Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : WINCL403.ZIP
Filename : WINMED.SCR

Output of file : WINMED.SCR contained in archive : WINCL403.ZIP
ALTHELP ALTHELP F1 = Help F9 = Diagnos Alt F3 = Lock Alt A = Aging
F2 = Add F10 = Chart Alt F5 = Calender Alt B = Balance
F3 = Window Alt F6 = Disp Pat Alt L = Ledger
F4 = Select Alt R = Res Bal
F5 = Calculator Alt E = Erase 
F6 = Patient 10 WINMENU MAINSEL Use the left and right arrow keys to highlight the main 
program area to select OR press the first letter of that item. 
Then use the up and down arrows (or first letter of item if it 
is unique to that list) to select the operation you want and 
press the Enter key. 
2 NAVIGATE NAVIGATE Up Arrow = Up one line Home = To left column F4 = Select
Dn Arrow = Dn one line End = To right column Esc = Exit
Lt Arrow = Field left Ctrl Home = Left most Ctrl PgUp = Top
Rt Arrow = Field right Ctrl End = Right most Ctrl PgDn = Bot 
PgUp = Page Up Ctrl Lt = Pan Left Ctrl Ent = Edit 
PgDn = Page Down Ctrl Rt = Pan Right 6 PATIENT PAT_CAT In order for reports to be more selective, WinMed allows 
you to assign patients to various Categories. These Categories 
should be described in your Misc Desc file. Suggested are:
PR=Private MR=Medicare IN=Insurance
MD=Medicaid WE=Welfare MC=Medi-Cal
4 PATIENT PAT_DOC Use this field to indicate the Doctor that this patient 
usually sees. This will then be automatically entered during 
Transaction Entry as the default. This field is also used to 
break down the various reports available in WinMed.
4 PATIENT PAT_ESTAT Patient's Employment Status. Permitted codes are:

Y or F = Full Time P = Part Time
blank or N = Not Employed R = Retired
3 PATIENT PAT_LOC For practices with multiple offices (but just one billing 
system), enter any one or two letters in this field to indicate 
the location this patient usually visits.
For practices with a single office, you can use this field 
for any other way of grouping your patients for reporting 
2 PATIENT PAT_MSTAT This field is for the Patient's Marital Status. Allowable 
codes are:
S = Single M = Married
X = Legally Seperated D = Divorced
W = Widowed U = Unknown (also blank)
3 PATIENT PAT_RELACC This field fills one of the boxes in 10b or 10c on the red 
HCFA 1500 form for AUTO or OTHER ACCIDENT. Use the following:
A = Auto Accident
O = Other Accident
N = No in both 10b and 10c
4 PATIENT PAT_SSTAT Student Status Indicator. The codes permitted are:

F = Full Time
P = Part Time
blank or N = Not a Student
3 PATIENT PAT_STMADR This field is used to indicate to the Statement Print 
program whether you want to use the Patient's address on the 
statement, or use a Responsible Party's address. Use the 
following codes:
P = Use Patient's address 2 = Use Secondary Resparty
R or 1 = Use Primary Resparty 3 = Use Tertiary Resparty 
5 WINMENU SUBSEL Use the up and down arrows to highlight your selection and 
press Enter OR just press the first letter if it is unique. 
Press Esc to return to the main selections OR use the left and 
right arrows to view the sub-menus for each main program area.
4 TRNBROWUSRTRN_BILTYP The Billing Type field is the most important field on the 
transaction line in the WinMed system. This field determines 
how you want to be paid for the service on this line. For 
example - entering IN would mean that you want to bill this on 
a HCFA 1500 insurance form. Use the Window Key to see your 
list of Billing Types. 
3 TRNBROWUSRTRN_CHARGE Enter the fee for the service performed on this line. If 
the fee is already filled in from having entered the procedure 
code and first modifier, you can override that amount by 
entering a different figure here. This field will be printed 
in Item 24F on the HCAF 1500 form. 
2 TRNBROWUSRTRN_COMM This is a free format entry field for your own use. How- 
ever, once you print a form or send electronic claims, this 
field will be replaced with the Billing Type code and the Date 
Filed. This is so that the line will not be filed again. If 
you DO want to print or send this line again, you can erase 
this field and it will be filed in your next batch of claims. 
2 TRNBROWUSRTRN_DATE This is the DATE OF SERVICE 'From' date which will be 
printed in Item 24A on the HCFA 1500 form. The 'To' date is 
entered at the right end of the transaction line, however, it 
is usually not necessary to enter the 'To' date unless it is 
different and the SAME procedure spans a range of dates. 
9 TRNBROWUSRTRN_DIAIND This is the Diagnosis Indicator field. Use this field to 
show which of the four Diagnoses (from the Patient record) 
matches with the procedure on this line. You can have multiple 
diagnoses by entering 1,2 or 1-4 for example. Whatever you 
enter here will be printed in box 24E on the form. Note that 
electronic claims may only use the first digit. 
2 TRNENTRY TRN_DOC This Doctor field is needed to tell which provider in the 
practice performed the particular procedure shown on THIS LINE. 
In the case of Medicare (Pay Type MR) be sure you have entered 
the Provider Number in their Doctor File record so it will be 
properly printed in item 24K on the HCFA 1500 form, and sent 
to the carrier during Electronic Claims.
2 TRNENTRY TRN_LOC Lc stands for Location and is used in multiple office 
practices to indicate the office where the procedure was 
performed. However, you can use this field for ANY other 
purpose where you want to print reports based on an additional 
selection criterion. This field IS NOT used on any official 
form printed by the program. It is for your use only! 
2 TRNBROWUSRTRN_MOD1 This field is for the first Modifier, if necessary. It 
will be printed in Item 24D on the HCFA 1500 form. If you have 
a second Modifier, it is to be entered in the M2 field near the 
right end of the transaction line (use Ctrl Right Arrow). 
2 TRNENTRY TRN_MOD2 This is the second Procedure Modifier. Use this field 
when there is more than one modifier for a procedure. This 
will be printed in item 24D on the HCFA-1500 form, 
after the procedure code and first modifier. This field will 
also be sent by Electronic Claims submissions. 
2 TRNBROWUSRTRN_PAYMNT The Transaction Entry Payment should only be used when the 
patient makes a payment along with a charge. Otherwise, you
should enter payments through Open Entry. If you were to enter 
a Payment here on a line by itself, it would be a part of the 
account's balance and would show up as an Open Item until it is 
adjusted off. 3 TRNBROWUSRTRN_PMTTYP Use this field to indicate the method or form of payment. 
The codes used are usually CA for Cash, CK for Check, and 
possibly IC for Insurance Check. Use the Window Key for the 
codes used in your practice.
2 TRNBROWUSRTRN_PROC Enter the procedure code to be printed in Item 24D of the 
HCFA 1500 form. You can enter any combination of letters and 
numbers in this field. The first Modifier would be entered in 
the next field. After entering the Modifier or stepping past 
that field, the standard Fee (from your Procedure File) will 
appear in the Charge field of this line.  2 TRNBROWUSRTRN_RESIND The Responsibility Indicator is the most important field on 
the transaction line in terms of the practice accounting. If 
the line has not been paid off, this field determines WHO is 
responsible for the balance on the line. It might be P for the 
Patient, I for Insurance, or M for Medicare. An X would indi- 
cate that the line is paid off. 
2 TRNENTRY TRN_TOS The Type of Service can be a number or letter character. 
This number is usually different for Insurance carriers, 
BlueCross, Medicare, and Medicaid. To have the appropriate 
number come up, enter multiple procedures records for each 
Procedure Code (one for each Patient Category) with the correct 
Type of Service in each record. 
2 TRNENTRY TRN_UNITS Besides printing on forms, the Units field acts as a 
multiplier for the Charge field. Changing the number of Units 
will automatically multiply the Charge by the difference. 
The Units field is initially filled with 1 or whatever default 
number you have entered in the Procedure file. If you are 
using decimal Units, be sure the Charge amount is correct. 
2 TRNBROWUSRTRN_RPTMTH This is the Reporting Month field and is normally filled in 
by WinMed as you post transactions. The only time YOU would 
enter something here is if you want a certain transaction to go 
into a different Month than the other lines. Note that this 
field MUST be entered in reverse order: 05/92 would be entered 
as 9205. 3 TRNBROWUSRTRN_ADJUST This field is where you would enter an Adjustment for the 
transaction line. An adjustment is usually entered as a posi- 
tive number: a 100.00 Charge, with an 80.00 Payment, would have 
a 20.00 Adjustment in order to 'write off' the balance and 
consider the line paid off. 
1 TRNBROWUSRTRN_ADJTYP If you enter an Adjustment on a line, use this field to 
indicate the Type of Adjustment. For example, WO might mean 
that it is a Write Off. If you enter your codes in the Misc 
Descriptions file, they will be spelled out on the Ledger Card. 
Use the F3 key on this field to select or enter your codes. 
1 TRNBROWUSRTRN_RECPT This field is provided for internal office use. Enter the 
receipt number or super bill number from the forms you use with 
the patient during their visit. You can review this number 
later by browsing the patient's Ledger Card on the screen.
 1 TRNBROWUSRTRN_PLACE This field is for the Place of Service column 24B on the 
HCFA 1500 form. Note that the codes are probably different for 
Medicare, insurance, and other carriers. By entering a 'set' 
of records in the Procedure File for each carrier type, along 
with their set of POS codes, the proper code will come up auto- 
matically for each Patient Category. 1 TRNBROWUSRTRN_REF In order to print the Referring Physician name (and their 
UPIN number) on the HCFA 1500 form, you must have their record 
number in this field. By originally filling it in the Ref Phys 
field in the PATIENT record, it will come up automatically on 
each line during Transaction Entry and you will not have to 
worry about it. 1 TRNBROWUSRTRN_FAC If the Patient has services done at some other location (or 
a 'part' of your office is considered a seperate Facility) then 
enter the record number from the Facility File here. If that 
number were entered in the Patient's record originally, then it 
will be automatically filled in during Transaction Entry. 
1 TRNBROWUSRTRN_DIAG This field will be filled in automatically by utilizing two 
other fields: the first digit of the Diagnosis Indicator field 
on THIS transaction line is used as a pointer to one of the 
patient's four diagnoses. The diagnosis code in this field is 
shown on the Ledger Card and is used by some reports and Elec- 
tronic Claims. 2 TRNBROWUSRTRN_DATETO This is the Date of Service 'To' date. You do not normally 
need to fill in this field, particularly if there is only ONE 
Date of Service.
If the procedure or service spans several days then use 
this field for the ending service date. 
2 TRNBROWUSRTRN_CAT This field is a copy of the Patient Category field from the 
Patient File. It is placed on each transaction line in order 
to facilitate the reports. You do not ordinarily need to alter 
this field unless the patient's Category changes and you want 
to reflect that in later reports. 
2 TRNBROWUSRTRN_INS1 This field is a copy of the Patient's Primary Insurance 
company at the time you entered this transaction line. It is 
utilized by the Aged Trial Balance report and the Procedure 
Analysis to show balances and other activity by Insurance 
Company. 
2 TRNBROWUSRTRN_ACCT This is the Account Number for this transaction line. DO 
NOT change this number once it is assigned without advanced 
knowledge of the transaction system. To get rid of line that 
were entered for the wrong patient, use Alt-E to erase the 
lines. 
1 TRNENTRY TRNMENU Select your Transaction Entry operation from this Command 
Menu. Use the left and right arrows to scan the selections and 
read the help line across the bottom of the screen. Press 
Enter to make your selection OR just press the first letter of 
the selection to execute the operation. 
3 OPNENTRY OPNMENU Choose your Open Payment Entry operation from this Command 
Menu. Use the left and right arrows to highlight the 
selections while reading the help line across the bottom of the 
screen. Press Enter to select OR just press the first letter 
of the selection to make your choice. 
1 PATBROWSE PAT_RELEMP This field will fill in one of the boxes in item 10a of the 
new red HCFA 1500 form to answer whether the patient's condi- 
tion is Related to their Employment. Use the following: 
Y = Yes, it is Related to Employment
N = No, it is not 
3 PATBROWSE PAT_SPEC This Special Select field is an eight character field for 
your own use. When converting from other systems or paper 
accounting methods, this field might have the patient's old 
account number. 
 1 PATBROWSE PAT_REMARK This is the Remarks Print field. Some printed forms have 
an area set aside for you to enter Remarks or Comments relating 
to the claim. By entering the SAME two letters here as the 
Billing Type for that form, the Memo field will then be printed 
on THAT form. Entering XX will print the Memo field on ALL 
claims for this patient. 1 PATBROWSE PAT_BOX4 Use this field to tell the Insurance Form Print program 
what to print in Item 4 on the form: leaving this field blank 
will leave Item 4 blank, entering SAME will print "SAME" in 
Item 4, entering RES1 will print the Primary Resparty on all 
forms. Entering RESP will print Resp 1 on the Primary form, 
Resp 2 on the Secondary, and Resp 3 on the Tertiary form.
4 PATBROWSE PAT_BOX10D This field is printed on the HFCA 1500 form when printing 
Medicare claims, and also determines how the rest of the form 
is filled out. Refer to the Medicare instructions for your 
state and the program documentation for what to enter in this 
field. 
 1 PATBROWSE PAT_BOX11D This field fills in one of the boxes on the HCFA 1500 form 
in Item 11d. Refer to the Medicare instructions for your state 
for how to answer this question. 
1 PATBROWSE PAT_BOX9A The Medicare instructions for most states require that you 
add a word such as MEDIGAP, MEDICAID, or SUPPLEMENTAL before 
printing the assigned number for a patient's other coverage in 
Item 9a. Enter that word in this field rather than in the 
In/Med field for that other coverage. 
1 ABOUT This program is the result of over 13 years experience 
specializing in medical and dental billing. Also available are 
WinClaim Professional for practice management, and WinEMC for 
electronic claims. Please register by calling the number on 
the opening screen or by writing Oxford Medical Systems, 2490 
Fatima Place, Hamilton, OH 45013. Registration is just $95.00. 

  3 Responses to “Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : WINCL403.ZIP
Filename : WINMED.SCR

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: