Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : SPLUS300.ZIP
Filename : CUSTOM1A.DOC

Output of file : CUSTOM1A.DOC contained in archive : SPLUS300.ZIP

| OPTION 1: |

Optioî  ±  wilì changå thå descriptioî oæ thå categorù oæ  maintenancå  anä 
titlå foò billings® Thå descriptioî currentlù defaultó tï :

"Category of maintenance"

Yoõ caî changå thió tï anù phraså yoõ wisè thaô morå closelù describeó  youò 
business¬ sucè aó :

"Classes of Service Tickets"
"Service Bay Number"

| OPTION 2: |

Optioî ² wilì changå thå headingó thaô appeaò oî thå datá entrù screen¬ Masteò 
Filå Menu® Iô currentlù defaultó to:

============ Maintenance and Service Call Activity Tracking System =========
Default values for Maintenance and Service Activities

Titles on Menus and Data Entry Screens [except main program menu]
Maintenance and Service Call Activity Tracking System

Primary Identifier:
Primary ID

Optional second Identifier:
Secondary ID

Optional third Identifier:
Third ID

Default name for individual unit of Service/maintenance (singular):
Service Call
[used for activity file]

Tï understanä ho÷ thió works¬  gï tï thå Masteò Filå Menu¬ optioî A® Theî looë 
aô  thå screeî foò datá entry¬  Masteò File®  Yoõ caî changå thå headingó thaô 
yoõ seå withiî thå guidelineó above® Experimenô witè this.

| OPTION 3: |

Optioî  ³ wilì changå thå headinç oî alì screenó anä  reports®  Iô  currentlù
defaults to :

Maintenance and Service Call Activity Tracking System

Yoõ coulä changå iô tï anythinç thaô describeó youò businesó oò industry¬ sucè
"Los Angeles Yellow Cab Maintenance Tracking System"
"Dade County Equipment Rental Yard Tracking System"

| OPTION 4: |

Optioî ´ isº Togglå initiaì graphicó imagå foò Appointments.
Default=[now on]

Wheî youò prograí firsô begins¬  iô performó twï processesº 1© Displayó tï yoõ 
ho÷  manù appointmentó yoõ havå foò thaô day¬  iæ any»  anä 2© iæ yoõ havå  aô 
leasô onå appointmenô foò today¬  theî thå prograí createó á graphicó imagå oæ 
youò appointmentó foò thå nexô twï weeks®  Theså ² processeó takå somå  time® 
Iæ  yoõ  wisè tï turî botè ofæ sï thaô thå prograí goeó directlù tï  thå  Maiî 
Prograí Menu¬ theî selecô optioî ´ tï bå [no÷ off].

| OPTION 6: |

6) SET UP SCREENS FOR Master File, by range of category

Thió optioî allowó yoõ tï seô uð pre-designeä screenó foò thió program¬  baseä 
oî  á  rangå oæ categories®  Afteò yoõ desigî youò screeî anä  designatå  thå 
rangå  oæ  categorieó covereä bù youò screen¬  thaô screeî wilì  automaticallù 
appeaò  anytimå  yoõ  oò someonå elså selectó á categorù iî  thaô  rangå  froí 
optioî 3¬ Maiî Prograí Menu.

| OPTION 7: |

Optioî · turnó optioî ¶ oî oò off®  Iæ lefô on¬  thå prograí checkó tï seå iæ Šyoõ havå createä pre-defineä screenó foò thaô category®  Iæ not¬  iô useó thå 
defaulô valueó defineä iî optioî 2® Otherwise¬ thoså screenó thaô yoõ createä 
iî optioî ¶ wilì appeaò throughouô thå program.

| OPTION 8: |

Thió  optioî  establisheó thå namå useä foò Appointments/Schedulå  System®  Iô 
defaultó tï 'Appointments'.

| OPTION 9: |

Thió optioî setó thå lengtè oæ searcè string¬  Activitù File¬  Adä  option® 
Thió  meanó thaô iæ yoõ enteò á primarù IÄ iî thå Activitù filå thaô eitheò 
haó  nï  matcheó oò haó morå thaî onå matcè giveî  youò  entry¬  theî  thió 
optioî  dictateó thå numbeò oæ characteró froí thå leftmosô margiî thaô arå 
useä foò searcè anä display®


A) Automatic pausing and pacing between screens
Default=[auto pausing ]

Thå prograí wilì automaticallù pauså betweeî á numbeò oæ itó screens¬ allowinç
yoõ  tï  seå whaô ió oî thå screeî withouô thå necessitù oæ  youò  continuallù
havinç tï interacô witè thå program® Iæ yoõ wisè tï over-ridå thió automatiã
pacinç feature¬  selecô optioî Á tï bå [manuaì pausinç ]®  Wheî yoõ dï  this¬
alì  oæ  thå automatiã pauseó wilì havå beeî replaceä bù á beep¬  followeä  bù
thió  messageº  "Enteò Anù Characteò tï continue"®  Thió signifieó  thaô  thå
prograí  ió waitinç foò yoõ tï enteò á keù tï continuå insteaä oæ showinç  yoõ
thaô screeî foò á predetermineä numbeò oæ seconds®  Iæ yoõ wisè tï bypasó alì
pauses¬ whetheò pre-timeä oò manual¬ selecô [nï pausing ].


Thió  featurå bypasseó thå ³ leveì datá file/index/batcè filå checkinç thaô 
thå prograí performó everù timå thå progrí ió started®


Create a default date for Appointments in Activity Add

Normally¬  thå  prograí  createó á defaulô datå iî thå Activitù  Adä  filå  oæ 
'01/01/1901'®  Thió  datå ió á codå thaô telló thå prograí noô tï schedulå  á 
futurå  appointmenô oò commitment®  Yoõ woulä changå thió defaulô datå iæ yoõ 
wisè ALÌ ne÷ activitù recordó tï havå á futurå appointmentó date.

  3 Responses to “Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : SPLUS300.ZIP
Filename : CUSTOM1A.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: