Category : Tutorials + Patches
Archive   : RS232CBL.ZIP
Filename : RS232CBL.TXT
Jan 05, 1985
This is a brief discussion of experiences in connecting computer
devices with RS232 (serial interface) cables. The level of
discussion is directed to being able to generally hook up a good
serial printer to different personal computers. While the
discussion should apply generally, the specific computers used
are a CPM machine (Osborne1) and an IBM-compatible (Eagle Spirit
XL). The output devices used are a Centronics 704 printer, a NEC
3510 Spinwriter, a Hayes Smartmodem, a Strobe paper plotter, and
a Houston Instruments paper plotter. In addition, hooking
computers directly to each other will be added later (I hope).
In addition to the "wiring configuration" issues discussed here,
many computer devices have options set by program logic, system
logic, or switches that must be matched across connected devices
before correct operation. Consult your users guide and other
sources of reference material for other specification types.
Often, computer devices connected together act like nothing is
right until every specification is correct. Another common case
(especially when parity or bit speed specifications don't match)
is for garbage characters to appear as transmitted data.
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provided that this notice is included. Any commercial use or
inclusion must have written permission. Contact Global Data
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No warranty or suitability of use or responsibility is assumed
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of this write-up.
Mis-cabling or incorrect connections can cause permanent damage
to equipment, requiring expensive repairs or replacement. This
damage typically is not covered by equipment warranties. I now
own a dead printer, ruined by a mis-connection.
While there is specifically-designed test equipment that permits
signal lights and voltage level displays, ordinary voltmeters or
signal lights can cause permanent damage to computer equipment.
For example, current drain can be too heavy by some signal
lights that use your computer equipment signals to illuminate the
When I am figuring out a new cable problem, I borrow a
professional break-out box which does not drive signal lights
from the computer device voltages/current (it detects signals
and has batteries to light the signal lights).
The first discussion covers a critical conceptual point:
--RS232 configuration type (defined by the equipment vendor)
RS232 wire functions (what do all those wires do?) is a topic
to be added later, I hope. Also note that the data-sending
logic used is largely independent of specific RS232 cabling
decisions. That is, whether 7 or 8 bit characters are sent,
or EVEN/ODD/NO parity characteristics are used is a different
equipment-related decision than the specific cable wiring
The discussion here presents only specific cable wiring
experiences with diagrams. A final note is that Figure 5 is a
abnormal and very simplistic modem hook-up. Many modems and many
modem programs will not work with a "bare minimum" connection as
shown in Figure 5.
When an equipment vendor decides to provide an RS232 interface
(or port), a decision has to be made on which configuration
type is to be used. The equipment can be defined as primarily
SENDING TO terminal equipment, thus acting as Data Communications
Equipment (DCE). Or the equipment can be manufactured as
primarily RECEIVING FROM controlling communications devices,
thus being Data Terminal Equipment (DTE). Several pairs of
wires (or pins) in the plug can be reversed depending on the
specific manufacturer-defined configuration type.
Configuration type is important because connecting DCE (such
as Osborne 1) to DTE (all serial printers and plotters that I
have encountered) is usually easy, with a simple cable.
However, hooking up DTE (IBM-compatibles) to DTE (serial printers,
etc.) requires specially-made cables (typically reversing 1 or
more pairs of cables). Overall, the difficulty is that hooking DCE
equipment to DCE equipment, or DTE equipment to DTE equipment
requires reversing 1 or more pairs of cables, or requires a
"null modem" cable (see Dennis Recla's write-up).
A common point of confusion in discussing a particular device
are the directional words such as "TRANSMITTED DATA PIN",
"RECEIVED DATA PIN", etc. While pin 2 is usually identified as
"TRANSMITTED DATA", it only is such on DTE equipment. On DCE
equipment, "TRANSMITTED DATA" (that is, transmitted from the
"host" (DCE) to the terminal/printer (DTE) is pin 3. Yet vendors
sometimes document their configuration without a directional
notation or a configuration type notation.
The confusion arises from the failure to clearly identify
equipment as DTE or DCE. That is, the description of single
directional signals such as "TRANSMIT DATA PIN" needs to
include a "TO THIS DEVICE" or "FROM THIS DEVICE" notation.
My references (Centronics, NEC Spinwriter, Strobe , and
Houston Instruments technical manuals) all include directional
Since directional signals are relative to configuration, you
must typically identify what relative configuration types
you have in equipment that you want to hook up. If the
devices are the same type, you must have a "non-standard"
cables. Unless the vendor has some customized pin usage or
other restriction, standard RS232 cabling should be usable
for hooking up DTE equipment to DCE equipment. (There are
restrictions such as limit on cable length, since RS232
cables easily pick up electrical noise from the environment
or from its own closely adjacent wiring. Also see Figure 6 (the
Houston Instruments plotter) for a non-standard requirement.
Another decision that has to be made by the vendor is to define
which functions will be implemented in the interface. The
simplest (and cheapest) interfaces use only 3 active wires, while
a "good functionality" interface may use 10 active wires.
Typically the connections being made are between computers and
printers/modem devices. The functions performed across the RS232
cable interface commonly are on individual wires and usually
--signal ground (i.e., a zero reference voltage)
--a transmit signal
--a receive signal
(the first three are almost always there)
--frame ground ("grounded" protection)
--data set ready ("transmit device" power is on)
--data terminal ready ("receive device" power is on)
--ready to send (now have data to send)
--clear to send (am ready to receive data)
This write-up will not go into the functional descriptions, other
than the above brief identification.
The following figures diagram the cabling ("pin-outs") used
in several specific computer device scenarios.
FIGURE 1 Osborne 1 connected to Centronics 704
Osborne 1 (DCE) Centronics 704 (DTE)
(terms relative to DTE)
1----------frame ground-----------1
2<----------transmit data---------2
3-----------receive data-------->3
4<----------request to send-------4
5-----------clear to send------>5
OS1 PWR 6-----------data set ready------->6
7-----------signal ground---------7
8--received line signal detected--8 (aka Carrier Detect)
20<----------data terminal ready---20 PTR POWER ON
FIGURE 2 Osborne 1 cabled to NEC 3510 Spinwriter (DTE)
(Same as Figure 1)
Osborne 1 (DCE) NEC 3510 Spinwriter (DTE)
(terms relative to DTE)
1----------frame ground-----------1
2<----------transmit data---------2
3-----------receive data-------->3
4<----------request to send-------4
5-----------clear to send------>5
OS1 PWR 6-----------data set ready------->6
7-----------signal ground---------7
8--received line signal detected--8
20<----------data terminal ready---20 PTR POWER ON
FIGURE 3 Eagle Spirit connected to Centronics 704 (DTE)
(Full function Null modem cable)
Eagle Spirit (DTE) Centronics 704 (DTE)
NOTE--> (terms relative to Centronics 704)
1----------frame ground-----------1
2--\/-------transmit data---------2 (2 & 3 reversed in cable)
3--/\-------receive data---------3
4--\/-------request to send-------4 (4 & 5 reversed in cable)
5--/\-------clear to send-------5
6--\/-------data set ready--------6 (6 & 20 reversed in cable)
7-----------signal ground---------7
8--received line signal detected--8
EGL PWR 20--/\-------data terminal ready---20 PTR POWER ON
Note: "reversed" means that pin 2 on the Eagle-side connector
has been re-wired to be pin 3 on the printer-side
connector (and the same for pin 4 and 5, pin 6 and 20).
FIGURE 4 Osborne 1 cabled to Strobe Plotter (DTE)
(Same as Figure 1)
Osborne 1 (DCE) Strobe PC100 (DTE)
(terms relative to Strobe PC100)
1----------frame ground-----------1
2<----------transmit data---------2
3-----------receive data-------->3
4<----------request to send-------4
5-----------clear to send------>5
OS1 PWR 6-----------data set ready------->6
7-----------signal ground---------7
8--received line signal detected--8
20<----------data terminal ready---20 PLTR POWER ON
FIGURE 5 Osborne 1 (DCE) cabled to Smart-modem (DCE)
(simplest possible null modem cable)
Osborne 1 (DCE) Smart-modem (DCE)
(terms relative to Osborne 1)
2<----------receive data---\/----2 (2 & 3 reversed)
3-----------transmit data---/\--->3
7-----------signal ground---------7
Note: the Smart-modem assumes that it neither device will
transmit fastest than the other device can receive,
thus the cable has no wire connection for one device
to signal the other device to pause in transmitting.
Also, with no signal for "device ready" (normally pins
6 and 20), both devices are assumed to be powered up
and ready when attempts are made for use.
FIGURE 6 Osborne 1 cabled to Houston Instruments
Plotter (DTE)
Osborne 1 (DCE) DMP-7 (DTE)
(terms relative to plotter)
1----------frame ground-----------1
2<----------transmit data---------2
3-----------receive data-------->3
4<----------request to send-------4 (4 & 5 are tied together
5-----------clear to send------>5 in the plotter)
OS1 PWR 6-----------data set ready------->xx (wired to pin xx to select
7-----------signal ground---------7 baud rate)
20<----------data terminal ready---20 PLTR POWER ON
Note: pin 6 from DCE (host equipment) is wired to one
of several pins to specifiy baud rate. For an
Osborne1, pin 6 is wired to pin 17 to specify 1200 baud.
Trade-marks: the following are trade-marks belonging to their
respective vendors: Centronics 704, Eagle Spirit XL, Houston
Instruments DMP-7, IBM, NEC Spinwriter 3510, Osborne 1,
Smart-modem, Strobe PC100
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: