Dec 282017
Update for Stacker 3.0 sdfrag and one other file that have caused problems with programs like Access.
File STACUP.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Tutorials + Patches
Update for Stacker 3.0 sdfrag and one other file that have caused problems with programs like Access.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
README.TXT 916 433 deflated
SDEFRAG2.EXE 93940 90779 deflated
UNSTACK2.EXE 38375 37491 deflated

Download File STACUP.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

The files SDEFRAG2.EXE and UNSTACK2.EXE in this archive are
intended for use by registered Stacker 3.0 users only.

To update your Stacker 3.0 files, copy SDEFRAG2.EXE and
UNSTACK2.EXE to the directory where Stacker 3.0 is installed.
This is typically C:\STACKER. If you are unsure of the location
of your Stacker 3.0 files, examine your CONFIG.SYS and look
for the line that begins


where C:\STACKER is the drive and directory that Stacker 3.0
is installed in.
You may also wish to update your Stacker 3.0 distribution disks
so that any reinstallation of Stacker will install the updated
files. To do this, copy the SDEFRAG2.EXE and UNSTACK2.EXE files
to Disk 2 of the 3.5" disk and/or Disk 2 of the 5.25" high
density disk.
If you are using the 5.25" low density disks, copy SDEFRAG2.EXE
to Disk 2 and UNSTACK2.EXE to Disk 3.

 December 28, 2017  Add comments

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