Category : Tutorials + Patches
Archive   : DOS6SUPP.ZIP
Filename : SETUP.BAT

Output of file : SETUP.BAT contained in archive : DOS6SUPP.ZIP
@echo off
if "%2"=="COPY" goto docopy
echo Installs the optional utilities on the MS-DOS 6 Supplemental Disk, including:
echo * AccessDOS - assists persons with disabilities in using MS-DOS.
echo * Keyboard utilities, including Dvorak keyboard layouts.
echo * Utilities for creating a bootable compressed floppy.
echo * Additional utilities from MS-DOS 5 that were not included in MS-DOS 6.
echo * Updated network drivers for MS-DOS 5 and MS-DOS 6.
if "%1"=="" goto usage
if not exist DISKID01.BAT goto direrr

echo Do you wish to install:
echo A: All the components (Requires about 830K of free disk space)
echo S: Selected components only
echo X: Exit
choice /c:asx "All, Selected, Exit "
if errorlevel 3 goto done
set SD6=S
if not "%SD6%"=="S" goto enverr
if errorlevel 2 goto checkdir
set SD6=A

expand diskid01.bat %1\amjklfgh.000 > NUL
if exist %1\amjklfgh.000 goto package1

echo The directory %1 does not exist.
echo Do you wish to create this directory?
choice /c:yx "Yes, Exit "
if errorlevel 2 goto done

echo Creating directory %1.
md %1
expand diskid01.bat %1\amjklfgh.000 > NUL
if not exist %1\amjklfgh.000 goto patherr

if "%SD6%"=="A" goto auto1
echo AccessDOS
echo =========
echo AccessDOS is a package that extends the normal DOS user interface,
echo addressing some of the more common difficulties that persons with
echo physical disabilities encounter in using the keyboard and mouse.
echo Requires about 270K of free disk space.
echo Do you wish to copy the AccessDOS utilities?
choice /c:ynx "Yes, No, Exit "
if errorlevel 3 goto done
if errorlevel 2 goto package2

echo TAG > %1\amjklfgh.001

if "%SD6%"=="A" goto auto2
echo Keyboard Utilities
echo ==================
echo This package includes three Dvorak keyboard layouts, which can be used
echo with any standard keyboard. These layouts are specifically designed to
echo help invididuals who type with a single hand or a mouthstick, or to reduce
echo muscle fatigue associated with repetitive motion syndrome.
echo It also includes KBDBUF.SYS, which allows you to increase your keyboard
echo type-ahead buffer.
echo Requires about 25K of free disk space.
echo Do you wish to copy the keyboard utilities?
choice /c:ynx "Yes, No, Exit "
if errorlevel 3 goto done
if errorlevel 2 goto package3

echo TAG > %1\amjklfgh.002

if "%SD6%"=="A" goto auto3
echo Creating a Bootable Compressed Floppy
echo =====================================
echo DBLBOOT.BAT will allow you to easily create bootable compressed floppies,
echo using the DoubleSpace disk compression in MS-DOS 6.
echo Requires about 20K of free disk space.
echo Do you wish to copy this utility?
choice /c:ynx "Yes, No, Exit "
if errorlevel 3 goto done
if errorlevel 2 goto package4

echo TAG > %1\amjklfgh.003

if "%SD6%"=="A" goto auto4
echo Additional MS-DOS 5 Utilites
echo ============================
echo This package contains additional utilities from MS-DOS 5 that were not
echo included in MS-DOS 6.
echo Requires about 290K of free disk space.
echo Do you wish to copy these utiliies?
choice /c:ynx "Yes, No, Exit "
if errorlevel 3 goto done
if errorlevel 2 goto package5

echo TAG > %1\amjklfgh.004

if "%SD6%"=="A" goto auto5
echo MS-DOS6 Network Drivers
echo =======================
echo If you upgraded to MS-DOS 6 from a version of MS-DOS less than 5.0, you
echo may need to upgrade your network drivers. This package contains
echo replacement drivers that will work with MS-DOS 6.
echo Requires about 275K of free disk space.
echo Do you wish to copy the new network drivers?
choice /c:ynx "Yes, No, Exit "
if errorlevel 3 goto done
if errorlevel 2 goto copyit

echo TAG > %1\amjklfgh.005

if not exist %1\amjklfgh.00? goto done

echo Please Wait...
if not exist %1\ copy %1 > NUL
copy sd6copy.bat %1 > NUL
if exist %1\expand.exe ren %1\expand.exe expand.999 > NUL
copy expand.exe %1 > NUL
copy setup.bat %1\sd6setup.bat > NUL
%1\sd6setup %1 COPY

set SD6=1
echo Copying Supplemental Utilities...
echo ---------------------------------------

if not exist %1\amjklfgh.001 goto copy2
call %1\sd6copy ADOS.OVL %1
call %1\sd6copy ADOS.COM %1
call %1\sd6copy ADOS.CFG %1
call %1\sd6copy ADOS.TXT %1
call %1\sd6copy AREADME.TXT %1
call %1\sd6copy FAKEMOUS.COM %1

if not exist %1\amjklfgh.002 goto copy3
call %1\sd6copy DVORAK.SYS %1
call %1\sd6copy DVORAK.TXT %1
call %1\sd6copy KBDBUF.SYS %1

if not exist %1\amjklfgh.003 goto copy4
call %1\sd6copy DBLBOOT.BAT %1
call %1\sd6copy DBLBOOT.INI %1

if not exist %1\amjklfgh.004 goto copy5
call %1\sd6copy ASSIGN.COM %1 D
call %1\sd6copy BACKUP.EXE %1 D
call %1\sd6copy COMP.EXE %1
call %1\sd6copy CV.COM %1
call %1\sd6copy EDLIN.EXE %1 D
call %1\sd6copy JOIN.EXE %1 D
call %1\sd6copy 4201.CPI %1
call %1\sd6copy 4208.CPI %1
call %1\sd6copy 5202.CPI %1
call %1\sd6copy LCD.CPI %1
call %1\sd6copy GORILLA.BAS %1
call %1\sd6copy MONEY.BAS %1
call %1\sd6copy NIBBLES.BAS %1
call %1\sd6copy REMLINE.BAS %1
call %1\sd6copy EXE2BIN.EXE %1 D
call %1\sd6copy GRAFTABL.COM %1 D
call %1\sd6copy MIRROR.COM %1
call %1\sd6copy MSHERC.COM %1
call %1\sd6copy PRINTER.SYS %1
call %1\sd6copy PRINTFIX.COM %1
call %1\sd6copy COMMANDS.TXT %1

if not exist %1\amjklfgh.005 goto donecopy

call %1\sd6copy CHANGEDISK 2

call %1\sd6copy NET.EXE %1
call %1\sd6copy SETNAME.EXE %1
call %1\sd6copy NETBEUI.DOS %1
call %1\sd6copy NETWKSTA.1XE %1
call %1\sd6copy NETWKSTA.2XE %1
call %1\sd6copy REDIR.1XE %1
call %1\sd6copy REDIR.2XE %1

del %1\amjklfgh.00? > NUL
del %1\sd6copy.bat > NUL
del %1\expand.exe > NUL
if exist %1\expand.999 ren %1\expand.999 expand.exe > NUL
echo ---------------------------------------
echo Finished installing the MS-DOS 6 Supplemental Utilities!
diskid0%SD6% %1

echo SETUP [drive:][path]
echo [drive:][path] - Directory to install the utilities into.
echo (ie. "C:\MSDOS", "C:").
goto done

echo Setup was unable to create the directory %1!
echo Note: The supplied directory name must not have a trailing \. If you are
echo installing to the root directory, just specify the drive letter and
echo colon (ie. "C:").
goto done

echo ERROR: Not enough environment space to run SETUP.BAT!
goto done

echo ERROR: You must run SETUP.BAT from the drive and directory that contains
echo your supplemental disk files.
goto done

if exist %1\amjklfgh.00? del %1\amjklfgh.00? > NUL

  3 Responses to “Category : Tutorials + Patches
Archive   : DOS6SUPP.ZIP
Filename : SETUP.BAT

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: