Output of file : YDPOPHLP.TXT contained in archive :
Ì ú + ********* YELLOW DISK POPUP ************* Yellow Disk POPUP is a DOS Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) program. YDPOP can manage and export names and addresses into other popular personal computer programs. When Memory is available YDPOP will automatically locate itself into Expanded or Extended Memory, otherwise YDPOP will use your hard disk to swap back and forth. YDPOP uses 4K of conventional memory. To begin YDPOP, type YDPOP at the DOS prompt. A screen will display that the program is active. Enter your word processing or spread sheet program as usual. Pressing the Control-Y key combination will pop the program up. EXITING YDPOP: To "Pop Down" and resume the previous program press the Escape key. MOVING AROUND THE DATA: The highlighted cell indicates where entered information will be stored. The arrow keys move the highlight bar from cell to cell. Pressing the page-up or page-down keys will move from one record to another. You may also jump from record to record using the GoTo function as explained below. EDITING CELLS: To edit an existing cell with information present, press the F2 key and use the left and right arrow keys to move around. Press the insert key to switch from overwrite mode to insert mode. ADDING NEW RECORDS: To add records press the insert key and respond Y to the Add Record? prompt. DELETE EXISTING RECORD: Press the delete key on the keyboard, and respond with a Y keystroke when Delete Record (Y/N) is displayed. FUNCTION MENU: Pressing the slash/ key will display a menu of available functions. To execute a function press the first letter of the function or use the arrow keys to highlight the function and press the enter key. Some functions have "speed keys" available, the speed key is listed when the menu highlight bar is over the function. ENTERING NAMES: When Entering Names, use the following format: John C.>Doe The > character tells the sort routine where to place the record when sorting. The > character is transparent when printing or exporting records. CAPITALIZATION: A capitalization routine is employed to increase your data entry speed. Entering john c.>doe, the result is John C.>Doe. GOTO: Use the GoTo function (/G or F5) to jump around the file. When asked for the record no.#, pressing the home key will jump to the 1st record and end will jump to the last record. SEARCHING: YDPOP will search any cell for the requested data. To select the search cell, move the highlight bar into the cell you want to search, and press the /F (or F6). Then enter the search text. The program will search from the current position to the end of the file. To search the entire file use the goto function to select the first record, then begin the search. Often entering a short match text will find the desired record. To search for John C.>Doe use Doe, Doe John, or Doe John C. as the search text. Enter /N (or F7) to find the next match using the information previously entered. EXPORTING RECORDS: Before pressing Control-Y to popup YDPOP, make sure the calling program is ready to receive the address. If you can type an address as the next keystrokes in your program, you are ready to "POP UP" into YDPOP. Entering; /EW, will pop down YDPOP and export the record into your calling program. Entering; /EH will export an address horizontally into your spread sheet. You may need to change column widths. MEMOS: To view and edit the record's attached memos enter /M or AltM. 200 lines of memos are available for each record. The memo editor has a / menu available to describe features. CALCULATOR: With Ydpop running; Enter Control-C or /UL to display the Calculator. Press the F2 key to switch from standard calculator mode to HP(R) mode. Press F to fix the number of digits displayed. Press Alt-X to export the number in the calculator into your underlying program. Note: if you plan to export the number, be sure the cursor is in the correct position before pressing Cntrl-Y to enter YDPOP. CALENDAR: Enter Alt-C or /UC to display the calendar. While displayed use the up and down arrow keys to change the month displayed. Use the right and left arrow keys to change the year displayed. ZIP CODE ENTRY: YDPOP includes a city state and Area Code look up function. To use leave the city and state cells blank and enter the zip code. If the zip code is found, the city and state and area code will be entered automatically. ON LINE HELP: Press the F1 key to display this help message. When the highlight bar is in the contact or phone type fields, pressing F1 will display the current code type definitions and allow you to edit the definitions. MOVING POPUP WINDOW: Control-Up will move the window up. The other Control-Arrow Keys work in a simular manner. COLOR CONTROL: YDPOP has two color modes B&W and White on Blue. To Switch between the two modes press the Alt-F2 key combination while YDPOP is displayed. TERMINATING YDPOP: To pop down press Esc key, to remove YDPOP from memory without restarting the computer; While the popup window is displayed, pressing the Control-End key combination will remove the TSR from memory, if another TSR or program has not been loaded after YDPOP. Terminate will restore the memory used by YDPOP without re-starting the computer. If the TSR cannot be removed a message will be displayed. Remove any TSR's loaded after YDPOP or stop any currently running programs and try control-end again. For Additional help: First, please consult the program's manual. Registered users may contact: Corvet Systems, Inc. 1714 Featherwood Street Silver Spring, Md. 20904 (301) 622-9069 Voice & Fax Compuserve 71043,273 YDPOP is part of a much larger mailing system by Corvet Systems named YELLOW DISK PLUS. YDPLUS includes the ability to tie records together in groups. For example each record may belong to as many as ten seperate groups such as employee, customer, news letter group and so on. The number of groups is unlimited. The program will allow you to input record filter limits. In order for a record to be printed it must meet the filter reqirements. A variety of printed reports include phone book style, single, double and 3 up labels, Laser printed Envelopes w/USPS bar code, Contractor check box transmittal letters, Rotory Index Cards, and Fed Express Airbills, YDPOP AND YDPLUS USE THE SAME DATA FILE FORMAT SO YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REKEY YOUR DATA to use YDPLUS. YDPOP will even access Intel Corporations FAXPOP program for limited fax broadcasting. Memo Editor: Shortcut Key Stroke Designations: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ F1 ³ F2 ³ Alt D ³ Cntrl D³ Esc ³ Insrt ³ Delete ³ ³ Help ³CellEdit³Ins Date³Set Date³Save&Ext³Add Line³Del Line³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ F6 ³ F7 ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ Search ³ContSrch³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The Memo editor allows the attachment of 200 lines of notes to a business record. The commands shown above are available while using the editor. A forward slash (/) keystroke will bring up a menu with options for: 1.- copying up to 10 memo lines 2.- sorting the file into chronological order 3.- getting and setting the date 4.- searching the memo for words or phrases To use the menu, use the left and right arrow keys to highlight your selection and press the enter key (Carr.Rtrn). A menu item also may be selected by pressing the capitalized letter of the selection. Pressing / G(etdate) or Alt D combination will copy the current system date into a highlighted date cell. Pressing / S(etdate) or Control D combination will allow you to set the date used by the Alt D function, without changing the current system date. To use the copy function first highlight the cell to be copied from, press / C(opy), then using the down arrow key highlight up to 9 more lines to copy. The memos are now stored in memory. Highlight the Receiving memo cell line and press / I(nsert). The memos will be inserted above the highlighted cell. Using this method, you can copy up to 10 memo lines at a time from one business record to another. Copy will not work if all 200 memo lines are filled. To use the search function press / F(indtxt) or F6, and enter up to 25 characters to be located. If the word/phrase is found it will be highlighted on the screen. To continue searching for the same item press / N(xtfind) or F7, the next match will be highlighted. Record Limits: Using this screen, you may set the testing limits or requirements each record must pass in order to be printed, exported, backed up or restored. A record must pass each limit set, with the exception of the trade codes limits. You can select either an and condition, or an or condition. By selecting AND the record must have pass both trade code limits, selecting the OR option the record must pass one or the other trade codes limits set. The O/a label to the right of the 2nd trade code is where this option is selected. When this option is left blank, the OR option is the default. You may choose to set one or more test limits. A Blank limit entry will be ignored when selecting records. To have every record used, leave all of the limits blank and press the F10 key. You may also use two "wild card" characters "*" and "?". For example if "Cin*" is entered as the city, any record with a city con- taining the first 3 character "Cin" will be selected. Entering "???a" as the city will return all records having "a" as the fourth character in the city field. The wild char- acters have no function within the date or annual sales fields. By using a combination of the various selection fields and the wild characters, you will be able to limit the records selected to exactly your needs. When you have finished entering the limits, press the F10 key to begin record selection. Calendar Creator Help Message The Calendar Creator prints A single months calendar for the month and year requested. The calendar will also includes 30 character strings extracted from the memos attached to each business record. The program requires that a wide carriage printer be used with the ability to print compressed characters. Epson compatable generally work well. The far left, single character, field of each memo line is used to designate what type of date the memo is. For example the following codes are predefined; M = Meeting P = Phone Call B = Birthday A = Anniversary H = Holiday You may use any character in the left memo field. ----------------------------------------------------- Excluding Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Holidays: At times you may wish to exclude personal data from a Business Calendar. To do so simple respond with a "N" to either question when asked. Holidays: A holiday can be attached to any business record, using the "H" character in the left memo field. We recommend that you create a business record and place a single years worth of holidays in the record for ease of editing and copying.
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: http://www.os2museum.com/wp/mtswslnk/