Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : TW.ZIP
Filename : SAMPLE.TRV
800 555-4536C1435 A7/19 7/21 Check in before sixµTWA7/19234C-235CSeattle 10:37 aDenver12:41 pn
312 555-68736:00 p7/19Welcome dinner for all.°Wichita
Michael's345 Mountain View Drive
312 555-235247:30 p7/20,Offer Bill district sales manager position.
% Leave for airport Welcome dinner at Benny's Breakfast with Mike Increasing Sales Seminar
Product Marketing Seminar Adjurn of day Dinner at Michael's Breakfast-Bill & Joe Magazine Adv. Seminar
Print Advertising Seminar Adjurn Company Mixer at Hilton Leave for airport Flight leaves CJul 195Magazine! Jul 191Cocktails before dinner -Jul 201Breakfast Jul 201Lunch
2Jul 203GasK Jul 204Dinner at Michaels +.Jul 211Breakfast in Hotel 2Jul 211Lunch( Jul 214Company Mixer bill 2Jul 211Dinner .Jul 221Breakfast( Jul 222Hotel L Jul 223Car rental >Jul 221Lunch at Mickey D's
Pick-up airline ticketsTalk with Bill about promotionFinish briefing chartsTry briefing on Bob"Make copies of qtrly sales figuresConfirm Hotel reservationsCall SherryDrop car off at dealers"Contact Mike Smith 555-1345 on WedGive brief to Mike Mon at 3:00%Send copy of last qtrs sales to Jerry#File expense report within two dayssk with Bill about promotionFinish briefing chartsTry briefing on Bob"Make copies of qtrly sales figuresConfirm Hotel reservationsCall SherryDrop car off at dealers"Contact Mike Smith 555-1345 on WedGive brief to Mike Mon at 3:00%Send copy of last qtrs sales to Jerry#File expense report within two days2/28 expense report by 2/28JerryFile expense report by 2/28ve brief to Mike Mon at 3:00%Send copy of last qtrs sales to J last qtrs sales to JerryFile expense report by 2/
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: