Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : SYNCHX10.ZIP
Filename : SYNCHX10.DOC

Output of file : SYNCHX10.DOC contained in archive : SYNCHX10.ZIP

³ SYNCHX10 Version 1.0 ³
³ ³
³ Copyright 1988 Taegan D. Goddard ³
³ ³
³ All Rights Reserved ³

What does SYNCHX10 do?

SYNCHX10 lets you synchronize the clock in your X-10
PowerHouse interface with the clock kept by your PC and its disk
operating system (DOS). It can get very frustrating to have to
continuously adjust the clock inside the X-10 interface - as most
users know, it keeps very poor time. My interface clock will
sometimes be off by over a half hour just a few weeks after I set
it. I wrote SYNCHX10 to solve this problem.
The clock card in my PC keeps very good time. Running
SYNCHX10 periodically will adjust the clock inside my PowerHouse
interface so that it is the same as the time given by the TIME
command in DOS. This guarantees that my timed events will always
trigger on time, and it eliminates a minor source of frustration
I faced every time I would start the PowerHouse program (supplied
with the interface) when it asks me if the interface time is
correct. It almost never was. Now I just run SYNCHX10 before
starting the program.

HINT: Put SYNCHX10 in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file and you can be
sure your PowerHouse always has the correct time of day.

þ How to Use SYNCHX10:

SYNCHX10 is simple to use. Simply type the following


This command is all it takes to synchronize your PowerHouse clock
with that of your PC and DOS (provided that you have set it
correctly!) Be sure that you use the TIME command or use the
driver provided with your clock card to set the correct in DOS.
SYNCHX10 uses the same day of week that the interface clock
reads. If this day is wrong, correct it by starting up your
PowerHouse control program and setting the correct time, AM/PM
and day of week. Don't fret - this could be the last time you'll
have to bother doing that again!


NOTE: COM2 is an optional switch to tell SYNCHX10 it can
find the interface attached to COM2. COM1 is the
default and is used when no COMx is indicated.

You must use this switch if your interface is connected to COM2,
or your PC will freeze up.

When SYNCHX10 encounters an error, it lets you know! The
screen fills with handy tips to help you correct any errors.

þ What Does SYNCHX10 cost?

I'm not asking for any money from you. I would like to hear
your comments on this program if you have any, however. Any
suggestions/ideas for future versions? What do you need SYNCHX10
to do for you? Only if you find this program helpful, and wish
to compensate my programming time and effort, should you send any
money. The amount is up to you, if it's worth any at all.
If SYNCHX10 is used in any commercial place of business or
for commercial uses of any kind, however, you ARE required to
register your copy. The price is only $10, and you will receive
all future updates.

Please send checks to:
Taegan D. Goddard
35 Woodside Circle
Hartford, CT 06105

I hope you find SYNCHX10 very useful. I use it constantly!
I really feel I am getting the most out of my X10 interface now.


If you send me $15 to the address above, I'll send you a
disk full of X-10 information and public domain programs.
Included on this disk is the latest version of SENDX10, which
lets you send X-10 command from the DOS command line. The $15
reimburses me for disk charge, copying fee, and compilation time.
This disk is a must for anyone who wants to know more about the
X-10 PowerHouse and home control.

For those of you who don't have an X-10 BSR interface yet, write:

X-10 (USA)
185A LeGrand Ave.
Northvale, NJ 07647


The last I saw, the price was around $59.00 with cables and
PowerHouse software. Combined with SYNCHX10 you'll have a great
time computerizing your lights and appliances....

NOTE: I have no connection with the company that makes the X-10
line of home control devices. Full responsibility for
using SYNCHX10 lies with YOU, the user. I make no warrantees
or guarantees for using this software.

  3 Responses to “Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : SYNCHX10.ZIP
Filename : SYNCHX10.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: