Dec 292017
Convert OCLC Prism SaveScreen files for import to BIBL.
File SVS2BIX.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Databases and related files
Convert OCLC Prism SaveScreen files for import to BIBL.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
SAMPLE.SVS 39774 7222 deflated
SVS2BIX.DOC 6197 2281 deflated
SVS2BIX.EXE 16378 15739 deflated

Download File SVS2BIX.ZIP Here

Contents of the SVS2BIX.DOC file


Purpose: Convert OCLC (Prism) save-screens for import to BIBL
Version: 1.1
Date: 4 October 1991
Author: Clyde W. Grotophorst (703) 993-2239
(c) 1991, GMUtant Software

SVS2BIX, a BIBL utility program, converts OCLC (PRISM) save-screens for
use with BIBL -- the personal library/bibliography system.

The following processing occurs during conversion from SVS to BIX:

SVS file BIBL field

OCLC# Note
100 tag Author

110 tag Author. If length of 100 tag
and 110 combined are less than 70
characters, they are joined and
separated by a ';'. If longer
than 70 chars, 100 is first line
of author field in BIBL record,
110 is second.

700 tag Author.

710 tag If no 100, 110 or 700 exists, it
moves to author, otherwise to note

740 tag Note

245 tag Title. Word wrap is used to try to
get as much as possible into the three
lines BIBL reserves for title.

260 tag Publisher

300 tag Publisher (2nd line)

504 tag Note

650 tag (1st occurrence) The main heading (anything before a
subdivision) is moved to SUBJECT

650 tag (2nd occurrence) Descriptor. Terms are reformatted
to conform to BIBL's keyword
indexing of this field (e.g., multi-
word terms are hyphenated).

690 tag Descriptor. All terms will make
if if no 2nd 650 tag occurs. Otherwise
as many words a possible will be
added from 690 to those already in
descriptor field from second 650.

Once SVS2BIX is finished, you'll have a BIX file that you can import
into a BIBL record. Here's a quick guide to reading your BIX file
into BIBL.

1. Copy the *.BIX file to your C:\BIBL subdirectory (or wherever BIBL.EXE
1. Activate BIBL.
2. If you want to read the BIX file into a existing database, select that
file as your active database.
If you want to create a new database and read the BIX info into it,
select MAKE A DATABASE on the maintenance menu, then assign it a
name. Then return to the main menu and select the new database you
just created.
3. Select M (for Maintenance) on the Main menu, then press A for ASCII
import. Select the BIX file from the pick list that displays. BIBL
will read these records into your file then reindex the database.

That's it.

Here's a sample SVS screen:

Search Edit View Actions Options MOD SID: 11162 OL
Beginning of record displayed.

OLUC dp matt,ric,b/1970 Record 1 of 2
OCLC: 658525 Rec stat: c
Entered: 19730327 Replaced: 19900604 Used: 19900604
Type: a Bib lvl: m Source: Lang: eng
Repr: Enc lvl: Conf pub: 1 Ctry: nmu
Indx: 0 Mod rec: Govt pub: Cont: b
Desc: Int lvl: Festschr: 0 Illus: a
M/F/B: 00 Dat tp: s Dates: 1970,
1 010 72-189978//r842
2 040 DLC c DLC d m.c. d OCL
3 019 14713625 a 16820044
4 050 0 GB1005 b .G76 1970
5 082 551.4/9
6 049 GITM
7 245 00 Groundwater salinity; b a symposium held during the forty-sixth
annual meeting of the Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division of the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, April 23-24, 1970, Las Vegas, New
Mexico. c Arranged by Richard B. Mattox for the Committee on Desert and Arid
Zones Research.
Search Edit View Actions Options MOD SID: 11162 OL
End of record displayed.

OLUC dp matt,ric,b/1970 Record 1 of 2
8 260 0 [Las Vegas, N.M., b Committee on Desert and Arid Zones
Research, A.A.A.S., c 1970]
9 300 105 p. b illus. c 24 cm.
10 490 1 Contribution no. 13 of the Committee on Desert and Arid Zones
Research, Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division, A.A.A.S.
11 500 Title on cover: Saline water.
12 504 Includes bibliographies.
13 650 0 Saline waters x Congresses.
14 690 Ground water x Congresses.
15 700 10 Mattox, Richard Benjamin, d 1921- w dn
16 710 20 American Association for the Advancement of Science. b
Committee on Desert and Arid Zones Research. w cn
17 830 0 Contribution ... of the Committee on Desert and Arid Zones
Research ; v no. 13.

Here's the BIX conversion:

A1: Mattox, Richard Benjamin, 1921- dn
T1: Groundwater salinity; a symposium held during the forty-sixth
T2: annual meeting of the Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division of the
T3: American Association for the Advancement of Science, April 23-24,
PB: 1970, Las Vegas, New Mexico. Arranged by Richard B. Mattox for the
P2: 105 p. illus. 24 cm.
CL: GB1005 .G76 1970
SU: Saline waters
N1: [OCLC#] 658525 [LC#] 72-189978//r842
N2: Includes bibliographies.
N3: American Association for the Advancement of Science.

For the latest version of BIBL and other interesting software, contact:

GMUtant OnLine BBS :: (703) 993-2219 1200/2400/9600 v.32 24 hrs a day

 December 29, 2017  Add comments

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