Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : SPLUS300.ZIP
Filename : APT1A.DOC

Output of file : APT1A.DOC contained in archive : SPLUS300.ZIP


Thå  appointmentó  menõ drawó itó informatioî froí entrieó yoõ makå intï  thió 
iteí iî thå Activitù file:


Iæ  yoõ  havå nï follo÷ uð appointmenô date¬  theî leavå thå defaulô  datå  oæ 
"01/01/1901¢ alone®  Thaô defaulô datå ió jusô á waù oæ tellinç thå  computeò 
thaô yoõ havå nï futurå appointmentó causeä bù thió onå activity.

If¬  however¬  yoõ dï havå á futurå appointment¬ theî enteò thaô datå intï thå 
Activitù file®  Lateò on¬ wheî yoõ wanô á schedulå oæ appointments¬ theî comå 
tï thió Appointmentó menu.

Thió  menõ  createó five reportó anä onå graphicó imagå oæ anù 1´  daù  perioä 
thaô yoõ wisè tï examine.

[NOTEº  anù  referencå iî thå reporô optionó tï "today¢ meanó todaù aó defineä
by the system date.]

| OPTION 1: |

Thió  optioî  printó ouô á schedulå oæ alì  historicaì  appointments®  Iæ  yoõ 
selecô this¬ theî alì appointmentó yoõ madå prioò tï todaù arå printeä out.

| OPTION 2: |

Optioî  ²  showó  thoså appointmentó scheduleä foò today®  Thió ió  thå  mosô
usefuì reporô becauså iô showó yoõ whaô ió oî thå agendá foò today¬ regardlesó
oæ wheî yoõ seô uð thå commitment in the past®

| OPTION 3: |

Optioî ³ printó ouô alì futurå appointments¬ excludinç today's® Thió ió handù 
iæ yoõ wisè tï revie÷ whaô yoõ havå committeä tï iî thå future.

| OPTION 4: |
Š ==============

Optioî ´ printó ouô alì futurå appointments¬ includinç today's.

| OPTION 5: |

Optioî  µ  displayó  á  graphicó imagå oæ baró anä symboló tï  sho÷  yoõ  whaô 
appointmentó  yoõ havå foò anù 1´ daù period®  Thió ió handù iæ yoõ  wanô  tï 
revie÷  differenô periodó iî thå futurå foò "load¢ anä "loaä leveling¢ oæ youò 
appointmentó (re-schedulinç oæ youò appointmentó tï leveì ouô youò worë load).

Thió optioî ió intendeä aó display-only¬ unlesó yoõ havå á graphicó printeò tï 
whicè yoõ "dump¢ thå imagå bù pressinç [SHIFTÝ [PRINTSCREEN].

| OPTION 6: |

Witè  thió  option¬  yoõ  enteò thå starô anä stoð dateó foò thå  schedulå  oæ 
appointmentó  thaô  yoõ  wisè  tï prinô  out®  Iô  defaultó  tï  1/1/190±  tï 

ü OPTIOÎ 7º |

Optioî · ió similaò tï optioî ¶ iî selectinç ouô anù perioä oæ appointmentó 
foò yoõ tï prinô out®  Iô differs¬  though¬  iî selectinç ouô onlù  thoså 
appointmentó  thaô havå gonå UNPROCESSED®  Recordó arå markeä  'processed§ 
onlù iæ yoõ uså thå CALLBACË optioî oî thå Activitù Filå screen®

ü OPTIOÎ 8º |

8) List of Priorities, if any [by date]

Eacè  rerorä  iî thå masteò filå recorä haó á fielä foò 'Priority¬  iæ  any'® 
Yoõ  caî enteò anù valuå yoõ wisè oò leavå iô aô zero®  Oncå yoõ  havå  donå 
that¬ thió optioî wilì ranë alì Masteò Filå recordó iî ascendinç order.

ü OPTIOÎ 9º |
Optioî  ¹ showó thoså appointmentó scheduleä foò tomorrow®  Thió ió á  usefuì 
reporô becauså iô showó yoõ whaô ió oî thå agendá foò tomorrow¬  regardlesó oæ 
wheî yoõ seô uð thå commitmenô iî thå past® Similaò tï optioî 2.

  3 Responses to “Category : Databases and related files
Archive   : SPLUS300.ZIP
Filename : APT1A.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: