Dec 182017
Shareware Marketing System 1/92. Help shareware authors market their shareware. | |||
File Name | File Size | Zip Size | Zip Type |
EASYINST.EXE | 24104 | 12134 | deflated |
EASYREAD | 1349 | 660 | deflated |
INSTALL.BAT | 10 | 10 | stored |
LHATXT.EXE | 12824 | 12667 | deflated |
README | 9155 | 3180 | deflated |
REGISTER.DOC | 6666 | 2221 | deflated |
SMSDATA.EXE | 249904 | 249751 | deflated |
VENDOR.DOC | 1580 | 787 | deflated |
Download File SMS9201A.ZIP Here
Contents of the README file
Part A Winter 1991-1992
VERSION 92.01 (Year: 1992, Revision: 01, Part A)
SMS9201A.ZIP is suggested BBS name for this file
Shareware software from Seattle Scientific Photography
Editor, Jim Hood (206) 236-0470
Mailing address: PO BOX 1506, Mercer Island, WA 98040
Two disks or parts are required by this package: part A (main
program) and part B (mailing list and support files).
Primary installation command for part A of the package is:
After installation of part A, start the program with command
The $HAREWARE MARKETING $YSTEM is a detailed two part resource
for shareware authors who need creative marketing ideas and a
RATED mailing list of over 3,000 major shareware distributors,
large computer clubs, key magazine editors, recommended BBS
systems and more! Software programmers and authors can use the
detailed mailing list to mail software in an effective, highly
successful manner! Also contains detailed newsletter and
marketing guide.
The first portion of the package is a detailed newsletter and
marketing strategy guide which has been prepared by an
established shareware author and contains dozens of creative
tips, tricks and traps which every shareware author should
review. Written by the author of the PC-LEARN computer tutorial
which has accumulated over 9000 registrations in 3 years, the
$HAREWARE MARKETING $YSTEM provides detailed and experienced
information in a frank, candid and sensible style. This is a
package for the shareware author who desperately needs CREATIVE
IDEAS for positive financial results.
The second part of the package, the mailing list database,
contains detailed addresses, phone numbers, a UNIQUE MAILING
LIST RATING and other detailed data which can be used to prepare
envelope mailing labels or BBS calling uploads. The database
file is rated by a unique quality ranking so you can mail
shareware to key vendors, computer clubs, magazine editors, BBS
systems and others ranked A, B or C. The database file is
supplied in standard dBase III (DBF) file format which can be
imported into your database. Other file formats such as Lotus,
Paradox and ASCII text file formats are available from the
author. Foreign and U.S. source lists are included.
Program runs on ALL systems and does NOT require color or
special graphics. You will need a database program such as PC-
File, Wampum, dBase, Rbase, Reflex, PopdBF or any database which
can load files in dBase III format (DBF files). Hard drive
suggested. Floppy use also possible. Single issue registration
available as well as subscriptions - 4 quarterly issues per year.
Monthly updates are contemplated.
This is NOT free software. This is NOT public domain software.
This is shareware: you are expected to pay a registration fee to
the author of this program if you find it useful. See registration
details within the main package.
FREE one year subscription to the $HAREWARE MARKETING $YSTEM to
any shareware author submitting ON DISK at least 50K of NEW
distributor mailing addresses or 50K of NEW marketing tips and
techniques. Material sought includes DISK SUBMISSIONS of mailing
lists of shareware distributors, computer clubs, articles about
marketing shareware, comments about shareware distributors,
unusual or creative software marketing methods. Limit of one
free SMS offer per author.
This program is published in four editions per year: Spring,
Summer, Fall and Winter with minor updates during each quarter.
Determine the edition using the revision number: 01 through 09
is Spring, 10 through 19 is Summer, 20 through 29 is Fall and
30 through 39 is Winter. Examples: Version 91.08 means 1991
Spring edition. Version 93.36 means 1993 Winter edition.
Files within part A of the package:
README Readme file documentation for part A
SMS EXE Starts program, full featured menu system
WHATSNEW TXT Marketing Newsletter update
DATABASE TXT Database tutorial: using the mailing list database
TUTORIAL TXT Marketing tutorial: strategy & tactics
COOPMAIL TXT Using coop mail and expense sharing
ADVERTIS TXT Paid advertising section
RAPID TXT SMS NET: shareware marketing to bbs's
LETTERS TXT Recent letters to the editor
GOODIES TXT Files/program accessories you can order
AUTHOR TXT Notes about author of this package
VENDOR TXT Vendor awards for unique service
REGISTER TXT Registration & subscription information
COMPUTER BIN Color welcome screen
COMPUTR- BIN Monochrome welcome screen
Files within part B of the package:
README Readme file documentation for part B
DATABASE.EXE Self-extracting mailing list file, dBase III format.
Over one Meg in size. Read tutorial (DATABASE.TXT)
in part A first.
DATABAS2.EXE Self-extracting mailing list file of BAD AND
Read tutorial (DATABASE.TXT) in part A first.
TOOLS1.EXE Self-extracting toolkit for software problem
diagnosis. Useful to authors when you need
customer computer configuration.
TOOLS2.EXE Self-extracting toolkit of optional small programs
and routines for SMS mailing list database
SIFVER1B.EXE Self-extracting file. A special utility to
STANDARDIZE the readme documentation of ALL
shareware packages shareware industry! Vendors
urged to examine closely and/or put on a separate
The SMS package is quite large and is stored in compressed files
produced by the software program LHA written by Haruyasu
Yoshizaki. Unpacking to a hard drive or floppy of capacity
720K, 1.2M or 1.44M is recommended. A custom version
which can be used on a 360K floppy system lacking either
a hard drive or higher density floppy drives is available
from the author.
For most users having either a hard drive and one or two
floppy drives, use the normal installation procedure which
assumes part A of the SMS package is located on a floppy
in your A: drive. Do the following at the DOS prompt:
Once unpacked, start the main program using the command:
You must, of course, switch or change into the hard drive
subdirectory which now contains the unpacked SMS files if
you unpacked to a hard drive, rather than a floppy.
Part B of the SMS package contains a large self extracting
mailing list file (DATABASE.EXE). Most users will choose to
unpack part B later, when they are ready to use the mailing
list. Further instructions on unpacking and using the
database mailing list are contained in a tutorial which is
presented in part A. The tutorial is called "DATABASE USE"
and is available from the main menu of unpacked part A.
December 18, 2017
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