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Text information regarding ghosts. Very detailed.
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Text information regarding ghosts. Very detailed.
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An energy field that makes its presence known periodically in the
same area, giving the awareness of a "living presence"; brings a drop in
temperature with its presence; perceived clairaudiently or audiently by its
activity and movements; perceived clairvoyantly as a fluffy, transparent
human-like mass, moving very slowly; kinds: (1) a confused soul-mind; a
discarnate entity floating in the etheric world; dazed and puzzled; held
earth-bound by: an emotional tie from the past incarnation he or she does
not understand; belief he or she is not dead because of former education
that misinformed them about the etheric world; mourners who do not stop
thinking and talking about them; ghost receives energy from an environment
(a room or furniture) that holds emotional ties regarding their past life;
ghost performs in an area that relates to their earth life; (2) astral shell:
a human-like semblance held together by the memory of earthly desires of the
soul-mind that just left it; earthly habits and desires are so strongly
imbedded within the shell that it holds its human-like form for a long time;
floats close to earth and uses energy from psychics to make its presence known.

[Astral Shell]:
An astral corpse in the etheric world after a soul-mind low on the
evolutionary scale who has left for reincarnation in earth; (1) the entire
human-like shape holds togather if the soul-mind had strong negative
materialistic thoughts; to retain one's materialistic desires and habits gives
the astral shell cohesive glue that binds it togather until these low-grade
negative thoughts that make the shell dissipate and dissolve; (2) in the
meantime, the semblance will float away from the astral cemetery and manifest
dimly in earth with a repetitive, mechanical intelligence; this shell is
responsible for many huantings, apparitions, Ouija board and automatic
writting material; can be easily stimulated by psychics or mediums who do not
protect themselves or open their psychic doors in a negative area; astral shells
cannot always be detected at first, but eventually the information becomes
abusive and vulgar and it can be discovered.

[Astral Cemetery]:
A low subplane in the etheric world in which the astral shell will stay
until it dissipates, after the soul-mind has left for a higher plane; similar
to an earth cemetery.

(German -polte, "noise, racket"; geist, "spirit")
(1) a noisy, playful, quick-moving discarnate soul-mind from the etheric world
who manipulates physical objects in unexplainable feats; entity is difficult
to perceive clairvoyantly but his or her presence can be felt; desires
attention and that his or her ego be fed; (2) displays his or her presence by
doing mischievous, boisterous, harmful acts, or by doing playful, kind acts;
poltergeist's feats defy all laws of gravity; (3) uses the energy of a focus in
a home an d can only perform when the focus is close by or in the vacinity;
entity's time is either short lived or the poltergeist lies dormant until the
focus rebuilds emotional energy.

[Poltergeist Focus]:
A psychic individual whose energy is being used by the poltergeist to
manipulate matter; individual has an exuberant amount of emotional energy at
that time; individual is unaware their enery is being used and does nothing
consciously to stir the poltergeist into action; the following states of
consciousness have been known to make a person a good generator of this
emotional energy: (1) one in a weakened mental state; (2) one in a highly
emotional state; (3) teenager who has an explosive quality; (4) adolescent
going through puberty; (5) child hiding sibling jealousy; (6) one who is going
through a traumatic experience; (7) a nun or saint who strays in a very high
spiritual state of consciousness; (8) one who resorts to this activity as a
means of release of tension, instead of drinking or gambling; (9) an untrained
member of a psychic development circle.


This information is from "The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dict,"
by June G. Bletzer

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