³
³ driver is not required when running OS/2 or DOS 4.00. ³


Applicable memory expansion features for each model

Memory expansion alternatives are either SIPs (Single In-line Packages)
or Adapters. SIPs (also called SIMMs, or Single In-line Memory Modules)
are modules that may be used to expand the system board (planar) or
adapters or both, as noted.

On all systems with more than 640K standard memory, the extra memory is
system board memory mapped beginning at the 1MB address. On 80286-based
systems, this memory can only be used as extended memory. On 80386SX
and 80386-based systems, this memory is extended memory that may also be
used as expanded memory with the appropriate drivers.

Table 2-A. IBM Personal System/2 Models 25-00x/-G0x

³ ³ SUGGESTED³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ Description/for Use on: ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ Max. ³ ³ ³
³ 128KB Memory Expansion Kit ³ $51 ³ #4105 ³ 78X8955³ 128K ³ 128K ³ 150ns ³ Module for planar ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o This model comes with planar (system board) space for 640K RAM, of which 512K is occupied. The addition of the 128K Feature #4105 is ³
³ required to bring system memory to the full 640K. ³
³ ³
³ o Only 640K of conventional memory is supported. ³
³ ³
³ o There are two XT-bus compatible slots available for adapter expansion, one of which is a half-size (8-inch) slot. ³

Table 2-B. IBM Personal System/2 Models 25-L0x/-C0x/-K0x

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ Description/for Use on: ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ Max. ³ ³ ³
³ No Expansion options available ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o These models come fully configured with 640K of system board memory. The addition of the 128K Feature #4105 is therefore not ³
³ required. ³
³ ³
³ o Only 640K of conventional memory is supported. ³
³ ³
³ o On the Models 25-C0x/-K0x, there are two XT-bus compatible slots available for adapter expansion, one of which is a half-size (8-inch) ³
³ slot. ³
³ ³
³ o On the Models 25-L0x, there is only one half-size (8-inch) XT-bus compatible slot available for adapter expansion, since one slot is ³
³ occupied by the Token-Ring Network PC Adapter. ³

Table 2-C. IBM Personal System/2 Models 30-001/-002/-021

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ Description/for Use on: ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ Max. ³ ³ ³
³ IBM 2MB Expanded Memory Adapter ³ $1355 ³ #3905 ³ 2685193³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 150ns ³ Adapter Fully populated ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o This model comes with 640K planar (system board) memory. No additional system board memory expansion is possible. ³
³ ³
³ o Using the adapter specified, an additional 2MB of memory can be added, which can be configured as expanded memory using the DOS 4.00 ³
³ driver XMA2EMS.SYS. ³
³ ³
³ o There are three XT-bus compatible slots available for adapter expansion, but the addition of more than one memory adapter is not ³
³ supported. ³

Table 2-D. IBM Personal System/2 Models 30 286-E01/-E21/-E31

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ Description/for Use on: ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ Max. ³ ³ ³
³ All Chargecard(2) ³ $495 ³ #3863 ³ 34F2863³ N/A ³ N/A ³ N/A ³ Memory enhancement card for planar¶ ³
³ 0.5MB Memory Module Kit ³ $215 ³ #3397 ³ 30F5348³ 512K ³ 512K ³ 120ns ³ Modules for planar or #8635 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Cannot mix w/#7833 ³
³ 2MB Memory Module Kit ³ $1295 ³ #7833 ³ 30F5360³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 120ns ³ Modules for planar or #8635 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Cannot mix w/#3397 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 Multifunction ³ $445 ³ #8635 ³ 30F5364³ 0MB ³ 12MB ³ 120ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Adapterý ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3397/#7833 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Includes the All Chargecard¶ (#3863), the ³
³ 3.0MB Expanded Memory Adapter ³ $2230 ³ #3864 ³ 34F2864³ 3MB ³ 12MBý ³ 120ns ³ Multifunction Adapter (#8635)ý, and six 0.5MB ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Modules (#3397). ³
³ 4.0MB Expanded Memory Option ³ $3085 ³ #3866 ³ 34F2866³ 4MB ³ 4MB ³ 120ns ³ Includes the All Chargecard¶ (#3863) and two ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 2MB Memory Modules (#7833). ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o These models come with four system board memory spaces which are occupied with four replaceable 256K SIPs for a total of 1MB. Early ³
³ versions of the Model 30 286-E01 and -E21 came with only 512K on the system board. The original system board SIPs can be replaced by ³
³ one or two of the 2MB Feature #7833, each consisting of two 1MB modules, for a a total of 2MB or 4MB system board memory. Different ³
³ size SIPs cannot be used together on the system board. ³
³ ³
³ o The ability to use a non-IBM memory expansion card in the Personal System/2 Model 30 286 is dependent on the flexibility of the card ³
³ in establishing its starting memory address. To operate properly in a Model 30 286 with 512KB, a memory expansion adapter must support ³
³ a starting memory address of 512KB. To operate properly in a Model 30 286 with 1MB, 2MB, or 4MB of system board memory, a memory ³
³ expansion adapter must support a starting memory address of 384KB plus the total amount of system board memory installed. ³
³ ³
³ o There are three AT-bus compatible slots available for adapter expansion. ³
³ ³
³ ¶ The All Chargecard will work with all installed IBM memory in a Model 30 286 to support the Lotus(3)/ Intel(4)/ Microsoft(5) Expanded ³
³ Memory Specification 4.0 (LIM EMS 4.0), the IBM Workstation Connectivity Memory Manager Enhancement, and Software Carousel(6) Version ³
³ 3. Furthermore, the All Chargecard can be used to load device drivers and terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) programs into unused ³
³ memory addresses between 640KB and 1024KB. This capability can be used in some local area network (LAN) and host attach environments ³
³ to increase the amount of memory available for other applications. The All Chargecard installs directly on the system board and does ³
³ not require an open option card slot; however, installation of the All Chargecard reduces the size of the option card that can be ³
³ installed in one of the three slots from a full sized card to a card eight inches long or less. The maximum amount of memory the All ³
³ Chargecard can manage is limited to 15.5MB (the maximum amount of memory available on a PS/2 Model 30 286). The PS/2 Model 30 286 can ³
³ address 16MB of memory. However, 0.5MB is reserved for system functions like System ROM, I/O ROM, I/O RAM, Video ROM, and Video RAM. ³
³ ³
³ ý The PS/2 Multifunction Adapter, Feature #8635 can only be used with 512KB of memory on the system board. Additional memory modules ³
³ may be moved from the system board to the PS/2 Multifunction Adapter. Up to two PS/2 Multifunction Adapters may be installed, ³
³ providing a maximum of 15MB of additional extended memory. This adapter does not support the IBM 3270 Workstation Program Versions 1.0 ³
³ or 1.1 or the DOS 4.00 expanded memory drivers, but does support LIM EMS 4.0 when used in conjunction with Above Disc(7) 2.0, which is ³
³ not included with the adapter and must be purchased separately (Order Vehicle 5871-AAA/Feature #5448/Part 30F5448). Above Disc works ³
³ under PC DOS Version 3.30 or higher. This adapter also includes one parallel and one serial port. When two Multifunction Adapters are ³
³ installed in the same system, it is necessary to disable the serial port on the system board in order to achieve full operation of ³
³ three parallel and two serial ports. ³
³ ³
³ · Requires the replacement of the six 0.5MB Memory Module Kits (Feature #3397) that are included in this option with six 2MB Memory ³
³ Module Kits (Feature #7833). The adapter is fully populated at a 3MB maximum capacity when using the six 0.5MB Memory Module Kits ³
³ (twelve 256K modules) that accompany Feature #3864. ³

Table 2-E. IBM Personal System/2 Model 50-021

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ Description/for Use on: ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ Max. ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2-8MB 80286 Memory ³ $1795 ³ #8286 ³ 6450609³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 1MB Memory Module ³ $695 ³ #5212 ³ 6450603³ 1MB ³ 1MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #8286 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix with #5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2MB Memory Module ³ $1395 ³ #5213 ³ 6450604³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #8286 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix with #5212 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 0-8MB Expanded ³ $600 ³ #7259 ³ 1497259³ 0MB ³ 8MB ³ 120ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Memory Adapter/A ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3397/#7833 ³
³ 0.5MB Memory Module Kit ³ $215 ³ #3397 ³ 30F5348³ 512K ³ 512K ³ 120ns ³ Modules for #7259 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix with #7833 OK ³
³ 2MB Memory Module Kit ³ $1295 ³ #7833 ³ 30F5360³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 120ns ³ Modules for #3920 (replacement) or #7259 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix with #3397 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80286 Memory ³ $630 ³ #3006 ³ 6450344³ 512K ³ 2MB ³ 150ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3012 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80286 Memory ³ $215 ³ #3012 ³ 6450345³ 512K ³ 512K ³ 150ns ³ Modules for #3006 ³
³ Expansion Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2MB Expanded ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Adapter ³
³ Memory Adapter/A ³ N/A ³ #3920 ³ 1497252³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 120ns ³ Fully populated with 0.5MB modules (#3397) ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ replaceable by 2MB modules (#7833). ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o This model comes with one system board memory space which is occupied with a non-replaceable 1MB module. ³
³ ³
³ o Only 1MB system board memory is possible; of this 640K is conventional user memory and 384K is extended memory which cannot be used as ³
³ expanded memory. ³
³ ³
³ o Using the above-referenced adapters and kits, up to 15MB of additional extended memory can be added. The memory from any one adapter ³
³ can be configured as expanded memory using the DOS 4.00 driver XMA2EMS.SYS. ³
³ ³
³ o There are three 16-bit Micro Channel slots available for adapter expansion. One slot incorporates the video extension interface that ³
³ allows the addition of an advanced video graphics board such as the IBM 8514/A in order to upgrade video function without duplicating ³
³ the built-in VGA circuitry. ³

Table 2-F. IBM Personal System/2 Models 50Z-031/-061

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ Description/for Use on: ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ Max. ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2-8MB 80286 Memory ³ $1795 ³ #8286 ³ 6450609³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 1MB Memory Module ³ $695 ³ #5212 ³ 6450603³ 1MB ³ 1MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #8286 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix with #5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2MB Memory Module ³ $1395 ³ #5213 ³ 6450604³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for planar (replacement) or #8286 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix with #5212 OK on #8286 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 0-8MB Expanded ³ $600 ³ #7259 ³ 1497259³ 0MB ³ 8MB ³ 120ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Memory Adapter/A ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3397/#7833 ³
³ 0.5MB Memory Module Kit ³ $215 ³ #3397 ³ 30F5348³ 512K ³ 512K ³ 120ns ³ Modules for #7259 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#7833 OK ³
³ 2MB Memory Module Kit ³ $1295 ³ #7833 ³ 30F5360³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 120ns ³ Modules for #3920 (replacement) or #7259 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#3397 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80286 Memory ³ $630 ³ #3006 ³ 6450344³ 512K ³ 2MB ³ 150ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3012 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80286 Memory ³ $215 ³ #3012 ³ 6450345³ 512K ³ 512K ³ 150ns ³ Modules for #3006 ³
³ Expansion Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2MB Expanded ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Adapter ³
³ Memory Adapter/A ³ N/A ³ #3920 ³ 1497252³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 120ns ³ Fully populated with 0.5MB modules (#3397) ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ replaceable by 2MB modules (#7833). ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o These Models come with one system board memory space which is occupied with a replaceable 1MB module. This 1MB module can be replaced ³
³ by the 2MB Feature #5213 to achieve the maximum of 2MB on the system board. ³
³ ³
³ o Any of the system board memory above 640K is extended memory only and cannot be used as expanded memory. ³
³ ³
³ o Using the above-referenced planar replacement modules, adapters, and kits, up to 15MB of extended memory can be added. The memory ³
³ from any one adapter can be configured as expanded memory using the DOS 4.00 driver XMA2EMS.SYS. ³
³ ³
³ o There are three 16-bit Micro Channel slots available for adapter expansion. One slot incorporates the video extension interface that ³
³ allows the addition of an advanced video graphics board such as the IBM 8514/A in order to upgrade video function without duplicating ³
³ the built-in VGA circuitry. ³

Table 2-G. IBM Personal System/2 Models 55 SX-031/-061

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ Description/for Use on: ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ Max. ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2-8MB 80286 Memory ³ $1795 ³ #8286 ³ 6450609³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 1MB Memory Module ³ $695 ³ #5212 ³ 6450603³ 1MB ³ 1MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for planar or #8286 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix with #5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2MB Memory Module ³ $1395 ³ #5213 ³ 6450604³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for planar or #8286 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix with #5212 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 0-8MB Expanded ³ $600 ³ #7259 ³ 1497259³ 0MB ³ 8MB ³ 120ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Memory Adapter/A ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3397/#7833 ³
³ 0.5MB Memory Module Kit ³ $215 ³ #3397 ³ 30F5348³ 512K ³ 512K ³ 120ns ³ Modules for #7259 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#7833 OK ³
³ 2MB Memory Module Kit ³ $1295 ³ #7833 ³ 30F5360³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 120ns ³ Modules for #7259 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#3397 OK ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o The 8555-031 comes with two system board memory spaces which are occupied with replaceable 1MB modules. These 1MB modules can be ³
³ replaced with the 2MB modules, Feature #5213. ³
³ ³
³ o The 8555-061 comes with two system board memory spaces, one of which is occupied with a 2MB module. The free system board space can ³
³ be filled with either Feature #5212 or Feature #5213. ³
³ ³
³ o Using the above-referenced planar expansion options, adapters, and kits, up to 14MB of additional extended memory can be configured. ³
³ Any memory above 640K can be configured as expanded memory using the DOS 4.00 drivers XMAEM.SYS and XMA2EMS.SYS. ³
³ ³
³ o There are three 16-bit Micro Channel slots available for adapter expansion. One slot incorporates the video extension interface that ³
³ allows the addition of an advanced video graphics board such as the IBM 8514/A in order to upgrade video function without duplicating ³
³ the built-in VGA circuitry. ³

Table 2-H. IBM Personal System/2 Models 60-041/-071

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ Description/for Use on: ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ Max. ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2-8MB 80286 Memory ³ $1795 ³ #8286 ³ 6450609³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 1MB Memory Module ³ $695 ³ #5212 ³ 6450603³ 1MB ³ 1MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #8286 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix with #5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2MB Memory Module ³ $1395 ³ #5213 ³ 6450604³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #8286 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix with #5212 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 0-8MB Expanded ³ $600 ³ #7259 ³ 1497259³ 0MB ³ 8MB ³ 120ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Memory Adapter/A ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3397/#7833 ³
³ 0.5MB Memory Module Kit ³ $215 ³ #3397 ³ 30F5348³ 512K ³ 512K ³ 120ns ³ Modules for #7259 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#7833 OK ³
³ 2MB Memory Module Kit ³ $1295 ³ #7833 ³ 30F5360³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 120ns ³ Modules for #3920 (replacement) or #7259 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#3397 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80286 Memory ³ $630 ³ #3006 ³ 6450344³ 512K ³ 2MB ³ 150ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3012 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80286 Memory ³ $215 ³ #3012 ³ 6450345³ 512K ³ 512K ³ 150ns ³ Modules for #3006 ³
³ Expansion Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2MB Expanded ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Adapter ³
³ Memory Adapter/A ³ N/A ³ #3920 ³ 1497252³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 120ns ³ Fully populated with 0.5MB modules (#3397) ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ replaceable by 2MB modules (#7833) ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o These models come with one system board memory space which is occupied with a non-replaceable 1MB module. ³
³ ³
³ o Only 1MB system board memory is possible; of this 640K is conventional user memory and 384K is extended memory which cannot be used as ³
³ expanded memory. ³
³ ³
³ o Using the above-referenced adapters and kits, up to 15MB of additional extended memory can be added. The memory from any one adapter ³
³ can be configured as expanded memory using the DOS 4.00 driver XMA2EMS.SYS. ³
³ ³
³ o There are seven 16-bit Micro Channel slots available for adapter expansion. One slot incorporates the video extension interface that ³
³ allows the addition of an advanced video graphics board such as the IBM 8514/A in order to upgrade video function without duplicating ³
³ the built-in VGA circuitry. ³

Table 2-I. IBM Personal System/2 Models 70 386-E61/-061/-121

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ Description/for Use on: ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ Max. ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2-8MB 80386 Memory ³ $1695 ³ #5211 ³ 6450605³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 1MB Memory Module ³ $695 ³ #5212 ³ 6450603³ 1MB ³ 1MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for planar, #5211, #3077, and/or #3011 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2MB Memory Module ³ $1395 ³ #5213 ³ 6450604³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for planar, #5211, #3077, and/or #3011 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5212 OK ³
³ PS/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Expansion ³ $1795 ³ #3077 ³ 34F3077³ 2MB ³ 14MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Option 2MB Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213/#3933 ³
³ PS/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Expansion ³ $3495 ³ #3011 ³ 34F3011³ 4MB ³ 14MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Option 4MB Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213/#3933 ³
³ PS/2 4MB Memory Module Kit ³ $3095 ³ #3933 ³ 34F2933³ 4MB ³ 4MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #3077 or #3011 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5212 and #5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80386 Memory ³ $1695 ³ #3019 ³ 6450367³ 2MB ³ 6MB ³ 80ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3064 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80386 Memory ³ $1395 ³ #3064 ³ 6450372³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 80ns ³ Module for #3019 ³
³ Expansion Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o These models come with three system board memory spaces, one of which is occupied with a 2MB module. The two free system board spaces ³
³ can be filled with any combination of the 1MB Feature #5212 or the 2MB Feature #5213. Early versions of the Model 70 386-E61 came with ³
³ only 1MB on the system board, requiring replacement of the single 1MB module with a 2MB module to achieve the 6MB system-board ³
³ capacity. ³
³ ³
³ o Using the above-referenced planar expansion options, adapters, and kits, up to 15MB of additional extended memory can be configured ³
³ for the 8570-061. Up to 14MB of additional extended can be configured for the 8570-121. Any memory above 640K can be configured as ³
³ expanded memory using the DOS 4.00 drivers XMAEM.SYS and XMA2EMS.SYS. ³
³ ³
³ o There are two 32-bit and one 16-bit Micro Channel slots available for adapter expansion. Memory adapters require a 32-bit slot. The ³
³ 16-bit slot incorporates the video extension interface that allows the addition of an advanced video graphics board such as the IBM ³
³ 8514/A in order to upgrade video function without duplicating the built-in VGA circuitry. ³

Table 2-J. IBM Personal System/2 Models 70 386-A61/-A21

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ Description/for Use on: ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ Max. ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal Sytem/2 2MB Memory Module ³ $1495 ³ #5214 ³ 6450608³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 80ns ³ Module for planar ³
³ KitÄÄ80ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2-8MB 80386 Memory ³ $1695 ³ #5211 ³ 6450605³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 1MB Memory Module ³ $695 ³ #5212 ³ 6450603³ 1MB ³ 1MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #5211, #3077, and/or #3011 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2MB Memory Module ³ $1395 ³ #5213 ³ 6450604³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #5211, #3077, and/or #3011 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5212 OK ³
³ PS/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Expansion ³ $1795 ³ #3077 ³ 34F3077³ 2MB ³ 14MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Option 2MB Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213/#3933 ³
³ PS/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Expansion ³ $3495 ³ #3011 ³ 34F3011³ 4MB ³ 14MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Option 4MB Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213/#3933 ³
³ PS/2 4MB Memory Module Kit ³ $3095 ³ #3933 ³ 34F2933³ 4MB ³ 4MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #3077 or #3011 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5212 and #5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80386 Memory ³ $1695 ³ #3019 ³ 6450367³ 2MB ³ 6MB ³ 80ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3064 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80386 Memory ³ $1395 ³ #3064 ³ 6450372³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 80ns ³ Module for #3019 ³
³ Expansion Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o These models come with four system board memory spaces, one of which is occupied with a 2MB module. The free spaces can be filled ³
³ with up to three of the 2MB Feature #5214. ³
³ ³
³ o Using the above-referenced planar expansion options, adapters, and kits, up to 14MB of additional extended memory can be configured. ³
³ Any memory above 640K can be configured as expanded memory using the DOS 4.00 drivers XMAEM.SYS and XMA2EMS.SYS. ³
³ ³
³ o There are two 32-bit and one 16-bit Micro Channel slots available for adapter expansion. Memory adapters require a 32-bit slot. The ³
³ 16-bit slot incorporates the video extension interface that allows the addition of an advanced video graphics board such as the IBM ³
³ 8514/A in order to upgrade video function without duplicating the built-in VGA circuitry. ³
³ ³
³ o For especially demanding applications, the performance of these models can be significantly enhanced via the IBM Personal System/2 ³
³ 486/25 Power Platform, Feature #5220, Part 6450876. This upgrade includes a 25MHz Intel i486 32-bit microprocessor that features an ³
³ internal memory cache controller, an internal 8KB cache, and an internal floating-point processing unit that performs the functions of ³
³ an external 80387 Math Co-Processor. The suggested retail price of the 486/25 Power Platform is $3995 with general availability ³
³ scheduled for 4th quarter, 1989. ³

Table 2-K. IBM Personal System/2 Models P70 386-061/-121

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ Description/for Use on: ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ Max. ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2-8MB 80386 Memory ³ $1695 ³ #5211 ³ 6450605³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 1MB Memory Module ³ $695 ³ #5212 ³ 6450603³ 1MB ³ 1MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #5211, #3077, and/or #3011 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2MB Memory Module ³ $1395 ³ #5213 ³ 6450604³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for planar, #5211, #3077, and/or #3011 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5212 OK ³
³ PS/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Expansion ³ $1795 ³ #3077 ³ 34F3077³ 2MB ³ 14MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Option 2MB Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213/#3933 ³
³ PS/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Expansion ³ $3495 ³ #3011 ³ 34F3011³ 4MB ³ 14MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Option 4MB Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213/#3933 ³
³ PS/2 4MB Memory Module Kit ³ $3095 ³ #3933 ³ 34F2933³ 4MB ³ 4MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #3077 or #3011 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5212 and #5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80386 Memory ³ $1695 ³ #3019 ³ 6450367³ 2MB ³ 6MB ³ 80ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3064 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80386 Memory ³ $1395 ³ #3064 ³ 6450372³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 80ns ³ Module for #3019 ³
³ Expansion Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o These models come with four system board memory spaces, two of which are occupied with 2MB modules. The free system board spaces can ³
³ be filled with up to two of the 2MB modules, Feature #5213. ³
³ ³
³ o Using the above-referenced planar expansion options, adapters, and kits, up to 12MB of additional extended memory can be configured. ³
³ Any memory above 640K can be configured as expanded memory using the DOS 4.00 drivers XMAEM.SYS and XMA2EMS.SYS. ³
³ ³
³ o There is one full-size, 32-bit Micro Channel slot and one half-size, 16-bit slot available for adapter expansion. Memory adapters ³
³ require the 32-bit slot. ³

Table 2-L. IBM Personal System/2 Model 80 386-041

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ Description/for Use on: ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ Max. ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 System Board ³ $728 ³ #3009 ³ 6450375³ 1MB ³ 1MB ³ 80ns ³ Module for planar ³
³ Memory Expansion Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2-8MB 80386 Memory ³ $1695 ³ #5211 ³ 6450605³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 1MB Memory Module ³ $695 ³ #5212 ³ 6450603³ 1MB ³ 1MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #5211, #3077, and/or #3011 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2MB Memory Module ³ $1395 ³ #5213 ³ 6450604³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #5211, #3077, and/or #3011 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5212 OK ³
³ PS/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Expansion ³ $1795 ³ #3077 ³ 34F3077³ 2MB ³ 14MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Option 2MB Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213/#3933 ³
³ PS/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Expansion ³ $3495 ³ #3011 ³ 34F3011³ 4MB ³ 14MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Option 4MB Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213/#3933 ³
³ PS/2 4MB Memory Module Kit ³ $3095 ³ #3933 ³ 34F2933³ 4MB ³ 4MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #3077 or #3011 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5212 and #5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80386 Memory ³ $1695 ³ #3019 ³ 6450367³ 2MB ³ 6MB ³ 80ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3064 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80386 Memory ³ $1395 ³ #3064 ³ 6450372³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 80ns ³ Module for #3019 ³
³ Expansion Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o This model comes with two system board memory spaces, one of which is occupied with a 1MB module. The free space can be filled with ³
³ the 1MB Feature #3009. ³
³ ³
³ o Using the above-referenced planar expansion option, adapters, and kits, up to 15MB of additional extended memory can be configured. ³
³ Any memory above 640K can be configured as expanded memory using the DOS 4.00 drivers XMAEM.SYS and XMA2EMS.SYS. ³
³ ³
³ o There are three 32-bit and four 16-bit Micro Channel slots available for adapter expansion. Memory adapters require a 32-bit slot. ³
³ One 16-bit slot incorporates the video extension interface that allows the addition of an advanced video graphics board such as the IBM ³
³ 8514/A in order to upgrade video function without duplicating the built-in VGA circuitry. ³

Table 2-M. IBM Personal System/2 Model 80 386-071

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ Description/for Use on: ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ Max. ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2-8MB 80386 Memory ³ $1695 ³ #5211 ³ 6450605³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 1MB Memory Module ³ $695 ³ #5212 ³ 6450603³ 1MB ³ 1MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #5211, #3077, and/or #3011 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2MB Memory Module ³ $1395 ³ #5213 ³ 6450604³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #5211, #3077, and/or #3011 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5212 OK ³
³ PS/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Expansion ³ $1795 ³ #3077 ³ 34F3077³ 2MB ³ 14MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Option 2MB Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213/#3933 ³
³ PS/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Expansion ³ $3495 ³ #3011 ³ 34F3011³ 4MB ³ 14MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Option 4MB Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213/#3933 ³
³ PS/2 4MB Memory Module Kit ³ $3095 ³ #3933 ³ 34F2933³ 4MB ³ 4MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #3077 or #3011 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5212 and #5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80386 Memory ³ $1695 ³ #3019 ³ 6450367³ 2MB ³ 6MB ³ 80ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3064 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80386 Memory ³ $1395 ³ #3064 ³ 6450372³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 80ns ³ Module for #3019 ³
³ Expansion Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o This model comes with two system board memory spaces, both of which are occupied with 1MB modules. ³
³ ³
³ o Using the above-referenced planar expansion option, adapters, and kits, up to 14MB of additional extended memory can be configured. ³
³ Any memory above 640K can be configured as expanded memory using the DOS 4.00 drivers XMAEM.SYS and XMA2EMS.SYS. ³
³ ³
³ o There are three 32-bit and four 16-bit Micro Channel slots available for adapter expansion. Memory adapters require a 32-bit slot. ³
³ One 16-bit slot incorporates the video extension interface that allows the addition of an advanced video graphics board such as the IBM ³
³ 8514/A in order to upgrade video function without duplicating the built-in VGA circuitry. ³

Table 2-N. IBM Personal System/2 Models 80 386-111/-311

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ Description/for Use on: ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ Max. ³ ³ ³
³ 80386 System Board Memory Expansion Kit ³ $1395 ³ #8722 ³ 6450379³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 80ns ³ Module for planar ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2-8MB 80386 Memory ³ $1695 ³ #5211 ³ 6450605³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 1MB Memory Module ³ $695 ³ #5212 ³ 6450603³ 1MB ³ 1MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #5211, #3077, and/or #3011 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2MB Memory Module ³ $1395 ³ #5213 ³ 6450604³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #5211, #3077, and/or #3011 ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5212 OK ³
³ PS/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Expansion ³ $1795 ³ #3077 ³ 34F3077³ 2MB ³ 14MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Option 2MB Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213/#3933 ³
³ PS/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Expansion ³ $3495 ³ #3011 ³ 34F3011³ 4MB ³ 14MB ³ 85ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Option 4MB Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213/#3933 ³
³ PS/2 4MB Memory Module Kit ³ $3095 ³ #3933 ³ 34F2933³ 4MB ³ 4MB ³ 85ns ³ Module for #3077 or #3011 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Mix w/#5212 and #5213 OK ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80386 Memory ³ $1695 ³ #3019 ³ 6450367³ 2MB ³ 6MB ³ 80ns ³ Adapter ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3064 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80386 Memory ³ $1395 ³ #3064 ³ 6450372³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 80ns ³ Module for #3019 ³
³ Expansion Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o These models come with two system board memory spaces, one of which is occupied with a 2MB module. The free space can be filled with ³
³ the 2MB Feature #8722. ³
³ ³
³ o Using the above-referenced planar expansion option, adapters, and kits, up to 14MB of additional extended memory can be configured. ³
³ Any memory above 640K can be configured as expanded memory using the DOS 4.00 drivers XMAEM.SYS and XMA2EMS.SYS. ³
³ ³
³ o There are three 32-bit and four 16-bit Micro Channel slots available for adapter expansion. Memory adapters require a 32-bit slot. ³
³ One 16-bit slot incorporates the video extension interface that allows the addition of an advanced video graphics board such as the IBM ³
³ 8514/A in order to upgrade video function without duplicating the built-in VGA circuitry. ³


A Summary of the Personal System/2 Memory Expansion Features

All PS/2 memory expansion alternatives listed (with the exception of
8086 and 80286 system board memory and Model 30 286 memory) offer memory
which can be used as expanded memory using the drivers provided under
DOS 4.00 (for applications written to Lotus/Intel/Microsoft EMS
Specification 4.0).

All PS/2 memory expansion alternatives listed (with the exception of
8086 memory) offer memory which can be used as extended Memory (for

To improve performance under certain circumstances, it is generally
advisable to fully populate the system board before adding adapters.

When using the IBM Workstation Program, special considerations apply
involving configuration and availability of expanded memory. You should
refer to the product documentation or seek additional assistance to
determine the appropriate memory configuration.

Table 3-A. Memory Adapters

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ Notes: ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ X=any digit ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ Max. ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80286 Memory Expansion ³ $630 ³ #3006 ³ 6450344³ 512K ³ 2MB ³ 150ns ³ For 8550-xxx or 8560-xxx ³
³ Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3012 ³
³ PS/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Expansion Option 4MB ³ $3495 ³ #3011 ³ 34F3011³ 4MB ³ 14MB ³ 85ns ³ For 857x-xxx or 8580-xxxý ³
³ Kit¶ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213/#3933 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80386 Memory Expansion ³ $1695 ³ #3019 ³ 6450367³ 2MB ³ 6MB ³ 80ns ³ For 857x-xxx or 8580-xxx ³
³ Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3064 ³
³ PS/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Expansion Option 2MB ³ $1795 ³ #3077 ³ 34F3077³ 2MB ³ 14MB ³ 85ns ³ For 857x-xxx or 8580-xxxý ³
³ Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213/#3933 ³
³ IBM 2MB Expanded Memory Adapter ³ $1355 ³ #3905 ³ 2685193³ 2MB ³ 2MB ³ 150ns ³ For 8530-0xx ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Fully populated ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2MB Expanded Memory ³ N/A ³ #3920 ³ 1497252³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 120ns ³ For 8550-xxx or 8560-xxx ³
³ Adapter/A · ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3397/#7833· ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2-8MB 80386 Memory ³ $1695 ³ #5211 ³ 6450605³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 85ns ³ For 857x-xxx or 8580-xxx ³
³ Expansion Option ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 0-8MB Expanded Memory ³ $600 ³ #7259 ³ 1497259³ 0MB ³ 8MB ³ 120ns ³ For 855x-xxx or 8560-xxx ³
³ Adapter/A ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3397/#7833 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2-8MB 80286 Memory ³ $1795 ³ #8286 ³ 6450609³ 2MB ³ 8MB ³ 85ns ³ For 855x-xxx or 8560-xxx ³
³ Expansion Option¸ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #5212/#5213 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 Multifunction Adapter¹ ³ $445 ³ #8635 ³ 30F5364³ 0MB ³ 12MB ³ 120ns ³ For 8530-Exx ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Uses #3397/#7833 ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ ¶ General availability is scheduled for 1st Quarter, 1990. ³
³ ³
³ ý The PS/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Expansion Options, 2MB Kit and 4MB Kit, require a minimum of 2MB installed system board memory prior to ³
³ adapter installation. ³
³ ³
³ · The IBM 2MB Expanded Memory Adapter/A, Feature #3920, comes fully populated with four sets of modules identical to the 0.5MB ³
³ Feature #3397, which consists of two 256K modules. The adapter can be expanded from the standard 2MB configuration up to 8MB by ³
³ replacing any or all of the eight 256K modules on the board with the 2MB Feature #7833, which consists of two 1MB modules. Once ³
³ removed, two of the 256K modules can be used as if they were the 0.5MB Feature #3397. ³
³ ³
³ ¸ The IBM Personal System/2 2-8MB 80286 Memory Expansion Option, Feature #8286, should be placed in a higher numbered slot than Features ³
³ #3920 or #7259 when used concurrently in the 8550-021, 8560-041, or 8560-071. ³
³ ³
³ ¹ The IBM Personal System/2 Multifunction Adapter, Feature #8635, includes one parallel and one serial port in addition to memory ³
³ expansion spaces. This adapter supports LIM EMS 4.0 when used in conjunction with Above Disc 2.0, which is not included with the ³
³ adapter and must be purchased separately (Order Vehicle 5871-AAA/Feature #5448/Part 30F5448). Above Disc works with DOS Version 3.30 ³
³ or higher. Alternatively, the All Chargecard (see below) may be used with this adapter to provide LIM EMS 4.0 expanded memory or to ³
³ allow the use of certain portions of the reserved memory between 640K and 1MB. ³

Table 3-B. Memory Modules

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Memory ³ Memory³ Notes: ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Speed ³ x=Any digit ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ Std. ³ # of ³ ³ (P)=Planar/System Board ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Modules³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 System Board Memory ³ $728 ³ #3009 ³ 6450375³ 1MB ³ 1 ³ 80ns ³ For 8580-041 (P) ³
³ Expansion Kit ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80286 Memory Expansion Kit ³ $215 ³ #3012 ³ 6450345³ 512K ³ 2 ³ 150ns ³ For #3006 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 80386 Memory Expansion Kit ³ $1395 ³ #3064 ³ 6450372³ 2MB ³ 1 ³ 80ns ³ For #3019 ³
³ 0.5MB Memory Module Kit ³ $215 ³ #3397 ³ 30F5348³ 512K ³ 2 ³ 120ns ³ For 8530-Exx (P), #7259, or #8635 ³
³ PS/2 4MB Memory Module Kit¶ ³ $3095 ³ #3933 ³ 34F2933³ 4MB ³ 1 ³ 85ns ³ For #3011/#3077 ³
³ 128KB Memory Expansion Kit ³ $51 ³ #4105 ³ 78X8955³ 128K ³ 1 ³ 150ns ³ For 8525-00x/-G0x (P) ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 1MB Memory Module ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ For 857x-x61 (P), 8570-121 (P), ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ $695 ³ #5212 ³ 6450603³ 1MB ³ 1 ³ 85ns ³ 8555-xxx (P), #8286, #5211, #3011, or ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ #3077 ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 2MB Memory Module ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ For 8550-031/-061 (P), 8555-xxx (P), ³
³ KitÄÄ85ns ³ $1395 ³ #5213 ³ 6450604³ 2MB ³ 1 ³ 85ns ³ 857x-x61/-121 (P), #8286, #5211, ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ #3011, or #3077 ³
³ IBM Personal Sytem/2 2MB Memory Module KitÄÄ80ns ³ $1495 ³ #5214 ³ 6450608³ 2MB ³ 1 ³ 80ns ³ For 8570-A21 (P) ³
³ 2MB Memory Module Kit ³ $1295 ³ #7833 ³ 30F5360³ 2MB ³ 2 ³ 120ns ³ For 8530-Exx (P), #3920ý, #7259, or ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ #8635 ³
³ 80386 System Board Memory Expansion Kit ³ $1395 ³ #8722 ³ 6450379³ 2MB ³ 1 ³ 80ns ³ For 8580-x11 (P) ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ ¶ General availability is scheduled for 1st Quarter, 1990. ³
³ ³
³ ý The IBM 2MB Expanded Memory Adapter/A, Feature #3920, comes fully populated with four sets of modules identical to the 0.5MB ³
³ Feature #3397, which consists of two 256K modules. The adapter can be expanded from the standard 2MB configuration up to 8MB by ³
³ replacing any or all of the eight 256K modules on the board with the 2MB Feature #7833, which consists of two 1MB modules. Once ³
³ removed, two of the 256K modules can be used as if they were the 0.5MB Feature #3397. ³

Table 3-C. Related Products

³ ³ Suggested³ Feature³ Part ³ Notes: ³
³ Feature Name ³ Retail ³ Number ³ Number ³ x=Any digit ³
³ ³ Price ³ ³ ³ (P)=Planar/System Board ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ For 8530-Exx (P). No slot required; however, installation ³
³ All Chargecard¶ ³ $495 ³ #3863 ³ 34F2863³ limits the use of one available slot to a half-size (8-inch) ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ adapter. ³
³ IBM Personal System/2 486/25 Power Platformý ³ $3995 ³ #5220 ³ 6450876³ For 8570-Axx. Microprocessor component replacement. No ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ slot required. ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ ¶ The All Chargecard will work with all installed IBM memory in a Model 30 286 to support the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory ³
³ Specification 4.0 (LIM EMS 4.0), the IBM Workstation Connectivity Memory Manager Enhancement, and Software Carousel Version 3. ³
³ Furthermore, the All Chargecard can be used to load device drivers and terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) programs into unused memory ³
³ addresses between 640KB and 1024KB. This capability can be used in some local area network (LAN) and host attach environments to ³
³ increase the amount of memory available for other applications. The All Chargecard installs directly on the system board and does not ³
³ require an open option card slot; however, installation of the All Chargecard reduces the size of the option card that can be installed ³
³ in one of the three slots from a full sized card to a card eight inches long or less. The maximum amount of memory the All Chargecard ³
³ can manage is limited to 15.5MB (the maximum amount of memory available on a PS/2 Model 30 286). The PS/2 Model 30 286 can address ³
³ 16MB of memory. However, 0.5MB is reserved for system functions like System ROM, I/O ROM, I/O RAM, Video ROM, and Video RAM. ³
³ ³
³ ý This microprocessor upgrade includes a 25MHz Intel i486 32-bit microprocessor that features an internal memory cache controller, an ³
³ internal 8KB cache, and an internal floating-point processing unit that The 486/25 Power Platform is to be installed by IBM or an IBM ³
³ Authorized Remarketer. Contact your IBM representative to arrange for this installation. Parts removed or replaced become the ³
³ property of IBM and must be returned. Customers may keep the 80387 Math Co-Processor, if desired. ³


A Summary of Personal System/2 Direct Access Storage Devices (DASD)

Direct Access Storage Devices (DASD) are distinquished by a number of
characteristics relating to capacity and performance. These
characteristics are not always equally applicable between different
drives and devices. For example, the number of cylinders is more
relevant to fixed disks than it is to diskettes while the converse is
true of tracks per inch. Caution must be used before making conclusions
based on comparisions.

Some of the characteristics that determine capacity include the number
of sectors per track, tracks per inch, the number of cylinders, bytes
per sector (usually 512), and the number of heads and platters. Some of
the factors that contribute to performance include data transfer rate,
average access (seek) time, average track-to-track access time,
interleave factor, cacheing (if any), and controller/drive interface
type. The best known of these factors, average access time, is simply
one contributing factor which is a common bottleneck.

Because PS/2 DASD devices represent departures from previous
technologies, even more caution than usual must be exercised in making
comparisons. For example, on ESDI PS/2 drives, actual physical sectors
are mapped to logical sectors via Relative Block Addressing to maintain
compatibility with DOS applications. This indirection causes most
benchmark programs to incorrectly report many PS/2 drive specifications.
In other words, the benchmark may think it is measuring a sequential
read based on physically contiquous sectors when in reality the sectors
are only logically contiguous and are physically far apart. The
converse is also possible. In any event, few benchmarks accurately
reflect PS/2 DASD performance. Again, nothing can replace hands-on
experience in comparing systems.

Table 4-A. IBM PS/2 3.5" Fixed Disk Drives

³ ³ ³ ³ 8530-E21 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 8550-061 ³ ³
³ Drive that is standard on: ³ ³ ³ 8530-021 ³ 8530-E31¶ ³ 8550-021 ³ ³ 855x-031 ³ 8555-061 ³ 857x-x21 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 857x-x61 ³ ³
³ or Part #: ³ #4107 ³ #4110 ³ #4115 ³ ³ ³ #1030 ³ ³ #6666 ³ ³
³ ³ 78X8958 ³ 27F4130 ³ 6451031 ³ ³ ³ 6451027 ³ ³ 6450606 ³ ³
³ Suggested Retail Price: ³ $795 ³ $795 ³ $765 ³ ³ ³ $950 ³ ³ $1695 ³ ³
³ Capacity: ³ 20MB ³ 20MB ³ 20MB ³ 30MB ³ 20MB ³ 30MB ³ 30MB ³ 60MB ³ 120MB ³
³ Integrated Controller? ³ Yes ³ No ³ Yes ³ Yes ³ No ³ No ³ Yes ³ Yes ³ Yes ³
³ Interface:ý ³ ST-506 ³ ST-506 ³ ST-506 ³ ST-506 ³ ST-506 ³ ST-506 ³ ST-506 ³ ESDI· ³ ESDI· ³
³ Drive Type: ³ 26 ³ N/A ³ 26 ³ 33 ³ 30 ³ ³ 33 ³ N/A ³ N/A ³
³ Sectors/track: ³ 17 ³ 26 ³ 17 ³ 25 ³ 17 ³ 25 ³ 25 ³ 26 ³ 32 ³
³ Heads: ³ 4 ³ 4 ³ 4 ³ 4 ³ 4 ³ 4 ³ 4 ³ 6 ³ 8 ³
³ Autopark Heads? ³ No ³ Yes ³ Yes ³ Yes ³ No ³ No ³ No ³ Yes ³ Yes ³
³ Cylinders: ³ 610 ³ 400 ³ 610 ³ 615 ³ 610 ³ 615 ³ 615 ³ 762 ³ 920 ³
³ Data Transfer Rate: ³ 5.0MBps ³ 7.5MBps ³ 7.5MBps ³ 7.5MBps ³ 5.0MBps ³ 7.5MBps ³ 7.5MBps ³ 8.4MBps ³ 10 MBps ³
³ Access (Seek) Time: ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Average: ³ 80ms ³ 38ms ³ 27ms ³ 27ms ³ 80ms ³ 39ms ³ 39ms ³ 27ms ³ 23ms ³
³ Track-to-Track: ³ 15ms ³ 15ms ³ 15ms ³ 15ms ³ 15ms ³ 15ms ³ 15ms ³ 15ms ³ 5ms ³
³ Interleave: ³ 2:1 ³ 3:1 ³ 3:1 ³ 3:1 ³ 1:1 ³ 3:1 ³ 1:1 ³ 1:1 ³ 1:1 ³
³ Power Draw (Watts) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Idle: ³ 15.5 ³ 15.5 ³ 15.5 ³ ³ 15.5 ³ 12.1 ³ 12.0 ³ 13.0 ³ 13.0 ³
³ Max: ³ 17.0 ³ 17.0 ³ 17.0 ³ ³ 17.0 ³ 14.2 ³ 14.0 ³ 19.0 ³ 19.0 ³
³ Also works on: ³ 8525-xxx ³ 8525-xxx ³ 8530-001 ³ ³ ³ 8530-001 ³ 8550-061 ³ 8550-021¸³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ 8530-E01 ³ ³ ³ 8530-E01 ³ ³ 8550-031 ³ ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ ¶ Due to variations in manufacturing and sourcing, the drives shipped with some systems may not match these specifications. ³
³ ³
³ ý For any ST-506 drive, much of the configuration information reported above may be obtained by examining the hex parameters of the first ³
³ logical sectorÄÄi.e. cylinder 0, head 0, sector 1. Consult the appropriate technical reference for details. ³
³ ³
³ · Although this is an ESDI drive, it has an SCDI integrated controller which does not use memory in the ROM BIOS space. ³
³ ³
³ ¸ The Model 50-021 requires an interposer card to be installed before a fixed disk with an integrated controller may be used. This ³
³ interposer card is included with Feature #6666. ³

Table 4-B. IBM PS/2 5.25" Fixed Disk Drives

³ Drive that is standard on: ³ 85xx-041¶ ³ 85xx-071¶ ³ 8580-111 ³ 8580-311 ³
³ or available as Feature #: ³ #3046 ³ #3051 ³ #8730 ³ #6023 ³
³ or Part #: ³ 6450354 ³ 6450355 ³ 6450377 ³ 6450381 ³
³ Suggested Retail Price: ³ $1460 ³ $2505 ³ $3660 ³ $5775 ³
³ Capacity: ³ 44MB ³ 70MB ³ 115MB ³ 314MB ³
³ Integrated Controller? ³ No ³ No ³ No ³ No ³
³ Interface: ³ ST-506ý ³ ESDI ³ ESDI ³ ESDI ³
³ Drive Type: ³ 31 ³ N/A ³ N/A ³ N/A ³
³ Sectors/track: ³ 17 ³ 36 ³ 36 ³ 34 ³
³ Heads: ³ 7 ³ 7 ³ 7 ³ 15 ³
³ Autopark Heads? ³ Yes ³ Yes ³ Yes ³ Yes ³
³ Cylinders: ³ 733 ³ 583 ³ 915 ³ 1225 ³
³ Data Transfer Rate: ³ 5MBps ³ 10MBps ³ 10MBps ³ 10MBps ³
³ Access (Seek) Time ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Average: ³ 40ms ³ 30ms ³ 28ms ³ 23ms ³
³ Track-to-Track: ³ 15ms ³ 5ms ³ 5ms ³ 5ms ³
³ Interleave: ³ 1:1 ³ 1:1 ³ 1:1 ³ 1:1 ³
³ Power Draw (Watts) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Idle: ³ 31 ³ 31 ³ 31 ³ 35 ³
³ Max: ³ 39 ³ 39 ³ 39 ³ 42 ³
³ Also works on: ³ ³ 8580-111 ³ 8560-071 ³ 8580-071 ³
³ ³ ³ 8580-311 ³ 8580-071 ³ 8580-111 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ 8580-311 ³ ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ ¶ Due to variations in manufacturing and sourcing, the drives shipped with ³
³ some systems may not match these specifications. ³
³ ³
³ ý Much of the configuration information reported above may be obtained by ³
³ examining the hex parameters of the first logical sector, or cylinder 0, ³
³ head 0, sector 1. Consult the appropriate technical reference for details. ³

Table 4-C. IBM PS/2 ST-506-Based Systems Expansion Storage

³ ³ 8525-00x ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ PS/2 Model: ³ 8525-G0x ³ 8525-L0x ³ 8530-x01 ³ 8530-x21 ³ 8550-021 ³ 8530-E31 ³ 8550-031 ³ 8560-041 ³
³ ³ 8525-C0x ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 8555-031 ³ 8580-041 ³
³ ³ 8525-K0x ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Standard Fixed Disk ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Capacity: ³ ³ ³ ³ 20MB ³ 20MB ³ 30MB ³ 30MB ³ 44MB ³
³ Maximum # of Fixed Disk Drives Supported: ³ 1 ³ 1 ³ 1 ³ 1 ³ 1 ³ 1 ³ 1 ³ 2 ³
³ Expansion Feature #(s): ³ #4107 ³ #4107 ³ #4115 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ #3046 ³
³ ³ #4110 ³ #4110 ³ #1030 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Replacement Feature #: ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ #6666¶ ³ ³ #6666 ³ ³
³ Maximum Total Fixed Disk Capacity(MB) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Without Replacement: ³ 20MB ³ 20MB ³ 30MB ³ 20MB ³ 20MB ³ 30MB ³ 30MB ³ 88MB ³
³ With Replacement: ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 60MB ³ ³ 60MB ³ ³
³ ³ A01 ³ A01 ³ A01 ³ A01 ³ A11 ³ A01 ³ A11 ³ A11 ³
³ 3363 200MB Optical Disk Drive Models Supported: ³ B01 ³ B01 ³ B01 ³ B01 ³ B01 ³ B01 ³ B01 ³ B01 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ #8700 ³
³ Maximum Number of Optical Disk Drives Per ³ 2 ³ 2 ³ 2 ³ 2 ³ 6 ³ 2 ³ 6 ³ 8 ³
³ System: ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Slots Remaining for Memory or Other Expansion: ³ 1/2 ³ 0 ³ 2 ³ 2 ³ 0 ³ 2 ³ 0 ³ 3 ³
³ Maximum Optical Disk Capacity per System: ³ 400MB ³ 400MB ³ 400MB ³ 400MB ³ 1200MB ³ 400MB ³ 1200MB ³ 1600MB ³
³ Maximum Combined Optical and Fixed Disk ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Capacity: ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Without Replacement: ³ 420MB ³ 420MB ³ 430MB ³ 420MB ³ 1220MB ³ 430MB ³ 1230MB ³ 1688MB ³
³ With Replacement: ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 1260MB ³ ³ 1260MB ³ ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ ¶ This feature includes the interposer card required by the Model 50-021 ³

Table 4-D. IBM PS/2 ESDI-Based Systems Expansion Storage

³ ³ ³ ³ 8550-061 ³ 8570-121 ³ 8580-071 ³ ³ ³
³ PS/2 Model: ³ 8573-061 ³ 8573-121 ³ 8555-061 ³ 8570-A21 ³ 8560-071 ³ 8580-111 ³ 8580-311 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ 8570-E61 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Standard Fixed Disk ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Capacity: ³ 60MB ³ 120MB ³ 60MB ³ 120MB ³ 70MB ³ 115MB ³ 314MB ³
³ Maximum # of Fixed Disk Drives Supported: ³ 1 ³ 1 ³ 1 ³ 1 ³ 2 ³ 2 ³ 2 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ #3051 ³ #3051 ³ #3051 ³
³ Expansion Feature #(s): ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ #8730 ³ #8730 ³ #8730 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ #6023 ³ #6023 ³ #6023 ³
³ Replacement Feature #(s) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ #8730 ³ #3051 ³ #3051 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ #6023 ³ #6023 ³ #8730 ³
³ Maximum Total Fixed Disk Capacity(MB) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Without Replacement: ³ 60MB ³ 120MB ³ 60MB ³ 120MB ³ 384MB ³ 429MB ³ 628MB ³
³ With Replacement: ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 628MB ³ 628MB ³ 429MB ³
³ ³ A11 ³ A11 ³ A11 ³ A11 ³ A11 ³ A11 ³ A11 ³
³ 3363 200MB Optical Disk Drive Models Supported: ³ B01 ³ B01 ³ B01 ³ B01 ³ B01 ³ B01 ³ B01 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ #8700 ³ #8700 ³ #8700 ³
³ Maximum Number of Optical Disk Drives Per ³ 2 ³ 2 ³ 6 ³ 6 ³ 8 ³ 8 ³ 8 ³
³ System: ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Slots remaining for memory or other expansion: ³ 1/2 ³ 1/2 ³ 0 ³ 0 ³ 3 ³ 3 ³ 3 ³
³ Maximum Optical Disk Capacity per System: ³ 400MB ³ 400MB ³ 1200MB ³ 1200MB ³ 1600MB ³ 1600MB ³ 1600MB ³
³ Maximum Combined Capacity ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Without Replacement: ³ 460MB ³ 520MB ³ 1260MB ³ 1320MB ³ 1984MB ³ 2029MB ³ 2228MB ³
³ With Replacement: ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 2228MB ³ 2228MB ³ 2029MB ³

Table 4-E. IBM PS/2 Diskettes Drives

³ ³ 3.5" Drives ³ 5.25" Drives ³
³ ³ 720K 1"-High ³ 720K ³ 1.44MB ³ 1.44MB ³ 360K External ³ 1.2MB ³ 1.2MB ³
³ ³ ³ ³ 1"-High ³ ³ ³ External ³ Internal ³
³ Feature/Order #: ³ #1056 ³ #4106 ³ #1026 ³ #3057 ³ 4869-001 ³ 4869-002 ³ ³
³ Part Number: ³ 6451056¶ ³ 78X8956¶ ³ 6451026¶ ³ 6450353¶ ³ 4869001¶ ³ 4869002 ³ 6451006ý ³
³ Capacity: ³ 720K ³ 720K ³ 1.44MB ³ 1.44MB ³ 360K ³ 1.2MB ³ 1.2MB ³
³ Suggested retail price: ³ $155 ³ $170 ³ $256 ³ $256 ³ $475 ³ $495 ³ $280 ³
³ Rotational speed (rpm): ³ 300 ³ 300 ³ 300 ³ 300 ³ 300 ³ 360 ³ 360 ³
³ Data transfer rate ³ 250K ³ 250K ³ 500K ³ 500K ³ 250K ³ 500K ³ 500K ³
³ (bps): ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Track-to-track access ³ 6 ³ 6 ³ 3 ³ 6 ³ 6 ³ 3 ³ 3 ³
³ (ms)·: ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Number of tracks: ³ 80 ³ 80 ³ 80 ³ 80 ³ 40 ³ 80 ³ 80 ³
³ Number of R/W heads: ³ 2 ³ 2 ³ 2 ³ 2 ³ 2 ³ 2 ³ 2 ³
³ Track Density ³ 135 ³ 135 ³ 135 ³ 135 ³ 48 ³ 96 ³ 96 ³
³ (tracks/inch): ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Number of sectors/track: ³ 9 ³ 9 ³ 18 ³ 18 ³ 9 ³ 15 ³ 15 ³
³ Sector size ³ 512 ³ 512 ³ 512 ³ 512 ³ 512 ³ 512 ³ 512 ³
³ (bytes/sector): ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Sector interleave: ³ 1:1 ³ 1:1 ³ 1:1 ³ 1:1 ³ 1:1 ³ 1:1 ³ 1:1 ³
³ ³ ³ 8525-00x¹ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ 8525-00x¸ ³ 8525-G0x¹ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ 8525-G0x¸ ³ 8525-L0x¹ ³ ³ 855x-xxx ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Standard on: ³ 8525-L0x¸ ³ 8525-C0x (2)¹ ³ 8530-Exx ³ 8560-xxx ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ 8525-C0x (2)¸ ³ 8525-K0x (2)¹ ³ ³ 857x-xxx ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ 8525-K0x (2)¸ ³ 8530-0x1 ³ ³ 8580-xxx ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ 8530-002(2) ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 8525-xx1» ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 8530-xxxæ ³ 8530-xx1» ³ 8550-xxx¶¶ ³ ³
³ ³ 8525-00x¸ ³ 8525-00x¹ ³ ³ 855x-xxx ³ 8550-xxx¼ ³ 8555-xxx½ ³ ³
³ May be added to: ³ 8525-G0x¸ ³ 8525-G0x¹ ³ 8530-Exxæ ³ 8560-xxx ³ 8560-xxx¼ ³ 8560-xxx¶¶ ³ 8560-xxx¶¶ ³
³ ³ 8525-L0x¸ ³ 8525-L0x¹ ³ ³ 857x-xxx ³ 8555-xxx½ ³ 8570-xxx¶¶ ³ 8580-xxx¶¶ ³
³ ³ ³ 8530-0x1 ³ ³ 8580-xxx ³ 8570-xxx¼ ³ 8573-xxx½ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 8573-xxx¶µ ³ 8580-xxx¶¶ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 8580-xxx¼ ³ ³ ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ ¶ Recognized by the system as Drive B: when added as a second drive; therefore, precludes the use of any other drive recognized as Drive ³
³ B:. ³
³ ³
³ ý When installed, precludes the addition of an internal optical disk or second fixed disk. An additional External 5.25" Diskette drive ³
³ (4869-001 or 4869-002) may also be attached to the PS/2 5.25-inch Diskette Adapter/A (Feature #1007, Part Number 6451007, $200) ³
³ required by this option. ³
³ ³
³ · The access time is linear, i.e., to access 10 tracks would take 6 ms times 10 or 60 ms. All diskette drives use linear step rates. ³
³ ³
³ ¸ For systems with serial number higher than 100,000. ³
³ ³
³ ¹ For systems with serial number less than 100,000. ³
³ ³
³ æ Requires separately orderable cable, bezel, and instructions. For Feature #1026, order Feature #1034, Part Number 6451034, $25. For ³
³ Feature #3057, order Feature #1037, Part Number 6451037, $30. ³
³ ³
³ » Requires both the PS/2 5.25" External Diskette Drive Adapter, Feature #8750, Part Number 6450244, $70 and Cable, Feature #4114, Part ³
³ Number 27F4245, $18. For the 8525-xx1, the Installation Guide and User's Guide must also be ordered separately (S68G-2301). ³
³ ³
³ ¼ Requires PS/2 5.25-inch Diskette Adapter/A (Feature #1007, Part Number 6451007, $200) or External Diskette Drive Adapter/A (Feature ³
³ #8760, Part Number 6450245, $70). When Feature #8760 is used, no device drivers are required; however, the drive is recognized by the ³
³ system as Drive B: and therefore precludes the use of any other drive that must also be installed as Drive B:. Device drivers are ³
³ included with Feature #1007 for DOS and OS/2, allowing the drive to be recognized as the first available letter following C:. ³
³ ³
³ ½ Requires PS/2 5.25-inch Diskette Adapter/A (Feature #1007, Part Number 6451007, $200). Limit one per system; Feature #8760 may not be ³
³ used. However, Feature #2716 may be used simultaneously with Feature #1007 on the 8573-xxx. Device drivers are included for DOS and ³
³ OS/2, allowing the drive to be recognized as the first available letter following C:. ³
³ ³
³ ¶µ Requires PS/2 5.25-inch Diskette Adapter/A (Feature #1007, Part Number 6451007, $200) or External Storage Device Cable (Feature ³
³ #2716, Part Number 23F2716, $99). Device drivers are included with Feature #1007 for DOS and OS/2, allowing the drive to be recognized³
³ as the first available letter following C:. Feature #2716 configures the 4869-001 as Drive B:. Both features may co-exist on the same³
³ system. ³
³ ³
³ ¶¶ Requires PS/2 5.25-inch Diskette Adapter/A (Feature #1007, Part Number 6451007, $200). Limit one per system; however, Feature #8760 ³
³ can be added to allow simultaneous use of the 4869-001. Device drivers are included for DOS and OS/2, allowing the drive to be ³
³ recognized as the first available letter following C:. ³


One of the distinguishing characteristics of the Personal System/2
product line is superb ergonomic design. The PS/2 systems are smaller,
use less power, generate less heat, and make less noise than previous
generation machines. These improvements can make a significant
contribution to reducing operating costs and increasing user
productivity and satisfaction. The following information may be used
for cost and/or ergonomic or comfort comparisons.

Table 5-A. System Units

³ ³ ³ Dimensions ³ Weight ³ ³ Noise ³ ³ ³ ³
³ ³ ³ Width X Depth X Height ³ ³ Heat ³ Output - ³ Power ³ Input ³ Max. ³
³ System Model ³ Type ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ Output ³ Operating ³ Rating ³ Voltage ³ Current ³
³ ³ ³ mm ³ inches ³ kg ³ lbs. ³(BTU/hr)³ @ Station ³ (Watts)³ (Vac) ³ (Amps)¶ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ (dB) ³ ³ ³ ³
³ Model 25 ³ Integrated ³ 320x375x382 ³ 12.6x14.7x15.0 ³ 14.6 ³ 32.0 ³ 683 ³ 51.0 ³ 200 ³ 90 - 137 ³ 2.0 ³
³ ³ Desktop ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 180 - 265 ³ 1.7 ³
³ Model 30 ³ Short Desktop ³ 406x397x102 ³ 16.0x15.6x4.0 ³ 8.0 ³ 17.5 ³ 438 ³ 37.5 ³ 70 ³ 90 - 137 ³ 1.5 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 180 - 265 ³ 0.75 ³
³ Model 30 286 ³ Short Desktop ³ 406x397x102 ³ 16.0x15.6x4.0 ³ 7.8 ³ 17.2 ³ 438 ³ 37.5 ³ 90 ³ 90 - 137 ³ 2.5 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 180 - 265 ³ 1.3 ³
³ Model 50/50Z ³ Narrow Desktop ³ 360x420x140 ³ 14.2x16.5x5.5 ³ 9.5 ³ 21.0 ³ 494 ³ 41.5 ³ 94 ³ 90 - 137 ³ 2.7 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 180 - 265 ³ 1.4 ³
³ Model 55 SX ³ Short Desktop ³ 406x397x102 ³ 16.0x15.6x4.0 ³ 8.6 ³ 19.0 ³ 438 ³ 43.0 ³ 90 ³ 90 - 137 ³ 2.5 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 180 - 265 ³ 1.3 ³
³ Model 60 ³ Floor-standing ³ 165x483x597 ³ 6.5x19.0x23.5 ³ 21.3 ³ 47.0 ³ 1240 ³ 36.5 ³ 206 ³ 90 - 137 ³ 5.3 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 180 - 265 ³ 2.7 ³
³ Model 70 386 ³ Narrow Desktop ³ 360x420x140 ³ 14.2x16.5x5.5 ³ 9.5 ³ 21.0 ³ 751 ³ 41.5 ³ 132 ³ 90 - 137 ³ 3.2 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 180 - 265 ³ 2.0 ³
³ Model P70 386 ³ Integrated ³ 465x126x305 ³ 18.3x5.0x12.0 ³ 9.4 ³ 20.8 ³ 480 ³ 45.0 ³ 85 ³ 90 - 137 ³ 2.4 ³
³ ³ Transportable ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 180 - 265 ³ 1.2 ³
³ Model 80 386 ³ Floor-standing ³ 165x483x597 ³ 6.5x19.0x23.5 ³ 21.3 ³ 47.0 ³ 1245 ³ 36.5 ³ 225 ³ 90 - 137 ³ 5.3 ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ 180 - 265 ³ 2.7 ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o All systems are classified by the FCC as Class B, suitable for home use. However, the addition of a Class A adapter, such as the ³
³ Token Ring Adapter, could make the systems unsuitable for home use. ³
³ ³
³ o All systems are UL 478 approved. ³
³ ³
³ o All systems except the Model P70 386 (see next note) have been tested to operate properly when the air temperature is at least ³
³ 60 degree F (15.6 degree C ) and not more than 90 degree F (32.2 degree C ) with relative humidity between 8% and 80%. ³
³ ³
³ o The Model P70 386 has been tested to operated properly when the air temperature is at least 50 degree F (10 degree C ) and not more ³
³ than 95 degree F (35 degree C ) with relative humidity between 8% and 80%. ³
³ ³
³ ¶ Maximum current sustainable by the power supply. Actual current during operation will approximate the power rating (Watts) divided by ³
³ the input voltage (Vac). ³

Table 5-B. Displays

³ ³ Suggested³ ³ Viewing Area ³ Dimensions ³ Weight ³ Heat ³ Power ³ Max. ³
³ Display Model ³ Retail ³ Maximum ³ Width X Height ³ Width X Depth X Height ³ ³ Output ³ Rating ³ Current³
³ ³ ³ ³ mm ³ inches ³ MM ³ INCHES ³ KG ³ LBS. ³ ³ ³ ³
³ 8503 ³ $275 ³ 720x640 ³ 207x155 ³ 8.1x6.1 ³ 321x311x312 ³ 12.6x12.2x12.3 ³ 8.5 ³ 18.8 ³ 188 ³ 55 ³ 0.80 ³
³ 8506ý ³ $1295 ³ 848x1200 ³ 216x300 ³ 8.5x11.8 ³ 334x371x470 ³ 13.1x14.6x18.5 ³ 22.0 ³ 48.5 ³ 341 ³ 100 ³ 1.20 ³
³ 8507 ³ $865 ³ 1024x768 ³ 356x267 ³ 14.0x10.5 ³ 476x432x451 ³ 18.7x17.0x17.7 ³ 23.5 ³ 51.7 ³ 290 ³ 85 ³ 1.20 ³
³ 8508ý ³ $1295 ³ 1600x1200 ³ 356x267 ³ 14.0x10.5 ³ 476x432x451 ³ 18.7x17.0x17.7 ³ 23.5 ³ 51.7 ³ 341 ³ 100 ³ 1.20 ³
³ 8512· ³ $623 ³ 720x640 ³ 240x180 ³ 9.4x7.1 ³ 355x394x304·³ 14.0x15.5x12.0·³ 13.5 ³ 30.0 ³ 325 ³ 61 ³ 1.00 ³
³ 8513 ³ $750 ³ 720x640 ³ 207x155 ³ 8.1x6.1 ³ 321x369x312 ³ 12.6x14.5x12.3 ³ 10.5 ³ 23.0 ³ 273 ³ 100 ³ 0.95 ³
³ 8514 ³ $1620 ³ 1024x768 ³ 283x212 ³ 11.1x8.3 ³ 400x415x360 ³ 15.8x16.3x14.2 ³ 19.0 ³ 41.9 ³ 307 ³ 100 ³ 2.00 ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ o All color displays (8512, 8513, and 8514) are capable of displaying up to 256 colors simultaneously from a palette of 262,144 colors ³
³ at varying resolutions depending on the graphics adapter and the amount of graphics memory available. ³
³ ³
³ o The 8503 and 8507 displays can display 64 shades of gray simultaneously at at varying resolutions depending on the graphics adapter ³
³ and the amount of graphics memory available. Application colors are automatically converted to gray shades via color summing. ³
³ ³
³ o The 8506 and 8508 displays can display up to 16 shades of gray from a range of 256 shades of gray at varying resolutions depending ³
³ upon the amount of memory on the PS/2 Image Adapter/A. ³
³ ³
³ o All displays require an input voltage of 100 - 125 Volts AC with a frequency of 50-60 Hz. ³
³ ³
³ o All displays have been tested to operate properly when the air temperature is at least 15.6 degree C (60 degree F) and not more than ³
³ 32.2 degree C (90 degree F) with relative humidity between 8% and 80% at altitudes not greater than 2134 meters (7000 feet) above sea ³
³ level. ³
³ ³
³ o Both the power cord and signal cord on all displays are 1.8 meters (6 feet) in length. All displays except the 8512 include a ³
³ tilt-swivel pedestal. ³
³ ³
³ o All displays are classified as Acoustic Class 1 (no fan or other noise source). ³
³ ³
³ ¶ Maximum current sustainable by the power supply. Actual current during operation will approximate the power rating (Watts) divided by ³
³ the input voltage (Vac). ³
³ ³
³ ý May only be attached to the PS/2 Image Adapter/A, Feature #4324. ³
³ ³
³ · Does not include tilt-swivel pedestal. All displays except the 8512 come with a tilt-swivel pedestal which is included in the height ³
³ measurements. ³

Table 5-C. Adapter Card Power Draw

³ Micro Channel ³ Power Draw ³
³ Adapter Type ³ ³
³ 16-bit ³ 7 - 10 watts ³
³ 32-bit ³ 7 - 13 watts ³

Table 5-D. Fixed Disk Power Draw

³ Fixed Disk ³ Power Draw ³
³ 20MB 3.5" ³ 15.5 - 17 ³
³ ³ watts ³
³ 30MB 3.5" ³ 12 - 14 ³
³ ³ watts ³
³ 44MB 5.25" ³ 31 - 39 ³
³ ³ watts ³
³ 60MB 3.5" ³ 13 - 19 ³
³ ³ watts ³
³ 70MB 5.25" ³ 31 - 39 ³
³ ³ watts ³
³ 115MB 5.25" ³ 31 - 39 ³
³ ³ watts ³
³ 120MB 3.5" ³ 13 - 19 ³
³ ³ watts ³
³ 314MB 5.25" ³ 35 - 42 ³
³ ³ watts ³


Recommendations and Requirements

The numbers shown in the following tables are the recommended memory and
storage size in megabytes for concurrent operation of the designated
OS/2 functions. If you do not wish to concurrently execute all
installed functions and applications, then the memory required will be
less. In this case, the memory required would be the sum of the
Operating System Base and the particular functions and applications the
user wishes to execute concurrently as well as an allowance for user

Table 6-A. OS/2 Extended Edition Version 1.1 Requirements

³ OS/2 Extended Edition Components and Applications ³ Recommended ³ Recommended Fixed ³
³ ³ Memory Size (MB)¶ ³ Disk Space (MB)¶ ³
³ Base Operating System, with Spooler ³ 2.0 ³ 8.2 ³
³ DOS Compatibilityý ³ 0.5 ³ ³
³ Swap File ³ ³ 2.5· ³
³ Base (required for communications operations) ³ 0.2 ³ 2.7 ³
³ 3270 Terminal Emulation ³ 0.3 ³ 1.0 ³
³ Asynchronous Terminal Emulation ³ 0.3 ³ 0.3 ³
³ APPC ³ 0.4 ³ ³
³ File Transfer ³ 0.3¸ ³ ³
³ IBM Configuration Files ³ ³ 0.5 ³
³ Configuration Services ³ ³ 1.5 ³
³ Programming Interfaces ³ ³ 0.3 ³
³ Database Services (required for database operations) ³ 1.0¹ ³ 4.1 ³
³ Query Manager ³ 1.0 ³ 4.4 ³
³ Requester ³ 0.5 ³ 4.9 ³
³ IBM OS/2 LAN Server 1.0 ³ 2.2 ³ 6.2» ³
³ Word Processing¼ ³ 0.4 or more ³ 1.0 or more ³
³ Spreadsheet¼ ³ 0.5 or more ³ 1.5 or more ³
³ CICS OS/2 Version 1.11 ³ 0.9 or more ³ 4.2 ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ ¶ These numbers reflect the working set of the OS/2 functions listed and not the total size of all of the code and data areas that ³
³ comprise the functions. The quantities shown assume that an acceptable degree of segment swapping is occuring in the operational ³
³ environment. To estimate memory requirements, add together the recommended memory size for the operating system base and each ³
³ installed function and application together with an allowance for user data buffer requirements. Using less than the recommended ³
³ memory size will increase the time to switch from one function to another, reduce throughput, and increase the size of the swap file. ³
³ ³
³ ý Automatically installed; but may be removed by designating PROTECTONLY=YES in the CONFIG.SYS file. The DOS compatibility session ³
³ itself uses no additional disk space; however, requirements for DOS compatiblity session applications should be obtained from the ³
³ applications' supplier(s). ³
³ ³
³ · Testing indicates a 2.5MB swap file is typical; however more or less file space may be necessary. To improve disk performance and to ³
³ reduce file cluster fragmentation, many users dedicate a 2-5MB fixed disk partition separate from data or program storage as the swap ³
³ drive with SWAPPATH=D: in the CONFIG.SYS file. ³
³ ³
³ ¸ Required per session for concurrent file transfer. ³
³ ³
³ ¹ Memory size requirement is for a single database application. Subsequent applications require additional memory, but less than the ³
³ first. ³
³ ³
³ æ The Communications Manager must be installed for the LAN Requester or OS/2 LAN Server functions. ³
³ ³
³ » Includes the Communications Manager LAN Requester files which must be installed before the IBM OS/2 LAN Server. ³
³ ³
³ ¼ Sizes are estimated and are application/user dependent. ³

Table 6-B. OS/2 Extended Edition Version 1.2 Requirements

³ OS/2 Extended Edition Components and Applications ³ Recommended ³ Recommended Fixed ³
³ ³ Memory Size (MB) ³ Disk Space (MB) ³
³ Base Operating System (Required) ³ 2.5 ³ 12.0¶ ³
³ DOS Compatibilityý ³ 0.5 ³ ³
³ High Performance File System ³ 0.3 ³ ³
³ Segment Swap Data Set· ³ ³ 2.5 ³
³ Base (required for communications operations, including LAN functions) ³ 0.1 ³ 2.7 ³
³ 3270 Terminal Emulation¸ ³ 0.3 ³ 0.6 ³
³ 3270 host print and host print emulation ³ 0.3 ³ ³
³ SNA gateway¹ ³ 0.1 ³ 0.2 ³
³ 5250 Work Station Feature¹ ³ 0.2 ³ 0.4 ³
³ ASCII Terminal Emulation ³ 0.3 ³ 0.4 ³
³ APPC ³ 0.4 ³ 0.3 ³
³ File Transferæ ³ 0.3 ³ ³
³ LAN Communications ³ ³ 0.3» ³
³ X.25 Communications ³ ³ 0.8 ³
³ Configuration Services ³ ³ 3.1 ³
³ Terminal emulator keyboard remap ³ ³ 1.0 ³
³ Programming Interfaces (APIs) ³ ³ 1.0 ³
³ Database Services (standalone) ³ 1.3 ³ 3.4 ³
³ Database Requester¼ ³ 0.5 ³ 2.8 ³
³ Database Server¼ ³ 1.5 ³ 3.6 ³
³ - For each additional concurrent process ³ 0.18 ³ ³
³ - For each additional database ³ ³ 1.7 ³
³ Query Manager ³ 1.6 ³ 3.6 ³
³ Requester ³ 0.5 ³ 5.0 ³
³ Provided by the supplier of the application ³ ³ ³
³ NOTES: ³
³ ³
³ ¶ Includes components unique to Extended Edition. For Standard Edition, reduce this amount by 1.0MB. ³
³ ³
³ ý Automatically installed; but may be removed by changing the PROTECTONLY=NO statement in the CONFIG.SYS file to PROTECTONLY=YES. ³
³ ³
³ · Testing indicates a 2.5MB swap file is adequate for many of the OS/2 environments. However, the swap area is dynamically allocated by ³
³ the operating system, subject to the applications' attempt to use more memory than is available. A swap file larger or smaller than ³
³ 2.5MB may be needed. ³
³ ³
³ ¸ If the 3270 connection is LAN, SDLC, or X.25 (i.e., not a DFT coaxial connection), then also include APPC requirements. ³
³ ³
³ ¹ APPC is a prerequisite for this function. ³
³ ³
³ æ Concurrent file-transfer requires 0.3MB for each session. ³
³ ³
³ » Add this number for each type of LAN adapter that is installed. ³
³ ³
³ ¼ APPC (and therefore Communications Manager base) is a prerequisite for Remote Data Services. If DOS Database Requester is installed ³
³ on Database Server, an additional 1.1MB fixed disk space is required. ³


A history of the IBM Marketing Announcements for the products referenced
in this guide.

Table 7-A. Systems

³ Date ³ Letter ³ Title of Announcement Letter ³
³ ³ Number ³ ³
³ 4/2/87 ³ 187-048 ³ IBM Personal System/2(TM) Model 30 ³
³ " ³ 187-049 ³ IBM Personal System/2(TM) Model 50 ³
³ " ³ 187-050 ³ IBM Personal System/2(TM) Model 60 ³
³ " ³ 187-051 ³ IBM Personal System/2(TM) Model 80 (8580-041/071) ³
³ " ³ 187-052 ³ IBM Personal System/2(TM) Model 80 (8580-111) ³
³ 8/4/87 ³ 187-148 ³ IBM 8525, Personal System/2 (TM) Model 25 ³
³ " ³ 187-149 ³ IBM Personal System/2(TM) Model 25 Collegiate / IBM Personal System/2 Collegiate Kit ³
³ " ³ 187-150 ³ IBM Personal System/2(TM) Model 80 (8580-311) ³
³ 6/2/88 ³ 188-078 ³ IBM Personal System/2(R) Model 70 386 (8570-A21) ³
³ " ³ 188-079 ³ IBM Personal System/2(R) Model 70 386 (8570 E61/121) ³
³ " ³ 188-080 ³ IBM(R) Personal System/2(R) Model 50 Z Desktop Systems With Improved Hardfile and Memory ³
³ " ³ 188-081 ³ IBM Personal System/2(R) Model 25 LS ³
³ 9/13/88 ³ 188-145 ³ IBM Personal System/2(R) Model 30 286 (8530-E21) ³
³ " ³ 188-146 ³ IBM Personal System/2(R) Model 30 286 (8530-E01) ³
³ 1/24/89 ³ 189-013 ³ IBM Personal System/2(R) Model 30 286 (8530-E21) ³
³ 4/4/89 ³ 189-049 ³ IBM Personal System/2 Model 30-001 ³
³ 5/9/89 ³ 189-074 ³ IBM Personal System/2 Model P70 386 (8573-061 and 8573-121) ³
³ " ³ 189-076 ³ Personal System/2 Model 55 SX and 80387SX Math Co-Processor ³
³ 9/26/89 ³ 189-146 ³ IBM Personal System/2 Model 30 286 (8530-E31) ³
³ " ³ 189-144 ³ New Models of IBM Personal System/2 Model 70 386 (8570-061 and 8570-A61) ³

Table 7-B. Other Hardware

³ Date ³ Letter ³ Title of Announcement Letter ³
³ ³ Number ³ ³
³ 4/2/87 ³ 187-054 ³ The IBM Personal System/2(TM) Display Adapter, the IBM Personal System/2 Display Adapter 8514/A and the IBM ³
³ ³ ³ Personal System/2 8514 Memory Expansion Kit ³
³ " ³ 187-055 ³ IBM Personal System/2(TM) Monochrome Display 8503 ³
³ " ³ 187-056 ³ IBM Personal System/2(TM) Color Display 8512 ³
³ " ³ 187-057 ³ IBM Personal System/2(TM) Color Display 8513 ³
³ " ³ 187-058 ³ IBM Personal System/2(TM) Color Display 8514 ³
³ " ³ 187-061 ³ IBM 2MB Expanded Memory Adapter and the IBM Personal System/2(TM) 80286 Expanded Memory Adapter/A ³
³ " ³ 187-064 ³ IBM 3363 Optical Disk Drive ³
³ 11/3/87 ³ 187-203 ³ IBM 4707 Monochrome Display ³
³ 6/2/88 ³ 188-084 ³ IBM(R) Personal System/2(R) 0-8MB Expanded Memory Adapter/A ³
³ 9/13/88 ³ 188-139 ³ Personal System/2(R) Monochrome Display 8507 ³
³ " ³ 188-147 ³ Personal System/2(R) Multifunction Adapter ³
³ 3/21/89 ³ 189-037 ³ IBM Personal System/2(R) (PS/2(R)) Image Adapter/A and Related Features ³
³ " ³ 189-038 ³ IBM PS/2(R) Monochrome Display 8506 Model 001 ³
³ " ³ 189-039 ³ IBM PS/2(R) Monochrome Display 8508 Model 001 ³
³ 4/4/89 ³ 189-050 ³ IBM Personal System/2 2-8MB 80286 Memory Expansion Option ³
³ " ³ 189-051 ³ Optional Features for the IBM Personal System/2 8530-E01 and 8530-001 ³
³ 6/20/89 ³ 189-102 ³ IBM Personal System/2 486/25 Power Platform ³
³ 7/25/89 ³ 189-111 ³ IBM Personal System/2 Enhanced 80386 Memory Options ³
³ 9/26/89 ³ 189-145 ³ IBM Personal System/2 Model 25 720KB 1-inch High Diskette Drive Option ³
³ " ³ 189-142 ³ IBM Personal System/2 (PS/2) Model 25 20MB Fixed Disk Drive With Adapter Withdrawal From Marketing ³

Table 7-C. Software, Terms & Conditions, and Other Announcements

³ Date ³ Letter ³ Title of Announcement Letter ³
³ ³ Number ³ ³
³ 4/2/87 ³ 187-053 ³ Graphics System Overview ³
³ " ³ 187-059 ³ 3.5-Inch Media Overview ³
³ " ³ 287-099 ³ IBM Operating System/2(TM) Standard Edition ³
³ " ³ 287-100 ³ IBM Operating System/2(TM), Extended Edition, Version 1.1 ³
³ 11/3/87 ³ 287-498 ³ IBM Operating System/2(TM) Availability ³
³ " ³ 287-499 ³ IBM Operating System/2(TM) Extended Edition Version 1.1 First Customer Ship Date and New Version 1.0 ³
³ 6/2/88 ³ 188-082 ³ IBM Personal System/2(R) 60MB Fixed Disk Drive ³
³ " ³ 188-083 ³ Personal System/2(R) Model 25 20MB Fixed Disk Drive and Personal System/2 Model 25 20MB Fixed Disk Drive With ³
³ ³ ³ Adapter ³
³ " ³ 388-088 ³ Price Changes IBM Personal System/2(R) (PS/2(R)) Model 60 and Model 80 ³
³ 7/19/88 ³ 288-380 ³ IBM Disk Operating System (DOS) Version 4.00 ³
³ 8/9/88 ³ 188-132 ³ IBM Personal System/2(R) 80286 Expanded Memory Adapter/A Withdrawal From IBM Marketing ³
³ 9/13/88 ³ 388-144 ³ Price Changes IBM Personal System/2(R) ³
³ 10/25/88 ³ 288-623 ³ IBM Operating System/2 (OS/2)(TM) Standard Edition Version 1.1 Availability ³
³ 12/13/88 ³ 288-721 ³ Operating System/2(TM) (OS/2(TM)) Standard Edition Version 1.1 and Extended Edition Version 1.1 Starter Set ³
³ 3/7/89 ³ 389-040 ³ Price Changes IBM Personal System/2(R) System Units (85xx) and Selected I/O ³
³ 4/4/89 ³ 189-052 ³ IBM Personal System/2 Models 8530-002 and 8550-021 Withdrawal From IBM Marketing ³
³ " ³ 389-055 ³ IBM Personal System/2 Models 50 and 70 Price Changes and Revised Volume Procurement Amendment Exhibit ³
³ 6/20/89 ³ 389-103 ³ Price Changes IBM Personal System/2 Model 70 and Selected Features ³
³ 8/15/89 ³ 189-121 ³ IBM Personal System/2 Expanded Memory Options ³
³ " ³ 289-405 ³ IBM CICS OS/2 Version 1.11 Available with Functional Enhancements ³
³ 9/26/89 ³ 189-141 ³ Personal System/2 Model 30/70 Base Memory Enhancements ³
³ " ³ 289-507 ³ IBM Operating System/2 (OS/2) Standard Edition Version 1.2 and IBM Operating System/2 Programming Tools and ³
³ ³ ³ Information Version 1.2 Available With Added Functions ³
³ " ³ 389-153 ³ Price Changes IBM Personal System/2 Model 70-121 ³
³ " ³ 389-162 ³ Modification to Operating System/2 Rebate Offering ³
³ " ³ 389-163 ³ Price Changes IBM Personal System/2 Model 80-311 and 314MB Fixed Disk Drive ³
³ " ³ 389-164 ³ Price Changes IBM Personal System/2 Model 30 and 30MB Fixed Disk Drive ³

(1) VROOMM is a trademark of Borland International, Inc.

(2) UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in the United States of
America and other countries.

(3) All Chargecard is a trademark of All Computers, Inc.

(4) Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corporation.

(5) Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation.

(6) Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

(7) Software Carousel is a trademark of SoftLogic Solutions, Inc.

(8) Above Disc is a registered trademark of Teleware West Company.

  3 Responses to “Category : Tutorials + Patches
Archive   : SYS2REF7.ZIP
Filename : SYS2REF.TXT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: