Category : Tutorials + Patches
Archive   : CMS_NOTE.ZIP
1 Identify Tape Drive: Jumbo 120 or Jumbo 250
2 Identify Corresponding Software
a. Most customers will be using Colorado Memory System's own Jumbo Tape Backup software which provides full support for all Colorado Memory Systems's Products.
b. Jumbo 120 and 250 drives also can be used with 3rd party software off of the floppy controller. Here are a few:
*Central Point CP Backup ver 7.1 DOS or Windows (FC-1 0 support) *Central Point CP Backup ver 7.2 DOS or Windows (FC-1 0 support; TC-1 5 support--does not recognize hardware compression) *Symantic Norton Backup ver 2.0 for DOS or Windows (no FC-1 0 or TC-1 5 support)
*Sytron Sytos Plus for DOS ver 1.32 (and above) (no FC-1 0 or TC-1 5 support)
*Fifth Generation FastBack Plus 3.1
*Jumbo 250 uses QIC-80 format - on a high density tape ONLY (DC2080 or DC2120)
* If a different format exists on the tape, bulk erase the tape and reformat
4 Identify Tape Drive Interface * Floppy controller (drive connected in place of B-. floppy or as third device)
Dumperless board)
dumperless hardware compression board)
5 Verify Correct Installation
* Power to the drive (External installations attach power through the controller card)
* Do not attach power to the controller card for an internal installation
* Grounded (Screw into the drive bay on either side with metal touching metal)
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3 Identify Tape and Format * Jumbo 120 uses QIC-40 format
on a low density tape (DC2000) or a high density tape (DC2080 or DC2120)
* FC-1 0
* TC-1 5
5 Verify Correct Installation (continued)
Cabling is correct -- floppy controller or controller card to tape drive
hint: if the light stays on either the A: or B: drive, the cable is not connected
from pin 1 to pin 1
6 Identify Model and Brand of Computer, Floppy Controller, and BIOS
Check Compatibility and Accessory Guide or Total Backup Catalog for any
known conflicts with either the computer, floppy controller or BIOS.
7 Note Any Error Code
* Tape drive software error: check error codes for Jumbo in Software Manual
* Operating system error: check error definitions for operating system
* No error, computer locked: clean boot with a bootable floppy diskette
8 Verify Correct Installation * SOFTWARE:
- Try deleting and reinstalling software; do not install over preexisting tape directory
- Check autoexec.bat and config.sys files; eliminate any TSR or memory resident programs
hint: Rename autoexec.bat and config.sys files, then reboot
- Eliminate any software changes to system to determine if conflict is related
- If using FC-1 0 or TC-1 5, try other settings for DMA, IRQ and 1/0, in a systematic manner
- Try moving FC-1 0 or TC-1 5 to a different slot
- Eliminate any hardware changes to system to determine if conflict is related
9 Determine Presence of Peripheral Devices
Systematically remove other cards, devices, etc., to isolate possible conflict
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10 Optimize the Jumbo Tape Drive for Best Performance * RECOGNIZING PERFORMANCE SYMPTOMS:
- Frequent Hard Drive Access, Tape Drive Streaming
Optimum condition, indicates that the computer is outrunning the tape drive
- Constant Hard Drive Access, Tape Drive Starting/Stopping Less than optimum condition, indicates that the computer is slower than the tape drive
- No Hard Drive Access, Tape Drive Stopped
Faulty condition, indicates a timing problem or a computer lockup; check BIOS and hard drive type for timing problem
- Optimize the hard drive's interleave
- Defragment files, clear any lost allocation units (CHKDSK), and map out any bad sectors
- No more than 150 files per subdirectory; if >1 50 files, increase buffers or disk cache space
- Zero Wait State (Check the efficiency of the system before changing)
- Set buffers at 17 or higher in config.sys; Windows and other programs set buffers lower
- Disable cache and shadow ram
- Free system of conflicts, particularly DMA conflicts
- Remove TSR'S, or load them into high memory (mouse driver, etc.)
During optimum performance, the tape drive streams from one end of the tape to the other with few retries. If the computer system is optimized using suggestions from the above list, here are a few more tricks to get extra speed out of the drive:
- Use Colorado Memory Systems' software
- Use an FC-1 0 or TC-1 5 optional independent controller cards
- Compress files through the software setups on systems running at 25 MHz or above
- Do not call tape software through a third party menuing system
0 For More Information Call
INC- 303-635-1501
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Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: